/* * modcommand.h * ------------ * Purpose: ModCommand declarations and helpers. One ModCommand corresponds to one pattern cell. * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #pragma once #include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp" #include "Snd_defs.h" #include "../common/misc_util.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CSoundFile; // Note definitions enum : uint8 // ModCommand::NOTE { NOTE_NONE = 0, // Empty note cell NOTE_MIN = 1, // Minimum note value NOTE_MAX = 120, // Maximum note value NOTE_MIDDLEC = (5 * 12 + NOTE_MIN), NOTE_KEYOFF = 0xFF, // === (Note Off, releases envelope / fades samples, stops plugin note) NOTE_NOTECUT = 0xFE, // ^^^ (Cuts sample / stops all plugin notes) NOTE_FADE = 0xFD, // ~~~ (Fades samples, stops plugin note) NOTE_PC = 0xFC, // Param Control 'note'. Changes param value on first tick. NOTE_PCS = 0xFB, // Param Control (Smooth) 'note'. Interpolates param value during the whole row. NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL = NOTE_PCS, NOTE_MAX_SPECIAL = NOTE_KEYOFF, }; // Volume Column commands enum VolumeCommand : uint8 { VOLCMD_NONE = 0, VOLCMD_VOLUME = 1, VOLCMD_PANNING = 2, VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEUP = 3, VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEDOWN = 4, VOLCMD_FINEVOLUP = 5, VOLCMD_FINEVOLDOWN = 6, VOLCMD_VIBRATOSPEED = 7, VOLCMD_VIBRATODEPTH = 8, VOLCMD_PANSLIDELEFT = 9, VOLCMD_PANSLIDERIGHT = 10, VOLCMD_TONEPORTAMENTO = 11, VOLCMD_PORTAUP = 12, VOLCMD_PORTADOWN = 13, VOLCMD_PLAYCONTROL = 14, VOLCMD_OFFSET = 15, MAX_VOLCMDS }; // Effect column commands enum EffectCommand : uint8 { CMD_NONE = 0, CMD_ARPEGGIO = 1, CMD_PORTAMENTOUP = 2, CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN = 3, CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO = 4, CMD_VIBRATO = 5, CMD_TONEPORTAVOL = 6, CMD_VIBRATOVOL = 7, CMD_TREMOLO = 8, CMD_PANNING8 = 9, CMD_OFFSET = 10, CMD_VOLUMESLIDE = 11, CMD_POSITIONJUMP = 12, CMD_VOLUME = 13, CMD_PATTERNBREAK = 14, CMD_RETRIG = 15, CMD_SPEED = 16, CMD_TEMPO = 17, CMD_TREMOR = 18, CMD_MODCMDEX = 19, CMD_S3MCMDEX = 20, CMD_CHANNELVOLUME = 21, CMD_CHANNELVOLSLIDE = 22, CMD_GLOBALVOLUME = 23, CMD_GLOBALVOLSLIDE = 24, CMD_KEYOFF = 25, CMD_FINEVIBRATO = 26, CMD_PANBRELLO = 27, CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN = 28, CMD_PANNINGSLIDE = 29, CMD_SETENVPOSITION = 30, CMD_MIDI = 31, CMD_SMOOTHMIDI = 32, CMD_DELAYCUT = 33, CMD_XPARAM = 34, CMD_FINETUNE = 35, CMD_FINETUNE_SMOOTH = 36, CMD_DUMMY = 37, CMD_NOTESLIDEUP = 38, // IMF Gxy / PTM Jxy (Slide y notes up every x ticks) CMD_NOTESLIDEDOWN = 39, // IMF Hxy / PTM Kxy (Slide y notes down every x ticks) CMD_NOTESLIDEUPRETRIG = 40, // PTM Lxy (Slide y notes up every x ticks + retrigger note) CMD_NOTESLIDEDOWNRETRIG = 41, // PTM Mxy (Slide y notes down every x ticks + retrigger note) CMD_REVERSEOFFSET = 42, // PTM Nxx Revert sample + offset CMD_DBMECHO = 43, // DBM enable/disable echo CMD_OFFSETPERCENTAGE = 44, // PLM Percentage Offset CMD_DIGIREVERSESAMPLE = 45, // DIGI reverse sample MAX_EFFECTS }; enum EffectType : uint8 { EFFECT_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, EFFECT_TYPE_GLOBAL = 1, EFFECT_TYPE_VOLUME = 2, EFFECT_TYPE_PANNING = 3, EFFECT_TYPE_PITCH = 4, MAX_EFFECT_TYPE = 5 }; class ModCommand { public: using NOTE = uint8; using INSTR = uint8; using VOL = uint8; using VOLCMD = uint8; using COMMAND = uint8; using PARAM = uint8; // Defines the maximum value for column data when interpreted as 2-byte value // (for example volcmd and vol). The valid value range is [0, maxColumnValue]. static constexpr int maxColumnValue = 999; // Returns empty modcommand. static ModCommand Empty() { return ModCommand(); } bool operator==(const ModCommand &mc) const { return (note == mc.note) && (instr == mc.instr) && (volcmd == mc.volcmd) && (command == mc.command) && ((volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE && !IsPcNote()) || vol == mc.vol) && ((command == CMD_NONE && !IsPcNote()) || param == mc.param); } bool operator!=(const ModCommand& mc) const { return !