/* * Load_psm.cpp * ------------ * Purpose: PSM16 and new PSM (ProTracker Studio / Epic MegaGames MASI) module loader * Notes : This is partly based on http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki/ProTracker_Studio_Module * and partly reverse-engineered. Also thanks to the author of foo_dumb, the source code gave me a few clues. :) * Authors: Johannes Schultz * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Loaders.h" #ifdef LIBOPENMPT_BUILD #define MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS #endif OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // New PSM support starts here. PSM16 structs are below. // // PSM File Header struct PSMFileHeader { char formatID[4]; // "PSM " (new format) uint32le fileSize; // Filesize - 12 char fileInfoID[4]; // "FILE" }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSMFileHeader, 12) // RIFF-style Chunk struct PSMChunk { // 32-Bit chunk identifiers enum ChunkIdentifiers { idTITL = MagicLE("TITL"), idSDFT = MagicLE("SDFT"), idPBOD = MagicLE("PBOD"), idSONG = MagicLE("SONG"), idDATE = MagicLE("DATE"), idOPLH = MagicLE("OPLH"), idPPAN = MagicLE("PPAN"), idPATT = MagicLE("PATT"), idDSAM = MagicLE("DSAM"), idDSMP = MagicLE("DSMP"), }; uint32le id; uint32le length; size_t GetLength() const { return length; } ChunkIdentifiers GetID() const { return static_cast(id.get()); } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSMChunk, 8) // Song Information struct PSMSongHeader { char songType[9]; // Mostly "MAINSONG " (But not in Extreme Pinball!) uint8 compression; // 1 - uncompressed uint8 numChannels; // Number of channels }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSMSongHeader, 11) // Regular sample header struct PSMSampleHeader { uint8le flags; char fileName[8]; // Filename of the original module (without extension) char sampleID[4]; // Identifier like "INS0" (only last digit of sample ID, i.e. sample 1 and sample 11 are equal) or "I0 " char sampleName[33]; uint8le unknown1[6]; // 00 00 00 00 00 FF uint16le sampleNumber; uint32le sampleLength; uint32le loopStart; uint32le loopEnd; // FF FF FF FF = end of sample uint8le unknown3; uint8le finetune; // unused? always 0 uint8le defaultVolume; uint32le unknown4; uint32le c5Freq; // MASI ignores the high 16 bits char padding[19]; // Convert header data to OpenMPT's internal format void ConvertToMPT(ModSample &mptSmp) const { mptSmp.Initialize(); mptSmp.filename = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated, fileName); mptSmp.nC5Speed = c5Freq; mptSmp.nLength = sampleLength; mptSmp.nLoopStart = loopStart; // Note that we shouldn't add + 1 for MTM conversions here (e.g. the OMF 2097 music), // but I think there is no way to figure out the original format, and in the case of the OMF 2097 soundtrack // it doesn't make a huge audible difference anyway (no chip samples are used). // On the other hand, sample 8 of MUSIC_A.PSM from Extreme Pinball will sound detuned if we don't adjust the loop end here. if(loopEnd) mptSmp.nLoopEnd = loopEnd + 1; mptSmp.nVolume = (defaultVolume + 1) * 2; mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP, (flags & 0x80) != 0); LimitMax(mptSmp.nLoopEnd, mptSmp.nLength); LimitMax(mptSmp.nLoopStart, mptSmp.nLoopEnd); } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSMSampleHeader, 96) // Sinaria sample header (and possibly other games) struct PSMSinariaSampleHeader { uint8le flags; char fileName[8]; // Filename of the original module (without extension) char sampleID[8]; // INS0...INS99999 char sampleName[33]; uint8le unknown1[6]; // 00 00 00 00 00 FF uint16le sampleNumber; uint32le sampleLength; uint32le loopStart; uint32le loopEnd; uint16le unknown3; uint8le finetune; // Appears to be unused uint8le defaultVolume; uint32le unknown4; uint16le c5Freq; char padding[16]; // Convert header data to OpenMPT's internal format void ConvertToMPT(ModSample &mptSmp) const { mptSmp.Initialize(); mptSmp.filename = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated, fileName); mptSmp.nC5Speed = c5Freq; mptSmp.nLength = sampleLength; mptSmp.nLoopStart = loopStart; mptSmp.nLoopEnd = loopEnd; mptSmp.nVolume = (defaultVolume + 1) * 2; mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP, (flags & 0x80) != 0); LimitMax(mptSmp.nLoopEnd, mptSmp.nLength); LimitMax(mptSmp.nLoopStart, mptSmp.nLoopEnd); } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSMSinariaSampleHeader, 96) struct PSMSubSong // For internal use (pattern conversion) { std::vector channelPanning, channelVolume; std::vector channelSurround; ORDERINDEX startOrder = ORDERINDEX_INVALID, endOrder = ORDERINDEX_INVALID, restartPos = 0; uint8 defaultTempo = 125, defaultSpeed = 6; char songName[10] = {}; PSMSubSong() : channelPanning(MAX_BASECHANNELS, 128) , channelVolume(MAX_BASECHANNELS, 