/* * mptPathString.cpp * ----------------- * Purpose: Wrapper class around the platform-native representation of path names. Should be the only type that is used to store path names. * Notes : Currently none. * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mptPathString.h" #include "mpt/uuid/uuid.hpp" #include "misc_util.h" #include "mptRandom.h" #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS #include #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) #include #endif #include #endif OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS namespace mpt { RawPathString PathString::AsNativePrefixed() const { #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT && (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0a00) // For WinRT on Windows 8, there is no official wy to determine an absolute path. return path; #else if(path.length() < MAX_PATH || path.substr(0, 4) == PL_("\\\\?\\")) { // Path is short enough or already in prefixed form return path; } const RawPathString absPath = mpt::GetAbsolutePath(*this).AsNative(); if(absPath.substr(0, 2) == PL_("\\\\")) { // Path is a network share: \\server\foo.bar -> \\?\UNC\server\foo.bar return PL_("\\\\?\\UNC") + absPath.substr(1); } else { // Regular file: C:\foo.bar -> \\?\C:\foo.bar return PL_("\\\\?\\") + absPath; } #endif } #if !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT int PathString::CompareNoCase(const PathString & a, const PathString & b) { return lstrcmpi(a.path.c_str(), b.path.c_str()); } #endif // !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT // Convert a path to its simplified form, i.e. remove ".\" and "..\" entries // Note: We use our own implementation as PathCanonicalize is limited to MAX_PATH // and unlimited versions are only available on Windows 8 and later. // Furthermore, we also convert forward-slashes to backslashes and always remove trailing slashes. PathString PathString::Simplify() const { if(path.empty()) return PathString(); std::vector components; RawPathString root; RawPathString::size_type startPos = 0; if(path.size() >= 2 && path[1] == PC_(':')) { // Drive letter root = path.substr(0, 2) + PC_('\\'); startPos = 2; } else if(path.substr(0, 2) == PL_("\\\\")) { // Network share root = PL_("\\\\"); startPos = 2; } else if(path.substr(0, 2) == PL_(".\\") || path.substr(0, 2) == PL_("./")) { // Special case for relative paths root = PL_(".\\"); startPos = 2; } else if(path.size() >= 1 && (path[0] == PC_('\\') || path[0] == PC_('/'))) { // Special case for relative paths root = PL_("\\"); startPos = 1; } while(startPos < path.size()) { auto pos = path.find_first_of(PL_("\\/"), startPos); if(pos == RawPathString::npos) pos = path.size(); mpt::RawPathString dir = path.substr(startPos, pos - startPos); if(dir == PL_("..")) { // Go back one directory if(!components.empty()) { components.pop_back(); } } else if(dir == PL_(".")) { // nop } else if(!dir.empty()) { components.push_back(std::move(dir)); } startPos = pos + 1; } RawPathString result = root; result.reserve(path.size()); for(const auto &component : components) { result += component + PL_("\\"); } if(!components.empty()) result.pop_back(); return mpt::PathString(result); } } // namespace mpt #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS namespace mpt { #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) && MPT_OS_WINDOWS void PathString::SplitPath(PathString *drive, PathString *dir, PathString *fname, PathString *ext) const { // We cannot use CRT splitpath here, because: // * limited to _MAX_PATH or similar // * no support for UNC paths // * no support for \\?\ prefixed paths if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString(); if(dir) *dir = mpt::PathString(); if(fname) *fname = mpt::PathString(); if(ext) *ext = mpt::PathString(); mpt::RawPathString p = path; // remove \\?\\ prefix if(p.substr(0, 8) == PL_("\\\\?\\UNC\\")) { p = PL_("\\\\") + p.substr(8); } else if(p.substr(0, 4) == PL_("\\\\?\\")) { p = p.substr(4); } if (p.length() >= 2 && ( p.substr(0, 2) == PL_("\\\\") || p.substr(0, 2) == PL_("\\/") || p.substr(0, 2) == PL_("/\\") || p.substr(0, 2) == PL_("//") )) { // UNC mpt::RawPathString::size_type first_slash = p.substr(2).find_first_of(PL_("\\/")); if(first_slash != mpt::RawPathString::npos) { mpt::RawPathString::size_type second_slash = p.substr(2 + first_slash + 1).find_first_of(PL_("\\/")); if(second_slash != mpt::RawPathString::npos) { if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p.substr(0, 2 + first_slash + 1 + second_slash)); p = p.substr(2 + first_slash + 1 + second_slash); } else { if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p); p = mpt::RawPathString(); } } else { if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p); p = mpt::RawPathString(); } } else { // local if(p.length() >= 2 && (p[1] == PC_(':'))) { if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p.substr(0, 2)); p = p.substr(2); } else { if(drive) *drive = mpt::PathString(); } } mpt::RawPathString::size_type last_slash = p.find_last_of(PL_("\\/")); if(last_slash != mpt::RawPathString::npos) { if(dir) *dir = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p.substr(0, last_slash + 1)); p = p.substr(last_slash + 1); } else { if(dir) *dir = mpt::PathString(); } mpt::RawPathString::size_type last_dot = p.find_last_of(PL_(".")); if(last_dot == mpt::RawPathString::npos) { if(fname) *fname = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p); if(ext) *ext = mpt::PathString(); } else if(last_dot == 0) { if(fname) *fname = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p); if(ext) *ext = mpt::PathString(); } else if(p == PL_(".") || p == PL_("..")) { if(fname) *fname = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p); if(ext) *ext = mpt::PathString(); } else { if(fname) *fname = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p.substr(0, last_dot)); if(ext) *ext = mpt::PathString::FromNative(p.substr(last_dot)); } } PathString PathString::GetDrive() const { PathString drive; SplitPath(&drive, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); return drive; } PathString PathString::GetDir() const { PathString dir; SplitPath(nullptr, &dir, nullptr, nullptr); return dir; } PathString PathString::GetPath() const { PathString drive, dir; SplitPath(&drive, &dir, nullptr, nullptr); return drive + dir; } PathString PathString::GetFileName() const { PathString fname; SplitPath(nullptr, nullptr, &fname, nullptr); return fname; } PathString PathString::GetFileExt() const { PathString ext; SplitPath(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ext); return ext; } PathString PathString::GetFullFileName() const { PathString name, ext; SplitPath(nullptr, nullptr, &name, &ext); return name + ext; } bool PathString::IsDirectory() const { // Using PathIsDirectoryW here instead would increase libopenmpt dependencies by shlwapi.dll. // GetFileAttributesW also does the job just fine. #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data = {}; if(::GetFileAttributesExW(path.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &data) == 0) { return false; } DWORD dwAttrib = data.dwFileAttributes; #else // !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT DWORD dwAttrib = ::GetFileAttributes(path.c_str()); #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT return ((dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); } bool PathString::IsFile() const { #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data = {}; if (::GetFileAttributesExW(path.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &data) == 0) { return false; } DWORD dwAttrib = data.dwFileAttributes; #else // !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT DWORD dwAttrib = ::GetFileAttributes(path.c_str()); #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT return ((dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && !(dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER && MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) && MPT_OS_WINDOWS bool PathString::FileOrDirectoryExists() const { return ::PathFileExists(path.c_str()) != FALSE; } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER && MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) && MPT_OS_WINDOWS PathString PathString::ReplaceExt(const mpt::PathString &newExt) const { return GetDrive() + GetDir() + GetFileName() + newExt; } PathString PathString::SanitizeComponent() const { PathString result = *this; SanitizeFilename(result); return result; } // Convert an absolute path to a path that's relative to "&relativeTo". PathString PathString::AbsolutePathToRelative(const PathString &relativeTo) const { mpt::PathString result = *this; if(path.empty()) { return result; } if(!_tcsncicmp(relativeTo.AsNative().c_str(), AsNative().c_str(), relativeTo.AsNative().length())) { // Path is OpenMPT's directory or a sub directory ("C:\OpenMPT\Somepath" => ".\Somepath") result = P_(".\\"); // ".\" result += mpt::PathString::FromNative(AsNative().substr(relativeTo.AsNative().length())); } else if(!_tcsncicmp(relativeTo.AsNative().c_str(), AsNative().c_str(), 2)) { // Path is on the same drive as OpenMPT ("C:\Somepath" => "\Somepath") result = mpt::PathString::FromNative(AsNative().substr(2)); } return result; } // Convert a path that is relative to "&relativeTo" to an absolute path. PathString PathString::RelativePathToAbsolute(const PathString &relativeTo) const { mpt::PathString result = *this; if(path.empty()) { return result; } if(path.length() >= 2 && path[0] == PC_('\\') && path[1] != PC_('\\')) { // Path is on the same drive as OpenMPT ("\Somepath\" => "C:\Somepath\"), but ignore network paths starting with "\\" result = mpt::PathString::FromNative(relativeTo.AsNative().substr(0, 2)); result += mpt::PathString(path); } else if(path.length() >= 2 && path.substr(0, 2) == PL_(".