function dorelease() -- -- Helper function: runs a command (formatted, with optional arguments) and -- suppresses any output. Works on both Windows and POSIX. Might be a good -- candidate for a core function. -- local function exec(cmd, ...) cmd = string.format(cmd, ...) local z = os.execute(cmd .. " > output.log 2> error.log") os.remove("output.log") os.remove("error.log") return z end print("Updating version number...") local f = io.popen("git rev-list --count HEAD") local rev = string.match(f:read("*a"), ".*%S") f:close() f = io.popen("git log --format=format:%H -1") local sha1 = f:read("*a") f:close() io.output("src/host/version.h") io.write("#define VERSION " ..rev .. "\n") io.write("#define VERSION_STR \"version " ..rev .. " (commit " .. sha1 .. ")\"\n") io.close() print("Updating embedded scripts...") local z = exec(_PREMAKE_COMMAND .. " embed") if z ~= true then error("** Failed to update the embedded scripts", 0) end print("Generating project files...") exec(_PREMAKE_COMMAND .. " /to=../build/ /os=windows gmake") exec(_PREMAKE_COMMAND .. " /to=../build/gmake.linux /os=linux gmake") exec(_PREMAKE_COMMAND .. " /to=../build/gmake.darwin /os=macosx /platform=universal32 gmake") print("") print( "Finished.") end