#include //#define NO_SIMPLEFASTMODE #include #include #include "bitmap.h" #ifndef _NOSTUDIO #include #endif #include #include #include #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(LINUX) #error port me! #endif #define ERRORBMP L"wasabi.bitmapnotfound" #define HARDERRORBMP L"xml/wasabi/window/error.png" // do not define NO_MMX in this file. :) #ifndef NO_MMX #ifdef WIN32 #define MMX_CONST const #else #define MMX_CONST #endif static unsigned int MMX_CONST SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2[2]={0x01000100,0x01000100}; static unsigned int MMX_CONST SkinBitmap_mmx_zero[2]; static unsigned int MMX_CONST SkinBitmap_mmx_one[2]={1,0}; #define HAS_MMX Blenders::MMX_AVAILABLE() #else //NO_MMX defined #define HAS_MMX 0 #endif #ifndef _NOSTUDIO #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_IMGLDR SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance, int id, const wchar_t *forcegroup) { bitmapname = L""; subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; fullimage_w=fullimage_h=0; has_alpha = 0; ASSERT(hInstance != NULL); ownbits=1; fromskin = 0; bits=WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_makeBmp(hInstance, id,&has_alpha,&fullimage_w,&fullimage_h, forcegroup); last_failed = 0; #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_SKIN if (bits == NULL) { //last_failed = 1; //TODO: bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_requestSkinBitmap(ERRORBMP, &has_alpha, &x_offset, &y_offset, &subimage_w, &subimage_h, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h,_cached); } #endif if (bits == NULL) { last_failed = 1; bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_makeBmp(HARDERRORBMP, &has_alpha, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h); } } #endif #endif // TODO: benski> make sure this works :) SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(ARGB32 *_bits, int w, int h) { subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; bitmapname = L""; fullimage_w=fullimage_h=0; has_alpha = 1; ownbits=0; bits = _bits; fromskin = 0; last_failed = 0; } // TODO: benski> could we be using GetDIBits here? void SkinBitmap::bmpToBits(HBITMAP hbmp, HDC defaultDC) { #ifdef WIN32 if (hbmp && !bits) { BITMAPINFO srcbmi={0,}; HDC hMemDC, hMemDC2; HBITMAP hprev,hprev2=0; HBITMAP hsrcdib; void *srcdib; BITMAP bm; int r = GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm); ASSERT(r != 0); fullimage_w=bm.bmWidth; fullimage_h=ABS(bm.bmHeight); int bmw=getWidth(); int bmh=getHeight(); int xo=getX(); int yo=getY(); srcbmi.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(srcbmi.bmiHeader); srcbmi.bmiHeader.biWidth=bmw; srcbmi.bmiHeader.biHeight=-bmh; srcbmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1; srcbmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount=32; srcbmi.bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); hsrcdib=CreateDIBSection(hMemDC,&srcbmi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,&srcdib,NULL,0); ASSERTPR(hsrcdib != 0, "CreateDIBSection() failed #6"); if (defaultDC) hMemDC2 = defaultDC; else { hMemDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); hprev2 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC2, hbmp); } hprev = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hsrcdib); BitBlt(hMemDC,0,0,bmw,bmh,hMemDC2,xo,yo,SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hMemDC, hprev); if (!defaultDC) { SelectObject(hMemDC2, hprev2); DeleteDC(hMemDC2); } DeleteDC(hMemDC); bits=(ARGB32*)MALLOC_(bmw*bmh*4); if (getHeight()+getY() > bm.bmHeight || getWidth()+getX() > bm.bmWidth) { ASSERTALWAYS(StringPrintf("Subbitmap coordinates outside master bitmap [%d,%d,%d,%d in 0,0,%d,%d]", getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight(), bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight)); } MEMCPY32(bits,srcdib,bmw*bmh/**sizeof(ARGB32)*/); DeleteObject(hsrcdib); x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; fullimage_w=bmw; fullimage_h=bmh; } #endif #ifdef LINUX if ( ! bits ) { fullimage_w=hbmp.bmWidth; fullimage_h=ABS(hbmp.bmHeight); bits=(ARGB32*)MALLOC_( fullimage_w * fullimage_h * 4 ); MEMCPY32( bits, hbmp.shmseginfo->shmaddr, fullimage_w * fullimage_h ); x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; } #endif } #ifndef _NOSTUDIO #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_IMGLDR SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(const wchar_t *elementname, int _cached) { ASSERT(elementname!