--- -- Premake 5.x build configuration script -- Use this script to configure the project with Premake5. --- -- -- Remember my location; I will need it to locate sub-scripts later. -- local corePath = _SCRIPT_DIR -- -- Disable deprecation warnings for myself, so that older development -- versions of Premake can be used to bootstrap new builds. -- premake.api.deprecations "off" -- -- Register supporting actions and options. -- newaction { trigger = "embed", description = "Embed scripts in scripts.c; required before release builds", execute = function () include (path.join(corePath, "scripts/embed.lua")) end } newaction { trigger = "package", description = "Creates source and binary packages", execute = function () include (path.join(corePath, "scripts/package.lua")) end } newaction { trigger = "docs-check", description = "Validates documentation files for Premake APIs", execute = function () include (path.join(corePath, "scripts/docscheck.lua")) end } newaction { trigger = "test", description = "Run the automated test suite", execute = function () test = require "self-test" premake.action.call("self-test") end } newoption { trigger = "test-all", description = "Run all unit tests, including slower network and I/O" } newoption { trigger = "test-only", description = "When testing, run only the specified suite or test" } newoption { trigger = "to", value = "path", description = "Set the output location for the generated files" } newoption { trigger = "no-curl", description = "Disable Curl 3rd party lib" } newoption { trigger = "no-zlib", description = "Disable Zlib/Zip 3rd party lib" } newoption { trigger = "no-luasocket", description = "Disable Luasocket 3rd party lib" } newoption { trigger = "bytecode", description = "Embed scripts as bytecode instead of stripped souce code" } newoption { trigger = "arch", value = "arch", description = "Set the architecture of the binary to be built.", allowed = { { "ARM", "ARM (On macOS, same as ARM64.)" }, { "ARM64", "ARM64" }, { "x86", "x86 (On macOS, same as x86_64.)" }, { "x86_64", "x86_64" }, { "Universal", "Universal Binary (macOS only)" }, -- { "Win32", "Same as x86" }, { "x64", "Same as x86_64" }, }, default = "x86", } -- -- Define the project. Put the release configuration first so it will be the -- default when folks build using the makefile. That way they don't have to -- worry about the /scripts argument and all that. -- -- TODO: Switch to these new APIs once they've had a chance to land everywhere -- -- defaultConfiguration "Release" -- symbols "On" -- solution "Premake5" configurations { "Release", "Debug" } location ( _OPTIONS["to"] ) flags { "StaticRuntime", "MultiProcessorCompile" } warnings "Extra" if not _OPTIONS["no-zlib"] then defines { "PREMAKE_COMPRESSION" } end if not _OPTIONS["no-curl"] then defines { "CURL_STATICLIB", "PREMAKE_CURL"} end filter { "system:macosx", "options:arch=ARM or arch=ARM64" } buildoptions { "-arch arm64" } linkoptions { "-arch arm64" } filter { "system:macosx", "options:arch=x86 or arch=x86_64 or arch=Win32 or arch=x64" } buildoptions { "-arch x86_64" } linkoptions { "-arch x86_64" } filter { "system:macosx", "options:arch=Universal" } buildoptions { "-arch arm64", "-arch x86_64" } linkoptions { "-arch arm64", "-arch x86_64" } filter { "system:windows", "options:arch=ARM" } platforms { "ARM" } filter { "system:windows", "options:arch=ARM64" } platforms { "ARM64" } filter { "system:windows", "options:arch=x86 or arch=Win32" } platforms { "Win32" } filter { "system:windows", "options:arch=x86_64 or arch=x64" } platforms { "x64" } filter "configurations:Debug" defines "_DEBUG" flags { "Symbols" } filter "configurations:Release" defines "NDEBUG" optimize "Full" flags { "NoBufferSecurityCheck", "NoRuntimeChecks" } filter "action:vs*" defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS" } filter { "system:windows", "configurations:Release" } flags { "NoIncrementalLink" } -- MinGW AR does not handle LTO out of the box and need a plugin to be setup filter { "system:windows", "configurations:Release", "toolset:not mingw" } flags { "LinkTimeOptimization" } project "Premake5" targetname "premake5" language "C" kind "ConsoleApp" includedirs { "contrib/lua/src", "contrib/luashim" } links { "lua-lib" } -- optional 3rd party libraries if not _OPTIONS["no-zlib"] then includedirs { "contrib/zlib", "contrib/libzip" } links { "zip-lib", "zlib-lib" } end if not _OPTIONS["no-curl"] then includedirs { "contrib/curl/include" } links { "curl-lib" } end files { "*.txt", "**.lua", "src/**.h", "src/**.c", "modules/**" } excludes { "contrib/**.*", "binmodules/**.*" } filter "configurations:Debug" targetdir "bin/debug" debugargs { "--scripts=%{prj.location}/%{path.getrelative(prj.location, prj.basedir)}", "test" } debugdir "." filter "configurations:Release" targetdir "bin/release" filter "system:windows" links { "ole32", "ws2_32", "advapi32", "version" } files { "src/**.rc" } filter "toolset:mingw" links { "crypt32" } filter "system:linux or bsd or hurd" defines { "LUA_USE_POSIX", "LUA_USE_DLOPEN" } links { "m" } linkoptions { "-rdynamic" } filter "system:linux or hurd" links { "dl", "rt" } filter { "system:not windows", "system:not macosx" } if not _OPTIONS["no-curl"] then links { "mbedtls-lib" } end filter "system:macosx" defines { "LUA_USE_MACOSX" } links { "CoreServices.framework", "Foundation.framework", "Security.framework", "readline" } filter { "system:macosx", "action:gmake" } toolset "clang" filter { "system:solaris" } links { "m", "socket", "nsl" } filter "system:aix" defines { "LUA_USE_POSIX", "LUA_USE_DLOPEN" } links { "m" } filter "system:haiku" defines { "LUA_USE_POSIX", "LUA_USE_DLOPEN", "_BSD_SOURCE" } links { "network", "bsd" } -- optional 3rd party libraries group "contrib" include "contrib/lua" include "contrib/luashim" if not _OPTIONS["no-zlib"] then include "contrib/zlib" include "contrib/libzip" end if not _OPTIONS["no-curl"] then include "contrib/mbedtls" include "contrib/curl" end group "Binary Modules" include "binmodules/example" if not _OPTIONS["no-luasocket"] then include "binmodules/luasocket" end -- -- A more thorough cleanup. -- if _ACTION == "clean" then os.rmdir("bin") os.rmdir("build") end