/** (c) Nullsoft, Inc. C O N F I D E N T I A L ** Filename: ** Project: ** Description: ** Author: ** Created: **/ #include "main.h" #include "resource.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "../nu/AutoChar.h" #include "../nu/AutoWide.h" #include "../nu/ns_wc.h" #include "api.h" #include "main.hpp" #include "MergePlaylist.h" static HWND find_otherwinamp_fast() { wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; StringCchPrintfW(buf, MAX_PATH, L"%s_%x_CLASS", szAppName, APP_VERSION_NUM); HANDLE waitEvent = OpenEventW(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, buf); if (waitEvent) { HWND lhwnd = 0; CloseHandle(waitEvent); while (NULL != (lhwnd = FindWindowExW(NULL, lhwnd, szAppName, NULL))) { if (lhwnd != hMainWindow) return lhwnd; } } return NULL; } wchar_t *EatSpaces(wchar_t *cmdLine) { while (cmdLine && *cmdLine && *cmdLine == L' ') cmdLine = CharNextW(cmdLine); return cmdLine; } static const wchar_t *EatSpaces(const wchar_t *cmdLine) { while (cmdLine && *cmdLine && *cmdLine == L' ') cmdLine = CharNextW(cmdLine); return cmdLine; } wchar_t *FindNextCommand(wchar_t *cmdLine) { int inQuotes = 0; while (cmdLine && *cmdLine) { if (*cmdLine == L' ' && !inQuotes) // if we see a space (and we're not in quotes) then we're done { // we purposefully don't eat any extra space characters here // that way we can null terminate the results of this function and get a clean string break; } else if (*cmdLine == L'\"') // check for quotes { inQuotes = !inQuotes; // toggles quotes mode } cmdLine = CharNextW(cmdLine); // iterate the string } return cmdLine; } void GetParameter(const wchar_t *commandLine, wchar_t *yourBuffer, size_t yourBufferSize) { int inQuotes = 0; commandLine = EatSpaces(commandLine); for(;;) { if (yourBufferSize == 1 // buffer is out || *commandLine == 0 // out of stuff to copy || (*commandLine == L' ' && !inQuotes)) // or we found a space { *yourBuffer = 0; break; } else if (*commandLine == L'\"') // don't copy quotes { inQuotes = !inQuotes; // but do toggle the quote flag (so we can ignore spaces) } else // safe character to copy { *yourBuffer++ = *commandLine; yourBufferSize--; } commandLine++; } } bool IsCommand(const wchar_t *cmdline, const wchar_t *str, size_t size) { if (!_wcsnicmp(cmdline, str, size) && (!cmdline[size] || cmdline[size] == L' ')) return true; else return false; } static void createPlayListDBFileName(wchar_t *filename) { int x = 32; for (;;) { GetTempFileNameW(M3UDIR, L"plf", GetTickCount() + x*5000, filename); if (lstrlenW(filename) > 4) { PathRemoveExtensionW(filename); PathAddExtensionW(filename, L".m3u8"); } HANDLE h = CreateFileW(filename, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, CREATE_NEW, 0, 0); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(h); break; } if (++x > 4096) { break; } } } #if 0 #ifdef BETA void ParseParametersExpired(wchar_t *lpszCmdParam) { lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/UNREG", 6)) { char ext_list[8192] = {0}; char *a = ext_list; void _r_s(char *name, char *data, int mlen); CoInitialize(0); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); ext_list[0] = 0; _r_s("config_extlist", ext_list, sizeof(ext_list)); while (a && *a) { char *p = strstr(a, ":"); if (p) *p++ = 0; config_register(a, 0); a = p; } wchar_t playlistExtensions[1024] = {0}; playlistManager->GetExtensionList(playlistExtensions, 1024); wchar_t *p = playlistExtensions; while (p && *p) { config_register(AutoChar(p), 0); p += lstrlenW(p) + 1; } a = "wsz\0wpz\0wal\0wlz\0"; while (a && *a) { config_register(a, 0); a += lstrlen(a) + 1; } config_regcdplayer(0); if (config_isdircontext()) config_removedircontext(); config_registermediaplayer(0); w5s_deinit(NULL); Wasabi_Unload(); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST | SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT, NULL, NULL); RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(0); } } #endif #endif void* LoadResource(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE owner, LPCTSTR lpType, LPCTSTR lpName, DWORD* size) { HINSTANCE hmod = hinst; HRSRC rsrc = FindResource(hmod, lpName, lpType); if(!rsrc) { hmod = owner; rsrc = FindResource(hmod, lpName, lpType); } if(rsrc) { HGLOBAL resourceHandle = LoadResource(hmod, rsrc); if(size){*size = SizeofResource(hmod, rsrc);} return LockResource(resourceHandle); } return 0; } static LRESULT WINAPI cmdLineProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HICON hIcon = LoadIconW(hMainInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICON_XP)); SetClassLongPtrW(hwndDlg, GCLP_HICON, (LONG_PTR)hIcon); char *b = NULL, *p = 0, *op = 0; DWORD size = 0; HGLOBAL hResource = LoadResource(hMainInstance, hMainInstance, TEXT("TEXT"), TEXT("CMDLINE"), &size); p = (char*)hResource; if (p && (op = strstr(p, "!!End"))) // if there's "!!End" in the resource, than copy everything before it { b = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, op-p+1); memcpy(b, p, op-p); b[op-p] = 0; } else { b = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size+1); if (b && p) { memcpy(b, p, size); b[size] = 0; } } SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_CMDLINE, (b ? b : p)); // send it to the text control to display if (b) GlobalFree(b); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CMDLINE)); } return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: case IDOK: DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); return FALSE; } } break; } return 0; } wchar_t *ParseParameters(wchar_t *lpszCmdParam, int *bAdd, int *bBookmark, int *bHandle, int *nCmdShow, int *bCommand, int *bCmdParam, int *bAllowCompat) { for (;;) { lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"-embedding", 10)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 10); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/ALLOW_COMPAT_MODE", 18)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 18); *bAllowCompat = 1; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/SAFE=", 6)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); int mode = _wtoi(p); g_safeMode = (1 + (mode == 2)); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/SAFEALWAYS", 11)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 11); g_safeMode = 3; } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/?", 2)) { DialogBoxW(hMainInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_CMDLINE), 0, (DLGPROC)cmdLineProc); ExitProcess(0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/NEW", 4)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 4); bNoHwndOther = 1; } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/HANDLE", 7)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); *bHandle = 1; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/REG=", 5)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; wchar_t *pItr = p; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 5); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); is_install = 1; while (pItr && *pItr) { // changed 5.64 - cope with upper + lowercase // if the commands are done that way as well switch (*pItr) { case L'A': case L'a': is_install |= 2; break; //2=audiotype case L'V': case L'v': is_install |= 4; break; //4=videotype case L'C': case L'c': is_install |= 8; break; //8=cd case L'N': case L'n': is_install |= 16; break; //16=set needreg=1 case L'D': case L'd': is_install |= 32; break; //32=dircontextmenus case L'L': case L'l': is_install |= 64; break; //64=playlisttype case L'S': case L's': is_install |= 128; break; //128=setupwizard } pItr = CharNextW(pItr); } } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/NOREG", 6)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); g_noreg = 1; } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/UNREG", 6)) { wchar_t ext_list[16384] = {0}; wchar_t *a = ext_list; void _r_sW(const char *name, wchar_t *data, int mlen); CoInitialize(0); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); _r_sW("config_extlist", ext_list, ARRAYSIZE(ext_list)); while (a && *a) { wchar_t *p = wcsstr(a, L":"); if (p) *p++ = 0; config_register(a, 0); a = p; } wchar_t playlistExtensions[1024] = {0}; playlistManager->GetExtensionList(playlistExtensions, 1024); wchar_t *p = playlistExtensions; while (p && *p) { config_register(p, 0); p += lstrlenW(p) + 1; } a = L"wsz\0wpz\0wal\0wlz\0"; while (a && *a) { config_register(a, 0); a += lstrlenW(a) + 1; } config_regcdplayer(0, 0); if (config_isdircontext()) config_removedircontext(0); config_registermediaplayer(0); w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST | SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT, NULL, NULL); RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/ADD", 4) && (!lpszCmdParam[4] || lpszCmdParam[4] == L' ')) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 4); *bAdd = 1; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/ADDPLAYLIST", 12) && (!lpszCmdParam[12] || lpszCmdParam[12] == L' ')) { // winamp.exe /ADDPLAYLIST playlist.m3u "Playlist Name" {GUID} lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 12); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS) { config_read(1); wchar_t playlist_filename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; wchar_t playlist_guid_str[256] = {0}; GUID playlist_guid = INVALID_GUID; GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_filename, MAX_PATH); if (playlist_filename[0]) { wchar_t playlist_name[256] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); lpszCmdParam = FindNextCommand(lpszCmdParam); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_name, 256); lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); lpszCmdParam = FindNextCommand(lpszCmdParam); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_guid_str, 256); if (playlist_name[0] == 0) StringCchCopyW(playlist_name, 256, PathFindFileNameW(playlist_filename)); if (playlist_guid_str[0] != 0) { int skip = playlist_guid_str[0] == L'{'; playlist_guid_str[37]=0; UuidFromStringW((RPC_WSTR)(&playlist_guid_str[skip]), (UUID *)&playlist_guid); } AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->AddPlaylist(playlist_filename, playlist_name, playlist_guid); AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->Flush(); w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(0); } } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(1); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/CREATEPLAYLIST", 15) && (!lpszCmdParam[15] || lpszCmdParam[15] == L' ')) { // winamp.exe /CREATEPLAYLIST "Playlist Name" {GUID} lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 15); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS) { config_read(1); wchar_t playlist_name[256] = {0}; wchar_t playlist_guid_str[256] = {0}; GUID playlist_guid = INVALID_GUID; GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_name, 256); if (playlist_name[0]) { lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); lpszCmdParam = FindNextCommand(lpszCmdParam); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_guid_str, 256); if (playlist_guid_str[0] != 0) { int skip = playlist_guid_str[0] == L'{'; playlist_guid_str[37]=0; UuidFromStringW((RPC_WSTR)(&playlist_guid_str[skip]), (UUID *)&playlist_guid); } if (playlist_guid != INVALID_GUID) { size_t existing_playlist_index; // check for duplicate GUID if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetPosition(playlist_guid, &existing_playlist_index) != API_PLAYLISTS_SUCCESS) { wchar_t playlist_filename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; createPlayListDBFileName(playlist_filename); // generate filename AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->AddPlaylist(playlist_filename, playlist_name, playlist_guid); AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->Flush(); } } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(0); } } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(1); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/APPENDPLAYLIST", 15) && (!lpszCmdParam[15] || lpszCmdParam[15] == L' ')) { // winamp.exe /APPENDPLAYLIST {GUID} filename.mp3 lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 15); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS && AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER) { config_read(1); wchar_t playlist_guid_str[256] = {0}; GUID playlist_guid = INVALID_GUID; GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, playlist_guid_str, 256); if (playlist_guid_str[0]) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; const wchar_t *playlist_filename; lpszCmdParam = EatSpaces(lpszCmdParam); lpszCmdParam = FindNextCommand(lpszCmdParam); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, filename, MAX_PATH); int skip = playlist_guid_str[0] == L'{'; playlist_guid_str[37]=0; UuidFromStringW((RPC_WSTR)(&playlist_guid_str[skip]), (UUID *)&playlist_guid); MergePlaylist merged_playlist; size_t playlist_index; // get playlist filename from AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetPosition(playlist_guid, &playlist_index) == API_PLAYLISTS_SUCCESS && (NULL != (playlist_filename = AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetFilename(playlist_index)))) { // load playlist into merge_playlist