#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const wchar_t eqVisXuiStr[] = L"EQVis"; // This is the xml tag char eqVisXuiSvcName[] = "EQVis xui object"; // this is the name of the xuiservice XMLParamPair SEQVis::params[] = { { SEQVIS_SETCOLORBOTTOM, L"COLORBOTTOM" }, {SEQVIS_SETCOLORMIDDLE, L"COLORMIDDLE"}, {SEQVIS_SETCOLORPREAMP, L"COLORPREAMP"}, {SEQVIS_SETCOLORTOP, L"COLORTOP"}, {SEQVIS_SETALPHA, L"GAMMA"}, // BACKWARD COMPAT }; SEQVis::SEQVis() { getScriptObject()->vcpu_setInterface(eqvisGuid, (void *)static_cast(this)); getScriptObject()->vcpu_setClassName(L"EqVis"); getScriptObject()->vcpu_setController(eqvisController); colortop = colormid = colorbottom = 0xffffff; colorpreamp = 0x888888; shadedColors = NULL; bc = NULL; sfe = new SkinFilterEnum(); while (1) { svc_skinFilter *obj = sfe->getNext(); if (!obj) break; filters.addItem(obj); } xuihandle = newXuiHandle(); CreateXMLParameters(xuihandle); } void SEQVis::CreateXMLParameters(int master_handle) { //SEQVIS_PARENT::CreateXMLParameters(master_handle); int numParams = sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]); hintNumberOfParams(xuihandle, numParams); for (int i = 0;i < numParams;i++) addParam(xuihandle, params[i], XUI_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED); } int SEQVis::onInit() { SEQVIS_PARENT::onInit(); WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_addCallback(0, this); return 1; } SEQVis::~SEQVis() { foreach(filters) sfe->release(filters.getfor()); endfor; delete sfe; if (shadedColors) FREE(shadedColors); delete(bc); WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_delCallback(0, this); } int SEQVis::setXuiParam(int _xuihandle, int attrid, const wchar_t *paramname, const wchar_t *strvalue) { if (_xuihandle != xuihandle) return SEQVIS_PARENT::setXuiParam(_xuihandle, attrid, paramname, strvalue); switch (attrid) { case SEQVIS_SETALPHA: getGuiObject()->guiobject_setAlpha(WTOI(strvalue)); break; case SEQVIS_SETCOLORTOP: colortop = RGBTOBGR(SkinParser::parseColor(strvalue)); break; case SEQVIS_SETCOLORMIDDLE: colormid = RGBTOBGR(SkinParser::parseColor(strvalue)); break; case SEQVIS_SETCOLORBOTTOM: colorbottom = RGBTOBGR(SkinParser::parseColor(strvalue)); break; case SEQVIS_SETCOLORPREAMP: colorpreamp = RGBTOBGR(SkinParser::parseColor(strvalue)); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } void SEQVis::splineGetPoint(spline_struct *s, float frame, float *out) { int i, i_1, i0, i1, i2; float time1, time2, time3; float t1, t2, t3, t4, u1, u2, u3, u4, v1, v2, v3; float a, b, c, d; float *keys = s->keys; a = (1 - s->tens) * (1 + s->cont) * (1 + s->bias); b = (1 - s->tens) * (1 - s->cont) * (1 - s->bias); c = (1 - s->tens) * (1 - s->cont) * (1 + s->bias); d = (1 - s->tens) * (1 + s->cont) * (1 - s->bias); v1 = t1 = -a / 2.0f; u1 = a; u2 = (-6 - 2 * a + 2 * b + c) / 2.0f; v2 = (a - b) / 2.0f; t2 = (4 + a - b - c) / 2.0f; t3 = (-4 + b + c - d) / 2.0f; u3 = (6 - 2 * b - c + d) / 2.0f; v3 = b / 2.0f; t4 = d / 2.0f; u4 = -t4; i0 = (int) frame; i_1 = i0 - 1; while (i_1 < 0) i_1 += s->numKeys; i1 = i0 + 1; while (i1 >= s->numKeys) i1 -= s->numKeys; i2 = i0 + 2; while (i2 >= s->numKeys) i2 -= s->numKeys; time1 = frame - (float)((int) frame); time2 = time1 * time1; time3 = time2 * time1; i0 *= s->keyWidth; i1 *= s->keyWidth; i2 *= s->keyWidth; i_1 *= s->keyWidth; for (i = 0; i < s->keyWidth; i ++) { a = t1 * keys[i + i_1] + t2 * keys[i + i0] + t3 * keys[i + i1] + t4 * keys[i + i2]; b = u1 * keys[i + i_1] + u2 * keys[i + i0] + u3 * keys[i + i1] + u4 * keys[i + i2]; c = v1 * keys[i + i_1] + v2 * keys[i + i0] + v3 * keys[i + i1]; *out++ = a * time3 + b * time2 + c * time1 + keys[i + i0]; } } void SEQVis::DrawEQVis() { if (!shadedColors) return ; float keys[12] = {0}; spline_struct spline = {keys, 1, 12, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f}; MEMSET(specData, 0, cur_w*cur_h*4); int ph = (int)((127 + WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_getEqPreamp(0)) * ((float)cur_h) / 256.0f); ph *= cur_w; for (int j = 0;j < cur_w;j++) specData[j + ph] = colorpreamp | 0xFF000000; // alpha :) { int x; int last_p = -1; for (x = 0; x < 10; x ++) keys[x + 1] = (127 - WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_getEqBand(0, x)) * ((float)cur_h) / 256.0f; keys[0] = keys[1]; keys[11] = keys[10]; for (x = 0; x < cur_w; x ++) { float p; int this_p; splineGetPoint(&spline, 1.0f + x / (cur_w*11.0f / 100.0f), &p); this_p = (int)p; if (this_p < 0) this_p = 0; if (this_p >= cur_h) this_p = cur_h - 1; if (last_p == -1 || this_p == last_p) specData[x + this_p*cur_w] = shadedColors[this_p]; else { if (this_p < last_p) for (int j = 0;j < last_p - this_p + 1;j++) specData[x + (this_p + j)*cur_w] = shadedColors[this_p + j]; else if (this_p > last_p) for (int j = 0;j < this_p - last_p + 1;j++) specData[x + (last_p + j)*cur_w] = shadedColors[last_p + j]; } last_p = this_p; } } invalidate(); invalidated = 1; // rerun filter } int SEQVis::onPaint(Canvas *canvas) { PaintCanvas paintcanvas; if (canvas == NULL) { if (!paintcanvas.beginPaint(this)) return 0; canvas = &paintcanvas; } SEQVIS_PARENT::onPaint(canvas); RECT s, r; getClientRect(&r); s.left = 0; s.top = 0; s.right = cur_w; s.bottom = cur_h; if (invalidated) { SkinBitmap *b = bc->getSkinBitmap(); foreach(filters) filters.getfor()->filterBitmap((unsigned char *)bc->getBits(), b->getWidth(), b->getHeight(), 32, NULL, L"Vis/Eq"); endfor; invalidated = 0; b->stretchToRectAlpha(canvas, &s, &r, getPaintingAlpha()); } else { bc->stretchToRectAlpha(canvas, &s, &r, getPaintingAlpha()); //SkinBitmap *b = bc->getSkinBitmap(); //b->stretchToRectAlpha(canvas, &s, &r, getPaintingAlpha()); } return 1; } int SEQVis::corecb_onEQBandChange(int b, int newval) { DrawEQVis(); return 0; } int SEQVis::corecb_onEQPreampChange(int newval) { DrawEQVis(); return 0; } void SEQVis::reloadResources() { SEQVIS_PARENT::reloadResources(); DrawEQVis(); invalidate(); } int SEQVis::onResize() { SEQVIS_PARENT::onResize(); RECT r; getClientRect(&r); cur_h = r.bottom - r.top; if (cur_h <= 0) cur_h = 1; cur_w = r.right - r.left; if (cur_w <= 0) cur_w = 1; delete bc; bc = new BltCanvas(cur_w, -cur_h); specData = (int *)bc->getBits(); MEMSET(specData, 0, cur_w*cur_h*4); if (shadedColors) FREE(shadedColors); shadedColors = (int *)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * cur_h); int r1 = colortop & 0xff0000; int g1 = (colortop & 0x00ff00) << 8; int b1 = (colortop & 0x0000ff) << 16; int r2 = colormid & 0xff0000; int g2 = (colormid & 0x00ff00) << 8; int b2 = (colormid & 0x0000ff) << 16; int r3 = colorbottom & 0xff0000; int g3 = (colorbottom & 0x00ff00) << 8; int b3 = (colorbottom & 0x0000ff) << 16; int l = cur_h / 2; if (!l) l = 1; int i; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { int r = r1 + ((r2 - r1) * i / l); int g = g1 + ((g2 - g1) * i / l); int b = b1 + ((b2 - b1) * i / l); shadedColors[i] = (r & 0xff0000); shadedColors[i] += ((g & 0xff0000) >> 8); shadedColors[i] += ((b & 0xff0000) >> 16); shadedColors[i] += 0xff000000; // alpha? } for (i = l;i < cur_h;i++) { int r = r2 + ((r3 - r2) * (i - l) / l); int g = g2 + ((g3 - g2) * (i - l) / l); int b = b2 + ((b3 - b2) * (i - l) / l); shadedColors[i] = (r & 0xff0000); shadedColors[i] += ((g & 0xff0000) >> 8); shadedColors[i] += ((b & 0xff0000) >> 16); shadedColors[i] += 0xff000000; // alpha? } DrawEQVis(); return 1; } EqVisScriptController _eqvisController; EqVisScriptController *eqvisController = &_eqvisController; // -- Functions table ------------------------------------- function_descriptor_struct EqVisScriptController::exportedFunction[] = { {L"fake", 0, (void*)SEQVis::script_vcpu_fake }, }; // -------------------------------------------------------- const wchar_t *EqVisScriptController::getClassName() { return L"EqVis"; } const wchar_t *EqVisScriptController::getAncestorClassName() { return L"GuiObject"; } ScriptObject *EqVisScriptController::instantiate() { SEQVis *eqv = new SEQVis; ASSERT(eqv != NULL); return eqv->getScriptObject(); } void EqVisScriptController::destroy(ScriptObject *o) { SEQVis *eqv = static_cast(o->vcpu_getInterface(eqvisGuid)); ASSERT(eqv != NULL); delete eqv; } void *EqVisScriptController::encapsulate(ScriptObject *o) { return NULL; // no encapsulation for eqvis yet } void EqVisScriptController::deencapsulate(void *o) {} int EqVisScriptController::getNumFunctions() { return sizeof(exportedFunction) / sizeof(function_descriptor_struct); } const function_descriptor_struct *EqVisScriptController::getExportedFunctions() { return exportedFunction; } GUID EqVisScriptController::getClassGuid() { return eqvisGuid; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- scriptVar SEQVis::script_vcpu_fake(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o) { SCRIPT_FUNCTION_INIT RETURN_SCRIPT_VOID; }