#include "main.h" #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/config.h" #include "resource.h" #include "../nu/DialogSkinner.h" #include "../nu/listview.h" #include #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/gaystring.h" #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml_ipc.h" #include #include #include "../nu/AutoWide.h" #include "../nu/AutoCharFn.h" #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h" #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml_ipc_0313.h" #include "../nu/sort.h" #include "../nu/menushortcuts.h" #include "../Winamp/strutil.h" #include "api__ml_history.h" #include static INT_PTR IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU; static void history_cleanupifnecessary(); static GayStringW g_q; static W_ListView resultlist; static int resultSkin, customAllowed; static HWND m_hwnd, m_headerhwnd; static historyRecordList itemCache; static int history_bgThread_Kill; static HANDLE history_bgThread_Handle; static void fileInfoDialogs(HWND hwndParent); static int m_lv_last_topidx; int groupBtn = 1, enqueuedef = 0; HMENU g_context_menus2 = NULL; static viewButtons view; static void MakeDateStringW(__time64_t convertTime, wchar_t *dest, size_t destlen) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime = {0}; tm *newtime = _localtime64(&convertTime); sysTime.wYear = newtime->tm_year + 1900; sysTime.wMonth = newtime->tm_mon + 1; sysTime.wDayOfWeek = newtime->tm_wday; sysTime.wDay = newtime->tm_mday; sysTime.wHour = newtime->tm_hour; sysTime.wMinute = newtime->tm_min; sysTime.wSecond = newtime->tm_sec; GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &sysTime, NULL, dest, (int)destlen); size_t dateSize = lstrlenW(dest); dest += dateSize; destlen -= dateSize; if (destlen) { *dest++ = ' '; destlen--; } GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysTime, NULL, dest, (int)destlen); } void makeFilename2(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *filename2, int filename2_len) { filename2[0]=0; if (wcsstr(filename,L"~")) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW d = {0}; HANDLE h = FindFirstFileW(filename,&d); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(h); lstrcpynW(filename2,filename,filename2_len); wchar_t *p=scanstr_backW(filename2,L"\\",filename2-1)+1; int offs=(int)(p-filename2); lstrcpynW(filename2+offs,d.cFileName,filename2_len - offs); if (!_wcsicmp(filename,filename2)) filename2[0]=0; } } } void db_setFieldString(nde_scanner_t s, unsigned char id, const wchar_t *data) { nde_field_t f = NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, id); if (!f) f = NDE_Scanner_NewFieldByID(s, id); NDE_StringField_SetString(f, data); } void db_setFieldInt(nde_scanner_t s, unsigned char id, int data) { nde_field_t f = NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, id); if (!f) f = NDE_Scanner_NewFieldByID(s, id); NDE_IntegerField_SetValue(f, data); } void queryStrEscape(const wchar_t *p, GayStringW &str) { if (!p || !*p) return; size_t l = wcslen(p); wchar_t *escaped = (wchar_t *)calloc((l*3+1), sizeof(wchar_t)); if (escaped) { wchar_t *d = escaped; while (p && *p) { if (*p == L'%') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'%'; } else if (*p == L'\"') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'2'; *d++ = L'2'; } else if (*p == L'\'') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'2'; *d++ = L'7'; } else if (*p == L'[') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'5'; *d++ = L'B'; } else if (*p == L']') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'5'; *d++ = L'D'; } else if (*p == L'(') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'2'; *d++ = L'8'; } else if (*p == L')') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'2'; *d++ = L'9'; } else if (*p == L'#') { *d++ = L'%'; *d++ = L'2'; *d++ = L'3'; } else *d++ = *p; p++; } *d = 0; str.Set(escaped); free(escaped); } } int STRCMP_NULLOK(const wchar_t *pa, const wchar_t *pb) { if (!pa) pa = L""; else SKIP_THE_AND_WHITESPACE(pa) if (!pb) pb = L""; else SKIP_THE_AND_WHITESPACE(pb) return _wcsicmp(pa, pb); } struct SortRules { int by; int dir; }; static int __fastcall sortFunc(const void *elem1, const void *elem2, const void *context) { historyRecord *a=(historyRecord*)elem1; historyRecord *b=(historyRecord*)elem2; const SortRules *rules = (SortRules *)context; int use_by = rules->by; int use_dir = !!rules->dir; #define RETIFNZ(v) if ((v)<0) return use_dir?1:-1; if ((v)>0) return use_dir?-1:1; // this might be too slow, but it'd be nice int x; for (x = 0; x < 4; x ++) { if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_FILENAME) { int v=STRCMP_NULLOK(a->filename,b->filename); RETIFNZ(v) return 0; } else if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_TITLE) { int v=STRCMP_NULLOK(a->title,b->title); RETIFNZ(v) return 0; } else if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED) { __time64_t v1=a->lastplayed; __time64_t v2=b->lastplayed; RETIFNZ(v2-v1) return 0; } else if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_PLAYCOUNT) { int v1=a->playcnt; int v2=b->playcnt; RETIFNZ(v2-v1) use_by=HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED; } else if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_LENGTH) // length -> artist -> album -> track { int v1=a->length; int v2=b->length; if (v1<0)v1=0; if (v2<0)v2=0; RETIFNZ(v2-v1) return 0; } else if (use_by == HISTORY_SORT_OFFSET) { int v1=a->offset; int v2=b->offset; if (v1<0)v1=0; if (v2<0)v2=0; RETIFNZ(v2-v1) return 0; } else break; // no sort order? } #undef RETIFNZ return 0; } void sortResults(historyRecordList *obj, int column, int dir) // sorts the results based on the current sort mode { if (obj->Size > 1) { SortRules rules = {column, dir}; nu::qsort(obj->Items,obj->Size,sizeof(historyRecord),&rules, sortFunc); } } // does not copy filename void recentScannerRefToObjCacheNFN(nde_scanner_t s, historyRecordList *obj) { nde_field_t f=NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_TITLE); if (f) { wchar_t *strval = NDE_StringField_GetString(f); ndestring_retain(strval); obj->Items[obj->Size].title = strval; } else obj->Items[obj->Size].title = 0; f=NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_LENGTH); obj->Items[obj->Size].length = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):-1; f=NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_OFFSET); obj->Items[obj->Size].offset = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):-1; f=NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_PLAYCOUNT); obj->Items[obj->Size].playcnt = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):0; f=NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED); obj->Items[obj->Size].lastplayed = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):0; obj->Size++; } static void freeRecentRecord(historyRecord *p) { ndestring_release(p->title); ndestring_release(p->filename); } void emptyRecentRecordList(historyRecordList *obj) { historyRecord *p=obj->Items; while (obj->Size-->0) { freeRecentRecord(p); p++; } obj->Size=0; } void freeRecentRecordList(historyRecordList *obj) { emptyRecentRecordList(obj); free(obj->Items); obj->Items=0; obj->Alloc=obj->Size=0; } void allocRecentRecordList(historyRecordList *obj, int newsize, int granularity) { if (newsize < obj->Alloc || newsize < obj->Size) return; size_t old_Alloc = obj->Alloc; obj->Alloc=newsize+granularity; historyRecord *data = (historyRecord*)realloc(obj->Items,sizeof(historyRecord)*obj->Alloc); if (data) { obj->Items=data; } else { data=(historyRecord*)malloc(sizeof(historyRecord)*obj->Alloc); if (data) { memcpy(data, obj->Items, sizeof(historyRecord)*old_Alloc); free(obj->Items); obj->Items=data; } else obj->Alloc = (int)old_Alloc; } if (!obj->Items) obj->Alloc=0; } static void playFiles(int enqueue, int all) { if (history_bgThread_Handle) return; int cnt=0; int l=itemCache.Size; for(int i=0;iSize+1); if (!obj->Alloc) break; wchar_t *strval = NDE_StringField_GetString(f); ndestring_retain(strval); obj->Items[obj->Size].filename = strval; recentScannerRefToObjCacheNFN(s,obj); int thisl=obj->Items[obj->Size-1].length; if (thisl > 0) total_length_s+=thisl * obj->Items[obj->Size-1].playcnt; else total_length_s|=(1<<31); r=NDE_Scanner_Next(s, killswitch); if (killswitch && *killswitch) { return 0; } } while(r); if (obj->Size && obj->Size < obj->Alloc - 1024) { size_t old_Alloc = obj->Alloc; obj->Alloc = obj->Size; historyRecord *data=(historyRecord*)realloc(obj->Items,sizeof(historyRecord)*obj->Alloc); if (data) { obj->Items=data; } else { data=(historyRecord*)malloc(sizeof(historyRecord)*obj->Alloc); if (data) { memcpy(data, obj->Items, sizeof(historyRecord)*old_Alloc); free(obj->Items); obj->Items=data; } else obj->Alloc = (int)old_Alloc; } } if (killswitch && *killswitch) return 0; sortResults(obj, g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_by",HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_dir",0)); if (killswitch && *killswitch) return 0; return total_length_s; } typedef struct { int user32; } history_bgThreadParms; // out can never be bigger than in+1 static void parsequicksearch(wchar_t *out, const wchar_t *in) // parses a list into a list of terms that we are searching for { int inquotes = 0, neednull = 0; while (in && *in) { wchar_t c = *in++; if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\"') { neednull = 1; *out++ = c; } else if (c == '\"') { inquotes = !inquotes; if (!inquotes) { *out++ = 0; neednull = 0; } } else { if (inquotes) *out++ = c; else if (neednull) { *out++ = 0; neednull = 0; } } } *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0; } void makeQueryStringFromText(GayStringW *query, const wchar_t *text, int nf) { int ispar = 0; if (query->Get()[0]) { ispar = 1; query->Append(L"&("); } if (!_wcsnicmp(text, L"query:", 6)) query->Append(text + 6); // copy the query as is else if (text[0] == L'?') query->Append(text + 1); else // this is ubergay. no wait it isn't anymore. it rocks now due to the GayString { int isAny = 0; if (text && (*text == L'*' && text[1] == L' ')) { isAny = 1; text += 2; } int cchText = lstrlenW(text); wchar_t *tmpbuf = (wchar_t*)calloc((cchText + 2), sizeof(wchar_t)); parsequicksearch(tmpbuf, text); int x; const wchar_t *fields[5] = { L"filename", L"title", L"artist", L"album", L"genre", }; wchar_t *p = tmpbuf; while (p && *p) { size_t lenp = wcslen(p); if (p == tmpbuf) query->Append(L"("); else if (isAny) query->Append(L")|("); else query->Append(L")&("); if (p[0] == L'<' && p[wcslen(p) - 1] == L'>' && wcslen(p) > 2) { wchar_t *op = p; while (op && *op) { if (op && *op == L'\'') *op = L'\"'; if (op) op++; } p[lenp - 1] = 0; // remove > query->Append(p + 1); } else { for (x = 0; x < (int)min(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(fields[0]), nf); x ++) { const wchar_t *field = fields[x]; if (x) query->Append(L"|"); query->Append(field); query->Append(L" HAS \""); GayStringW escaped; queryStrEscape(p, escaped); query->Append(escaped.Get()); query->Append(L"\""); } } p += lenp + 1; } query->Append(L")"); free(tmpbuf); } if (ispar) query->Append(L")"); } static DWORD WINAPI history_bgThreadQueryProc(void *tmp) { history_bgThreadParms *p=(history_bgThreadParms*)tmp; EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s = NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); NDE_Scanner_Query(s, g_q.Get()); int total_length_s=history_saveQueryToList(s,&itemCache, p->user32, &history_bgThread_Kill); NDE_Table_DestroyScanner(g_table, s); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); if (!history_bgThread_Kill) PostMessage(m_hwnd,WM_APP+3,0x69,total_length_s); return 0; } void history_bgQuery_Stop() // exported for other people to call since it is useful (eventually { // we should have bgQuery pass the new query info along but I'll do that soon) if (history_bgThread_Handle) { history_bgThread_Kill=1; WaitForSingleObject(history_bgThread_Handle,INFINITE); CloseHandle(history_bgThread_Handle); history_bgThread_Handle=0; } KillTimer(m_hwnd,123); } static void history_bgQuery(int user32=0) // only internal used { history_bgQuery_Stop(); SetDlgItemTextW(m_hwnd,IDC_MEDIASTATUS,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_SCANNING_ELLIPSE)); SetTimer(m_hwnd,123,200,NULL); DWORD id; static history_bgThreadParms parms; parms.user32=user32; history_bgThread_Kill=0; history_bgThread_Handle=CreateThread(NULL,0,history_bgThreadQueryProc,(LPVOID)&parms,0,&id); } static void doQuery(HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t *text, int dobg=1) { history_bgQuery_Stop(); GayStringW query; if (text[0]) makeQueryStringFromText(&query,text,2); wchar_t *parent_query=NULL; SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),WM_APP+2,0,(LONG_PTR)&parent_query); g_q.Set(L""); if(parent_query && parent_query[0]) { g_q.Set(L"("); g_q.Append(parent_query); g_q.Append(L")"); } if (query.Get() && query.Get()[0]) { if(g_q.Get()[0]) { g_q.Append(L" & ("); g_q.Append(query.Get()); g_q.Append(L")"); } else g_q.Set(query.Get()); } if (dobg) history_bgQuery(); } static WNDPROC search_oldWndProc; static DWORD WINAPI search_newWndProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { if(uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_DOWN) { HWND hwndList = resultlist.getwnd(); if (hwndList) { PostMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hwndList, TRUE); ListView_SetItemState(hwndList,0,LVIS_FOCUSED|LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_FOCUSED|LVIS_SELECTED); } } return (DWORD)CallWindowProcW(search_oldWndProc,hwndDlg,uMsg,wParam,lParam); } static void exploreItemFolder(HWND hwndDlg) { if (resultlist.GetSelectionMark() >= 0) { int l=resultlist.GetCount(); for(int i=0;iAddFile(itemCache.Items[i].filename); } } WASABI_API_EXPLORERFINDFILE->ShowFiles(); } } static void removeSelectedItems(int isAll=0) { int hasdel=0; history_bgQuery_Stop(); EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s = NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); for(int i=0;iWriteString("recent_lastquery", pszQuery); if (NULL != pszQuery) free(pszQuery); } void SwapPlayEnqueueInMenu(HMENU listMenu) { int playPos=-1, enqueuePos=-1; MENUITEMINFOW playItem={sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW), 0,}, enqueueItem={sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW), 0,}; int numItems = GetMenuItemCount(listMenu); for (int i=0;iapp_getAccelerators(hwndDlg, szAccel, sizeof(szAccel)/sizeof(szAccel[0]), FALSE); AppendMenuShortcuts(menu, szAccel, c, MSF_REPLACE); } static HRGN g_rgnUpdate = NULL; static int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; typedef struct _LAYOUT { INT id; HWND hwnd; INT x; INT y; INT cx; INT cy; DWORD flags; HRGN rgn; } LAYOUT, PLAYOUT; #define SETLAYOUTPOS(_layout, _x, _y, _cx, _cy) { _layout->x=_x; _layout->y=_y;_layout->cx=_cx;_layout->cy=_cy;_layout->rgn=NULL; } #define SETLAYOUTFLAGS(_layout, _r) \ { \ BOOL fVis; \ fVis = (WS_VISIBLE & (LONG)GetWindowLongPtr(_layout->hwnd, GWL_STYLE)); \ if (_layout->x == _r.left && _layout->y == _r.top) _layout->flags |= SWP_NOMOVE; \ if (_layout->cx == (_r.right - _r.left) && _layout->cy == (_r.bottom - _r.top)) _layout->flags |= SWP_NOSIZE; \ if ((SWP_HIDEWINDOW & _layout->flags) && !fVis) _layout->flags &= ~SWP_HIDEWINDOW; \ if ((SWP_SHOWWINDOW & _layout->flags) && fVis) _layout->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW; \ } #define LAYOUTNEEEDUPDATE(_layout) ((SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE) != ((SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_SHOWWINDOW) & _layout->flags)) #define GROUP_MIN 0x1 #define GROUP_MAX 0x3 #define GROUP_SEARCH 0x1 #define GROUP_STATUSBAR 0x2 #define GROUP_MAIN 0x3 static void LayoutWindows(HWND hwnd, BOOL fRedraw, BOOL fUpdateAll = FALSE) { static INT controls[] = { GROUP_SEARCH, IDC_SEARCHCAPTION, IDC_CLEAR, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, GROUP_STATUSBAR, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE, IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM, IDC_REMOVEBOOK, IDC_MEDIASTATUS, GROUP_MAIN, IDC_LIST2 }; INT index; RECT rc, rg, ri; LAYOUT layout[sizeof(controls)/sizeof(controls[0])], *pl; BOOL skipgroup; HRGN rgn = NULL; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); if (rc.bottom == rc.top || rc.right == rc.left) return; SetRect(&rg, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); pl = layout; skipgroup = FALSE; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); for (index = 0; index < sizeof(controls) / sizeof(*controls); index++) { if (controls[index] >= GROUP_MIN && controls[index] <= GROUP_MAX) // group id { skipgroup = FALSE; switch (controls[index]) { case GROUP_SEARCH: { wchar_t buffer[128] = {0}; GetDlgItemTextW(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); LRESULT idealSize = MLSkinnedButton_GetIdealSize(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY), buffer); SetRect(&rg, rc.left, rc.top + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(2), rc.right - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(2), rc.top + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(HIWORD(idealSize)+1)); rc.top = rg.bottom + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(3); break; } case GROUP_STATUSBAR: { wchar_t buffer[128] = {0}; HWND ctrl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY); GetWindowTextW(ctrl, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); LRESULT idealSize = MLSkinnedButton_GetIdealSize(ctrl, buffer); SetRect(&rg, rc.left + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(1), rc.bottom - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(HIWORD(idealSize)), rc.right, rc.bottom); rc.bottom = rg.top - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(3); break; } case GROUP_MAIN: SetRect(&rg, rc.left + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(1), rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); break; } continue; } if (skipgroup) continue; pl->id = controls[index]; pl->hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwnd, pl->id); if (!pl->hwnd) continue; GetWindowRect(pl->hwnd, &ri); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, (LPPOINT)&ri, 2); pl->flags = SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOCOPYBITS; switch (pl->id) { case IDC_SEARCHCAPTION: { wchar_t buffer[128] = {0}; GetWindowTextW(pl->hwnd, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); LRESULT idealSize = MLSkinnedStatic_GetIdealSize(pl->hwnd, buffer); SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.left + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(2), rg.top + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(1), WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(LOWORD(idealSize)), (rg.bottom - rg.top)); rg.left += (pl->cx + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(4)); break; } case IDC_CLEAR: { wchar_t buffer[128] = {0}; GetWindowTextW(pl->hwnd, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); LRESULT idealSize = MLSkinnedButton_GetIdealSize(pl->hwnd, buffer); LONG width = LOWORD(idealSize) + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(6); pl->flags |= (((rg.right - rg.left) - width) > WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(40)) ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW ; SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.right - width, rg.top, width, (rg.bottom - rg.top)); if (SWP_SHOWWINDOW & pl->flags) rg.right -= (pl->cx + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(4)); break; } case IDC_QUICKSEARCH: pl->flags |= (rg.right > rg.left) ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW; SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.left, rg.top, rg.right - rg.left - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(1), (rg.bottom - rg.top) - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(1)); break; case IDC_BUTTON_PLAY: case IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE: case IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM: case IDC_REMOVEBOOK: if (IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM != pl->id || customAllowed) { if (groupBtn && pl->id == IDC_BUTTON_PLAY && enqueuedef == 1) { pl->flags |= SWP_HIDEWINDOW; break; } if (groupBtn && pl->id == IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE && enqueuedef != 1) { pl->flags |= SWP_HIDEWINDOW; break; } if (groupBtn && (pl->id == IDC_BUTTON_PLAY || pl->id == IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE) && customAllowed) { pl->flags |= SWP_HIDEWINDOW; break; } wchar_t buffer[128] = {0}; GetWindowTextW(pl->hwnd, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); LRESULT idealSize = MLSkinnedButton_GetIdealSize(pl->hwnd, buffer); LONG width = LOWORD(idealSize) + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(6); SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.left, rg.bottom - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(HIWORD(idealSize)), width, WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(HIWORD(idealSize))); pl->flags |= ((rg.right - rg.left) > width) ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW; if (SWP_SHOWWINDOW & pl->flags) rg.left += (pl->cx + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(4)); } else pl->flags |= SWP_HIDEWINDOW; break; case IDC_MEDIASTATUS: SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.left, rg.top, rg.right - rg.left, (rg.bottom - rg.top)); pl->flags |= (pl->cx > WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(16)) ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW; break; case IDC_LIST2: SETLAYOUTPOS(pl, rg.left, rg.top + WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(1), (rg.right - rg.left) - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(3), (rg.bottom - rg.top) - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(2)); break; } SETLAYOUTFLAGS(pl, ri); if (LAYOUTNEEEDUPDATE(pl)) { if (SWP_NOSIZE == ((SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOSIZE) & pl->flags) && ri.left == (pl->x + offsetX) && ri.top == (pl->y + offsetY) && !fUpdateAll && IsWindowVisible(pl->hwnd)) { SetRect(&ri, pl->x, pl->y, pl->cx + pl->x, pl->y + pl->cy); ValidateRect(hwnd, &ri); } pl++; } else if (!fUpdateAll && (fRedraw || (!offsetX && !offsetY)) && IsWindowVisible(pl->hwnd)) { ValidateRect(hwnd, &ri); if (GetUpdateRect(pl->hwnd, NULL, FALSE)) { if (!rgn) rgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); GetUpdateRgn(pl->hwnd, rgn, FALSE); OffsetRgn(rgn, pl->x, pl->y); InvalidateRgn(hwnd, rgn, FALSE); } } } if (pl != layout) { LAYOUT *pc; HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos((INT)(pl - layout)); for (pc = layout; pc < pl && hdwp; pc++) { hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, pc->hwnd, NULL, pc->x, pc->y, pc->cx, pc->cy, pc->flags); } if (hdwp) EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp); if (!rgn) rgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (fRedraw) { GetUpdateRgn(hwnd, rgn, FALSE); for (pc = layout; pc < pl && hdwp; pc++) { if (pc->rgn) { OffsetRgn(pc->rgn, pc->x, pc->y); CombineRgn(rgn, rgn, pc->rgn, RGN_OR); } } RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, rgn, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } if (g_rgnUpdate) { GetUpdateRgn(hwnd, g_rgnUpdate, FALSE); for (pc = layout; pc < pl && hdwp; pc++) { if (pc->rgn) { OffsetRgn(pc->rgn, pc->x, pc->y); CombineRgn(g_rgnUpdate, g_rgnUpdate, pc->rgn, RGN_OR); } } } for (pc = layout; pc < pl && hdwp; pc++) if (pc->rgn) DeleteObject(pc->rgn); } if (rgn) DeleteObject(rgn); ValidateRgn(hwnd, NULL); } static void LayoutWindows2(HWND hwnd, BOOL fRedraw) { RECT rc, rg; HRGN rgn = NULL; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); SetRect(&rg, 0, 0, 0, 0); rc.top += WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(2); rc.right -= WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(2); if (rc.bottom <= rc.top || rc.right <= rc.left) return; HWND temp = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DB_ERROR); GetWindowRect(temp, &rg); SetWindowPos(temp, NULL, WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(20), WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(20), rc.right - rc.left - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(40), rc.bottom - rc.top - WASABI_API_APP->getScaleY(45), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOREDRAW); temp = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_RESET_DB_ON_ERROR); GetWindowRect(temp, &rg); SetWindowPos(temp, NULL, ((rc.right - rc.left) - (rg.right - rg.left)) / WASABI_API_APP->getScaleX(2), rc.bottom - (rg.bottom - rg.top), rg.right - rg.left, rg.bottom - rg.top, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOREDRAW); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); if (fRedraw) { UpdateWindow(hwnd); } if (g_rgnUpdate) { GetUpdateRgn(hwnd, g_rgnUpdate, FALSE); if (rgn) { OffsetRgn(rgn, rc.left, rc.top); CombineRgn(g_rgnUpdate, g_rgnUpdate, rgn, RGN_OR); } } ValidateRgn(hwnd, NULL); if (rgn) DeleteObject(rgn); } static void history_ManageButtons(HWND hwndDlg) { int has_selection = resultlist.GetSelectedCount(); const int buttonids[] = { IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE, IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM, IDC_REMOVEBOOK}; for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(buttonids)/sizeof(buttonids[0]); i++) { HWND controlHWND = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, buttonids[i]); EnableWindow(controlHWND, has_selection); } } void history_UpdateButtonText(HWND hwndDlg, int _enqueuedef) { if (groupBtn) { switch(_enqueuedef) { case 1: SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, view.enqueue); customAllowed = FALSE; break; default: // v5.66+ - re-use the old predixis parts so the button can be used functionally via ml_enqplay // pass the hwnd, button id and plug-in id so the ml plug-in can check things as needed pluginMessage p = {ML_MSG_VIEW_BUTTON_HOOK_IN_USE, (INT_PTR)_enqueuedef, 0, 0}; wchar_t *pszTextW = (wchar_t *)SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_SEND_PLUGIN_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)&p); if (pszTextW && pszTextW[0] != 0) { // set this to be a bit different so we can just use one button and not the // mixable one as well (leaving that to prevent messing with the resources) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, pszTextW); customAllowed = TRUE; } else { SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, view.play); customAllowed = FALSE; } break; } } } void UpdateMenuItems(HWND hwndDlg, HMENU menu) { bool swapPlayEnqueue=false; if (g_config->ReadInt(L"enqueuedef", 0) == 1) { SwapPlayEnqueueInMenu(menu); swapPlayEnqueue=true; } SyncMenuWithAccelerators(hwndDlg, menu); if (swapPlayEnqueue) SwapPlayEnqueueInMenu(menu); } enum { BPM_ECHO_WM_COMMAND=0x1, // send WM_COMMAND and return value BPM_WM_COMMAND = 0x2, // just send WM_COMMAND }; BOOL history_ButtonPopupMenu(HWND hwndDlg, int buttonId, HMENU menu, int flags=0) { RECT r; HWND buttonHWND = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, buttonId); GetWindowRect(buttonHWND, &r); UpdateMenuItems(hwndDlg, menu); MLSkinnedButton_SetDropDownState(buttonHWND, TRUE); UINT tpmFlags = TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_BOTTOMALIGN | TPM_LEFTALIGN; if (!(flags & BPM_WM_COMMAND)) tpmFlags |= TPM_RETURNCMD; int x = Menu_TrackPopup(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, menu, tpmFlags, r.left, r.top, hwndDlg, NULL); if ((flags & BPM_ECHO_WM_COMMAND) && x) SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(x, 0), 0); MLSkinnedButton_SetDropDownState(buttonHWND, FALSE); return x; } static void history_Play(HWND hwndDlg, HWND from, UINT idFrom) { HMENU listMenu = GetSubMenu(g_context_menus2, 0); int count = GetMenuItemCount(listMenu); if (count > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { DeleteMenu(listMenu, 2, MF_BYPOSITION); } } history_ButtonPopupMenu(hwndDlg, idFrom, listMenu, BPM_WM_COMMAND); } BOOL CALLBACK view_historyDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { BOOL a = (BOOL)dialogSkinner.Handle(hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (a) return a; static HMENU sendto_hmenu; static librarySendToMenuStruct s; switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: if (wParam && (HMENU)wParam == s.build_hMenu && s.mode==1) { if (SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC, (WPARAM)&s, IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU)==0xffffffff) s.mode=2; } return 0; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { ListView_SetTextColor(resultlist.getwnd(), dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMFG)); ListView_SetBkColor(resultlist.getwnd(), dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMBG)); ListView_SetTextBkColor(resultlist.getwnd(), dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMBG)); resultlist.SetFont(dialogSkinner.GetFont()); UpdateWindow(hwndDlg); LayoutWindows(hwndDlg, TRUE); return 0; } case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { HWND hwndFrom = (HWND)wParam; if (hwndFrom != resultlist.getwnd()) return 0; int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); POINT pt = {x, y}; if (x == -1 || y == -1) // x and y are -1 if the user invoked a shift-f10 popup menu { RECT itemRect = {0}; int selected = resultlist.GetNextSelected(); if (selected != -1) // if something is selected we'll drop the menu from there { resultlist.GetItemRect(selected, &itemRect); ClientToScreen(resultlist.getwnd(), (POINT *)&itemRect); } else // otherwise we'll drop it from the top-left corner of the listview, adjusting for the header location { GetWindowRect(resultlist.getwnd(), &itemRect); HWND hHeader = (HWND)SNDMSG(hwndFrom, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0L); RECT headerRect; if ((WS_VISIBLE & GetWindowLongPtr(hHeader, GWL_STYLE)) && GetWindowRect(hHeader, &headerRect)) { itemRect.top += (headerRect.bottom - headerRect.top); } } x = itemRect.left; y = itemRect.top; } HWND hHeader = (HWND)SNDMSG(hwndFrom, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0L); RECT headerRect; if (0 == (WS_VISIBLE & GetWindowLongPtr(hHeader, GWL_STYLE)) || FALSE == GetWindowRect(hHeader, &headerRect)) { SetRectEmpty(&headerRect); } if (FALSE != PtInRect(&headerRect, pt)) { return 0; } HMENU g_context_menus=WASABI_API_LOADMENU(IDR_CONTEXTMENUS); HMENU menu=GetSubMenu(g_context_menus,0); sendto_hmenu=GetSubMenu(menu,2); UpdateMenuItems(hwndDlg, menu); s.mode = 0; s.hwnd = 0; s.build_hMenu = 0; IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU = (INT_PTR)SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)&"LibrarySendToMenu",IPC_REGISTER_WINAMP_IPCMESSAGE); if (IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU > 65536 && SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)0,IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU)==0xffffffff) { s.mode = 1; s.hwnd = hwndDlg; s.data_type = ML_TYPE_FILENAMESW; s.ctx[1] = 1; s.build_hMenu = sendto_hmenu; } UINT menustate = 0; int n=resultlist.GetSelectedCount(); if(n == 0) { menustate = MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_GRAYED; } else { menustate = MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_ENABLED; } EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_PE_ID3,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_MEDIAWND_PLAYSELECTEDFILES,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_MEDIAWND_ENQUEUESELECTEDFILES,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_MEDIAWND_EXPLOREFOLDER,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_MEDIAWND_REMOVEFROMLIBRARY,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu,ID_MEDIAWND_REMOVEOFFSETFROMLIBRARY,menustate); EnableMenuItem(menu, 2, MF_BYPOSITION|(n==0?MF_GRAYED:MF_ENABLED)); int r = Menu_TrackPopup(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, menu, TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, x, y, hwndDlg, NULL); if(!SendMessage(hwndDlg,WM_COMMAND,r,0)) { if (s.mode == 2) { s.menu_id = r; if (SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC, (WPARAM)&s, IPC_LIBRARY_SENDTOMENU) == 0xffffffff) { // build my data. s.mode=3; s.data_type=ML_TYPE_FILENAMESW; //std::vector sendStr; std::wstring sendStr; int l=resultlist.GetCount(); for(int i=0;i sendStrA; std::string sendStrA; int l=resultlist.GetCount(); for(int i=0;iapp_addAccelerators(hwndDlg, &accel, 1, TRANSLATE_MODE_CHILD); if (!view.play) { SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_GET_VIEW_BUTTON_TEXT, (WPARAM)&view); } history_cleanupifnecessary(); itemCache.Items=0; itemCache.Alloc=0; itemCache.Size=0; resultlist.setwnd(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST2)); resultlist.ForceUnicode(); resultSkin = (int)(INT_PTR)resultlist.getwnd(); //Might be unsafe groupBtn = g_config->ReadInt(L"groupbtn", 1); enqueuedef = (g_config->ReadInt(L"enqueuedef", 0) == 1); // v5.66+ - re-use the old predixis parts so the button can be used functionally via ml_enqplay // pass the hwnd, button id and plug-in id so the ml plug-in can check things as needed pluginMessage p = {ML_MSG_VIEW_BUTTON_HOOK, (INT_PTR)hwndDlg, (INT_PTR)MAKELONG(IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM, IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE), (INT_PTR)L"ml_history"}; wchar_t *pszTextW = (wchar_t *)SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_SEND_PLUGIN_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)&p); if (pszTextW && pszTextW[0] != 0) { // set this to be a bit different so we can just use one button and not the // mixable one as well (leaving that to prevent messing with the resources) customAllowed = TRUE; SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM, pszTextW); } else customAllowed = FALSE; MLSKINWINDOW m = {0}; m.skinType = SKINNEDWND_TYPE_LISTVIEW; m.style = SWS_USESKINFONT | SWS_USESKINCOLORS | SWS_USESKINCURSORS | SWLVS_FULLROWSELECT | SWLVS_DOUBLEBUFFER | SWLVS_ALTERNATEITEMS; m.hwndToSkin = resultlist.getwnd(); MLSkinWindow(mediaLibrary.library, &m); m.skinType = SKINNEDWND_TYPE_BUTTON; m.style = SWS_USESKINFONT | SWS_USESKINCOLORS | SWS_USESKINCURSORS | (groupBtn ? SWBS_SPLITBUTTON : 0); FLICKERFIX ff = {0, FFM_ERASEINPAINT}; const int buttonids[] = {IDC_BUTTON_PLAY, IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE, IDC_BUTTON_CUSTOM}; for (size_t i=0;i!=sizeof(buttonids)/sizeof(buttonids[0]);i++) { m.hwndToSkin = ff.hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, buttonids[i]); if (IsWindow(m.hwndToSkin)) { MLSkinWindow(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, &m); SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_FLICKERFIX, (WPARAM)&ff); } } INT ffcl[] = {IDC_REMOVEBOOK, IDC_CLEAR, IDC_MEDIASTATUS, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, IDC_SEARCHCAPTION}; m.skinType = SKINNEDWND_TYPE_AUTO; m.style = SWS_USESKINFONT | SWS_USESKINCOLORS | SWS_USESKINCURSORS; for (INT index = 0; index < sizeof(ffcl) / sizeof(INT); index++) { ff.hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, ffcl[index]); if (IsWindow(ff.hwnd)) { SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_FLICKERFIX, (WPARAM)&ff); m.hwndToSkin = ff.hwnd; MLSkinWindow(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, &m); } } ListView_SetTextColor(resultlist.getwnd(),dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMFG)); ListView_SetBkColor(resultlist.getwnd(), dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMBG)); ListView_SetTextBkColor(resultlist.getwnd(),dialogSkinner.Color(WADLG_ITEMBG)); resultlist.SetFont(dialogSkinner.GetFont()); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_LAST_PLAYED), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_lp", 111)); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_PLAY_COUNT), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_count", 70)); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_TITLE), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_title", 238)); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_LENGTH), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_len", 50)); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_FILENAME), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_filename", 285)); resultlist.AddCol(WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_COL_OFFSET), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_col_offset", 80)); m_headerhwnd=ListView_GetHeader(resultlist.getwnd()); { char *query=""; if (g_config->ReadInt(L"remembersearch",0)) query = g_config->ReadString("recent_lastquery", ""); AutoWide queryUnicode(query, CP_UTF8); SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_QUICKSEARCH,queryUnicode); KillTimer(hwndDlg,UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID); doQuery(hwndDlg,queryUnicode,0); } { int l_sc=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_by", HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED); int l_sd=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_dir", 0); mediaLibrary.ListViewSort(resultSkin, l_sc, l_sd); mediaLibrary.ListViewShowSort(resultSkin, TRUE); } history_ManageButtons(hwndDlg); history_UpdateButtonText(hwndDlg, enqueuedef == 1); search_oldWndProc = (WNDPROC)(LONG_PTR)SetWindowLongPtrW(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_QUICKSEARCH),GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)search_newWndProc); break; } case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: if ((SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE) != ((SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE) & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags) || (SWP_FRAMECHANGED & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags)) { LayoutWindows(hwndDlg, !