64) , channelSurround(MAX_BASECHANNELS, false) { } }; // Portamento effect conversion (depending on format version) static uint8 ConvertPSMPorta(uint8 param, bool sinariaFormat) { if(sinariaFormat) return param; if(param < 4) return (param | 0xF0); else return (param >> 2); } // Read a Pattern ID (something like "P0 " or "P13 ", or "PATT0 " in Sinaria) static PATTERNINDEX ReadPSMPatternIndex(FileReader &file, bool &sinariaFormat) { char patternID[5]; uint8 offset = 1; file.ReadString(patternID, 4); if(!memcmp(patternID, "PATT", 4)) { file.ReadString(patternID, 4); sinariaFormat = true; offset = 0; } return ConvertStrTo(&patternID[offset]); } static bool ValidateHeader(const PSMFileHeader &fileHeader) { if(!std::memcmp(fileHeader.formatID, "PSM ", 4) && !std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileInfoID, "FILE", 4)) { return true; } #ifdef MPT_PSM_DECRYPT if(!std::memcmp(fileHeader.formatID, "QUP$", 4) && !std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileInfoID, "OSWQ", 4)) { return true; } #endif return false; } CSoundFile::ProbeResult CSoundFile::ProbeFileHeaderPSM(MemoryFileReader file, const uint64 *pfilesize) { PSMFileHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return ProbeFailure; } PSMChunk chunkHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(chunkHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(chunkHeader.length == 0) { return ProbeFailure; } if((chunkHeader.id & 0x7F7F7F7Fu) != chunkHeader.id) // ASCII? { return ProbeFailure; } MPT_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pfilesize); return ProbeSuccess; } bool CSoundFile::ReadPSM(FileReader &file, ModLoadingFlags loadFlags) { file.Rewind(); PSMFileHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return false; } #ifdef MPT_PSM_DECRYPT // CONVERT.EXE /K - I don't think any game ever used this. std::vector decrypted; if(!memcmp(fileHeader.formatID, "QUP$", 4) && !memcmp(fileHeader.fileInfoID, "OSWQ", 4)) { if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) return true; file.Rewind(); decrypted.resize(file.GetLength()); file.ReadRaw(decrypted.data(), decrypted.size()); uint8 i = 0; for(auto &c : decrypted) { c -= ++i; } file = FileReader(mpt::as_span(decrypted)); file.ReadStruct(fileHeader); } #endif // MPT_PSM_DECRYPT // Check header if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return false; } ChunkReader chunkFile(file); ChunkReader::ChunkList chunks; if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) chunks = chunkFile.ReadChunksUntil(1, PSMChunk::idSDFT); else chunks = chunkFile.ReadChunks(1); // "SDFT" - Format info (song data starts here) if(!chunks.GetChunk(PSMChunk::idSDFT).ReadMagic("MAINSONG")) return false; else if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) return true; // Yep, this seems to be a valid file. InitializeGlobals(MOD_TYPE_PSM); m_SongFlags = SONG_ITOLDEFFECTS | SONG_ITCOMPATGXX; // "TITL" - Song Title FileReader titleChunk = chunks.GetChunk(PSMChunk::idTITL); titleChunk.ReadString(m_songName, titleChunk.GetLength()); Order().clear(); // Subsong setup std::vector subsongs; bool subsongPanningDiffers = false; // Do we have subsongs with different panning positions? bool sinariaFormat = false; // The game "Sinaria" uses a slightly modified PSM structure - in some ways it's more like PSM16 (e.g. effects). // "SONG" - Subsong information (channel count etc) auto songChunks = chunks.GetAllChunks(PSMChunk::idSONG); for(ChunkReader chunk : songChunks) { PSMSongHeader songHeader; if(!chunk.ReadStruct(songHeader) || songHeader.compression != 0x01) // No compression for PSM files { return false; } // Subsongs *might* have different channel count m_nChannels = Clamp(static_cast(songHeader.numChannels), m_nChannels, MAX_BASECHANNELS); PSMSubSong subsong; mpt::String::WriteAutoBuf(subsong.songName) = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, songHeader.songType); #ifdef MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS if(!Order().empty()) { // Add a new sequence for this subsong if(Order.AddSequence() == SEQUENCEINDEX_INVALID) break; } Order().SetName(mpt::ToUnicode(mpt::Charset::CP437, subsong.songName)); #endif // MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS // Read "Sub chunks" auto subChunks = chunk.ReadChunks(1); for(const auto &subChunkIter : subChunks.chunks) { FileReader subChunk(subChunkIter.GetData()); PSMChunk subChunkHead = subChunkIter.GetHeader(); switch(subChunkHead.GetID()) { #if 0 case PSMChunk::idDATE: // "DATE" - Conversion date (YYMMDD) if(subChunkHead.GetLength() == 6) { char cversion[7]; subChunk.ReadString(cversion, 6); uint32 version = ConvertStrTo(cversion); // Sinaria song dates (just to go sure...) if(version == 800211 || version == 940902 || version == 940903 || version == 940906 || version == 