= NULL); bitmapname = elementname; x_offset = -1; y_offset = -1; subimage_w = -1; subimage_h = -1; fullimage_w=fullimage_h=0; ownbits=1; bits = NULL; fromskin = 0; last_failed = 0; #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_SKIN bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_requestSkinBitmap(elementname, &has_alpha, &x_offset, &y_offset, &subimage_w, &subimage_h, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h,_cached); fromskin = (bits != NULL); #endif if (bits == NULL) bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_makeBmp(elementname, &has_alpha, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h); #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_SKIN if (bits == NULL) { bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_requestSkinBitmap(ERRORBMP, &has_alpha, &x_offset, &y_offset, &subimage_w, &subimage_h, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h,_cached); last_failed = 1; } #endif if (bits == NULL) { bits = WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_makeBmp(HARDERRORBMP, &has_alpha, &fullimage_w, &fullimage_h); last_failed = 1; } // check that coordinates are correct if(x_offset!=-1 && x_offset>fullimage_w) x_offset=fullimage_w-1; if(y_offset!=-1 && y_offset>fullimage_h) y_offset=fullimage_h-1; if(subimage_w!=-1 && (x_offset+subimage_w)>fullimage_w) subimage_w=fullimage_w-x_offset; if(subimage_h!=-1 && (y_offset+subimage_h)>fullimage_h) subimage_h=fullimage_h-y_offset; // ASSERTPR(bits != NULL, elementname); if (bits == NULL) { DebugString("element not found ! %s\n", elementname); int n = 10*10; bits = (ARGB32 *)WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(n * 4); ARGB32 *p = bits; while (n--) *p++ = 0xFFFF00FF; } } #endif #endif SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(HBITMAP bitmap) { #ifdef WIN32 ASSERT(bitmap != NULL); #endif subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; bitmapname = L""; fullimage_w=fullimage_h=0; has_alpha = 0; ownbits=1; bits = NULL; fromskin = 0; last_failed = 0; bmpToBits(bitmap,NULL); } SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(HBITMAP bitmap, HDC dc, int _has_alpha, void *_bits) { subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; fromskin = 0; last_failed = 0; bitmapname = L""; fullimage_w=fullimage_h=0; #ifdef WIN32 ASSERT(bitmap != NULL); #endif has_alpha = _has_alpha; bits = (ARGB32*)_bits; if (!_bits) { ownbits=1; bmpToBits(bitmap,dc); } else { #ifdef WIN32 BITMAP bm; ownbits=0; int r = GetObject(bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm); ASSERT(r != 0); fullimage_w=bm.bmWidth; fullimage_h=ABS(bm.bmHeight); #endif #ifdef LINUX ownbits=0; fullimage_w=bitmap.bmWidth; fullimage_h=ABS(bitmap.bmHeight); #endif //port me } } SkinBitmap::SkinBitmap(int w, int h, DWORD bgcolor) { subimage_w=-1; subimage_h=-1; x_offset=-1; y_offset=-1; fullimage_w=w; bitmapname = L""; fullimage_h=h; fromskin = 0; last_failed = 0; int memsize = w*h*sizeof(ARGB32); if (memsize == 0) memsize++; // +1 so no failure when 0x0 bits = (ARGB32*)MALLOC_(memsize); DWORD *dw = (DWORD *)bits; MEMFILL(dw, bgcolor, w*h); has_alpha = TRUE; ownbits=2; // 2 specifies should be FREE()'d } SkinBitmap::~SkinBitmap() { if (bits) { if (ownbits==2) FREE(bits); #ifndef _NOSTUDIO #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_IMGLDR else if (ownbits) { #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_SKIN if (fromskin) WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_releaseSkinBitmap(bits); else #endif #ifndef _WASABIRUNTIME WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_releaseBmp(bits); #else WASABI_API_IMGLDR->imgldr_releaseSkinBitmap(bits); #endif } #endif #endif } bits=NULL; } void SkinBitmap::blit(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y) { RECT src, dst; src.left=0; src.top=0; src.bottom=getHeight(); src.right=getWidth(); dst.left=x; dst.right=x+getWidth(); dst.top=y; dst.bottom=y+getHeight(); blitToRect(canvas,&src,&dst,255); } void SkinBitmap::blitRectToTile(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *dest, RECT *src, int xoffs, int yoffs, int alpha) { int startx,starty; int w,h; w = src->right-src->left; h = src->bottom-src->top; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; //wtfmf RECT c; if (canvas->getClipBox(&c) == NULLREGION) { c = *dest; } else { if (dest->left > c.left) c.left = dest->left; if (dest->top > c.top) c.top = dest->top; if (dest->right < c.right) c.right = dest->right; if (dest->bottom < c.bottom) c.bottom = dest->bottom; } starty = c.top-((c.top - dest->top) % h)- yoffs; startx = c.left-((c.left - dest->left) % w) - xoffs; for (int j=starty;j= c.right) _w=c.right-xp; if (yp + _h >= c.bottom) _h=c.bottom-yp; RECT _s={xo, yo, xo+_w, yo+_h}; RECT _d={xp, yp, xp+_w, yp+_h}; blitToRect(canvas, &_s, &_d, alpha); } } void SkinBitmap::blitTile(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *dest, int xoffs, int yoffs, int alpha) { RECT r={0,0,getWidth(),getHeight()}; blitRectToTile(canvas, dest, &r, xoffs, yoffs, alpha); } #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4799) #endif #define DEFAULT_CACHE_WIDTH 64 #define DEFAULT_CACHE_HEIGHT 64 int cacheWidth = DEFAULT_CACHE_WIDTH; int cacheHeight = DEFAULT_CACHE_HEIGHT; BltCanvas blitToRectCanvas(DEFAULT_CACHE_WIDTH,DEFAULT_CACHE_HEIGHT); void SkinBitmap::blitToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *src, RECT *dst, int alpha) { // only dst(top,left) are used if (alpha <= 0) return; if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; HDC hdc = canvas->getHDC(); if (hdc == NULL) return; void *dib=canvas->getBits(); int cwidth,cheight, pitch; BaseCloneCanvas clone(canvas); bool usingBlitCanvas = false; RECT destrect=*dst; destrect.bottom=destrect.top+(src->bottom-src->top); destrect.right=destrect.left+(src->right-src->left); RECT c; int ctype=canvas->getClipBox(&c); if (c.top > destrect.top) destrect.top=c.top; if (c.left > destrect.left) destrect.left=c.left; if (c.bottom < destrect.bottom) destrect.bottom=c.bottom; if (c.right < destrect.right) destrect.right=c.right; #ifdef NO_SIMPLEFASTMODE dib=NULL; #endif if (destrect.right <= destrect.left || destrect.bottom <= destrect.top) return; int xs,yp,xe,ye; if (!dib || canvas->getDim(NULL,&cheight,&cwidth) || !cwidth || cheight < 1 || ctype == COMPLEXREGION) { cwidth=destrect.right-destrect.left; cheight=destrect.bottom-destrect.top; if (cwidth > cacheWidth || cheight > cacheHeight) { cacheWidth=MAX(cacheWidth, cwidth); cacheHeight=MAX(cacheHeight, cheight); blitToRectCanvas.DestructiveResize(cacheWidth, cacheHeight); } dib = blitToRectCanvas.getBits(); if (has_alpha || alpha < 255) clone.blit(destrect.left, destrect.top, &blitToRectCanvas, 0, 0, cwidth, cheight); xs=0; yp=0; xe=cwidth; ye=cheight; pitch=cacheWidth; usingBlitCanvas = true; } else { xs=destrect.left; xe=destrect.right; yp=destrect.top; ye=destrect.bottom; cwidth/=4; pitch=cwidth; } int xpo=(dst->left-destrect.left+xs)-(getX()+src->left); int ypo=(dst->top-destrect.top+yp)-(getY()+src->top); if (yp < 0) yp=0; if (xs < 0) xs=0; if (yp getWidth()+getX()+xpo) xe=getWidth()+getX()+xpo; if (ye > getHeight()+getY()+ypo) ye=getHeight()+getY()+ypo; // blend bitmap to dib if (xs1) __asm { movd mm3, [alpha] mov ecx, xp movq mm4, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] packuswb mm3, mm3 // 0000HHVV paddusw mm3, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] mov edi, dest punpcklwd mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV mov esi, src punpckldq mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV HHVVHHVV shr ecx, 1 psubw mm4, mm3 align 16 _blitAlpha_Loop1: movd mm0, [edi] movd mm1, [esi] punpcklbw mm0, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] movd mm7, [edi+4] punpcklbw mm1, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] pmullw mm0, mm4 pmullw mm1, mm3 movd mm6, [esi+4] punpcklbw mm7, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] punpcklbw mm6, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] pmullw mm7, mm4 pmullw mm6, mm3 paddw mm0, mm1 psrlw mm0, 8 packuswb mm0, mm0 add esi, 8 movd [edi], mm0 paddw mm7, mm6 psrlw mm7, 8 packuswb mm7, mm7 movd [edi+4], mm7 add edi, 8 dec ecx jnz _blitAlpha_Loop1 mov src, esi mov dest, edi #else if ( xp > 1 ) { __asm__ volatile ( "movd %6, %%mm3\n" "mov %2, %%ecx\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm4\n" "packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm3\n" "mov %0, %%edi\n" "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "mov %1, %%esi\n" "punpckldq %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "shr $1, %%ecx\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm4\n" ".align 16\n" "_blitAlpha_Loop1:\n" "movd (%%edi), %%mm0\n" "movd (%%esi), %%mm1\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm0\n" "movd 4(%%edi), %%mm7\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm1\n" "pmullw %%mm3, %%mm0\n" "pmullw %%mm4, %%mm1\n" "movd 4(%%esi), %%mm6\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm7\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm6\n" "pmullw %%mm4, %%mm6\n" "pmullw %%mm3, %%mm7\n" "paddw %%mm1, %%mm0\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm0\n" "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n" "add $8, %%esi\n" "movd %%mm0, (%%edi)\n" "paddw %%mm6, %%mm7\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm7, 4(%%edi)\n" "add $8, %%edi\n" "dec %%ecx\n" "jnz _blitAlpha_Loop1\n" "mov %%esi, %1\n" "mov %%edi, %0\n" : "=m" (dest), "=m" (src), "=m" (xp) : "0" (dest), "1" (src), "2" (xp), "m" (alpha) : "%eax", "%ecx", "%esi", "%edi" ); #endif } if (xp & 1) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ1_MMX(*src++, *dest, alpha); } // mmx available #endif // !NO_MMX } else if (alpha == 255) { // no global alpha, just alpha channel if (!HAS_MMX) while (xp--) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ2(*dest, *src++); #ifndef NO_MMX else { #ifdef WIN32 if (xp > 1) __asm { mov ecx, xp shr ecx, 1 mov edi, dest mov esi, src align 16 _blitAlpha_Loop2: movd mm3, [esi] movd mm5, [esi+4] movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] psrld mm3, 24 movq mm4, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] psrld mm5, 24 movd mm0, [edi] packuswb mm3, mm3 // 0000HHVV movd mm1, [esi] packuswb mm5, mm5 // 0000HHVV movd mm6, [esi+4] paddusw mm3, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklwd mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV paddusw mm5, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] movd mm7, [edi+4] punpcklwd mm5, mm5 // HHVVHHVV punpckldq mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV HHVVHHVV punpckldq mm5, mm5 // HHVVHHVV HHVVHHVV punpcklbw mm6, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm4, mm5 punpcklbw mm0, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm2, mm3 punpcklbw mm7, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] pmullw mm0, mm2 pmullw mm7, mm4 punpcklbw mm1, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm2, mm3 psrlw mm0, 8 psrlw mm7, 8 paddw mm0, mm1 paddw mm7, mm6 packuswb mm0, mm0 movd [edi], mm0 packuswb mm7, mm7 movd [edi+4], mm7 add esi, 8 add edi, 8 dec ecx jnz _blitAlpha_Loop2 mov src, esi mov dest, edi #else if( xp > 1 ) { __asm__ volatile ( "mov %4, %%ecx\n" "shr $1, %%ecx\n" "mov %0, %%edi\n" "mov %1, %%esi\n" ".align 16\n" "_blitAlpha_Loop2:\n" "movd (%%esi), %%mm3\n" "movd 4(%%esi), %%mm5\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "psrld $24, %%mm3\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm4\n" "psrld $24, %%mm5\n" "movd (%%edi), %%mm0\n" "packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "movd (%%esi), %%mm1\n" "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "movd 4(%%esi), %%mm6\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm3\n" "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm5\n" "movd 4(%%edi), %%mm7\n" "punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "punpckldq %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "punpckldq %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm6\n" "psubw %%mm5, %%mm4\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm0\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm7\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm0\n" "pmullw %%mm4, %%mm7\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm1\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm0\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" "paddw %%mm1, %%mm0\n" "paddw %%mm6, %%mm7\n" "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n" "movd %%mm0, (%%edi)\n" "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm7, 4(%%edi)\n" "add $8, %%esi\n" "add $8, %%edi\n" "dec %%ecx\n" "jnz _blitAlpha_Loop2\n" "mov %%esi, %1\n" "mov %%edi, %0\n" : "=m" (dest), "=m" (src) : "0" (dest), "1" (src), "m" (xp) : "%eax", "%ecx", "%esi", "%edi" ); #endif } if (xp&1) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ2_MMX(*dest, *src++); } // HAS_MMX #endif // ifndef NO_MMX } else { // both if (!HAS_MMX) while (xp--) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ3(*dest, *src++, alpha); #ifndef NO_MMX else { #ifdef WIN32 if (xp > 1) __asm { movd mm5, [alpha] mov ecx, xp packuswb mm5, mm5 shr ecx, 1 paddusw mm5, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklwd mm5, mm5 mov edi, dest punpckldq mm5, mm5 mov esi, src align 16 _blitAlpha_Loop3: movd mm3, [esi] // VVVVVVVV movd mm4, [esi+4] // VVVVVVVV movd mm0, [edi] psrld mm3, 24 movd mm1, [esi] psrld mm4, 24 paddusw mm3, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] paddusw mm4, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] movd mm7, [edi+4] punpcklwd mm3, mm3 movd mm6, [esi+4] punpcklwd mm4, mm4 punpckldq mm3, mm3 punpckldq mm4, mm4 pmullw mm3, mm5 pmullw mm4, mm5 punpcklbw mm7, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] punpcklbw mm6, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] psrlw mm3, 8 psrlw mm4, 8 punpcklbw mm0, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] punpcklbw mm1, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm2, mm3 pmullw mm0, mm2 pmullw mm1, mm5 add esi, 8 movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] pmullw mm6, mm5 paddusw mm0, mm1 psubw mm2, mm4 pmullw mm7, mm2 psrlw mm0, 8 packuswb mm0, mm0 paddusw mm7, mm6 movd [edi], mm0 psrlw mm7, 8 packuswb mm7, mm7 movd [edi+4], mm7 add edi, 8 dec ecx jnz _blitAlpha_Loop3 mov src, esi mov dest, edi #else if ( xp > 1 ) { __asm__ volatile ( "movd %5, %%mm5\n" "mov %4, %%ecx\n" "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5 \n" "shr $1, %%ecx\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm5\n" "punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "mov %0, %%edi\n" "punpckldq %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "mov %1, %%esi\n" ".align 16\n" "_blitAlpha_Loop3:\n" "movd (%%esi), %%mm3\n" "movd 4(%%esi), %%mm4\n" "movd (%%edi), %%mm0\n" "psrld $24, %%mm3\n" "movd (%%esi), %%mm1\n" "psrld $24, %%mm4\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm3\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm4\n" "movd 4(%%edi), %%mm7\n" "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "movd 4(%%esi), %%mm6\n" "punpcklwd %%mm4, %%mm4\n" "punpckldq %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "punpckldq %%mm4, %%mm4\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm3\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm4\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm7\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm6\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm3\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm4\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm0\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm1\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm0\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm1\n" "add $8, %%esi\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm6\n" "paddusw %%mm1, %%mm0\n" "psubw %%mm4, %%mm2\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm7\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm0\n" "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n" "paddusw %%mm6, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm0, (%%edi)\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm7, 4(%%edi)\n" "add $8, %%edi\n" "dec %%ecx\n" "jnz _blitAlpha_Loop3\n" "mov %%esi, %1\n" "mov %%edi, %0\n" : "=m" (dest), "=m" (src) : "0" (dest), "1" (src), "m" (xp), "m" (alpha) : "%eax", "%ecx", "%esi", "%edi" ); #endif } if (xp&1) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ3_MMX(*dest, *src++, alpha); } // HAS_MMX #endif // ifndef NO_MMX } } #ifndef NO_MMX Blenders::BLEND_MMX_END(); #endif // write bits back to dib. if (usingBlitCanvas) { blitToRectCanvas.blit(0, 0, &clone, destrect.left, destrect.top, cwidth, cheight); } } #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(pop) #endif