@echo off if %1()==() goto help if %1==BETA goto start if %1==QA goto start if %1==FINAL goto start if %1==NIGHT goto start goto end :start echo Configuring Kerberos... call "d:\kerblogin\kerblogin.cmd" if %1==QA SET BUILDTYPE=qa if %1==BETA SET BUILDTYPE=beta if %1==FINAL SET BUILDTYPE=final if %1==NIGHT SET BUILDTYPE=night echo Setting VC 9.0 environments... call "C:\Program Files\Intel\IPP\\ia32\tools\env\ippenv.bat" call %DXSDK_DIR%\Utilities\Bin\dx_setenv.cmd x86 REM call "D:\SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /XP /Release call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 if NOT %1==FINAL set LINK=%LINK% /DEBUG set CL=%CL% /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS set PATH=%path%;C:\program files\nsis\unicode SET TARGET_ARCH=x86 if %3()==() goto skip64 if %3==x86 goto skip64 SET TARGET_ARCH=x64 call "D:\SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\setenv.cmd" /x64 /release call "d:\dxsdk\dx_setenv.cmd" AMD64 set CL=%CL% /GS- /I "d:\dxsdk\Include" set LINK=%LINK% /machine:AMD64 goto skip32 :skip64 REM call "D:\SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /XP /Release :skip32 title Nullsoft Winamp build script -= %1 =- if NOT %2()==() SET BRANDING=%2 if NOT DEFINED BRANDING SET BRANDING=NULLSOFT echo BRANDING=%BRANDING% echo Preparing folders... if exist ts.txt del ts.txt nstimestamp\nstimestamp>ts.txt set /p TIMESTAMP=nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_1 goto master86 :master64 echo using x64 mastering script cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\master_winamp_%BUILDTYPE%_x64.xml" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_1 :master86 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_winamp_%BUILDTYPE%.xml" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_2 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\configmap.xml" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_3 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\version_%BUILDTYPE%.info" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_4 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\VerCtrl\verctrl.exe" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_5 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\constants.h" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_6 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\buildnumber.h" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_7 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\talkback.ini" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_7 if NOT %1==NIGHT cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\set_tags_%BUILDTYPE%.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_8 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\fileNames.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_9 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_installer.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_wbm.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\rebase.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_webdev.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_orb.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\build_wadetect.cmd" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_10 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "%INSTALLER_LANG%" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_11 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "%INSTALLER_CONFIG%" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_12 cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "codesign\signcode-pwd.exe" >nul cvs checkout -N -d "%CURSANDBOX%" "Mastering\Winamp\simple_sign.cmd" >nul f: cd \ echo Patching version number... cd "%CURSANDBOX%\Mastering\Winamp" copy "version_%BUILDTYPE%.info" "version.info" for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in (version.info) do set %%a%%b%%c cd "%CURSANDBOX%\Mastering\VerCtrl" verctrl.exe %1 %BRANDING% INC > nul SET ERRORLEVEL=0 cd "%CURSANDBOX%\Mastering\Winamp" cvs commit -m"version patch" "constants.h" > nul if errorlevel 1 goto CVS_ERROR_COMMIT if NOT %1==NIGHT echo Setting Tags... if NOT %1==NIGHT call "%CURSANDBOX%\Mastering\Winamp\set_tags_%BUILDTYPE%.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto SET_TAGS_ERROR SET GIT_ASK_YESNO=false git clone -b "%REPLICANT_GIT_BRANCH%" ssh://winamp@git.cm.aol.com/nullsoft/replicant.git "%CURSANDBOX%\replicant" if errorlevel 1 goto GIT_ERROR echo Setting Installer names... call "%CURSANDBOX%\Mastering\Winamp\fileNames.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto SET_FILENAMES if %1==QA echo Starting mastering script (build type: QA) if %1==BETA echo Starting mastering script (build type: BETA)... if %1==NIGHT echo Starting mastering script (build type: NIGHT)... if %1==FINAL echo Starting mastering script (build type: FINAL)... if "%TARGET_ARCH%"=="x64" goto build64 perl -S dgbuild.pl master_winamp_%BUILDTYPE%.xml > nul goto build86 :build64 perl -S dgbuild.pl master_winamp_%BUILDTYPE%_x64.xml > nul :build86 if errorlevel 1 goto BUILD_ERROR echo Build done. Check http://nulldev.stream.aol.com/builds/default.asp for result. goto END :SANDBOX_ERROR echo Error!!! Unable to prepare folder '%CURSANDBOX%' goto END :OUTPUT_ERROR echo Error!!! Unable to prepare folder '%PROGRAMFILES%' goto END :CVS_ERROR_LOGIN echo Error!!! Unable to login into the cvs goto END :CVS_ERROR_1 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/master_winamp.xml' goto END :CVS_ERROR_2 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/build_winamp.xml' goto END :CVS_ERROR_3 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/configmap.xml' goto END :CVS_ERROR_4 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/version.info' goto END :CVS_ERROR_5 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/verctrl.exe' goto END :CVS_ERROR_6 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/constants.h' goto END :CVS_ERROR_7 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/buildnumber.h' goto END :CVS_ERROR_8 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/set_tags_%BUILDTYPE%.cmd' goto END :CVS_ERROR_9 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/fileNames.cmd' goto END :CVS_ERROR_10 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/build_installer.cmd' goto END :CVS_ERROR_11 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/%INSTALLER_LANG%' goto END :CVS_ERROR_12 echo Error!!! Unable to checkout 'Mastering/Winamp/%INSTALLER_CONFIG%' goto END :CVS_ERROR_COMMIT echo Error!!! Unable to commit 'Mastering/Winamp/constants.h' goto END :SET_TAGS_ERROR echo Error!!! Unable to set tags. goto END :SET_FILENAMES echo Error!!! Unable to set installer file names. goto END :BUILD_ERROR echo Error!!! Build error. goto END :help echo Specify build type (BETA, NIGHT, FINAL, QA) goto end :GIT_ERROR echo Error!!! Unable to clone git repository goto END :END exit