#include "Main.h" #define inreg(x,y,x2,y2) \ ((mouse_x <= ( x2 ) && mouse_x >= ( x ) && \ mouse_y <= ( y2 ) && mouse_y >= ( y ))) static int mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_type, mouse_stats; static int which_cap=0; enum { NO_CAP,TITLE_CAP,TB_CAP, SZ_CAP, VS_CAP, LB_CAP, VSB_CAP, ADD_CAP, REM_CAP, SEL_CAP, MISC_CAP, FILE_CAP, TD_CAP, MB_CAP }; static void do_titlebar(HWND hwnd); static void do_titlebuttons(); static void do_size(HWND hwnd); static void do_vscroll(HWND hwnd); static void do_lb(HWND hwnd); static void do_vsb(HWND hwnd); static void do_addbut(HWND hwnd); static void do_rembut(HWND hwnd); static void do_selbut(HWND hwnd); static void do_miscbut(HWND hwnd); static void do_filebut(HWND hwnd); static void do_timedisplay(); static void do_mb(); int peui_isrbuttoncaptured() { if (which_cap >= ADD_CAP && which_cap <= FILE_CAP) return 1; return 0; } void peui_reset(HWND hwnd) { if (which_cap>=ADD_CAP && which_cap <= FILE_CAP) InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,0); which_cap=0; } //#include "../gen_ml/ml_ipc_0313.h" void peui_handlemouseevent(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, int type, int stats) { mouse_x = x; mouse_y = y; mouse_type = type; mouse_stats = stats; if (!which_cap) { if (playing && mouse_type == 1 && config_pe_height != 14 && config_pe_width >= 350 && inreg(config_pe_width-150-75,config_pe_height-26,config_pe_width-150,config_pe_height-8)) { config_sa++; if (config_sa > 2) config_sa = 0; set_visopts(); sa_setthread(config_sa); return; } } switch (which_cap) { case MB_CAP: do_mb(); return; case TD_CAP: do_timedisplay(); return; case MISC_CAP: do_miscbut(hwnd); return; case FILE_CAP: do_filebut(hwnd); return; case SEL_CAP: do_selbut(hwnd); return; case ADD_CAP: do_addbut(hwnd); return; case REM_CAP: do_rembut(hwnd); return; case VSB_CAP:do_vsb(hwnd);return; case LB_CAP: do_lb(hwnd);return; case TITLE_CAP: do_titlebar(hwnd);return; case TB_CAP: do_titlebuttons();return; case SZ_CAP: do_size(hwnd); return; case VS_CAP: do_vscroll(hwnd); return; default: break; } if (config_pe_height != 14) { do_mb(); do_timedisplay(); do_filebut(hwnd); do_miscbut(hwnd); do_selbut(hwnd); do_addbut(hwnd); do_rembut(hwnd); do_vsb(hwnd); do_lb(hwnd); do_vscroll(hwnd); } do_titlebuttons(); do_size(hwnd); do_titlebar(hwnd); // TODO make this not go weird / cause WM_MOUSEWHEEL to fail, etc #if 0 if(!mouse_type) { int t = (mouse_y - 22) / pe_fontheight; if (t < 0) t = 0; else if (t > (config_pe_height - 38 - 22) / pe_fontheight) t = PlayList_getlength(); //else t += pledit_disp_offs; // TODO alignment isn't 100% correct at times RECT rs = {0}; rs.left = 12; rs.right = config_pe_width - 20; rs.top = 22+(pe_fontheight*t); rs.bottom = rs.top + pe_fontheight; if(rs.bottom <= config_pe_height - 38) { TOOLINFOW ti = {0}; RECT r_main; EstPLWindowRect(&r_main); ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); ti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS|TTF_TRANSPARENT; ti.hwnd = hPLWindow; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)hPL2TooltipWindow; ti.lpszText = (wchar_t*)LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; ti.uId = 17; ti.rect = rs; // TODO need to get this to show the actual playlist item t = (mouse_y - 22) / pe_fontheight; if (t < 0) t = 0; else if (t > (config_pe_height - 38 - 22) / pe_fontheight) t = PlayList_getlength(); else t += pledit_disp_offs; wchar_t ft[FILETITLE_SIZE], *ftp = ft; PlayList_getitem_pl(t,ft); while(ftp && *ftp) { if(*ftp != ' ') break; ftp = CharNextW(ftp); } ti.lpszText=ftp; ///*if (c)*/ SendMessageW(hPLTooltipWindow,TTM_DELTOOLW,0,(LPARAM) &ti); //if (config_ttips) SendMessageW(hPL2TooltipWindow,TTM_ADDTOOLW,0,(LPARAM) &ti); // TODO need to get the skinning code from gen_ml into winamp.exe or split it out... static bool skinned; if(!skinned) { typedef BOOL (__cdecl *MLSKINWINDOWEX)(HWND /*hwnd*/, INT /*type*/, UINT /*style*/); MLSKINWINDOWEX mlSkinWindowEx = (MLSKINWINDOWEX)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("gen_ml.dll"), "MlSkinWindowEx"); unsigned int skinStyle = SWS_USESKINCOLORS; skinStyle |= ((SWS_USESKINFONT | SWS_USESKINCURSORS)/* & style*/); mlSkinWindowEx(hPL2TooltipWindow, SKINNEDWND_TYPE_TOOLTIP, skinStyle); skinned = true; } } } #endif } static void __do_buttons(int which) { int m = WINAMP_BUTTON1 + which; if (which == 5) { if (mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,WINAMP_FILE_LOC,0); else if (mouse_stats & MK_SHIFT) SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,WINAMP_FILE_DIR,0); else SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,WINAMP_FILE_PLAY,0); } else { if (mouse_stats & MK_SHIFT) m += 100; else if (mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) m += 110; SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,m,0); } } static void do_mb() { if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(config_pe_width-144,config_pe_height-15,config_pe_width-91,config_pe_height-8)) { int t=config_pe_width-144; int which = 5 - (mouse_x < 45+t) - (mouse_x < 36+t) - (mouse_x < 27+t) - (mouse_x < 17+t) - (mouse_x < 7+t); which_cap = MB_CAP; __do_buttons(which); } if (which_cap == MB_CAP && mouse_type == -1) which_cap=0; } static void do_timedisplay() { if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(config_pe_width-87,config_pe_height-18,config_pe_width-53,config_pe_height-9)) { which_cap = TD_CAP; config_timeleftmode = !config_timeleftmode; if (!config_timeleftmode) { CheckMenuItem(main_menu,WINAMP_OPTIONS_ELAPSED,MF_CHECKED); CheckMenuItem(main_menu,WINAMP_OPTIONS_REMAINING,MF_UNCHECKED); } else { CheckMenuItem(main_menu,WINAMP_OPTIONS_ELAPSED,MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(main_menu,WINAMP_OPTIONS_REMAINING,MF_CHECKED); } SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_TIMER,UPDATE_DISPLAY_TIMER+4,0); } if (which_cap == TD_CAP && mouse_type == -1) which_cap=0; } static void do_filebut(HWND hwnd) { int lwc=which_cap; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(config_pe_width-44,config_pe_height-30,config_pe_width-44+22,config_pe_height-12)) { which_cap = FILE_CAP; } if (which_cap == FILE_CAP) { int doit=-1; if (inreg(config_pe_width-44,config_pe_height-30,config_pe_width-44+22,config_pe_height-12)) doit=0; else if (inreg(config_pe_width-44,config_pe_height-30-18,config_pe_width-44+22,config_pe_height-12-18)) doit=1; else if (inreg(config_pe_width-44,config_pe_height-30-18*2,config_pe_width-44+22,config_pe_height-12-18*2)) doit=2; draw_pe_iobut(doit); if ((config_ospb&&mouse_type==-1) || (mouse_type == 1 && lwc==FILE_CAP)) { RECT r={config_pe_width-44-5,config_pe_height-12-18*3,config_pe_width-44+22,config_pe_height-12}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); which_cap=0; switch (doit) { case 0: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_OPEN,0); break; case 1: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_SAVEAS,0); break; case 2: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_CLEAR,0); break; } } } } static void do_miscbut(HWND hwnd) { int lwc=which_cap; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(101,config_pe_height-30,122,config_pe_height-12)) { which_cap = MISC_CAP; } if (which_cap == MISC_CAP) { int doit=-1; if (inreg(101,config_pe_height-30,122,config_pe_height-12)) doit=0; else if (inreg(101,config_pe_height-30-18,122,config_pe_height-12-18)) doit=1; else if (inreg(101,config_pe_height-30-18*2,122,config_pe_height-12-18*2)) doit=2; draw_pe_miscbut(doit); if ((config_ospb&&mouse_type==-1) || (mouse_type == 1 && lwc==MISC_CAP)) { RECT r={97,config_pe_height-12-18*3,123,config_pe_height-12}; which_cap=0; switch (doit) { case 1: { POINT p={122,config_pe_height-30-18}; ClientToScreen(hwnd,&p); DoTrackPopup(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(top_menu,2),0),0),TPM_LEFTALIGN,p.x,p.y,hwnd); } break; case 2: { POINT p={122,config_pe_height-30-18*2}; ClientToScreen(hwnd,&p); DoTrackPopup(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(top_menu,2),0),1),TPM_LEFTALIGN,p.x,p.y,hwnd); } break; case 0: { POINT p={122,config_pe_height-30}; ClientToScreen(hwnd,&p); DoTrackPopup(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(top_menu,2),0),2),TPM_LEFTALIGN,p.x,p.y,hwnd); } break; } InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); } } } static void do_selbut(HWND hwnd) { int lwc=which_cap; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(72,config_pe_height-30,93,config_pe_height-12)) { which_cap = SEL_CAP; } if (which_cap == SEL_CAP) { int doit=-1; if (inreg(72,config_pe_height-30,93,config_pe_height-12)) doit=0; else if (inreg(72,config_pe_height-30-18,93,config_pe_height-12-18)) doit=1; else if (inreg(72,config_pe_height-30-18*2,93,config_pe_height-12-18*2)) doit=2; draw_pe_selbut(doit); if ((config_ospb&&mouse_type==-1) || (mouse_type == 1 && lwc==SEL_CAP)) { RECT r={68,config_pe_height-12-18*3,95,config_pe_height-12}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); which_cap=0; switch (doit) { case 0: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_SELECTALL,0); break; case 1: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_NONE,0); break; case 2: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_SELECTINV,0); break; } } } } static void do_rembut(HWND hwnd) { int lwc=which_cap; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(43,config_pe_height-30,64,config_pe_height-12)) { which_cap = REM_CAP; } if (which_cap == REM_CAP) { int doit=-1; if (inreg(43,config_pe_height-30,64,config_pe_height-12)) doit=0; else if (inreg(43,config_pe_height-30-18,64,config_pe_height-12-18)) doit=1; else if (inreg(43,config_pe_height-30-18*2,64,config_pe_height-12-18*2)) doit=2; else if (inreg(43,config_pe_height-30-18*3,64,config_pe_height-12-18*3)) doit=3; draw_pe_rembut(doit); if ((config_ospb&&mouse_type==-1) || (mouse_type == 1 && lwc==REM_CAP)) { RECT r={39,config_pe_height-12-18*4,65,config_pe_height-12}; which_cap=0; switch (doit) { case 0: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_PLAYLIST_REMOVEMP3,0); break; case 