#include "main.h" #include "./playlist.h" #include #include "nu/MediaLibraryInterface.h" #include "Winamp/strutil.h" Playlist::~Playlist() { Clear(); } void Playlist::Clear() { for ( pl_entry *entry : entries ) delete entry; entries.clear(); lengthInMS = 0; } void Playlist::OnFile( const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *title, int lengthInMS, ifc_plentryinfo *info ) { entries.push_back( new pl_entry( filename, title, lengthInMS, info ) ); this->lengthInMS += lengthInMS; } void Playlist::AppendWithInfo( const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *title, int lengthInMS ) { this->lengthInMS += lengthInMS; entries.push_back( new pl_entry( filename, title, lengthInMS ) ); } void Playlist::AppendWithInfo( const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *title, int lengthInMS, std::map &p_extended_infos ) { this->lengthInMS += lengthInMS; pl_entry *l_new_pl_entry = new pl_entry( filename, title, lengthInMS ); if ( !p_extended_infos.empty() ) { for ( auto l_extended_info : p_extended_infos ) l_new_pl_entry->_extended_infos.emplace( _wcsdup( l_extended_info.first.c_str() ), _wcsdup( l_extended_info.second.c_str() ) ); } entries.push_back( l_new_pl_entry ); } size_t Playlist::GetNumItems() { return entries.size(); } size_t Playlist::GetItem( size_t item, wchar_t *filename, size_t filenameCch ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return 0; return entries[ item ]->GetFilename( filename, filenameCch ); } size_t Playlist::GetItemTitle( size_t item, wchar_t *title, size_t titleCch ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return 0; return entries[ item ]->GetTitle( title, titleCch ); } const wchar_t *Playlist::ItemTitle( size_t item ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return 0; return entries[ item ]->filetitle; } const wchar_t *Playlist::ItemName( size_t item ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return 0; return entries[ item ]->filename; } int Playlist::GetItemLengthMilliseconds( size_t item ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return -1; return entries[ item ]->GetLengthInMilliseconds(); } size_t Playlist::GetItemExtendedInfo( size_t item, const wchar_t *metadata, wchar_t *info, size_t infoCch ) { if ( item >= entries.size() ) return 0; return entries[ item ]->GetExtendedInfo( metadata, info, infoCch ); } int Playlist::Reverse() { // TODO: keep a bool flag and just do size-item-1 every time a GetItem* function is called std::reverse( entries.begin(), entries.end() ); return PLAYLIST_SUCCESS; } int Playlist::Swap( size_t item1, size_t item2 ) { std::swap( entries[ item1 ], entries[ item2 ] ); return PLAYLIST_SUCCESS; } class RandMod { public: RandMod( int ( *_generator )( ) ) : generator( _generator ) {} int operator ()( int n ) { return generator() % n; } int ( *generator )( ); }; int Playlist::Randomize( int ( *generator )( ) ) { RandMod randMod( generator ); std::random_shuffle( entries.begin(), entries.end(), randMod ); return PLAYLIST_SUCCESS; } void Playlist::Remove( size_t item ) { lengthInMS -= entries[item]->length; delete entries[item]; entries.erase(entries.begin() + item); } void Playlist::SetItemFilename( size_t item, const wchar_t *filename ) { if ( item < entries.size() ) entries[ item ]->SetFilename( filename ); } void Playlist::SetItemTitle( size_t item, const wchar_t *title ) { if ( item < entries.size() ) entries[ item ]->SetTitle( title ); } void Playlist::SetItemLengthMilliseconds( size_t item, int length ) { if ( item < entries.size() ) { lengthInMS -= entries[ item ]->length; entries[ item ]->SetLengthMilliseconds( length ); lengthInMS += length; } } void GetTitle( pl_entry *&a ) { if ( !a->cached ) { wchar_t title[ FILETITLE_SIZE ] = { 0 }; int length = -1; mediaLibrary.GetFileInfo( a->filename, title, FILETITLE_SIZE, &length ); a->SetLengthMilliseconds( length * 1000 ); a->SetTitle( title ); } } static bool PlayList_sortByTitle( pl_entry *&a, pl_entry *&b ) { GetTitle( a ); GetTitle( b ); int comp = CompareStringW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE /*|NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE*/ | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, a->filetitle, -1, b->filetitle, -1 ); return comp == CSTR_LESS_THAN; // TODO: grab this function from winamp - return CompareStringLogical(a.strTitle, b.strTitle)<0; } static bool PlayList_sortByFile( pl_entry *&a, pl_entry *&b ) //const void *a, const void *b) { const wchar_t *file1 = PathFindFileNameW( a->filename ); const wchar_t *file2 = PathFindFileNameW( b->filename ); int comp = CompareStringW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE | /*NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE |*/ NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, file1, -1, file2, -1 ); return comp == CSTR_LESS_THAN; // TODO: grab this function from winamp - return FileCompareLogical(file1, file2)<0; } static bool PlayList_sortByDirectory( pl_entry *&a, pl_entry *&b ) // by dir, then by title { const wchar_t *directory1 = a->filename; const wchar_t *directory2 = b->filename; const wchar_t *directoryEnd1 = scanstr_backcW( directory1, L"\\", 0 ); const wchar_t *directoryEnd2 = scanstr_backcW( directory2, L"\\", 0 ); size_t dirLen1 = directoryEnd1 - directory1; size_t dirLen2 = directoryEnd2 - directory2; if ( !dirLen1 && !dirLen2 ) // both in the current directory? return PlayList_sortByFile( a, b ); // not optimized, because the function does another scanstr_back, but easy for now :) if ( !dirLen1 ) // only the first dir is empty? return true; // sort it first if ( !dirLen2 ) // only the second dir empty? return false; // empty dirs go first #if 0 // TODO: grab this function from winamp int comp = FileCompareLogicalN( directory1, dirLen1, directory2, dirLen2 ); if ( comp == 0 ) return PlayList_sortByFile( a, b ); else return comp < 0; #endif int comp = CompareStringW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE | /*NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | */NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, directory1, dirLen1, directory2, dirLen2 ); if ( comp == CSTR_EQUAL ) // same dir return PlayList_sortByFile( a, b ); // do second sort else // different dirs return comp == CSTR_LESS_THAN; } int Playlist::SortByTitle() { std::sort( entries.begin(), entries.end(), PlayList_sortByTitle ); return 1; } int Playlist::SortByFilename() { std::sort( entries.begin(), entries.end(), PlayList_sortByFile ); return 1; } int Playlist::SortByDirectory() { std::sort( entries.begin(), entries.end(), PlayList_sortByDirectory ); return 1; } /* int Playlist::Move(size_t itemSrc, size_t itemDest) { if (itemSrc < itemDest) std::rotate(&entries[itemSrc], &entries[itemSrc], &entries[itemDest]); else if (itemSrc > itemDest) std::rotate(&entries[itemDest], &entries[itemSrc], &entries[itemSrc]); return 1; }*/ bool Playlist::IsCached( size_t item ) { return entries[ item ]->cached; } bool Playlist::IsLocal( size_t item ) { return entries[ item ]->isLocal(); } void Playlist::ClearCache( size_t item ) { entries[ item ]->cached = false; } void Playlist::InsertPlaylist( Playlist ©, size_t index ) { for ( pl_entry *l_entry : copy.entries ) { entries.insert( entries.begin() + index, l_entry ); ++index; lengthInMS += l_entry->length; } copy.entries.clear(); } void Playlist::AppendPlaylist( Playlist © ) { for ( pl_entry *l_entry : copy.entries ) { this->entries.push_back( l_entry ); lengthInMS += l_entry->length; } copy.entries.clear(); } #ifdef CBCLASS #undef CBCLASS #endif #define CBCLASS Playlist START_MULTIPATCH; START_PATCH( patch_playlist ) M_VCB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_CLEAR, Clear ) //M_VCB(patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_APPENDWITHINFO, AppendWithInfo) //M_VCB(patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_APPEND, Append) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_GETNUMITEMS, GetNumItems ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_GETITEM, GetItem ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_GETITEMTITLE, GetItemTitle ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_GETITEMLENGTHMILLISECONDS, GetItemLengthMilliseconds ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_GETITEMEXTENDEDINFO, GetItemExtendedInfo ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_REVERSE, Reverse ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_SWAP, Swap ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_RANDOMIZE, Randomize ) M_VCB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_REMOVE, Remove ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_SORTBYTITLE, SortByTitle ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_SORTBYFILENAME, SortByFilename ) M_CB( patch_playlist, ifc_playlist, IFC_PLAYLIST_SORTBYDIRECTORY, SortByDirectory ) NEXT_PATCH( patch_playlistloadercallback ) M_VCB( patch_playlistloadercallback, ifc_playlistloadercallback, IFC_PLAYLISTLOADERCALLBACK_ONFILE, OnFile ); END_PATCH END_MULTIPATCH;