Sets the kind of binary object being created by the project or configuration, such as a console or windowed application, or a shared or static library. ```lua kind ("kind") ``` ### Parameters ### `kind` is one of the following string identifiers: | Value | Description | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | ConsoleApp | A console or command-line application. | | WindowedApp | An application which runs in a desktop window. This distinction does not apply on Linux, but is important on Windows and Mac OS X. | | SharedLib | A shared library or DLL. | | StaticLib | A static library. | | Makefile | A special configuration type which calls out to one or more external commands. The actual type of binary created is unspecified. See [Makefile Projects]( for more information. | | Utility | A configuration which contains only custom build rules. | | None | A configuration which is not included in the build. Useful for projects containing only web pages, header files, or support documentation. | | Packaging | A configuration type to create .androidproj files, which build the apk in an Android application under Visual Studio. _Note, this was previously `AndroidProj`._ | ### Applies To ### Project configurations. ### Availability ### The **Makefile**, and **None** kinds are only available in Premake 5.0 and later, and are currently only supported for Visual Studio. The **Utility** kind is only available for Visual Studio and gmake2, as well as very limited support in gmake. ### Examples ### Set the project to build a command-line executable. ```lua kind "ConsoleApp" ``` Set the project to build a shared library (DLL). ```lua kind "SharedLib" ``` Build either a static or a shared library, depending on the selected build configuration. ```lua workspace "MyWorkspace" configurations { "DebugLib", "DebugDLL", "ReleaseLib", "ReleaseDLL" } project "MyProject" filter "*Lib" kind "StaticLib" filter "*DLL" kind "SharedLib" ``` ### See Also ### * [Makefile Projects](