
770 lines
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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
; MAKI files auto-completion. Currently supports the auto-completion of about 100 hookable events
; Completed and adopted to the Skin Consortium Coding Convention (Aug 2006) by Martin Poehlmann
if (^!)
while (^!)
for ( int i = 0; i <= ^!; i++ )
onScriptLoaded ()
onScriptUnloading ()
onQuit ()
onSetXuiParam (String param, String value)
if ( strlower(stringParam) == "^!" )
onKeyDown (String key)
onKeyUp(String key)
onAccelerator (String action, String section, String key)
/* NOTE:
if you have called System.onAccelerator () take System.onAccelerator (String action, String section, String key)
else if you called GuiObject.onAccelerator () take onAccelerator (String accel) */
onChar (String c)
onCreateLayout (Layout _layout)
onShowLayout (Layout _layout)
onBeforeSwitchToLayout (Layout _layout)
onSwitchToLayout (Layout _layout)
onHideLayout (Layout _layout)
onStop ()
onPlay ()
onPause ()
onResume ()
onTitleChange (String newtitle)
onTitle2Change (String newtitle2)
onInfoChange (String info)
onStatusMsg (String msg)
onEqBandChanged (int band, int newvalue)
onEqPreampChanged (int newvalue)
onEqChanged (int newstatus)
onVolumeChanged (int newvol)
onSeek (int newpos)
onFrame (Int framenum)
Use the framenum argument only if you use the method with a animated layer!
for vis use it without argument */
onActivate (int activated)
onActivate ()
onActivate ()
onResize (int x, int y, int w, int h)
onBeginResize (int x, int y, int w, int h)
onEndResize (int x, int y, int w, int h)
onDock ()
onUndock ()
onScale (Double newscalevalue)
onShow ()
onHide ()
onToggle (Boolean onoff)
onTimer ()
onSetPosition (int newpos)
onPostedPosition (int newpos)
onSetFinalPosition (int pos)
onMouseMove (int x, int y)
onLeftClick ()
onRightClick ()
onLeftButtonDown (int x, int y)
onLeftButtonUp (int x, int y)
onRightButtonDown (int x, int y)
onRightButtonUp (int x, int y)
onEnterArea ()
onLeaveArea ()
onBeforeNavigate ()
onNotify (String command, String param, int a, int b)
onLookForComponent (String guid)
return __component__
onGetCancelComponent (String guid, boolean goingvisible)
if ( guid == ^! )
return FALSE
return FALSE;
onShowNotification ()
return TRUE
onSetVisible (Boolean onoff)
if (onoff)
onEnable (Boolean onoff)
if (onoff)
onRightButtonDblClk (int x, int y)
onLeftButtonDblClk (int x, int y)
onRightButtonUp (int x, int y)
onTargetReached ()
onStartup ()
onGetFocus ()
onKillFocus ()
onMove ()
onEndMove ()
onAction (String action, String param, Int x, int y, int p1, int p2, GuiObject source)
onUserResize (int x, int y, int w, int h)
onMouseEnterLayout ()
onMouseLeaveLayout ()
onSnapAdjustChanged ()
onFeedChange (String new_feeddata)
onGetWac (Wac wacobj)
onGiveUpWac (Wac wacobj)
onEnter ()
onAbort ()
onIdleEditUpdate ()
onEditUpdate ()
onDocumentComplete (String url)
onTextChanged (String newtxt)
fx_onInit ()
fx_onFrame ()
onResetQuery ()
onSelect (Int id, Int hover)
onSelectAll ()
onDelete ()
onDoubleClick (Int itemnum)
onLeftClick (Int itemnum)
onSecondLeftClick (Int itemnum)
onRightClick (Int itemnum)
onColumnDblClick (Int col, Int x, Int y)
onColumnLabelClick (Int col, Int x, Int y)
onItemSelection (Int itemnum, Int selected)
onWantAutoContextMenu ()
onMouseWheelUp (Int clicked, Int lines)
onMouseWheelDown (Int clicked, Int lines)
onContextMenu (Int x, Int y)
onItemRecvDrop (TreeItem item)
onLabelChange (TreeItem item)
onItemSelected (TreeItem item)
onItemDeselected (TreeItem item)
onTreeAdd ()
onTreeRemove ()
onSelect ()
onDeselect ()
onLeftDoubleClick ()
onRightDoubleClick ()
onChar (Int key)
onExpand ()
onCollapse ()
onBeginLabelEdit ()
onEndLabelEdit (String newlabel)
onContextMenu (Int x, Int y)
onOpenMenu ()
onCloseMenu ()
onSelectItem (String item)
onDataChanged ()
messageBox ("^!", "Title" , Flag, "");