940914 || version == 941213) sinariaFormat = true; } break; #endif case PSMChunk::idOPLH: // "OPLH" - Order list, channel + module settings if(subChunkHead.GetLength() >= 9) { // First two bytes = Number of chunks that follow //uint16 totalChunks = subChunk.ReadUint16LE(); subChunk.Skip(2); // Now, the interesting part begins! uint16 chunkCount = 0, firstOrderChunk = uint16_max; // "Sub sub chunks" (grrrr, silly format) while(subChunk.CanRead(1)) { uint8 opcode = subChunk.ReadUint8(); if(!opcode) { // Last chunk was reached. break; } // Note: This is more like a playlist than a collection of global values. // In theory, a tempo item inbetween two order items should modify the // tempo when switching patterns. No module uses this feature in practice // though, so we can keep our loader simple. // Unimplemented opcodes do nothing or freeze MASI. switch(opcode) { case 0x01: // Play order list item { if(subsong.startOrder == ORDERINDEX_INVALID) subsong.startOrder = Order().GetLength(); subsong.endOrder = Order().GetLength(); PATTERNINDEX pat = ReadPSMPatternIndex(subChunk, sinariaFormat); if(pat == 0xFF) pat = Order.GetInvalidPatIndex(); else if(pat == 0xFE) pat = Order.GetIgnoreIndex(); Order().push_back(pat); // Decide whether this is the first order chunk or not (for finding out the correct restart position) if(firstOrderChunk == uint16_max) firstOrderChunk = chunkCount; } break; // 0x02: Play Range // 0x03: Jump Loop case 0x04: // Jump Line (Restart position) { uint16 restartChunk = subChunk.ReadUint16LE(); if(restartChunk >= firstOrderChunk) subsong.restartPos = static_cast(restartChunk - firstOrderChunk); // Close enough - we assume that order list is continuous (like in any real-world PSM) Order().SetRestartPos(subsong.restartPos); } break; // 0x05: Channel Flip // 0x06: Transpose case 0x07: // Default Speed subsong.defaultSpeed = subChunk.ReadUint8(); break; case 0x08: // Default Tempo subsong.defaultTempo = subChunk.ReadUint8(); break; case 0x0C: // Sample map table // Never seems to be different, so... // This is probably a part of the never-implemented "mini programming language" mentioned in the PSM docs. // Output of PLAY.EXE: "SMapTabl from pos 0 to pos -1 starting at 0 and adding 1 to it each time" // It appears that this maps e.g. what is "I0" in the file to sample 1. // If we were being fancy, we could implement this, but in practice it won't matter. { uint8 mapTable[6]; if(!subChunk.ReadArray(mapTable) || mapTable[0] != 0x00 || mapTable[1] != 0xFF // "0 to -1" (does not seem to do anything) || mapTable[2] != 0x00 || mapTable[3] != 0x00 // "at 0" (actually this appears to be the adding part - changing this to 0x01 0x00 offsets all samples by 1) || mapTable[4] != 0x01 || mapTable[5] != 0x00) // "adding 1" (does not seem to do anything) { return false; } } break; case 0x0D: // Channel panning table - can be set using CONVERT.EXE /E { const auto [chn, pan, type] = subChunk.ReadArray(); if(chn < subsong.channelPanning.size()) { switch(type) { case 0: // use panning subsong.channelPanning[chn] = pan ^ 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = false; break; case 2: // surround subsong.channelPanning[chn] = 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = true; break; case 4: // center subsong.channelPanning[chn] = 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = false; break; } if(subsongPanningDiffers == false && subsongs.size() > 0) { if(subsongs.back().channelPanning[chn] != subsong.channelPanning[chn] || subsongs.back().channelSurround[chn] != subsong.channelSurround[chn]) subsongPanningDiffers = true; } } } break; case 0x0E: // Channel volume table (0...255) - can be set using CONVERT.EXE /E, is 255 in all "official" PSMs except for some OMF 2097 tracks { const auto [chn, vol] = subChunk.ReadArray(); if(chn < subsong.channelVolume.size()) { subsong.channelVolume[chn] = (vol / 4u) + 1; } } break; default: // Should never happen in "real" PSM files. But in this case, we have to quit as we don't know how big the chunk really is. return false; } chunkCount++; } } break; case PSMChunk::idPPAN: // PPAN - Channel panning table (used in Sinaria) // In some Sinaria tunes, this is actually longer than 2 * channels... MPT_ASSERT(subChunkHead.GetLength() >= m_nChannels * 2u); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < m_nChannels; chn++) { if(!subChunk.CanRead(2)) break; const auto [type, pan] = subChunk.ReadArray(); switch(type) { case 0: // use panning subsong.channelPanning[chn] = pan ^ 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = false; break; case 2: // surround subsong.channelPanning[chn] = 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = true; break; case 4: // center subsong.channelPanning[chn] = 128; subsong.channelSurround[chn] = false; break; default: break; } } break; case PSMChunk::idPATT: // PATT - Pattern list // We don't really need this. break; case PSMChunk::idDSAM: // DSAM - Sample list // We don't need this either. break; default: break; } } // Attach this subsong to the subsong list - finally, all "sub sub sub ..." chunks are parsed. if(subsong.startOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID && subsong.endOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID) { // Separate subsongs by "---" patterns Order().push_back(); subsongs.push_back(subsong); } } #ifdef MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS Order.SetSequence(0); #endif // MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS if(subsongs.empty()) return false; // DSMP - Samples if(loadFlags & loadSampleData) { auto sampleChunks = chunks.GetAllChunks(PSMChunk::idDSMP); for(auto &chunk : sampleChunks) { SAMPLEINDEX smp; if(!sinariaFormat) { // Original header PSMSampleHeader sampleHeader; if(!chunk.ReadStruct(sampleHeader)) continue; smp = static_cast(sampleHeader.sampleNumber + 1); if(smp > 0 && smp < MAX_SAMPLES) { m_nSamples = std::max(m_nSamples, smp); sampleHeader.ConvertToMPT(Samples[smp]); m_szNames[smp] = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, sampleHeader.sampleName); } } else { // Sinaria uses a slightly different sample header PSMSinariaSampleHeader sampleHeader; if(!chunk.ReadStruct(sampleHeader)) continue; smp = static_cast(sampleHeader.sampleNumber + 1); if(smp > 0 && smp < MAX_SAMPLES) { m_nSamples = std::max(m_nSamples, smp); sampleHeader.ConvertToMPT(Samples[smp]); m_szNames[smp] = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, sampleHeader.sampleName); } } if(smp > 0 && smp < MAX_SAMPLES) { SampleIO( SampleIO::_8bit, SampleIO::mono, SampleIO::littleEndian, SampleIO::deltaPCM).ReadSample(Samples[smp], chunk); } } } // Make the default variables of the first subsong global m_nDefaultSpeed = subsongs[0].defaultSpeed; m_nDefaultTempo.Set(subsongs[0].defaultTempo); Order().SetRestartPos(subsongs[0].restartPos); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < m_nChannels; chn++) { ChnSettings[chn].Reset(); ChnSettings[chn].nVolume = subsongs[0].channelVolume[chn]; ChnSettings[chn].nPan = subsongs[0].channelPanning[chn]; ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags.set(CHN_SURROUND, subsongs[0].channelSurround[chn]); } m_modFormat.formatName = sinariaFormat ? U_("Epic MegaGames MASI (New Version / Sinaria)") : U_("Epic MegaGames MASI (New Version)"); m_modFormat.type = U_("psm"); m_modFormat.charset = mpt::Charset::CP437; if(!(loadFlags & loadPatternData) || m_nChannels == 0) { return true; } // "PBOD" - Pattern data of a single pattern // Now that we know the number of channels, we can go through all the patterns. auto pattChunks = chunks.GetAllChunks(PSMChunk::idPBOD); Patterns.ResizeArray(static_cast(pattChunks.size())); for(auto &chunk : pattChunks) { if(chunk.GetLength() != chunk.ReadUint32LE() // Same value twice || !chunk.LengthIsAtLeast(8)) { continue; } PATTERNINDEX pat = ReadPSMPatternIndex(chunk, sinariaFormat); uint16 numRows = chunk.ReadUint16LE(); if(!Patterns.Insert(pat, numRows)) { continue; } enum { noteFlag = 0x80, instrFlag = 0x40, volFlag = 0x20, effectFlag = 0x10, }; // Read pattern. for(ROWINDEX row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { PatternRow rowBase = Patterns[pat].GetRow(row); uint16 rowSize = chunk.ReadUint16LE(); if(rowSize <= 2) { continue; } FileReader rowChunk = chunk.ReadChunk(rowSize - 2); while(rowChunk.CanRead(3)) { const auto [flags, channel] = rowChunk.ReadArray(); // Point to the correct channel ModCommand &m = rowBase[std::min(static_cast(m_nChannels - 1), static_cast(channel))]; if(flags & noteFlag) { // Note present uint8 note = rowChunk.ReadUint8(); if(!sinariaFormat) { if(note == 0xFF) // Can be found in a few files but is apparently not supported by MASI note = NOTE_NOTECUT; else if(note < 129) note = (note & 0x0F) + 12 * (note >> 4) + 13; } else { if(note < 85) note += 36; } m.note = note; } if(flags & instrFlag) { // Instrument present m.instr = rowChunk.ReadUint8() + 1; } if(flags & volFlag) { // Volume present uint8 vol = rowChunk.ReadUint8(); m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.vol = (std::min(vol, uint8(127)) + 1) / 2; } if(flags & effectFlag) { // Effect present - convert const auto [command, param] = rowChunk.ReadArray(); m.param = param; // This list is annoyingly similar to PSM16, but not quite identical. switch(command) { // Volslides case 0x01: // fine volslide up m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (sinariaFormat) m.param = (m.param << 4) | 0x0F; else m.param = ((m.param & 0x1E) << 3) | 0x0F; break; case 0x02: // volslide up m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (sinariaFormat) m.param = 0xF0 & (m.param << 4); else m.param = 0xF0 & (m.param << 3); break; case 0x03: // fine volslide down m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (sinariaFormat) m.param |= 0xF0; else m.param = 0xF0 | (m.param >> 1); break; case 0x04: // volslide down m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (sinariaFormat) m.param &= 0x0F; else if(m.param < 2) m.param |= 0xF0; else m.param = (m.param >> 1) & 0x0F; break; // Portamento case 0x0B: // fine portamento up m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; m.param = 0xF0 | ConvertPSMPorta(m.param, sinariaFormat); break; case 0x0C: // portamento up m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; m.param = ConvertPSMPorta(m.param, sinariaFormat); break; case 0x0D: // fine portamento down m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; m.param = 0xF0 | ConvertPSMPorta(m.param, sinariaFormat); break; case 0x0E: // portamento down m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; m.param = ConvertPSMPorta(m.param, sinariaFormat); break; case 0x0F: // tone portamento m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; if(!sinariaFormat) m.param >>= 2; break; case 0x11: // glissando control m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x10 | (m.param & 0x01); break; case 0x10: // tone portamento + volslide up m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; m.param = m.param & 0xF0; break; case 0x12: // tone portamento + volslide down m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; m.param = (m.param >> 4) & 0x0F; break; case 0x13: // ScreamTracker command S - actually hangs / crashes MASI m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; break; // Vibrato case 0x15: // vibrato m.command = CMD_VIBRATO; break; case 0x16: // vibrato waveform m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x30 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x17: // vibrato + volslide up m.command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; m.param = 0xF0 | m.param; break; case 0x18: // vibrato + volslide down m.command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; break; // Tremolo case 0x1F: // tremolo m.command = CMD_TREMOLO; break; case 0x20: // tremolo waveform m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x40 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; // Sample commands case 0x29: // 3-byte offset - we only support the middle byte. m.command = CMD_OFFSET; m.param = rowChunk.ReadUint8(); rowChunk.Skip(1); break; case 0x2A: // retrigger m.command = CMD_RETRIG; break; case 0x2B: // note cut m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0xC0 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x2C: // note delay m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0xD0 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; // Position change case 0x33: // position jump - MASI seems to ignore this command, and CONVERT.EXE never writes it m.command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; m.param /= 2u; // actually it is probably just an index into the order table rowChunk.Skip(1); break; case 0x34: // pattern break m.command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; // When converting from S3M, the parameter is double-BDC-encoded (wtf!) // When converting from MOD, it's in binary. // MASI ignores the parameter entirely, and so do we. m.param = 0; break; case 0x35: // loop pattern m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0xB0 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x36: // pattern delay m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0xE0 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; // speed change case 0x3D: // set speed m.command = CMD_SPEED; break; case 0x3E: // set tempo m.command = CMD_TEMPO; break; // misc commands case 0x47: // arpeggio m.command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; break; case 0x48: // set finetune m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x20 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x49: // set balance m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x80 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; default: m.command = CMD_NONE; break; } } } } } if(subsongs.size() > 1) { // Write subsong "configuration" to patterns (only if there are multiple subsongs) for(size_t i = 0; i < subsongs.size(); i++) { #ifdef MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS ModSequence &order = Order(static_cast(i)); #else ModSequence &order = Order(); #endif // MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS const PSMSubSong &subsong = subsongs[i]; PATTERNINDEX startPattern = order[subsong.startOrder]; if(Patterns.IsValidPat(startPattern)) { startPattern = order.EnsureUnique(subsong.startOrder); // Subsongs with different panning setup -> write to pattern (MUSIC_C.PSM) // Don't write channel volume for now, as there is no real-world module which needs it. if(subsongPanningDiffers) { for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < m_nChannels; chn++) { if(subsong.channelSurround[chn]) Patterns[startPattern].