#ifndef _NOTIFMSG_H #define _NOTIFMSG_H //!## Messages for BaseWnd::childNotify // these are in their own header file to keep from having to muck with // basewnd.h all the time to add a new global message namespace ChildNotify { enum { // // Common messages any control may need to send NOP = 0, // not used. do not use. // When child window is in its destructor DELETED = 100, // no params // Focus stuff GOTFOCUS = 200, // no params KILLFOCUS = 210, // no params NAMECHANGED = 220, // no params // for transient child windows RETURN_CODE = 300, // param1 = the code // NOTE: Currently only used by editwnd.cpp, but open for custom use by developers // child wants parent to hide/show it HIDEYHIDEY = 400, // no params UNHIDEYHIDEY = 410, // no params // class-specific stuff // ButtonWnd, buttwnd.h BUTTON_LEFTPUSH = 10000, // no params BUTTON_RIGHTPUSH = 10010, // no params BUTTON_LEFTDOUBLECLICK = 10020, // no params BUTTON_RIGHTDOUBLECLICK = 10030, // no params CLICKWND_LEFTDOWN = 10100, // x/y CLICKWND_LEFTUP = 10101, // x/y CLICKWND_RIGHTDOWN = 10102, // x/y CLICKWND_RIGHTUP = 10103, // x/y // EditWnd, editwnd.h EDITWND_DATA_MODIFIED = 11000, // user edit - no params EDITWND_DATA_MODIFIED_ONIDLE = 11005, // user edit - no params (on idle) EDITWND_CANCEL_PRESSED = 11010, // esc pressed - no params EDITWND_ENTER_PRESSED = 11020, // enter pressed - no params EDITWND_KEY_PRESSED = 11030, // any key pressed - param1 = the key // DropList, droplist.h DROPLIST_SEL_CHANGED = 12000, // param1 = new pos // ListWnd, listwnd.h LISTWND_SELCHANGED = 13000, // sent on any change - no params LISTWND_ITEMSELCHANGED = 13010, // sent for each item - param1 = the item index, param2 = its selected state LISTWND_DBLCLK = 13100, // param1 = the item index LISTWND_POPUPMENU = 13200, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord // FrameWnd, framewnd.h FRAMEWND_QUERY_SLIDE_MODE = 14000, // no params - return slide mode FRAMEWND_SET_SLIDE_MODE = 14010, // param1 = the new slide mode FRAMEWND_WINDOWSHADE_CAPABLE = 14020, // no params - return width of shade FRAMEWND_WINDOWSHADE_ENABLE = 14030, // param1 = new enabled state // Cut? this is unused. // FRAMEWND_WINDOWSHADE_DISABLE = 14040, FRAMEWND_SETTITLEWIDTH = 14050, // param1 = the pullbar position // ServiceWnd, servicewnd.h SVCWND_LBUTTONDOWN = 15000, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_RBUTTONDOWN = 15010, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_LBUTTONUP = 15020, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_RBUTTONUP = 15030, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 15040, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 15050, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord SVCWND_MOUSEMOVE = 15060, // param1 = the x coord, param2 = the y coord // Slider, slider.h SLIDER_INTERIM_POSITION = 16000, // param1 = the slider position SLIDER_FINAL_POSITION = 16010, // param1 = the slider position // BucketItem, bucketitem.h COMPONENTBUCKET_SETTEXT = 17000, // param1 = pointer to the text // CheckWnd, checkwnd.h CHECKWND_CLICK = 18000, // param1 = the new checkstate // ScrollBar, scrollbar.h SCROLLBAR_SETPOSITION = 19000, // param1 = the new position SCROLLBAR_SETFINALPOSITION = 19010, // called when scrolling is completed - no params // RadioGroup, radiogroup.h RADIOGROUP_STATECHANGE = 20000, // param1 = the object selected, param2 = the object deselected // grouptogglebutton GROUPCLICKTGBUTTON_TOGGLE = 20100, // when the button is toggled, param1 = status GROUPCLICKTGBUTTON_CLICKED = 20101, // when the button is clicked regardless of toggling // misc AUTOWHCHANGED = 20200, // sent by an object whose resource's auto w/h has changed (ie Text changed text, Layer changed image, etc) GROUPRELOAD = 20300, // sent by abstractwndholder when its content is reloaded // popup POPUP_SUBMENUCLOSE = 21000, // sent by a submenu to its parent popup menu when it should close (esc/left key pressed) }; }; #endif