if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER->Load(playlist_filename, &merged_playlist) == PLAYLISTMANAGER_SUCCESS) { MergePlaylist appended_playlist; // if filename is a playlist, load it if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER->Load(filename, &appended_playlist) == PLAYLISTMANAGER_SUCCESS) { merged_playlist.AppendPlaylist(appended_playlist); } else if (PathIsDirectoryW(filename)) { // if it's a directory AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER->LoadDirectory(filename, &appended_playlist, 0); merged_playlist.AppendPlaylist(appended_playlist); } else { // TODO: get metadata, but we don't have any plugins loaded if (!merged_playlist.HasFilename(filename)) merged_playlist.AppendWithInfo(filename, 0, -1); } if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER->Save(playlist_filename, &merged_playlist) == PLAYLISTMANAGER_SUCCESS) { size_t num_items = merged_playlist.GetNumItems(); AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->SetInfo(playlist_index, api_playlists_itemCount, &num_items, sizeof(num_items)); uint64_t total_time = merged_playlist.total_time/1000ULL; AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->SetInfo(playlist_index, api_playlists_totalTime, &total_time, sizeof(total_time)); AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->Flush(); } } } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(0); } } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(1); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/ENUMPLAYLISTS", 14)) { setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); w5s_init(); if (AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS) { size_t count = AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetCount(); if (count > 0) { for (size_t index = 0; index < count; index++) { GUID guid = AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetGUID(index); fprintf(stdout, "{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X},%s,%s\n", (int)guid.Data1, (int)guid.Data2, (int)guid.Data3, (int)guid.Data4[0], (int)guid.Data4[1], (int)guid.Data4[2], (int)guid.Data4[3], (int)guid.Data4[4], (int)guid.Data4[5], (int)guid.Data4[6], (int)guid.Data4[7], (char*)(AutoChar(AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetFilename(index), CP_UTF8)), (char*)(AutoChar(AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS->GetName(index), CP_UTF8))); } fflush(stdout); } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(0); } w5s_deinit(); Wasabi_Unload(); ExitProcess(1); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/BOOKMARK", 9) && (!lpszCmdParam[9] || lpszCmdParam[9] == L' ')) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); *bBookmark = 1; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/CONFIG=", 8)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); config_setinifile(p); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/INIDIR=", 8)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); config_setinidir(p); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/M3UDIR=", 8)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); config_setm3udir(p); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/CLASS=", 7)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); StringCchCopyW(szAppName, 64, p); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/DELM3U", 7)) { setup_config(); DeleteFileW(M3U_FILE); DeleteFileW(OLD_M3U_FILE); RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/QUIT", 5) || IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/EXIT", 5) || IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/CLOSE", 6)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 5 + IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/CLOSE", 6)); HWND hwnd_other_winamp = find_otherwinamp_fast(); if (IsWindow(hwnd_other_winamp)) PostMessageW(hwnd_other_winamp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); ExitProcess(0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/KILL", 5)) { HWND hwnd_other_winamp; DWORD other_winamp_procId = 0; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 5); hwnd_other_winamp = find_otherwinamp_fast(); if (hwnd_other_winamp) { PostMessageW(hwnd_other_winamp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd_other_winamp, &other_winamp_procId); // get the process ID if (other_winamp_procId) // if we didn't get one, it probably already handled the WM_CLOSE message ... { HANDLE