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_S3MCMDEX, 0x91).Row(0).Channel(chn).RetryNextRow()); else Patterns[startPattern].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_PANNING8, subsong.channelPanning[chn]).Row(0).Channel(chn).RetryNextRow()); } } // Write default tempo/speed to pattern Patterns[startPattern].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_SPEED, subsong.defaultSpeed).Row(0).RetryNextRow()); Patterns[startPattern].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_TEMPO, subsong.defaultTempo).Row(0).RetryNextRow()); } #ifndef MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS // Add restart position to the last pattern PATTERNINDEX endPattern = order[subsong.endOrder]; if(Patterns.IsValidPat(endPattern)) { endPattern = order.EnsureUnique(subsong.endOrder); ROWINDEX lastRow = Patterns[endPattern].GetNumRows() - 1; auto m = Patterns[endPattern].cbegin(); for(uint32 cell = 0; cell < m_nChannels * Patterns[endPattern].GetNumRows(); cell++, m++) { if(m->command == CMD_PATTERNBREAK || m->command == CMD_POSITIONJUMP) { lastRow = cell / m_nChannels; break; } } Patterns[endPattern].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_POSITIONJUMP, mpt::saturate_cast(subsong.startOrder + subsong.restartPos)).Row(lastRow).RetryPreviousRow()); } // Set the subsong name to all pattern names for(ORDERINDEX ord = subsong.startOrder; ord <= subsong.endOrder; ord++) { if(Patterns.IsValidIndex(order[ord])) Patterns[order[ord]].SetName(subsong.songName); } #endif // MPT_PSM_USE_REAL_SUBSONGS } } return true; } //////////////////////////////// // // PSM16 support starts here. // struct PSM16FileHeader { char formatID[4]; // "PSM\xFE" (PSM16) char songName[59]; // Song title, padded with nulls uint8le lineEnd; // $1A uint8le songType; // Song Type bitfield uint8le formatVersion; // $10 uint8le patternVersion; // 0 or 1 uint8le songSpeed; // 1 ... 255 uint8le songTempo; // 32 ... 255 uint8le masterVolume; // 0 ... 255 uint16le songLength; // 0 ... 255 (number of patterns to play in the song) uint16le songOrders; // 0 ... 255 (same as previous value as no subsongs are present) uint16le numPatterns; // 1 ... 255 uint16le numSamples; // 1 ... 255 uint16le numChannelsPlay; // 0 ... 32 (max. number of channels to play) uint16le numChannelsReal; // 0 ... 32 (max. number of channels to process) uint32le orderOffset; // Pointer to order list uint32le panOffset; // Pointer to pan table uint32le patOffset; // Pointer to pattern data uint32le smpOffset; // Pointer to sample headers uint32le commentsOffset; // Pointer to song comment uint32le patSize; // Size of all patterns char filler[40]; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSM16FileHeader, 146) struct PSM16SampleHeader { enum SampleFlags { smpMask = 0x7F, smp16Bit = 0x04, smpUnsigned = 0x08, smpDelta = 0x10, smpPingPong = 0x20, smpLoop = 0x80, }; char filename[13]; // null-terminated char name[24]; // ditto uint32le offset; // in file uint32le memoffset; // not used uint16le sampleNumber; // 1 ... 255 uint8le flags; // sample flag bitfield uint32le length; // in bytes uint32le loopStart; // in samples? uint32le loopEnd; // in samples? uint8le finetune; // Low nibble = MOD finetune, high nibble = transpose (7 = center) uint8le volume; // default volume uint16le c2freq; // Middle-C frequency, which has to be combined with the finetune and transpose. // Convert sample header to OpenMPT's internal format void ConvertToMPT(ModSample &mptSmp) const { mptSmp.Initialize(); mptSmp.filename = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, filename); mptSmp.nLength = length; mptSmp.nLoopStart = loopStart; mptSmp.nLoopEnd = loopEnd; // It seems like that finetune and transpose are added to the already given c2freq... That's a double WTF! // Why on earth would you want to use both systems at the same time? mptSmp.nC5Speed = c2freq; mptSmp.Transpose(((finetune ^ 0x08) - 0x78) / (12.0 * 16.0)); mptSmp.nVolume = std::min(volume.get(), uint8(64)) * 4u; mptSmp.uFlags.reset(); if(flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smp16Bit) { mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_16BIT); mptSmp.nLength /= 2u; } if(flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smpPingPong) { mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_PINGPONGLOOP); } if(flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smpLoop) { mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP); } } // Retrieve the internal sample format flags for this sample. SampleIO GetSampleFormat() const { SampleIO sampleIO( (flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smp16Bit) ? SampleIO::_16bit : SampleIO::_8bit, SampleIO::mono, SampleIO::littleEndian, SampleIO::signedPCM); if(flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smpUnsigned) { sampleIO |= SampleIO::unsignedPCM; } else if((flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smpDelta) || (flags & PSM16SampleHeader::smpMask) == 0) { sampleIO |= SampleIO::deltaPCM; } return sampleIO; } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSM16SampleHeader, 64) struct PSM16PatternHeader { uint16le size; // includes header bytes uint8le numRows; // 1 ... 