(SWP_NOREDRAW & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags)); } return 0; case WM_USER + 0x201: offsetX = (short)LOWORD(wParam); offsetY = (short)HIWORD(wParam); g_rgnUpdate = (HRGN)lParam; return TRUE; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (GetCapture()==hwndDlg) { POINT p; p.x=GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); p.y=GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ClientToScreen(hwndDlg,&p); mlDropItemStruct m={0}; m.type=ML_TYPE_FILENAMESW; m.p=p; pluginHandleIpcMessage(ML_IPC_HANDLEDRAG,(WPARAM)&m); break; } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (GetCapture()==hwndDlg) { ReleaseCapture(); POINT p; p.x=GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); p.y=GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ClientToScreen(hwndDlg,&p); mlDropItemStruct m={0}; m.type=ML_TYPE_FILENAMESW; m.p=p; m.flags=ML_HANDLEDRAG_FLAG_NOCURSOR; pluginHandleIpcMessage(ML_IPC_HANDLEDRAG,(WPARAM)&m); if (m.result>0) { size_t buf_size=4096; wchar_t *buf=(wchar_t*)calloc(buf_size, sizeof(wchar_t)); int buf_pos=0; int l=resultlist.GetCount(); for(int i=0;iReadInt(L"enqueuedef", 0) == 1 : 0; } else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_BUTTON_ENQUEUE || LOWORD(wParam) == ID_MEDIAWND_ENQUEUESELECTEDFILES) { action = (HIWORD(wParam) == 1) ? g_config->ReadInt(L"enqueuedef", 0) != 1 : 1; } else break; playFiles(action, 0); } break; } case ID_MEDIAWND_SELECTALL: ListView_SetItemState(resultlist.getwnd(), -1, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); break; case ID_MEDIAWND_REMOVEFROMLIBRARY: removeSelectedItems(0); break; case ID_MEDIAWND_REMOVEOFFSETFROMLIBRARY: removeSelectedItemOffsets(0); break; case ID_MEDIAWND_EXPLOREFOLDER: exploreItemFolder(hwndDlg); break; case ID_PE_ID3: fileInfoDialogs(hwndDlg); break; } } else { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_QUICKSEARCH: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { KillTimer(hwndDlg,UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID); SetTimer(hwndDlg,UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID,100,NULL); } break; case ID_MEDIAWND_SELECTALL: SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); break; case ID_MEDIAWND_REMOVEFROMLIBRARY: { DWORD start = -1, end = -1; SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&start, (LPARAM)&end); if (start != -1) { if (start == end) { SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_SETSEL, start, end + 1); } SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)L""); SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_SETSEL, start, start); } } break; } } break; case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == 123) { if (history_bgThread_Handle) { ListView_SetItemCount(resultlist.getwnd(),1); ListView_RedrawItems(resultlist.getwnd(),0,0); } } else if (wParam == UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID) { KillTimer(hwndDlg,UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID); wchar_t text[512] = {0}; GetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_QUICKSEARCH),text,511-1); text[511]=0; doQuery(hwndDlg,text); } return 0; case WM_APP+3: // sent by bgthread if (wParam == 0x69) { history_bgQuery_Stop(); ListView_SetItemCount(resultlist.getwnd(),0); ListView_SetItemCount(resultlist.getwnd(),itemCache.Size); if (itemCache.Size>0) ListView_RedrawItems(resultlist.getwnd(),0,itemCache.Size-1); if (m_lv_last_topidx) { ListView_EnsureVisible(resultlist.getwnd(),m_lv_last_topidx,FALSE); m_lv_last_topidx=0; } unsigned int total_plays=0; int x; for (x = 0; x < itemCache.Size; x ++) { total_plays += itemCache.Items[x].playcnt; } int total_length_s = (int)lParam & 0x7FFFFFFF; int uncert=(int)(lParam>>31); wchar_t buf[1024] = {0}, itemStr[16] = {0}, playStr[16] = {0}; StringCchPrintfW(buf, 1024, L"%d %s, %u %s ", itemCache.Size, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(itemCache.Size==1?IDS_ITEM:IDS_ITEMS,itemStr,16), total_plays, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(total_plays==1?IDS_PLAY:IDS_PLAYS,playStr,16)); if (total_length_s < 60*60) { StringCchPrintfW(buf+wcslen(buf), 64, L"[%s%u:%02u]", uncert ? L"~" : L"", total_length_s / 60, total_length_s % 60); } else if (total_length_s < 60*60*24) { StringCchPrintfW(buf+wcslen(buf), 64, L"[%s%u:%02u:%02u]", uncert ? L"~" : L"", total_length_s / 60 / 60, (total_length_s / 60) % 60, total_length_s % 60); } else { wchar_t days[16] = {0}; int total_days = total_length_s / (60 * 60 * 24); total_length_s -= total_days * 60 * 60 * 24; StringCchPrintfW(buf+wcslen(buf), 64, L"[%s%u %s+%u:%02u:%02u]", uncert ? L"~" : L"", total_days, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(total_days == 1 ? IDS_DAY : IDS_DAYS, days, 16), total_length_s / 60 / 60, (total_length_s / 60) % 60, total_length_s % 60); } SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,IDC_MEDIASTATUS,buf); } break; case WM_DESTROY: if (resultlist.getwnd()) { g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_lp", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(0)); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_count", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(1)); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_title", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(2)); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_len", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(3)); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_filename", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(4)); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_col_offset", resultlist.GetColumnWidth(5)); } History_SaveLastQuery(hwndDlg); if (g_table_dirty && g_table) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); NDE_Table_Sync(g_table); g_table_dirty=0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); } emptyRecentRecordList(&itemCache); free(itemCache.Items); itemCache.Items=0; itemCache.Alloc=0; itemCache.Size=0; m_hwnd=0; g_q.Set(L""); WASABI_API_APP->app_removeAccelerators(hwndDlg); break; case WM_PAINT: { int tab[] = {IDC_QUICKSEARCH|DCW_SUNKENBORDER, IDC_LIST2|DCW_SUNKENBORDER}; dialogSkinner.Draw(hwndDlg, tab, 1 + !!IsWindowVisible(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH))); } return 0; case WM_APP+1: history_bgQuery((int)lParam); break; case WM_ML_CHILDIPC: if(lParam == ML_CHILDIPC_GO_TO_SEARCHBAR) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_QUICKSEARCH)); } else if (lParam == ML_CHILDIPC_REFRESH_SEARCH) { PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDC_QUICKSEARCH, EN_CHANGE), (LPARAM)GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_QUICKSEARCH)); } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1; //handled by WADlg_DrawChildWindowBorders in WM_PAINT case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMHDR l=(LPNMHDR)lParam; if (l->idFrom==IDC_LIST2) // media view { if (l->code == NM_DBLCLK) { playFiles((!!g_config->ReadInt(L"enqueuedef", 0)) ^ (!!