Note that these keyboard shortcuts are a good starting point, but this list is far from complete. :) ******* Keyboard Shortcuts (these can be used in most Winamp windows) ******* Key Action ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 Open Help Ctrl+F1 About Box Ctrl+A Toggle Always on Top (N/A in playlist editor and media library) Ctrl+Alt+A Toggle always on top (playlist editor) Ctrl+W Toggle Windowshade mode (main window, unless in playlist editor) Ctrl+D Toggle Doublesize Mode Ctrl+E Toggle Easymove (only applicable in classic skins) Ctrl+T Toggle Time Display Mode Alt+W Toggle Main Window Alt+E Toggle Playlist Editor Alt+G Toggle Graphical Equalizer Alt+V Toggle Video Window Alt+L Toggle Media Library Ctrl+Tab Cycle through different Winamp windows Alt+S Go to Skin selection Ctrl+P Go to Preferences Alt+F Open Main Menu Alt+K Configure current visualization plug-in Ctrl+Sh+K Start/stop current visualization plug-In Ctrl+K Open visualization plug-in section of preferences Ctrl+J Jump to time in current track J or Keypad . Open jump-to-file box Ctrl+Alt+N Spawn new Winamp instance Ctrl+Alt+B Add current to bookmarks (requires ML and ml_bookmarks) Alt+M Minimize Winamp Ctrl+H Show recently played files/streams (History :) ******* Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts ******* Key Action ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (options/toggles) R Toggle Repeat S Toggle Shuffle Alt+3 Current file info box/tag editor (playback controls) Z Previous Track X Play/Restart/Unpause C Pause/Unpause V Stop Shift+V Stop with Fadeout Ctrl+V Stop after current track B Next Track L Open/Play File Ctrl+L Open/Play location Shift+L Open/Play Directory Left Arrow Rewind 5 seconds Right Arrow Fast-forward 5 seconds Up Arrow Turn Volume Up Down Arrow Turn Volume Down Keypad 1 Jump Ten Songs Back Keypad 6 Next Track Keypad 5 Play/Restart/Unpause Keypad 4 Previous Track Keypad 3 Jump Ten Songs Forward Keypad 7 Rewind 5 seconds Keypad 9 Fast-forward 5 seconds Keypad 8 Turn Volume Up Keypad 2 Turn Volume Down Keypad 0 Open/Play File Ctrl+Keypad 0 Open/Play location Insert Open/Play Directory ******* Playlist Window Keyboard Shortcuts ******* Key Action ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R Toggle Repeat S Toggle Shuffle Ctrl+Z Go to start of list Ctrl+B Go to end of list Alt+I Add current to bookmarks (requires ML and ml_bookmarks) (file io) L Add File Ctrl+L Add Location Shift+L Add Directory Ctrl+N New (Clear) Playlist Ctrl+O Open (Load) Playlist Ctrl+S Save Playlist Alt+3 View/Edit Track Info for selected track(s) Ctrl+E Edit Selected Track Filename(s) Ctrl+Keypad 0 Add Location Insert Add Directory (playlist manipulation) Ctrl+A Select All Ctrl+I Invert Selection Delete Remove Selected Files from Playlist Ctrl+Delete Crop Playlist Ctrl+Sh+Del Clear Playlist (same as Ctrl+N) Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Files Down Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Files Up Down Arrow Move Cursor Down Up Arrow Move Cursor Up Enter Play Selected File End Jump to End of List Home Jump to Start of List Page Up Move up by a fifth of a page Page Down Move down by a fifth of a page Alt+Delete Remove missing files from playlist (playlist sorting) Ctrl+Sh+1 Sort Playlist by Title Ctrl+Sh+2 Sort Playlist by File Name Ctrl+Sh+3 Sort Playlist by File Path and Name Ctrl+R Reverse Playlist Ctrl+Sh+R Randomize Playlist Most main window playback controls also work in the playlist editor. ******* Equalizer Keyboard Shortcuts (Classic skins only) ******* Key Action ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 0 Increase EQ bands 1-10 Q - P Decrease EQ bands 1-10 ` Increase EQ Preamp TAB Decrease EQ Preamp N Toggle EQ Enabled A Toggle EQ Auto-Loading S Open Presets Menu Ctrl+Alt+S Load Preset