64 uint8le numChans; // 1 ... 32 }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(PSM16PatternHeader, 4) static bool ValidateHeader(const PSM16FileHeader &fileHeader) { if(std::memcmp(fileHeader.formatID, "PSM\xFE", 4) || fileHeader.lineEnd != 0x1A || (fileHeader.formatVersion != 0x10 && fileHeader.formatVersion != 0x01) // why is this sometimes 0x01? || fileHeader.patternVersion != 0 // 255ch pattern version not supported (did anyone use this?) || (fileHeader.songType & 3) != 0 || fileHeader.numChannelsPlay > MAX_BASECHANNELS || fileHeader.numChannelsReal > MAX_BASECHANNELS || std::max(fileHeader.numChannelsPlay, fileHeader.numChannelsReal) == 0) { return false; } return true; } CSoundFile::ProbeResult CSoundFile::ProbeFileHeaderPSM16(MemoryFileReader file, const uint64 *pfilesize) { PSM16FileHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return ProbeFailure; } MPT_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pfilesize); return ProbeSuccess; } bool CSoundFile::ReadPSM16(FileReader &file, ModLoadingFlags loadFlags) { file.Rewind(); // Is it a valid PSM16 file? PSM16FileHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) { return true; } // Seems to be valid! InitializeGlobals(MOD_TYPE_PSM); m_modFormat.formatName = U_("Epic MegaGames MASI (Old Version)"); m_modFormat.type = U_("psm"); m_modFormat.charset = mpt::Charset::CP437; m_nChannels = Clamp(CHANNELINDEX(fileHeader.numChannelsPlay), CHANNELINDEX(fileHeader.numChannelsReal), MAX_BASECHANNELS); m_nSamplePreAmp = fileHeader.masterVolume; if(m_nSamplePreAmp == 255) { // Most of the time, the master volume value makes sense... Just not when it's 255. m_nSamplePreAmp = 48; } m_nDefaultSpeed = fileHeader.songSpeed; m_nDefaultTempo.Set(fileHeader.songTempo); m_songName = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::spacePadded, fileHeader.songName); // Read orders if(fileHeader.orderOffset > 4 && file.Seek(fileHeader.orderOffset - 4) && file.ReadMagic("PORD")) { ReadOrderFromFile(Order(), file, fileHeader.songOrders); } // Read pan positions if(fileHeader.panOffset > 4 && file.Seek(fileHeader.panOffset - 4) && file.ReadMagic("PPAN")) { for(CHANNELINDEX i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ChnSettings[i].Reset(); ChnSettings[i].nPan = ((15 - (file.ReadUint8() & 0x0F)) * 256 + 8) / 15; // 15 seems to be left and 0 seems to be right... // ChnSettings[i].dwFlags = (i >= fileHeader.numChannelsPlay) ? CHN_MUTE : 0; // don't mute channels, as muted channels are completely ignored in S3M } } // Read samples if(fileHeader.smpOffset > 4 && file.Seek(fileHeader.smpOffset - 4) && file.ReadMagic("PSAH")) { FileReader sampleChunk = file.ReadChunk(fileHeader.numSamples * sizeof(PSM16SampleHeader)); for(SAMPLEINDEX fileSample = 0; fileSample < fileHeader.numSamples; fileSample++) { PSM16SampleHeader sampleHeader; if(!sampleChunk.ReadStruct(sampleHeader)) { break; } const SAMPLEINDEX smp = sampleHeader.sampleNumber; if(smp > 0 && smp < MAX_SAMPLES && !Samples[smp].HasSampleData()) { m_nSamples = std::max(m_nSamples, smp); sampleHeader.ConvertToMPT(Samples[smp]); m_szNames[smp] = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, sampleHeader.name); if(loadFlags & loadSampleData) { file.Seek(sampleHeader.offset); sampleHeader.GetSampleFormat().ReadSample(Samples[smp], file); } } } } // Read patterns if(!(loadFlags & loadPatternData)) { return true; } if(fileHeader.patOffset > 4 && file.Seek(fileHeader.patOffset - 4) && file.ReadMagic("PPAT")) { Patterns.ResizeArray(fileHeader.numPatterns); for(PATTERNINDEX pat = 0; pat < fileHeader.numPatterns; pat++) { PSM16PatternHeader patternHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(patternHeader)) { break; } if(patternHeader.size < sizeof(PSM16PatternHeader)) { continue; } // Patterns are padded to 16 Bytes FileReader patternChunk = file.ReadChunk(((patternHeader.size + 15) & ~15) - sizeof(PSM16PatternHeader)); if(!Patterns.Insert(pat, patternHeader.numRows)) { continue; } enum { channelMask = 0x1F, noteFlag = 0x80, volFlag = 0x40, effectFlag = 0x20, }; ROWINDEX curRow = 