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000)),0); } else if (l->code == LVN_ODFINDITEMW) // yay we find an item (for kb shortcuts) { if (history_bgThread_Handle) return 0; NMLVFINDITEMW *t = (NMLVFINDITEMW *)lParam; int i=t->iStart; if (i >= itemCache.Size) i=0; int cnt=itemCache.Size-i; if (t->lvfi.flags & LVFI_WRAP) cnt+=i; int by = g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_by", HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED); while (cnt-->0) { historyRecord *thisitem=itemCache.Items + i; wchar_t tmp[128] = {0}; const wchar_t *name=0; switch (by) { case HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME: name=thisitem->filename; if (!wcsstr(name,L"://")) { while (name && *name) name++; while (name && name >= thisitem->filename && *name != '/' && *name != '\\') name--; if (name) name++; } break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_TITLE: name=thisitem->title; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED: tmp[0]=0; if (thisitem->lastplayed > 0) { __time64_t timev = thisitem->lastplayed; MakeDateStringW(timev, tmp, ARRAYSIZE(tmp)); } name=tmp; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_PLAYCOUNT: StringCchPrintfW(tmp,128,L"%u",thisitem->playcnt); name=tmp; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_LENGTH: tmp[0]=0; if (thisitem->length >= 0) StringCchPrintfW(tmp,128,L"%d:%02d",thisitem->length/60,thisitem->length%60); name=tmp; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_OFFSET: tmp[0]=0; if (thisitem->offset > 0) StringCchPrintfW(tmp,128,L"%d:%02d",(thisitem->offset/1000)/60,(thisitem->offset/1000)%60); name=tmp; break; } if (!name) name=L""; else SKIP_THE_AND_WHITESPACE(name) if (t->lvfi.flags & (4|LVFI_PARTIAL)) { if (!_wcsnicmp(name,t->lvfi.psz,lstrlenW(t->lvfi.psz))) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,i); return 1; } } else if (t->lvfi.flags & LVFI_STRING) { if (!_wcsicmp(name,t->lvfi.psz)) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,i); return 1; } } else { SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,-1); return 1; } if (++i == itemCache.Size) i=0; } SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,-1); return 1; } else if (l->code == LVN_GETDISPINFOW) { NMLVDISPINFOW *lpdi = (NMLVDISPINFOW*) lParam; int item=lpdi->item.iItem; if (history_bgThread_Handle) { if (!item && lpdi->item.iSubItem == 0 && lpdi->item.mask & LVIF_TEXT) { static char bufpos; static char chars[4]={'/','-','\\','|'}; StringCchPrintfW(lpdi->item.pszText,lpdi->item.cchTextMax, L"%s %c",WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_SCANNING), chars[bufpos++&3]); return 0; } } if (item < 0 || item >= itemCache.Size) return 0; historyRecord *thisitem = itemCache.Items + item; if (lpdi->item.mask & (LVIF_TEXT|/*LVIF_IMAGE*/0)) // we can always do images too :) { if (lpdi->item.mask & LVIF_TEXT) { wchar_t tmpbuf[128] = {0}; const wchar_t *nameptr=0; switch (lpdi->item.iSubItem) { case HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME: nameptr=thisitem->filename; if (!wcsstr(nameptr,L"://")) { while (nameptr && *nameptr) nameptr++; while (nameptr && nameptr >= thisitem->filename && *nameptr != L'/' && *nameptr != L'\\') nameptr--; if (nameptr) nameptr++; } break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_TITLE: nameptr=thisitem->title; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED: if (thisitem->lastplayed > 0) { __time64_t timev = thisitem->lastplayed; MakeDateStringW(timev, tmpbuf, ARRAYSIZE(tmpbuf)); } nameptr=tmpbuf; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_PLAYCOUNT: StringCchPrintfW(tmpbuf,128,L"%u",thisitem->playcnt); nameptr=tmpbuf; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_LENGTH: if (thisitem->length >= 0) StringCchPrintfW(tmpbuf,128,L"%d:%02d",thisitem->length/60,thisitem->length%60); nameptr=tmpbuf; break; case HISTORYVIEW_COL_OFFSET: if (thisitem->offset > 0) StringCchPrintfW(tmpbuf,128,L"%d:%02d",(thisitem->offset/1000)/60,(thisitem->offset/1000)%60); nameptr=tmpbuf; break; } if (nameptr) lstrcpynW(lpdi->item.pszText,nameptr,lpdi->item.cchTextMax); else lpdi->item.pszText[0]=0; } // if(lpdi->item.mask & LVIF_IMAGE) } // bother return 0; } // LVN_GETDISPINFO else if (l->code == LVN_COLUMNCLICK) { NMLISTVIEW *p=(NMLISTVIEW*)lParam; int l_sc=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_by",HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED); int l_sd=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_dir",0); if (p->iSubItem == l_sc) l_sd=!l_sd; else { l_sd=0; l_sc=p->iSubItem; } g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_sort_by",l_sc); g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_sort_dir",l_sd); mediaLibrary.ListViewSort(resultSkin, l_sc, l_sd); sortResults(&itemCache, g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_by",HISTORY_SORT_LASTPLAYED), g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_sort_dir",0)); ListView_SetItemCount(resultlist.getwnd(),0); ListView_SetItemCount(resultlist.getwnd(),itemCache.Size); ListView_RedrawItems(resultlist.getwnd(),0,itemCache.Size-1); } else if (l->code == LVN_BEGINDRAG) { SetCapture(hwndDlg); } else if (l->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) { history_ManageButtons(hwndDlg); } } } break; case WM_APP + 104: { history_UpdateButtonText(hwndDlg, (int)wParam); LayoutWindows(hwndDlg, TRUE); return 0; } } return FALSE; } void nukeHistory(HWND hwndDlg) { wchar_t titleStr[32] = {0}; if (MessageBoxW(hwndDlg, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_REMOVE_ALL_HISTORY), WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_CONFIRMATION,titleStr,32), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { closeDb(); wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH] = {0}; StringCchPrintfW(tmp, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\recent.dat", g_tableDir); DeleteFileW(tmp); StringCchPrintfW(tmp, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\recent.idx", g_tableDir); DeleteFileW(tmp); openDb(); // trigger a refresh of the current view PostMessage(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, WM_USER + 30, 0, 0); } } BOOL CALLBACK view_errorinfoDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { BOOL a= (BOOL)dialogSkinner.Handle(hwndDlg,uMsg,wParam,lParam); if (a) return a; switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DB_ERROR), (wchar_t*)WASABI_API_LOADRESFROMFILEW(TEXT("TEXT"), MAKEINTRESOURCE((nde_error ? IDR_NDE_ERROR : IDR_DB_ERROR)), 0)); if (nde_error) DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESET_DB_ON_ERROR)); FLICKERFIX ff; INT index; INT ffcl[] = { IDC_DB_ERROR, IDC_RESET_DB_ON_ERROR, }; ff.mode = FFM_ERASEINPAINT; for (index = 0; index < (sizeof(ffcl) / sizeof(INT)); index++) { ff.hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, ffcl[index]); if (IsWindow(ff.hwnd)) { SENDMLIPC(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, ML_IPC_FLICKERFIX, (WPARAM)&ff); } } MLSKINWINDOW m = {0}; m.skinType = SKINNEDWND_TYPE_DIALOG; m.hwndToSkin = hwndDlg; m.style = SWS_USESKINFONT | SWS_USESKINCOLORS | SWS_USESKINCURSORS; MLSkinWindow(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, &m); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_RESET_DB_ON_ERROR) { nukeHistory(hwndDlg); } break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: if ((SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE) != ((SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE) & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags) || (SWP_FRAMECHANGED & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags)) { LayoutWindows2(hwndDlg, !