(*this == mc); } void Set(NOTE n, INSTR ins, uint16 volcol, uint16 effectcol) { note = n; instr = ins; SetValueVolCol(volcol); SetValueEffectCol(effectcol); } uint16 GetValueVolCol() const { return GetValueVolCol(volcmd, vol); } static uint16 GetValueVolCol(uint8 volcmd, uint8 vol) { return (volcmd << 8) + vol; } void SetValueVolCol(const uint16 val) { volcmd = static_cast(val >> 8); vol = static_cast(val & 0xFF); } uint16 GetValueEffectCol() const { return GetValueEffectCol(command, param); } static uint16 GetValueEffectCol(uint8 command, uint8 param) { return (command << 8) + param; } void SetValueEffectCol(const uint16 val) { command = static_cast(val >> 8); param = static_cast(val & 0xFF); } // Clears modcommand. void Clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(ModCommand)); } // Returns true if modcommand is empty, false otherwise. bool IsEmpty() const { return (note == NOTE_NONE && instr == 0 && volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE && command == CMD_NONE); } // Returns true if instrument column represents plugin index. bool IsInstrPlug() const { return IsPcNote(); } // Returns true if and only if note is NOTE_PC or NOTE_PCS. bool IsPcNote() const { return IsPcNote(note); } static bool IsPcNote(NOTE note) { return note == NOTE_PC || note == NOTE_PCS; } // Returns true if and only if note is a valid musical note. bool IsNote() const { return mpt::is_in_range(note, NOTE_MIN, NOTE_MAX); } static bool IsNote(NOTE note) { return mpt::is_in_range(note, NOTE_MIN, NOTE_MAX); } // Returns true if and only if note is a valid special note. bool IsSpecialNote() const { return mpt::is_in_range(note, NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL, NOTE_MAX_SPECIAL); } static bool IsSpecialNote(NOTE note) { return mpt::is_in_range(note, NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL, NOTE_MAX_SPECIAL); } // Returns true if and only if note is a valid musical note or the note entry is empty. bool IsNoteOrEmpty() const { return note == NOTE_NONE || IsNote(); } static bool IsNoteOrEmpty(NOTE note) { return note == NOTE_NONE || IsNote(note); } // Returns true if any of the commands in this cell trigger a tone portamento. bool IsPortamento() const { return command == CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO || command == CMD_TONEPORTAVOL || volcmd == VOLCMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; } // Returns true if the cell contains a sliding or otherwise continuous effect command. bool IsContinousCommand(const CSoundFile &sndFile) const; bool IsContinousVolColCommand() const; // Returns true if the cell contains a sliding command with separate up/down nibbles. bool IsSlideUpDownCommand() const; // Returns true if the cell contains an effect command that may affect the global state of the module. bool IsGlobalCommand() const { return IsGlobalCommand(command, param); } static bool IsGlobalCommand(COMMAND command, PARAM param); // Returns true if the note is inside the Amiga frequency range bool IsAmigaNote() const { return IsAmigaNote(note); } static bool IsAmigaNote(NOTE note) { return !IsNote(note) || (note >= NOTE_MIDDLEC - 12 && note < NOTE_MIDDLEC + 24); } static EffectType GetEffectType(COMMAND cmd); EffectType GetEffectType() const { return GetEffectType(command); } static EffectType GetVolumeEffectType(VOLCMD volcmd); EffectType GetVolumeEffectType() const { return GetVolumeEffectType(volcmd); } // Convert a complete ModCommand item from one format to another void Convert(MODTYPE fromType, MODTYPE toType, const CSoundFile &sndFile); // Convert MOD/XM Exx to S3M/IT Sxx void ExtendedMODtoS3MEffect(); // Convert S3M/IT Sxx to MOD/XM Exx void ExtendedS3MtoMODEffect(); // "Importance" of every FX command. Table is used for importing from formats with multiple effect columns // and is approximately the same as in SchismTracker. static size_t GetEffectWeight(COMMAND cmd); // Try to convert a an effect into a volume column effect. Returns true on success. static bool ConvertVolEffect(uint8 &effect, uint8 ¶m, bool force); // Takes two "normal" effect commands and converts them to volume column + effect column commands. Returns the dropped command + param (CMD_NONE if nothing had to be dropped). static std::pair TwoRegularCommandsToMPT(uint8 &effect1, uint8 ¶m1, uint8 &effect2, uint8 ¶m2); // Try to combine two commands into one. Returns true on success and the combined command is placed in eff1 / param1. static bool CombineEffects(uint8 &eff1, uint8 ¶m1, uint8 &eff2, uint8 ¶m2); public: uint8 note = NOTE_NONE; uint8 instr = 0; uint8 volcmd = VOLCMD_NONE; uint8 command = CMD_NONE; uint8 vol = 0; uint8 param = 0; }; OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END