void SkinBitmap::stretch(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h) { RECT src, dst; src.left=0; src.top=0; src.right=getWidth(); src.bottom=getHeight(); dst.left=x; dst.right=x+w; dst.top=y; dst.bottom=y+h; stretchToRectAlpha(canvas,&src,&dst,255); } void SkinBitmap::stretchToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *r) { stretch(canvas, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top); } void SkinBitmap::stretchRectToRect(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *src, RECT *dst) { stretchToRectAlpha(canvas,src,dst,255); } void SkinBitmap::stretchToRectAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *r, int alpha) { RECT re; re.left=0; re.top=0; re.right=getWidth(); re.bottom=getHeight(); stretchToRectAlpha(canvas,&re,r,alpha); } void SkinBitmap::blitAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, int x, int y, int alpha) { RECT dst,src; dst.left=x; dst.top=y; src.left=0; src.top=0; src.bottom=getHeight(); src.right=getWidth(); blitToRect(canvas,&src,&dst,alpha); } #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4799) #endif template class Stretcher { public: static void _stretchToRectAlpha(SkinBitmap *bitmap, int ys, int ye, int xe, int xs, int xstart, int yv, void *dib, int pitch, int dxv, int dyv, int alpha) { int bitmap_x = bitmap->getX(); int bitmap_y = bitmap->getY(); int bmpheight = bitmap->getHeight(); int fullimage_w = bitmap->getFullWidth(); void *bits = bitmap->getBits(); int xp=xe-xs; for (int yp = ys; yp < ye; yp ++) { int t=yv>>16; if (t < 0) t=0; if (t >= bmpheight) t=bmpheight-1; int *psrc=((int*)bits) + (t+bitmap_y)*fullimage_w + bitmap_x; int *dest=((int*)dib) + pitch*yp + xs; C::stretch(xp, psrc, dest, xstart, dxv, alpha); yv+=dyv; } } }; // no alpha, just stretch class Stretch { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { while (xp--) { //JFtodo: assembly optimize - these first two modes aren't used that much anyway *dest++ = psrc[xv>>16]; xv+=dxv; } } }; // no alpha channel, just a global alpha val class StretchGlobal { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { while (xp--) { //JFTODO: make MMX optimized version *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ1(psrc[xv>>16], *dest, alpha); xv+=dxv; } } }; // alpha channel, no global alpha val class StretchChannel { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { while (xp--) { *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ2(*dest, psrc[xv>>16]); xv+=dxv; } } }; class StretchGlobalChannel { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { while (xp--) { *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ3(*dest, psrc[xv>>16], alpha); xv+=dxv; } } }; #ifndef NO_MMX // no alpha channel, just a global alpha val class StretchGlobalMMX { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { while (xp--) { //JFTODO: make MMX optimized version *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ1_MMX(psrc[xv>>16], *dest, alpha); xv+=dxv; } } }; // alpha channel, no global alpha val class StretchChannelMMX { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { #ifdef WIN32 if (xp>1) __asm { mov ecx, xp mov edi, dest shr ecx, 1 mov esi, psrc mov edx, xv mov ebx, dxv align 16 _stretchAlpha_Loop2: mov eax, edx movd mm0, [edi] movq mm4, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] shr eax, 16 movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] punpcklbw mm0, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] movd mm3, [esi+eax*4] movd mm1, [esi+eax*4] lea eax, [edx+ebx] shr eax, 16 movd mm7, [edi+4] psrld mm3, 24 packuswb mm3, mm3 // 0000HHVV movd mm5, [esi+eax*4] movd mm6, [esi+eax*4] psrld mm5, 24 paddusw mm3, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklbw mm6, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] packuswb mm5, mm5 // 0000HHVV lea edx, [edx+ebx*2] paddusw mm5, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklwd mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV punpcklwd mm5, mm5 // HHVVHHVV add edi, 8 punpckldq mm3, mm3 // HHVVHHVV HHVVHHVV punpckldq mm5, mm5 // HHVVHHVV HHVVHHVV psubw mm4, mm5 psubw mm2, mm3 punpcklbw mm7, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] pmullw mm0, mm2 pmullw