/* ** nsvdec_vp5: vp5stub.cpp - VP5 decompressor ** ** The VP5 portions that this plug-in links with are Copyright (C) On2, Inc. ** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Nullsoft, Inc. ** ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. ** In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. ** ** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial ** applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: ** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the ** original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product ** documentation would be appreciated but is not required. ** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as ** being the original software. ** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ** ** */ #include #include "../nsv/nsvlib.h" #include "../nsv/dec_if.h" #include "../libvp6/include/duck_dxl.h" #include extern "C" { void GetImageBufs(DXL_XIMAGE_HANDLE x, YV12_PLANES *p); void vp50_SetParameter ( DXL_XIMAGE_HANDLE src, int Command, uintptr_t Parameter ); }; int vp5_postProcess=6; int vp5_cpuFree=70; int vp5_deInterlace=0; typedef enum { PBC_SET_POSTPROC, PBC_SET_CPUFREE, PBC_MAX_PARAM, PBC_SET_TESTMODE, PBC_SET_PBSTRUCT, PBC_SET_BLACKCLAMP, PBC_SET_WHITECLAMP, PBC_SET_REFERENCEFRAME, PBC_SET_DEINTERLACEMODE } PB_COMMAND_TYPE; extern "C" { int vp50_Init(void); int vp50_Exit(void); } class VP5_Decoder : public IVideoDecoder { public: VP5_Decoder(int w, int h); ~VP5_Decoder(); int decode(int need_kf, void *in, int in_len, void **out, // out is set to a pointer to data unsigned int *out_type, // 'Y','V','1','2' is currently defined int *is_kf); void flush() { } void initMmx(); private: int l_tcpu, l_pp; static int init; static int mmx_available; DXL_XIMAGE_HANDLE xim; YV12_PLANES vidbufdec; }; int VP5_Decoder::init; int VP5_Decoder::mmx_available; VP5_Decoder::VP5_Decoder(int w, int h) { l_tcpu=-1; l_pp=-1; if (!init) { init=1; DXL_InitVideo(64,64); vp50_Init(); initMmx(); } vidbufdec.y.baseAddr=0; xim = DXL_AlterXImage( NULL, (unsigned char *)"" ,MAKEFOURCC('V','P','5','0'), DXRGBNULL,0,0); } void VP5_Decoder::initMmx() { #ifdef _M_IX86 DWORD retval1,retval2; __try { _asm { mov eax, 1 // set up CPUID to return processor version and features // 0 = vendor string, 1 = version info, 2 = cache info _emit 0x0f // code bytes = 0fh, 0a2h _emit 0xa2 mov retval1, eax mov retval2, edx } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { retval1 = retval2 = 0;} mmx_available = retval1 && (retval2&0x800000); #else mmx_available =0; #endif } VP5_Decoder::~VP5_Decoder() { if ( xim ) DXL_DestroyXImage( xim); } int VP5_Decoder::decode(int need_kf, void *in, int in_len, void **out, // out is set to a pointer to data unsigned int *out_type, // 'Y','V','1','2' is currently defined int *is_kf) { bool provide_width_height = (out_type[0] == 1); BYTE *data=(BYTE*)in; if (!xim) return -1; out_type[0]=NSV_MAKETYPE('Y','V','1','2'); if (vp5_postProcess != l_pp || vp5_cpuFree != l_tcpu) { l_pp=vp5_postProcess; l_tcpu=vp5_cpuFree; if(vp5_cpuFree) DXL_SetParameter(xim, PBC_SET_CPUFREE, vp5_cpuFree); else DXL_SetParameter(xim, PBC_SET_POSTPROC, vp5_postProcess); DXL_SetParameter(xim, PBC_SET_DEINTERLACEMODE, vp5_deInterlace ); DXL_SetParameter(xim, PBC_SET_BLACKCLAMP,0); DXL_SetParameter(xim, PBC_SET_WHITECLAMP,0); } DXL_AlterXImageData( xim, data); DXL_SetXImageCSize(xim, in_len); *is_kf=!(!in_len || data[0] > 0x7f); *out=NULL; if ((need_kf && !*is_kf) || !in_len) { return 0; } if (!DXL_dxImageToVScreen( xim, NULL)) { if(mmx_available) { #ifdef _M_IX86 _asm { emms; }; #endif } GetImageBufs(xim,&vidbufdec); *out=&vidbufdec; if (provide_width_height) { int x, y, w, h; DXL_GetXImageXYWH(xim, &x, &y, &w, &h); out_type[1] = w; out_type[2] = h; } return 0; } return -1; } #ifndef ACTIVEX_CONTROL extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) IVideoDecoder *CreateVideoDecoder(int w, int h, double framerate, unsigned int fmt, int *flip) { if (fmt == NSV_MAKETYPE('V','P','5','0')) { *flip=1; return new VP5_Decoder(w,h); } return NULL; } } #else IVideoDecoder *VP5_CREATE(int w, int h, double framerate, unsigned int fmt, int *flip) { if (fmt == NSV_MAKETYPE('V','P','5','0')) { *flip=1; return new VP5_Decoder(w,h); } return NULL; } #endif