\\")) { // Path is OpenMPT's directory or a sub directory (".\Somepath\" => "C:\OpenMPT\Somepath\") result = relativeTo; // "C:\OpenMPT\" result += mpt::PathString::FromNative(AsNative().substr(2)); } return result; } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER && MPT_OS_WINDOWS bool PathString::IsPathSeparator(RawPathString::value_type c) { #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS return (c == PC_('\\')) || (c == PC_('/')); #else return c == PC_('/'); #endif } RawPathString::value_type PathString::GetDefaultPathSeparator() { #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS return PC_('\\'); #else return PC_('/'); #endif } } // namespace mpt namespace mpt { bool PathIsAbsolute(const mpt::PathString &path) { mpt::RawPathString rawpath = path.AsNative(); #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS if(rawpath.substr(0, 8) == PL_("\\\\?\\UNC\\")) { return true; } if(rawpath.substr(0, 4) == PL_("\\\\?\\")) { return true; } if(rawpath.substr(0, 2) == PL_("\\\\")) { return true; // UNC } if(rawpath.substr(0, 2) == PL_("//")) { return true; // UNC } return (rawpath.length()) >= 3 && (rawpath[1] == ':') && mpt::PathString::IsPathSeparator(rawpath[2]); #else return (rawpath.length() >= 1) && mpt::PathString::IsPathSeparator(rawpath[0]); #endif } #if MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if !(MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT && (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0a00)) mpt::PathString GetAbsolutePath(const mpt::PathString &path) { DWORD size = GetFullPathName(path.AsNative().c_str(), 0, nullptr, nullptr); if(size == 0) { return path; } std::vector fullPathName(size, TEXT('\0')); if(GetFullPathName(path.AsNative().c_str(), size, fullPathName.data(), nullptr) == 0) { return path; } return mpt::PathString::FromNative(fullPathName.data()); } #endif #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER bool DeleteWholeDirectoryTree(mpt::PathString path) { if(path.AsNative().empty()) { return false; } if(PathIsRelative(path.AsNative().c_str()) == TRUE) { return false; } if(!path.FileOrDirectoryExists()) { return true; } if(!path.IsDirectory()) { return false; } path.EnsureTrailingSlash(); HANDLE hFind = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd = {}; hFind = FindFirstFile((path + P_("*.*")).AsNative().c_str(), &wfd); if(hFind != NULL && hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { mpt::PathString filename = mpt::PathString::FromNative(wfd.cFileName); if(filename != P_(".") && filename != P_("..")) { filename = path + filename; if(filename.IsDirectory()) { if(!DeleteWholeDirectoryTree(filename)) { return false; } } else if(filename.IsFile()) { if(DeleteFile(filename.AsNative().c_str()) == 0) { return false; } } } } while(FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } if(RemoveDirectory(path.AsNative().c_str()) == 0) { return false; } return true; } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER #endif // MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) && MPT_OS_WINDOWS mpt::PathString GetExecutablePath() { std::vector exeFileName(MAX_PATH); while(GetModuleFileName(0, exeFileName.data(), mpt::saturate_cast(exeFileName.size())) >= exeFileName.size()) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { return mpt::PathString(); } exeFileName.resize(exeFileName.size() * 2); } return mpt::GetAbsolutePath(mpt::PathString::FromNative(exeFileName.data()).GetPath()); } #if !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT mpt::PathString GetSystemPath() { DWORD size = GetSystemDirectory(nullptr, 0); std::vector path(size + 1); if(!GetSystemDirectory(path.data(), size + 1)) { return mpt::PathString(); } return mpt::PathString::FromNative(path.data()) + P_("\\"); } #endif // !MPT_OS_WINDOWS_WINRT #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER && MPT_OS_WINDOWS #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) && MPT_OS_WINDOWS mpt::PathString GetTempDirectory() { DWORD size = GetTempPath(0, nullptr); if(size) { std::vector tempPath(size + 1); if(GetTempPath(size + 1, tempPath.data())) { return mpt::PathString::FromNative(tempPath.data()); } } // use exe directory as fallback return mpt::GetExecutablePath(); } mpt::PathString CreateTempFileName(const mpt::PathString &fileNamePrefix, const mpt::PathString &fileNameExtension) { mpt::PathString filename = mpt::GetTempDirectory(); filename += (!fileNamePrefix.empty() ? fileNamePrefix + P_("_") : mpt::PathString()); filename += mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(mpt::UUID::GenerateLocalUseOnly(mpt::global_prng()).ToUString()); filename += (!fileNameExtension.empty() ? P_(".") + fileNameExtension : mpt::PathString()); return filename; } TempFileGuard::TempFileGuard(const mpt::PathString &filename) : filename(filename) { return; } mpt::PathString TempFileGuard::GetFilename() const { return filename; } TempFileGuard::~TempFileGuard() { if(!filename.empty()) { DeleteFile(filename.AsNative().c_str()); } } TempDirGuard::TempDirGuard(const mpt::PathString &dirname_) : dirname(dirname_.WithTrailingSlash()) { if(dirname.empty()) { return; } if(::CreateDirectory(dirname.AsNative().c_str(), NULL) == 0) { // fail dirname = mpt::PathString(); } } mpt::PathString TempDirGuard::GetDirname() const { return dirname; } TempDirGuard::~TempDirGuard() { if(!dirname.empty()) { DeleteWholeDirectoryTree(dirname); } } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER && MPT_OS_WINDOWS } // namespace mpt #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) static inline char SanitizeFilenameChar(char c) { if( c == '\\' || c == '\"' || c == '/' || c == ':' || c == '?' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '|' || c == '*') { c = '_'; } return c; } static inline wchar_t SanitizeFilenameChar(wchar_t c) { if( c == L'\\' || c == L'\"' || c == L'/' || c == L':' || c == L'?' || c == L'<' || c == L'>' || c == L'|' || c == L'*') { c = L'_'; } return c; } #if MPT_CXX_AT_LEAST(20) static inline char8_t SanitizeFilenameChar(char8_t c) { if( c == u8'\\' || c == u8'\"' || c == u8'/' || c == u8':' || c == u8'?' || c == u8'<' || c == u8'>' || c == u8'|' || c == u8'*') { c = u8'_'; } return c; } #endif void SanitizeFilename(mpt::PathString &filename) { mpt::RawPathString tmp = filename.AsNative(); for(auto &c : tmp) { c = SanitizeFilenameChar(c); } filename = mpt::PathString::FromNative(tmp); } void SanitizeFilename(char *beg, char *end) { for(char *it = beg; it != end; ++it) { *it = SanitizeFilenameChar(*it); } } void SanitizeFilename(wchar_t *beg, wchar_t *end) { for(wchar_t *it = beg; it != end; ++it) { *it = SanitizeFilenameChar(*it); } } void SanitizeFilename(std::string &str) { for(size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { str[i] = SanitizeFilenameChar(str[i]); } } void SanitizeFilename(std::wstring &str) { for(size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { str[i] = SanitizeFilenameChar(str[i]); } } #if MPT_USTRING_MODE_UTF8 void SanitizeFilename(mpt::u8string &str) { for(size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { str[i] = SanitizeFilenameChar(str[i]); } } #endif // MPT_USTRING_MODE_UTF8 #if defined(MPT_WITH_MFC) void SanitizeFilename(CString &str) { for(int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++) { str.SetAt(i, SanitizeFilenameChar(str.GetAt(i))); } } #endif // MPT_WITH_MFC #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER #if defined(MODPLUG_TRACKER) mpt::PathString FileType::AsFilterString(FlagSet format) const { mpt::PathString filter; if(GetShortName().empty() || GetExtensions().empty()) { return filter; } if(!GetDescription().empty()) { filter += mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(GetDescription()); } else { filter += mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(GetShortName()); } const auto extensions = GetExtensions(); if(format[FileTypeFormatShowExtensions]) { filter += P_(" ("); bool first = true; for(const auto &ext : extensions) { if(first) { first = false; } else { filter += P_(","); } filter += P_("*."); filter += ext; } filter += P_(")"); } filter += P_("|"); { bool first = true; for(const auto &ext : extensions) { if(first) { first = false; } else { filter += P_(";"); } filter += P_("*."); filter += ext; } } filter += P_("|"); return filter; } mpt::PathString FileType::AsFilterOnlyString() const { mpt::PathString filter; const auto extensions = GetExtensions(); { bool first = true; for(const auto &ext : extensions) { if(first) { first = false; } else { filter += P_(";"); } filter += P_("*."); filter += ext; } } return filter; } mpt::PathString ToFilterString(const FileType &fileType, FlagSet format) { return fileType.AsFilterString(format); } mpt::PathString ToFilterString(const std::vector &fileTypes, FlagSet format) { mpt::PathString filter; for(const auto &type : fileTypes) { filter += type.AsFilterString(format); } return filter; } mpt::PathString ToFilterOnlyString(const FileType &fileType, bool prependSemicolonWhenNotEmpty) { mpt::PathString filter = fileType.AsFilterOnlyString(); return filter.empty() ? filter : (prependSemicolonWhenNotEmpty ? P_(";") : P_("")) + filter; } mpt::PathString ToFilterOnlyString(const std::vector &fileTypes, bool prependSemicolonWhenNotEmpty) { mpt::PathString filter; for(const auto &type : fileTypes) { filter += type.AsFilterOnlyString(); } return filter.empty() ? filter : (prependSemicolonWhenNotEmpty ? P_(";") : P_("")) + filter; } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END