0; while(patternChunk.CanRead(1) && curRow < patternHeader.numRows) { uint8 chnFlag = patternChunk.ReadUint8(); if(chnFlag == 0) { curRow++; continue; } ModCommand &m = *Patterns[pat].GetpModCommand(curRow, std::min(static_cast(chnFlag & channelMask), static_cast(m_nChannels - 1))); if(chnFlag & noteFlag) { // note + instr present const auto [note, instr] = patternChunk.ReadArray(); m.note = note + 36; m.instr = instr; } if(chnFlag & volFlag) { // volume present m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.vol = std::min(patternChunk.ReadUint8(), uint8(64)); } if(chnFlag & effectFlag) { // effect present - convert const auto [command, param] = patternChunk.ReadArray(); m.param = param; switch(command) { // Volslides case 0x01: // fine volslide up m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; m.param = (m.param << 4) | 0x0F; break; case 0x02: // volslide up m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; m.param = (m.param << 4) & 0xF0; break; case 0x03: // fine voslide down m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; m.param = 0xF0 | m.param; break; case 0x04: // volslide down m.command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; m.param = m.param & 0x0F; break; // Portamento case 0x0A: // fine portamento up m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; m.param |= 0xF0; break; case 0x0B: // portamento down m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; break; case 0x0C: // fine portamento down m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; m.param |= 0xF0; break; case 0x0D: // portamento down m.command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; break; case 0x0E: // tone portamento m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break; case 0x0F: // glissando control m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0x10; break; case 0x10: // tone portamento + volslide up m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; m.param <<= 4; break; case 0x11: // tone portamento + volslide down m.command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; m.param &= 0x0F; break; // Vibrato case 0x14: // vibrato m.command = CMD_VIBRATO; break; case 0x15: // vibrato waveform m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0x30; break; case 0x16: // vibrato + volslide up m.command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; m.param <<= 4; break; case 0x17: // vibrato + volslide down m.command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; m.param &= 0x0F; break; // Tremolo case 0x1E: // tremolo m.command = CMD_TREMOLO; break; case 0x1F: // tremolo waveform m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0x40; break; // Sample commands case 0x28: // 3-byte offset - we only support the middle byte. m.command = CMD_OFFSET; m.param = patternChunk.ReadUint8(); patternChunk.Skip(1); break; case 0x29: // retrigger m.command = CMD_RETRIG; m.param &= 0x0F; break; case 0x2A: // note cut m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER if(m.param == 0) // in S3M mode, SC0 is ignored, so we convert it to a note cut. { if(m.note == NOTE_NONE) { m.note = NOTE_NOTECUT; m.command = CMD_NONE; } else { m.param = 1; } } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER m.param |= 0xC0; break; case 0x2B: // note delay m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0xD0; break; // Position change case 0x32: // position jump m.command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break; case 0x33: // pattern break m.command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; break; case 0x34: // loop pattern m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0xB0; break; case 0x35: // pattern delay m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param |= 0xE0; break; // speed change case 0x3C: // set speed m.command = CMD_SPEED; break; case 0x3D: // set tempo m.command = CMD_TEMPO; break; // misc commands case 0x46: // arpeggio m.command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; break; case 0x47: // set finetune m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x20 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x48: // set balance (panning?) m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m.param = 0x80 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; default: m.command = CMD_NONE; break; } } } // Pattern break for short patterns (so saving the modules as S3M won't break it) if(patternHeader.numRows != 64) { Patterns[pat].WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_PATTERNBREAK, 0).Row(patternHeader.numRows - 1).RetryNextRow()); } } } if(fileHeader.commentsOffset != 0) { file.Seek(fileHeader.commentsOffset); m_songMessage.Read(file, file.ReadUint16LE(), SongMessage::leAutodetect); } return true; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END