#include #include "wa2songticker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "wa2frontend.h" #include #include #include #include // {9149C445-3C30-4e04-8433-5A518ED0FDDE} static const GUID uioptions_guid = { 0x9149c445, 0x3c30, 0x4e04, { 0x84, 0x33, 0x5a, 0x51, 0x8e, 0xd0, 0xfd, 0xde } }; // {280876CF-48C0-40bc-8E86-73CE6BB462E5} static const GUID options_guid = { 0x280876cf, 0x48c0, 0x40bc, { 0x8e, 0x86, 0x73, 0xce, 0x6b, 0xb4, 0x62, 0xe5 } }; const wchar_t songtickerXuiObjectStr[] = L"SongTicker"; // This is the xml tag char songtickerXuiSvcName[] = "Song Ticker XUI object"; // this is the name of the xuiservice BEGIN_SERVICES(wa2SongTicker_Svcs); DECLARE_SERVICE(XuiObjectCreator); END_SERVICES(wa2SongTicker_Svcs, _wa2SongTicker_Svcs); #ifdef _X86_ extern "C" { int _link_wa2SongTicker_Svcs; } #else extern "C" { int __link_wa2SongTicker_Svcs; } #endif extern _float cfg_uioptions_textspeed; extern _int cfg_uioptions_textincrement; #define TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL 0x777 //#define SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS 200 // TODO: make adjustable (api_config, xml param, maki script object) #define SONGTICKER_INCREMENT_PIXELS (cfg_uioptions_textincrement) // TODO: make adjustable? #define SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS ((13.0f*(float)cfg_uioptions_textincrement)/cfg_uioptions_textspeed) #define SONGTICKER_SCROLL_ONE_PIXEL_MS (13.0f/cfg_uioptions_textspeed) #define SONGTICKER_SKIP_MS 2000 // TODO: make adjustable XMLParamPair SongTicker::params[] = { {SONGTICKER_TICKER, L"TICKER"}, }; SongTicker::SongTicker() { WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_addCallback(0, this); song_title[0]=0; song_length=-1; position=0; tickerMode=TICKER_SCROLL; ticker_direction=1; skipTimers=0; grab_x = 0; last_tick = Wasabi::Std::getTickCount(); buffer_hw_valid=false; textW=0; /* register XML parameters */ xuihandle = newXuiHandle(); CreateXMLParameters(xuihandle); CfgItem *ci=WASABI_API_CONFIG->config_getCfgItemByGuid(uioptions_guid); if (ci) { viewer_addViewItem(ci->getDependencyPtr()); } ci=WASABI_API_CONFIG->config_getCfgItemByGuid(options_guid); if (ci) { viewer_addViewItem(ci->getDependencyPtr()); } } void SongTicker::CreateXMLParameters(int master_handle) { //SONGTICKER_PARENT::CreateXMLParameters(master_handle); int numParams = sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]); hintNumberOfParams(xuihandle, numParams); for (int i = 0;i < numParams;i++) addParam(xuihandle, params[i], XUI_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED); } SongTicker::~SongTicker() { WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_delCallback(0, this); // TODO: benski> is this the right place for this? killTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL); } int SongTicker::onResize() { killTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL); buffer_hw_valid=false; invalidateBuffer(); return SONGTICKER_PARENT::onResize(); } int SongTicker::onInit() { int r = SONGTICKER_PARENT::onInit(); BuildTitle(); return r; } int SongTicker::corecb_onTitleChange(const wchar_t *title) { BuildTitle(); return 1; } int SongTicker::corecb_onLengthChange(int newlength) { song_length = newlength; return 1; } void SongTicker::BuildTitle() { killTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL); const wchar_t *curFilename = wa2.GetCurrentFile(); if (curFilename && *curFilename) { wa2.GetFileInfo(curFilename, song_title, 1024, &song_length); WASABI_API_MEDIACORE->core_setTitle(song_title); } else { song_title[0]=0; song_length=-1; } if (!song_title[0] || ((unsigned long)song_title < 65536)) { display = WASABI_API_APP->main_getVersionString(); } else { // TODO: use TimeFmt:: to format the time if (song_length >= 0) display.printf(L"%s (%d:%02d)",song_title,song_length/60,song_length%60); else display.printf(L"%s",song_title); } rotatingDisplay.printf(L"%s *** %s", display, display); TextInfoCanvas c(this); Wasabi::FontInfo fontInfo; GetFontInfo(&fontInfo); width_of_str_padded = c.getTextWidth(display, &fontInfo) + lpadding - rpadding; width_of_str = c.getTextWidth(rotatingDisplay, &fontInfo) - c.getTextWidth(display, &fontInfo); buffer_hw_valid=false; invalidateBuffer(); } int SongTicker::onBufferPaint(BltCanvas *canvas, int w, int h) { SONGTICKER_PARENT::onBufferPaint(canvas, w, h); // TODO: benski> need to optimize this :) RECT r = {0,0,w,h}; canvas->fillRect(&r, RGB(0, 0, 0)); getClientRect(&r); Wasabi::FontInfo fontInfo; GetFontInfo(&fontInfo); /* if (tickerMode == TICKER_OFF) { lpadding=min(lpadding, w); w=max(w-lpadding+rpadding, 0); canvas->textOut(lpadding, 0, w, h, display, &fontInfo); return 1; } */ const int textAreaWidth = r.right - r.left; StringW *whichString = &display; if (width_of_str_padded > textAreaWidth) // too big to fit? { switch (tickerMode) { case TICKER_OFF: { int extra = width_of_str_padded - textAreaWidth; if (position>extra) position=extra; if (position<0) position=0; } break; case TICKER_SCROLL: { // make sure our position isn't out of bounds while (position < 0) position += width_of_str; position %= (width_of_str); whichString = &rotatingDisplay; skipTimers=0; setTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL, (int)SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } break; case TICKER_BOUNCE: { int extra = width_of_str_padded- textAreaWidth; if (position < 0) { position=0; ticker_direction=1; skipTimers=(int)(SONGTICKER_SKIP_MS/SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } if (position>=extra) { position=extra-1; ticker_direction=-1; skipTimers=(int)(SONGTICKER_SKIP_MS/SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } if (position < 0) position=0; setTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL, (int)SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } break; } } else // if there's enough room, just draw the string as-is { position=0; } int x =min(lpadding, w); w=max(w-x+rpadding, 0); canvas->textOut(lpadding, 0, w, h, whichString->getValueSafe(), &fontInfo); return 1; } void SongTicker::timerCallback(int id) { if (id == TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL && !grab) { uint32_t this_tick = Wasabi::Std::getTickCount(); if (TICKER_OFF == tickerMode) { killTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL); return; } if (skipTimers) { last_tick=this_tick; skipTimers--; return; } int numTicks=SONGTICKER_INCREMENT_PIXELS; if (this_tick > last_tick) // make sure we havn't wrapped around { numTicks = (int)((this_tick - last_tick) / SONGTICKER_SCROLL_ONE_PIXEL_MS); last_tick += (uint32_t)(numTicks * SONGTICKER_SCROLL_ONE_PIXEL_MS); // we do this instead of last_tick = this_tick, so we get some error shaping } else last_tick=this_tick; // move the ticker position+=(ticker_direction*numTicks); // ask to be redrawn if (numTicks) invalidate(); } else SONGTICKER_PARENT::timerCallback(id); } void SongTicker::getBufferPaintSource(RECT *r) { if (r) { RECT cr; getClientRect(&cr); const int textAreaWidth = cr.right - cr.left; if (width_of_str_padded > textAreaWidth) // too big to fit? { switch (tickerMode) { case TICKER_OFF: { int extra = width_of_str_padded- textAreaWidth; if (position>extra) position=extra; if (position<0) position=0; } break; case TICKER_SCROLL: { // make sure our position isn't out of bounds while (position < 0) position += width_of_str; position %= (width_of_str); } break; case TICKER_BOUNCE: { int extra = width_of_str_padded - textAreaWidth; if (position>=extra) { position=extra-1; ticker_direction=-1; skipTimers=(int)(SONGTICKER_SKIP_MS/SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } if (position < 0) { position=0; ticker_direction=1; skipTimers=(int)(SONGTICKER_SKIP_MS/SONGTICKER_SCROLL_MS); } } break; } } else { position=0; } r->left = position; r->right = cr.right - cr.left + position; r->top = 0; r->bottom = cr.bottom - cr.top; } } void SongTicker::getBufferPaintSize(int *w, int *h) { RECT r; getClientRect(&r); int _w = r.right - r.left; int _h = r.bottom - r.top; if (!buffer_hw_valid) { const int textAreaWidth = r.right - r.left; StringW *whichString = &display; if (width_of_str_padded > textAreaWidth && tickerMode == TICKER_SCROLL) // too big to fit? { whichString = &rotatingDisplay; buffer_hw_valid=false; } TextInfoCanvas canvas(this); Wasabi::FontInfo fontInfo; GetFontInfo(&fontInfo); textW = canvas.getTextWidth(whichString->getValueSafe(), &fontInfo); //int textH = canvas.getTextHeight(whichString->getValueSafe(), &fontInfo); textW = textW + lpadding - rpadding; buffer_hw_valid=true; } *w = max(_w, textW); *h = _h;//max(_h, textH); } int SongTicker::setXuiParam(int _xuihandle, int attrid, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *strval) { if (xuihandle != _xuihandle) return SONGTICKER_PARENT::setXuiParam(_xuihandle, attrid, name, strval); switch (attrid) { case SONGTICKER_TICKER: if (!WCSICMP(strval, L"bounce")) tickerMode=TICKER_BOUNCE; else if (!WCSICMP(strval, L"scroll")) { tickerMode=TICKER_SCROLL; ticker_direction=1; } else if (!WCSICMP(strval, L"off")) { tickerMode=TICKER_OFF; position=0; killTimer(TIMER_SONGTICKER_SCROLL); } buffer_hw_valid=false; invalidateBuffer(); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } int SongTicker::onAction(const wchar_t *action, const wchar_t *param, int x, int y, intptr_t p1, intptr_t p2, void *data, size_t datalen, ifc_window *source) { int r = SONGTICKER_PARENT::onAction(action, param, x, y, p1, p2, data, datalen, source); if(!WCSICMP(action, L"rebuildtitle")) BuildTitle(); return r; } int SongTicker::viewer_onEvent(api_dependent *item, const GUID *classguid, int event, intptr_t param, void *ptr, size_t ptrlen) { if (*classguid == *CfgItem::depend_getClassGuid()) { if (event==CfgItem::Event_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED) { CfgItem *ci = (CfgItem *)item->dependent_getInterface(CfgItem::depend_getClassGuid()); if (ci->getGuid() == uioptions_guid && ptr && (WCSCASEEQLSAFE((const wchar_t *)ptr, L"Text Ticker Speed") || WCSCASEEQLSAFE((const wchar_t *)ptr, L"Text Ticker Increment"))) { BuildTitle(); } } } return 1; } int SongTicker::onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) { if (!SONGTICKER_PARENT::onLeftButtonDown(x, y)) { grab = 0; return 0; } grab = 1; grab_x = x + position; // onMouseMove(x,y); return 1; } int SongTicker::onMouseMove(int x, int y) { if (!SONGTICKER_PARENT::onMouseMove(x, y)) { grab = 0; } //POINT pos = {x, y}; //clientToScreen(&pos); if (!grab) return 1; position = grab_x - x; // this forces us to calculate wraparound for position RECT dummy; getBufferPaintSource(&dummy); invalidate(); return 1; } int SongTicker::onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y) { if (!SONGTICKER_PARENT::onLeftButtonUp(x, y)) { grab = 0; return 0; } grab = 0; return 1; }