other_winamp_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_TERMINATE | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, other_winamp_procId); if (other_winamp_process) // if we got a process handle (it might have quit already in the meantime ...) { if (WaitForSingleObject(other_winamp_process, 3000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) // wait 5 seconds for it to close { DWORD exitCode = 0; TerminateProcess(other_winamp_process, exitCode); // terminate if we timed out WaitForSingleObject(other_winamp_process, 1000); // wait some more because TerminateProcess() returns immediately } CloseHandle(other_winamp_process); // release our reference to the handle } } } RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(0); } /*else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/RETURN=", 8)) { wchar_t p[40] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 40); ExitProcess(_wtoi(p)); }*/ #ifndef _WIN64 #ifdef BURN_SUPPORT else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/BURN=", 6)) { wchar_t p[1024] = {0}; unsigned int retCode; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 1024); CoInitialize(0); setup_config(); Wasabi_Load(); SpectralAnalyzer_Create(); w5s_init(NULL); in_init(NULL); config_read(1); retCode = burn_doBurn(AutoChar(p), hMainWindow, hMainInstance); in_deinit(NULL); w5s_deinit(NULL); Wasabi_Unload(); SpectralAnalyzer_Destroy(); RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(retCode); } #endif #endif /*else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/WATCHER", 8)) { wchar_t p[2048] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 2048); // eat parameter for now... RemoveRegistrar(); ExitProcess(0); // and do not do anything... }*/ else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/STARTMIN", 9)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 10); *nCmdShow = SW_MINIMIZE; } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/STARTMAX", 9)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 10); *nCmdShow = SW_RESTORE; } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PREV", 5)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON1, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PLAY", 5)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON2, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PAUSE", 6)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON3, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/STOP", 5)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON4, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/STOPFADE", 9)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 10); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON4_SHIFT, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/STOPAFTER", 10)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 11); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON4_CTRL, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/NEXT", 5)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON5, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PLAYPAUSE", 10)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 10); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_ISPLAYING, 2); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/FWD", 4)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 4); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON5_SHIFT, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/REV", 4)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 4); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_BUTTON1_SHIFT, 0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/CD", 3)) // CD<[0]-3> { wchar_t p[3] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 3); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 3); // only allow 4 drives so we limit to g_audiocdletters int id = _wtoi(p); if (id >= 0 && id < 4) { *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(ID_MAIN_PLAY_AUDIOCD + id, 0); } else ExitProcess(0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/RANDOM=", 8)) { wchar_t p[2] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 2); if (p[0] == '0') *bCmdParam = 0; else if (p[0] == '1') *bCmdParam = 1; *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_SET_SHUFFLE, 1); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/RANDOM", 7)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_FILE_SHUFFLE, 