(SWP_NOREDRAW & ((WINDOWPOS*)lParam)->flags)); } return 0; case WM_USER+66: if (wParam == -1) { LayoutWindows2(hwndDlg, TRUE); } return TRUE; case WM_USER + 0x201: offsetX = (short)LOWORD(wParam); offsetY = (short)HIWORD(wParam); g_rgnUpdate = (HRGN)lParam; return TRUE; case WM_PAINT: { dialogSkinner.Draw(hwndDlg, 0, 0); } return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1; //handled by WADlg_DrawChildWindowBorders in WM_PAINT } return FALSE; } void history_cleanupifnecessary() { if (!g_table) return; time_t now=time(NULL); // if we've done it in the last 8 hours, don't do it again! if (now < g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_limitlt",0) + 8*60*60) return; // time to cleanup int limit_d=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_limitd",1); int limit_dn=g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_limitnd",30); if (!limit_d || limit_dn < 1) return; g_config->WriteInt(L"recent_limitlt",(int)now); EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s = NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); wchar_t str[512] = {0}; StringCchPrintfW(str,512,L"lastplay < [%d days ago]",limit_dn); NDE_Scanner_Query(s, str); NDE_Scanner_First(s); for (;;) { if (!NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED)) break; NDE_Scanner_Edit(s); NDE_Scanner_Delete(s); NDE_Scanner_Post(s); g_table_dirty++; } NDE_Table_DestroyScanner(g_table, s); if (g_table_dirty) { NDE_Table_Sync(g_table); g_table_dirty=0; NDE_Table_Compact(g_table); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); } void history_onFile(const wchar_t *fn, int offset) { if (!fn || fn && !*fn) return; int isstream=!!wcsstr(fn,L"://"); if (isstream) { if (g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_track",1)&2) return; } else { if (!(g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_track",1)&1)) return; } if (!g_table && !openDb()) return; const wchar_t *filename = fn; int was_querying=0; if (history_bgThread_Handle) { history_bgQuery_Stop(); was_querying=1; } KillTimer(m_hwnd,123); EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s = NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); wchar_t filename2[2048] = {0}; // full lfn path if set makeFilename2(filename,filename2,ARRAYSIZE(filename2)); int found=0; if (filename2[0]) { if (NDE_Scanner_LocateFilename(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME, FIRST_RECORD, filename2)) found = 2; } if (!found) { if (NDE_Scanner_LocateFilename(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME, FIRST_RECORD, filename)) found = 1; } int cnt=0; if (found) { NDE_Scanner_Edit(s); if (found == 1 && filename2[0]) db_setFieldString(s,HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME,filename2); // if we have a better filename, update it nde_field_t f = NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_PLAYCOUNT); cnt = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):0; } else { NDE_Scanner_New(s); db_setFieldString(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME, filename2[0] ? filename2 : filename); int plidx= (int)SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETLISTPOS); const wchar_t *ft=(const wchar_t*)SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC, plidx, IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLEW); if (!ft || (INT_PTR)ft == 1) ft=fn; const wchar_t *ftp=ft; int length= (int)SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent, WM_WA_IPC, 1, IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME); if (*ftp == '[' && (ftp=wcsstr(ftp,L"]"))) { ftp++; while (ftp && *ftp == ' ') ftp++; if (ftp && !*ftp) ftp=ft; } else ftp=ft; db_setFieldInt(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_LENGTH, length); db_setFieldString(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_TITLE, ftp); } if (offset >= 0) { db_setFieldInt(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_OFFSET, (offset > 0 ? offset : -1)); } else { db_setFieldInt(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_LASTPLAYED, (int)time(NULL)); db_setFieldInt(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_PLAYCOUNT, cnt+1); } NDE_Scanner_Post(s); NDE_Table_DestroyScanner(g_table, s); NDE_Table_Sync(g_table); g_table_dirty++; // changed to save the history when updated to prevent it being // lost but retains the 8hr cleanup, etc which is otherwise run if (g_table_dirty > 100) { history_cleanupifnecessary(); } if (g_table_dirty) { // and to keep existing behaviour for the dirty count, we // ensure that even on saving we maintain the dirty count closeDb(false); openDb(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); if (was_querying) history_bgQuery(); if (IsWindow(m_hwnd)) { m_lv_last_topidx=ListView_GetTopIndex(resultlist.getwnd()); SendMessage(m_hwnd,WM_APP+1,0,0); } } int retrieve_offset(const wchar_t *fn) { int offset = -1; int isstream=!!wcsstr(fn,L"://"); if (isstream) { if (g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_track",1)&2) return offset; } else { if (!(g_config->ReadInt(L"recent_track",1)&1)) return offset; } if (!g_table && !openDb()) return offset; const wchar_t *filename=fn; EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s = NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); wchar_t filename2[2048] = {0}; // full lfn path if set makeFilename2(filename,filename2,ARRAYSIZE(filename2)); int found=0; if (filename2[0]) { if (NDE_Scanner_LocateFilename(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME,FIRST_RECORD,filename2)) found=2; } if (!found) { if (NDE_Scanner_LocateFilename(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME,FIRST_RECORD,filename)) found=1; } if (found) { nde_field_t f = NDE_Scanner_GetFieldByID(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_OFFSET); offset = f?NDE_IntegerField_GetValue(f):-1; } NDE_Table_DestroyScanner(g_table, s); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); return offset; } void fileInfoDialogs(HWND hwndParent) { history_bgQuery_Stop(); int l=resultlist.GetCount(),i; int needref=0; for(i=0;ifilename || !song->filename[0]) continue; infoBoxParamW p; p.filename=song->filename; p.parent=hwndParent; if (SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)&p,IPC_INFOBOXW)) break; needref=1; EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); nde_scanner_t s= NDE_Table_CreateScanner(g_table); if (NDE_Scanner_LocateNDEFilename(s, HISTORYVIEW_COL_FILENAME,FIRST_RECORD,song->filename)) { wchar_t ft[1024]={0}; basicFileInfoStructW bi = {0}; bi.filename=p.filename; bi.length=-1; bi.title=ft; bi.titlelen=ARRAYSIZE(ft); SendMessage(plugin.hwndWinampParent,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)&bi,IPC_GET_BASIC_FILE_INFOW); db_setFieldInt(s,HISTORYVIEW_COL_LENGTH,bi.length); db_setFieldString(s,HISTORYVIEW_COL_TITLE,ft); NDE_Scanner_Post(s); } NDE_Table_DestroyScanner(g_table, s); g_table_dirty++; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); } if (g_table_dirty && g_table) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); NDE_Table_Sync(g_table); g_table_dirty=0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_db_cs); } if (needref) { SendMessage(hwndParent,WM_TIMER,UPDATE_QUERY_TIMER_ID,0); } MSG msg; while(PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,WM_KEYFIRST,WM_KEYLAST,PM_REMOVE)); //eat return }