
98 lines
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2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
extern "C" {
#include "main.h" // would rather not do this.
#include <ddraw.h>
#include "../nu/AutoLock.h"
#include "VideoOSD.h"
#include "VideoAspectAdjuster.h"
#include "vid_d3d.h"
class VideoRenderer;
extern IVideoOSD *posd;
#define VIDEO_OPEN_
void ResizeVideoWindowToCurrent();
void updateTrackSubmenu();
using namespace Nullsoft::Utility;
class VideoOutput : public IVideoOutput, public VideoAspectAdjuster
VideoOutput(HWND parent_hwnd = NULL, int initxpos = CW_USEDEFAULT, int initypos = CW_USEDEFAULT);
int open(int w, int h, int vflip, double aspectratio, unsigned int fmt);
void close();
void draw(void *frame);
void drawSubtitle(SubsItem *item);
void showStatusMsg(const char *text);
void notifyBufferState(int bufferstate); /* 0-255*/
int get_latency();
void setcallback(LRESULT (*msgcallback)(void *token, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam), void *token) { m_msgcallback_tok = token; m_msgcallback = msgcallback; }
void fullscreen();
void remove_fullscreen();
int is_fullscreen();
void adjustAspect(RECT &rd);
INT_PTR extended(INT_PTR param1, INT_PTR param2, INT_PTR param3);
int isVideoPlaying() { return m_opened; }
DWORD GetWidthHeightDWORD() { return width | (height << 16); }
ITrackSelector *getTrackSelector() { return m_tracksel; }
void SetVideoPosition(int x, int y, int width, int height);
HWND getHwnd() { return video_hwnd; }
void mainthread_Create();
void UpdateText(const wchar_t *videoInfo);
int openUser(int w, int h, int vflip, double aspectratio, unsigned int fmt);
void LoadLogo();
void OpenVideoSize(int newWidth, int newHeight, double newAspect);
VideoRenderer *FindBestRenderer();
void PaintLogo(int bufferState);
void DrawLogo(HDC canvas, RECT *canvas_size);
void resetSubtitle();
void UpdateVideoSize(int newWidth, int newHeight, double aspect = 1.0, int zoom = ID_VIDEOWND_ZOOM100);
bool is_fs, fs_has_resized;
unsigned int last_fullscreen_exit_time;
LRESULT WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
static int class_refcnt;
static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HWND video_hwnd;
double aspect;
int width, height;
unsigned int type;
RECT oldfsrect; // the old window rect, BEFORE fullscreen mode was entered
RECT lastfsrect; // the most recent bounding rect when in fullscreen mode
int m_bufferstate;
SubsItem *curSubtitle;
LRESULT (*m_msgcallback)(void *token, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void *m_msgcallback_tok;
Direct3DVideoOutput *m_video_output;
char *m_statusmsg;
bool m_need_change, m_ignore_change;
bool m_opened;
HBITMAP m_logo;
int m_logo_w, m_logo_h;
int m_lastbufinvalid;
HWND fs_reparented;
HRGN fs_reparented_rgn;
ITrackSelector *m_tracksel;
LockGuard guard, textGuard;
int clickx, clicky;
RGBQUAD *video_palette;
// IVideoOSD osd;
bool userVideo;
bool video_created;