0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/SHUFFLE=", 9)) { wchar_t p[2] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 2); if (p[0] == '0') *bCmdParam = 0; else if (p[0] == '1') *bCmdParam = 1; else break; *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_SET_SHUFFLE, 1); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/SHUFFLE", 8)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_FILE_SHUFFLE, 0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/REPEAT=", 8)) { wchar_t p[2] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 2); if (p[0] == '0') *bCmdParam = 0; else if (p[0] == '1') *bCmdParam = 1; else break; *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_SET_REPEAT, 1); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/REPEAT", 7)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_FILE_REPEAT, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PANLEFT", 8)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(EQ_PANLEFT, 2); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/PANRIGHT", 9)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(EQ_PANRIGHT, 2); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/PAN=", 5)) { wchar_t p[5] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 5); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 5); if (p[0]) { *bCmdParam = _wtoi(p); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_SETPANNING, 2); } else ExitProcess(0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/VOLUP", 6)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 6); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_VOLUMEUP, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/VOLDOWN", 8)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_VOLUMEDOWN, 0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/VOL=", 5)) { wchar_t p[4] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 5); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 4); if (p[0]) { int vol = _wtoi(p); if (vol < 0) vol = 0; if (vol > 100) vol = 100; *bCmdParam = ceil(vol * 2.55); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_SETVOLUME, 1); } else ExitProcess(0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/JUMPTO", 7)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 8); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(WINAMP_JUMPFILE, 0); } else if (IsCommand(lpszCmdParam, L"/CLEAR", 6)) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(IPC_DELETE, 1); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/COMMAND=", 9)) { wchar_t p[16] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 9); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 16); int id = _wtoi(p); if (id > 0 && id < 65536) { *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(id, 0); } else ExitProcess(0); } else if (!_wcsnicmp(lpszCmdParam, L"/WA_IPC", 7) && (!lpszCmdParam[7] || lpszCmdParam[7] == L' ')) { wchar_t p[16] = {0}; lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 7); GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p, 16); int id = _wtoi(p); if (id > 0 && id <= 65536) { *bCommand = MAKEWPARAM(id, 1); if (lpszCmdParam && *lpszCmdParam) lpszCmdParam = CharNextW(lpszCmdParam); while (lpszCmdParam && *lpszCmdParam) { if (*lpszCmdParam == L' ') break; lpszCmdParam = CharNextW(lpszCmdParam); } wchar_t p2[16] = {0}; GetParameter(lpszCmdParam, p2, 16); id = _wtoi(p2); if (id >= 0 && id <= 65536) { *bCmdParam = id; if (lpszCmdParam && *lpszCmdParam) lpszCmdParam = CharNextW(lpszCmdParam); while (lpszCmdParam && *lpszCmdParam) { if (*lpszCmdParam == L' ') break; lpszCmdParam = CharNextW(lpszCmdParam); } } else ExitProcess(0); } else ExitProcess(0); } else if (*lpszCmdParam == L'/') // ignore /options :) { lpszCmdParam = SkipXW(lpszCmdParam, 1); } else break; lpszCmdParam = FindNextCommand(lpszCmdParam); } return lpszCmdParam; } void parseCmdLine(wchar_t *cmdline, HWND hwnd) { wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH*4] = {0}; wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH] = {0}; wchar_t *p; if (wcsstr(cmdline, L"/BOOKMARK") == cmdline) { wchar_t bookmark[1024] = {0}; cmdline = SkipXW(cmdline, 9); GetParameter(cmdline, bookmark, 1024); COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = IPC_ADDBOOKMARKW; cds.lpData = (void *) bookmark; cds.cbData = sizeof(wchar_t)*(lstrlenW((wchar_t*) cds.lpData) + 1); SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); return ; } else if (wcsstr(cmdline, L"/HANDLE") == cmdline) { wchar_t uri[1024] = {0}; cmdline = SkipXW(cmdline, 7); GetParameter(cmdline, uri, 1024); COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = IPC_HANDLE_URI; cds.lpData = (void *) uri; cds.cbData = sizeof(wchar_t)*(lstrlenW((wchar_t*) cds.lpData) + 1); SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); return ; } lstrcpynW(buf, cmdline, MAX_PATH*4); p = buf; wchar_t param[1024] = {0}; while (p && *p) { p = EatSpaces(p); GetParameter(p, param, 1024); if (!hwnd) { PlayList_appendthing(param, 0, 0); } else { COPYDATASTRUCT cds; wchar_t *p2 = 0; if (!PathIsURLW(param) && GetFullPathNameW(param, MAX_PATH, tmp, &p2) && tmp[0]) { cds.dwData = IPC_PLAYFILEW; cds.lpData = (void *) tmp; cds.cbData = sizeof(wchar_t)*(lstrlenW((wchar_t *) cds.lpData) + 1); SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); } else { cds.dwData = IPC_PLAYFILEW; cds.lpData = (void *) param; cds.cbData = sizeof(wchar_t) * (lstrlenW((wchar_t *) cds.lpData) + 1); SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); } } p = FindNextCommand(p); } } // parseCmdLine() wchar_t *CheckFileBase(wchar_t *lpszCmdParam, HWND hwnd_other, int *exit, int mode) { wchar_t buf[32] = {0}; *exit=0; lstrcpynW(buf, extensionW(lpszCmdParam), 32); if (wcsstr(buf, L"\"")) wcsstr(buf, L"\"")[0] = 0; // process .wsz/.wal file or .wlz (depending on the mode enabled) if ((!mode && (!_wcsicmp(buf, L"wsz") || !_wcsicmp(buf, L"wal"))) || (mode && !_wcsicmp(buf, L"wlz"))) { wchar_t *p = lpszCmdParam, buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}, buf2[MAX_PATH] = {0}, outname[MAX_PATH] = {0}, current[MAX_PATH] = {0}; while (p &&*p == L' ') p++; if (p && *p == L'\"') { p++; if (wcsstr(p, L"\"")) wcsstr(p, L"\"")[0] = 0; } // this is roughly equivalent to PathUndecorate, which we can't use because it requires IE 5.0+ StringCchCopyW(outname, MAX_PATH, PathFindFileNameW(p)); StringCchCopyW(buf, MAX_PATH, (!mode ? SKINDIR : LANGDIR)); PathCombineW(buf2, buf, outname); void _r_sW(const char *name, wchar_t *data, int mlen); _r_sW((!mode ? "skin" : "langpack"), current, MAX_PATH); bool name_match = !_wcsicmp(outname, current); bool file_match = !_wcsicmp(p, buf2); //if (_wcsicmp(outname, current)) if (!name_match || name_match && !file_match) { // prompt if the user is ok to install (subject to user preferences) int ret = IDYES; if (!mode ? config_skin_prompt : config_wlz_prompt) { ret = LPMessageBox(NULL, (!mode ? IDS_SKINS_INSTALL_PROMPT : IDS_LANG_INSTALL_PROMPT), (!mode ? IDS_SKINS_INSTALL_HEADER :IDS_LANG_INSTALL_HEADER), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION); } if (ret != IDYES) { *exit = 1; return lpszCmdParam; } else { if(*exit == -2) { *exit = -1; } } { wchar_t *tmp; tmp = outname + lstrlenW(outname); size_t tmpsize = MAX_PATH - (tmp - outname); while (tmp >= outname && *tmp != L'[') tmp--; if(!mode) { if (tmp >= outname && tmp[1] && !_wcsicmp(tmp + 2, L"].wsz")) StringCchCopyW(tmp, tmpsize, L".wsz"); if (tmp >= outname && tmp[1] && !_wcsicmp(tmp + 2, L"].wal")) StringCchCopyW(tmp, tmpsize, L".wal"); } else { if (tmp >= outname && tmp[1] && !_wcsicmp(tmp + 2, L"].wlz")) StringCchCopyW(tmp, tmpsize, L".wlz"); } } IFileTypeRegistrar *registrar=0; if (GetRegistrar(®istrar, true) == 0 && registrar) { if (FAILED(registrar->InstallItem(p, buf, outname))) { wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH*3] = {0}; StringCchPrintfW(buffer,sizeof(buffer),getStringW((!mode?IDS_SKINS_INSTALL_ERROR:IDS_LANG_INSTALL_ERROR),NULL,0),outname,p,buf); MessageBoxW(NULL, buffer, getStringW(!mode?IDS_SKINS_INSTALL_HEADER:IDS_LANG_INSTALL_HEADER,NULL,0), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } registrar->Release(); } } if (hwnd_other) { if(!mode) { _w_sW("skin", outname); COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = IPC_SETSKINW; cds.lpData = (void *) outname; cds.cbData = sizeof(wchar_t)*(lstrlenW(outname) + 1); SendMessageW(hwnd_other, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); ShowWindow(hwnd_other, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd_other); } else { // since we can't reliably unload resources on the fly, force a restart _w_sW("langpack", outname); PostMessageW(hwnd_other,WM_USER,0,IPC_RESTARTWINAMP); } *exit=1; } else { if(!mode) { g_skinloadedmanually = 1; _w_sW("skin", outname); } else { _w_sW("langpack", outname); } } lpszCmdParam = L""; } return lpszCmdParam; }