1: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_PLAYLIST_CROP,0); break; case 2: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_CLEAR,0); break; case 3: { POINT p={64,config_pe_height-30-18*3}; ClientToScreen(hwnd,&p); DoTrackPopup(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(top_menu,2),2),3),TPM_LEFTALIGN,p.x,p.y,hwnd); } break; } InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); } } } static void do_addbut(HWND hwnd) { int lwc=which_cap; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(14,config_pe_height-30,35,config_pe_height-12)) { which_cap = ADD_CAP; } if (which_cap == ADD_CAP) { int doit=-1; if (inreg(14,config_pe_height-30,35,config_pe_height-12)) doit=0; else if (inreg(14,config_pe_height-30-18,35,config_pe_height-12-18)) doit=1; else if (inreg(14,config_pe_height-30-18*2,35,config_pe_height-12-18*2)) doit=2; draw_pe_addbut(doit); if ((config_ospb&&mouse_type==-1) || (mouse_type == 1 && lwc==ADD_CAP)) { RECT r={11,config_pe_height-12-18*3,36,config_pe_height-12}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); which_cap=0; switch (doit) { case 0: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_PLAYLIST_ADDMP3,0); break; case 1: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_PLAYLIST_ADDDIR,0); break; case 2: SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_PLAYLIST_ADDLOC,0); break; } } } } static void do_vsb(HWND hwnd) { if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(config_pe_width-15,config_pe_height-36,config_pe_width-7,config_pe_height-32)) { SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_SCROLLUP,0); which_cap = VSB_CAP; } if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(config_pe_width-15,config_pe_height-31,config_pe_width-7,config_pe_height-27)) { SendMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,ID_PE_SCROLLDOWN,0); which_cap = VSB_CAP; } if (which_cap == VSB_CAP && mouse_type == -1) which_cap=0; } int shiftsel_1=-1; static void do_lb(HWND hwnd) { static int move_mpos,stt; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1 && inreg(12,20,config_pe_width-20,config_pe_height-38)) { int wh=(mouse_y-22)/pe_fontheight + pledit_disp_offs; if (!(mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) && !PlayList_getselect(wh)) { int x,t=PlayList_getlength(); for (x = 0; x < t; x ++) PlayList_setselect(x,0); } if (mouse_stats & MK_SHIFT) { if (shiftsel_1 != -1) { int x,t=max(min(PlayList_getlength(),shiftsel_1),min(PlayList_getlength(),wh)); if (!(mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) && PlayList_getselect(wh)) { int x,t=PlayList_getlength(); for (x = 0; x < t; x ++) PlayList_setselect(x,0); } for (x = min(shiftsel_1,wh); x <=t; x ++) { PlayList_setselect(x,1); } stt=1; } } else { if (PlayList_getselect(wh) && mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) PlayList_setselect(wh,0); else { int y = wh-pledit_disp_offs; if (y < PlayList_getlength()-pledit_disp_offs && y < (config_pe_height-38-20-2)/pe_fontheight) { PlayList_setselect(wh,1); } } shiftsel_1=wh; } { RECT r1={12,22,config_pe_width-20,config_pe_height-38}; RECT r2={12,20+(wh-pledit_disp_offs)*pe_fontheight,config_pe_width-20,20+(wh+1-pledit_disp_offs)*pe_fontheight}; if (!(mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) || (mouse_stats & MK_SHIFT)) InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r1,FALSE); else InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r2,FALSE); } move_mpos=(mouse_y-22)/pe_fontheight+pledit_disp_offs; which_cap=LB_CAP; } if (which_cap == LB_CAP) { extern int g_has_deleted_current; int m=(mouse_y-22)/pe_fontheight+pledit_disp_offs; if (m!=move_mpos) { int v,x; v = PlayList_getlength(); x=1; while (m>move_mpos) { if (!PlayList_getselect(v-1)) for (x = v-2; x >= 0; x --) { if (!PlayList_getselect(x)) { continue; } if (shiftsel_1 == x) shiftsel_1=x+1; PlayList_swap(x,x+1); if (x == PlayList_getPosition()) PlayList_advance(1); else if (x+1 == PlayList_getPosition()) PlayList_advance(-1); } move_mpos++; } while (m config_pe_height-28) { RECT r={0,0,config_pe_width,config_pe_height-37}; int num_songs=(config_pe_height-38-20-2)/pe_fontheight; int t=PlayList_getlength()-num_songs; // move_mpos--; pledit_disp_offs ++; if (pledit_disp_offs > t) { pledit_disp_offs=max(t,0); move_mpos=PlayList_getlength(); } InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); } else { RECT r1={12,22,config_pe_width-20,config_pe_height-38}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r1,FALSE); } if (!g_has_deleted_current) { PlayList_getcurrent(FileName,FileTitle,FileTitleNum); draw_songname(FileTitle,&ui_songposition,playing?in_getlength():PlayList_getcurrentlength()); } } if (mouse_type == -1) { if (!stt) { int wh=(mouse_y-22)/pe_fontheight + pledit_disp_offs; if (!(mouse_stats & MK_CONTROL) && PlayList_getselect(wh)) { int x,t=PlayList_getlength(); for (x = 0; x < t; x ++) PlayList_setselect(x,0); PlayList_setselect(wh,1); { RECT r1={12,22,config_pe_width-20,config_pe_height-38}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r1,FALSE); } } } stt=0; which_cap=0; } } } static void do_titlebar(HWND hwnd) { #ifdef FFSKIN if ((GetParent(hwnd) == NULL) && (which_cap == TITLE_CAP || (!which_cap && (config_easymove || mouse_y < 14)))) #else if (which_cap == TITLE_CAP || (!which_cap && (config_easymove || mouse_y < 14))) #endif { static int clickx, clicky; switch (mouse_type) { case 1: which_cap=TITLE_CAP; clickx=mouse_x; clicky=mouse_y; break; case -1: which_cap=0; break; case 0: if (which_cap == TITLE_CAP && mouse_stats & MK_LBUTTON) { POINT p = { mouse_x,mouse_y}; ClientToScreen(hwnd,&p); config_pe_wx = p.x-clickx; config_pe_wy = p.y-clicky; if ((!!config_snap) ^ (!!(mouse_stats & MK_SHIFT))) { RECT outrc; EstPLWindowRect(&outrc); SnapWindowToAllWindows(&outrc,hwnd); SetPLWindowRect(&outrc); } SetWindowPos(hwnd,0,config_pe_wx,config_pe_wy,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); } break; } } } static void do_titlebuttons() { int w=0; w=inreg(config_pe_width-10,3,config_pe_width-1,3+9)?1:w; w=inreg(config_pe_width-20,3,config_pe_width-11,3+9)?2:w; if (w) // kill button { if (mouse_type == -1 && which_cap == TB_CAP) { which_cap=0; draw_pe_tbutton(0,0,0); SendMessageW(hMainWindow,WM_COMMAND,w==1?WINAMP_OPTIONS_PLEDIT:WINAMP_OPTIONS_WINDOWSHADE_PL,0); } else if (mouse_stats & MK_LBUTTON) { which_cap=TB_CAP; draw_pe_tbutton(w==2?1:0,w==1?1:0,config_pe_height==14?1:0); } } else if (which_cap == TB_CAP) { which_cap=0; draw_pe_tbutton(0,0,config_pe_height==14?1:0); } } static void do_size(HWND hwnd) { if (which_cap == SZ_CAP || (config_pe_height != 14 && !which_cap && mouse_x > config_pe_width-20 && mouse_y > config_pe_height-20 && ((config_pe_width-mouse_x + config_pe_height-mouse_y) <= 30)) || (config_pe_height == 14 && !which_cap && mouse_x > config_pe_width-29 && mouse_x < config_pe_width-20) ) { static int dx,dy; if (!which_cap && mouse_type == 1) { dx=config_pe_width-mouse_x; dy=config_pe_height-mouse_y; which_cap=SZ_CAP; } if (which_cap == SZ_CAP) { int x,y; if (mouse_type == -1) { which_cap=0; } x=mouse_x + dx; y=mouse_y + dy; // if (x >= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)) x = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)-24; // if (y >= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)) y = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)-28; if (!config_embedwnd_freesize) { x += 24; x -= x%25; y += 28; y -= y%29; } if (x < 275) x = 275; if (y < 20+38+29+29) y = 20+38+29+29; config_pe_width = x; if (config_pe_height != 14) config_pe_height= y; SetWindowPos(hwnd,0,0,0,config_pe_width,config_pe_height,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); if (hPLVisWindow) { int x,y,w,h; x=config_pe_width-150-75+2; y=config_pe_height-26; w=(config_pe_width >= 350 && config_pe_height != 14 ? 72 : 0); h=16; SetWindowPos(hPLVisWindow,0,x,y,w,h,SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } } } static void do_vscroll(HWND hwnd) { int top=20,bottom=config_pe_height-38; int num_songs=(config_pe_height-38-20-2)/pe_fontheight; int xoffs=config_pe_width-15,w=8; if (inreg(xoffs,top,xoffs+w,bottom) || which_cap == VS_CAP) { if ((!which_cap && mouse_type == 1) || which_cap == VS_CAP) { int d; int p; static int click_yoffs=9; int a=PlayList_getlength()-num_songs; { if (a < 1) p = top; else { p = top + ((config_pe_height-38-20-18)*pledit_disp_offs) / a; } } if (mouse_type == 1 && mouse_y >= p && mouse_y < p + 20) { click_yoffs=mouse_y - p -1; } else if (mouse_type == 1) click_yoffs=9; d=((mouse_y-click_yoffs-top)*a)/(config_pe_height-38-20-18); pledit_disp_offs = d; if (pledit_disp_offs > a) pledit_disp_offs = a; draw_pe_vslide(hwnd, NULL, 1,pledit_disp_offs); { RECT r={12,22,config_pe_width-19,config_pe_height-37}; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&r,FALSE); } if (mouse_type == -1) { draw_pe_vslide(hwnd, NULL, 0,pledit_disp_offs); which_cap=0; } else { which_cap = VS_CAP; } } } } static const RECT b_normal[] = { {-(275-254),3,-(275-262),12},//wshade {-(275-264),3,-(275-272),12},//close {0,0,-1,13},// titelbar {-15,20,-7,-38}, {-20,-20,-1,-1}, }, b_windowshade[] = { {-(275-254),3,-(275-262),12},//wshade {-(275-264),3,-(275-272),12},//close {-29,3,-20,12},//size }; void pe_ui_handlecursor(HWND hwnd) { int mouse_x, mouse_y; POINT p; const RECT *b; int b_len; int x; if (!config_usecursors || disable_skin_cursors) return; GetCursorPos(&p); ScreenToClient(hwnd,&p); mouse_x=p.x; mouse_y=p.y; if (config_pe_height == 14) { b=b_windowshade; b_len = sizeof(b_windowshade)/sizeof(b_windowshade[0]); } else { b=b_normal; b_len = sizeof(b_normal)/sizeof(b_normal[0]); } for (x = 0; x < b_len; x ++) { int l,r,t,bo; l=b[x].left;r=b[x].right;t=b[x].top;bo=b[x].bottom; if (l < 0) l += config_pe_width; if (r < 0) r += config_pe_width; if (t < 0) t += config_pe_height; if (bo < 0) bo += config_pe_height; if (inreg(l,t,r,bo)) break; } if (config_pe_height == 14) x+=21; else x+=15; if (Skin_Cursors[x]) SetCursor(Skin_Cursors[x]); else SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); }