mm7, mm4 punpcklbw mm1, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm2, mm3 psrlw mm0, 8 psrlw mm7, 8 paddw mm0, mm1 paddw mm7, mm6 packuswb mm0, mm0 movd [edi-8], mm0 packuswb mm7, mm7 movd [edi-4], mm7 dec ecx jnz _stretchAlpha_Loop2 mov dest, edi mov xv, edx } #else if (xp>1) { __asm__ volatile ( "mov %5, %%ecx\n" "mov %0, %%edi\n" "shr $1, %%ecx\n" "mov %1, %%esi\n" "mov %2, %%edx\n" "mov %7, %%ebx\n" ".align 16\n" "_stretchAlpha_Loop2:\n" "mov %%edx, %%eax\n" "movd (%%edi), %%mm0\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm4\n" "shr $16, %%eax\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm0\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm3\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm1\n" "lea (%%edx,%%ebx), %%eax\n" "shr $16, %%eax\n" "movd 4(%%edi), %%mm7\n" "psrld $24, %%mm3\n" "packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm5\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm6\n" "psrld $24, %%mm5\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm3\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm6\n" "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "lea (%%edx,%%ebx,2), %%edx\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm5\n" "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "add $8, %%edi\n" "punpckldq %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "punpckldq %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "psubw %%mm5, %%mm4\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm7\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm0\n" "pmullw %%mm4, %%mm7\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm1\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm0\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" "paddw %%mm1, %%mm0\n" "paddw %%mm6, %%mm7\n" "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n" "movd %%mm0, -8(%%edi)\n" "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm7, -4(%%edi)\n" "dec %%ecx\n" "jnz _stretchAlpha_Loop2\n" "mov %%edi, %0\n" "mov %%edx, %2\n" : "=m" (dest), "=m" (psrc), "=m" (xv) : "0" (dest), "1" (psrc), "m" (xp), "2" (xv), "m" (dxv), "m" (alpha) : "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi" ); } #endif if (xp&1) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ2_MMX(*dest, psrc[xv>>16]); } }; class StretchGlobalChannelMMX { public: static void stretch(int xp, int *psrc, int *dest, int xv, int dxv, int alpha) { #ifdef WIN32 if (xp>1) __asm { movd mm5, [alpha] mov ecx, xp packuswb mm5, mm5 shr ecx, 1 paddusw mm5, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklwd mm5, mm5 mov edi, dest punpckldq mm5, mm5 mov esi, psrc mov edx, xv mov ebx, dxv align 16 _stretchAlpha_Loop3: movd mm0, [edi] mov eax, edx movd mm7, [edi+4] shr eax, 16 movd mm1, [esi+eax*4] movd mm3, [esi+eax*4] // VVVVVVVV lea eax, [edx+ebx] psrld mm3, 24 paddusw mm3, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklwd mm3, mm3 shr eax, 16 punpckldq mm3, mm3 pmullw mm3, mm5 movd mm4, [esi+eax*4] // VVVVVVVV movd mm6, [esi+eax*4] movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] psrld mm4, 24 paddusw mm4, [SkinBitmap_mmx_one] punpcklbw mm7, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] punpcklwd mm4, mm4 lea edx, [edx+ebx*2] punpckldq mm4, mm4 add edi, 8 punpcklbw mm6, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] pmullw mm4, mm5 psrlw mm3, 8 punpcklbw mm0, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] punpcklbw mm1, [SkinBitmap_mmx_zero] psubw mm2, mm3 pmullw mm0, mm2 pmullw mm1, mm5 pmullw mm6, mm5 psrlw mm4, 8 movq mm2, [SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2] paddusw mm0, mm1 psubw mm2, mm4 pmullw mm7, mm2 psrlw mm0, 8 packuswb mm0, mm0 paddusw mm7, mm6 movd [edi-8], mm0 psrlw mm7, 8 packuswb mm7, mm7 movd [edi-4], mm7 dec ecx jnz _stretchAlpha_Loop3 mov xv, edx mov dest, edi } #else if (xp>1) { __asm__ volatile ( "movd %8, %%mm5\n" "mov %5, %%ecx\n" "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5 \n" "shr $1, %%ecx\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm5\n" "punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "mov %0, %%edi\n" "punpckldq %%mm5, %%mm5\n" "mov %1, %%esi\n" "mov %6, %%edx\n" "mov %7, %%ebx\n" ".align 16\n" "_stretchAlpha_Loop3:\n" "movd (%%edi), %%mm0\n" "mov %%edx, %%eax\n" "movd 4(%%edi), %%mm7\n" "shr $16, %%eax\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm1\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm3\n" "lea (%%edx,%%ebx), %%eax\n" "psrld $24, %%mm3\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm3\n" "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "shr $16, %%eax\n" "punpckldq %%mm3, %%mm3\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm3\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm4\n" "movd (%%esi,%%eax,4), %%mm6\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "psrld $24, %%mm4\n" "paddusw (SkinBitmap_mmx_one), %%mm4\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm7\n" "punpcklwd %%mm4, %%mm4\n" "lea (%%edx,%%ebx,2), %%edx\n" "punpckldq %%mm4, %%mm4\n" "add $8, %%edi\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm6\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm4\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm3\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm0\n" "punpcklbw (SkinBitmap_mmx_zero), %%mm1\n" "psubw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm0\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm1\n" "pmullw %%mm5, %%mm6\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm4\n" "movq (SkinBitmap_mmx_revn2), %%mm2\n" "paddusw %%mm1, %%mm0\n" "psubw %%mm4, %%mm2\n" "pmullw %%mm2, %%mm7\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm0\n" "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n" "paddusw %%mm6, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm0, -8(%%edi)\n" "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n" "movd %%mm7, -4(%%edi)\n" "dec %%ecx\n" "jnz _stretchAlpha_Loop3\n" "mov %%edi, %0\n" "mov %%edx, %2\n" : "=m" (dest), "=m" (psrc), "=m" (xv) : "0" (dest), "1" (psrc), "m" (xp), "m" (xv), "m" (dxv), "m" (alpha) : "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi" ); } #endif if (xp&1) *dest++ = Blenders::BLEND_ADJ3_MMX(*dest, psrc[xv>>16], alpha); } }; #endif class __Stretch : public Stretcher {}; class __StretchGlobal : public Stretcher {}; class __StretchChannel : public Stretcher {}; class __StretchGlobalChannel : public Stretcher {}; #ifndef NO_MMX class __StretchGlobalMMX : public Stretcher {}; class __StretchChannelMMX : public Stretcher {}; class __StretchGlobalChannelMMX : public Stretcher {}; #endif #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(pop) #endif void SkinBitmap::stretchToRectAlpha(ifc_canvas *canvas, RECT *_src, RECT *_dst, int alpha) { if (alpha <= 0) return; if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; RECT src=*_src; RECT dst=*_dst; if ((src.right-src.left) == (dst.right-dst.left) && (src.bottom-src.top) == (dst.bottom-dst.top)) { blitToRect(canvas,_src,_dst,alpha); return; } //FG> this is a hack, we should support subpixels instead if (src.left == src.right) { if (src.right < getWidth()) src.right++; else src.left--; } if (src.top== src.bottom) { if (src.bottom < getHeight()) src.bottom++; else src.top--; } if (src.left >= src.right || src.top >= src.bottom) return; if (dst.left >= dst.right || dst.top >= dst.bottom) return; void *dib=canvas->getBits(); HDC hdc=canvas->getHDC(); bool usingBlitCanvas = false; BaseCloneCanvas clone(canvas); int cwidth, cheight, pitch; int dyv=((src.bottom-src.top)<<16)/(dst.bottom-dst.top); int dxv=((src.right-src.left)<<16)/(dst.right-dst.left); int yv=(src.top<<16); int xstart=(src.left<<16); RECT c; int ctype=canvas->getClipBox(&c); if (c.top > dst.top) { yv+=(c.top-dst.top)*dyv; dst.top=c.top; } if (c.left > dst.left) { xstart+=(c.left-dst.left)*dxv; dst.left=c.left; } if (c.bottom < dst.bottom) dst.bottom=c.bottom; if (c.right < dst.right) dst.right=c.right; if (dst.right <= dst.left || dst.bottom <= dst.top) return; int xs,xe,ys,ye; #ifdef NO_SIMPLEFASTMODE dib=NULL; #endif if (!dib || canvas->getDim(NULL,&cheight,&cwidth) || !cwidth || cheight < 1 || ctype == COMPLEXREGION) { cwidth=dst.right-dst.left; cheight=dst.bottom-dst.top; if (cwidth > cacheWidth || cheight > cacheHeight) { cacheWidth=MAX(cacheWidth, cwidth); cacheHeight=MAX(cacheHeight, cheight); blitToRectCanvas.DestructiveResize(cacheWidth, cacheHeight); } dib = blitToRectCanvas.getBits(); if ( has_alpha || alpha < 255 ) clone.blit( dst.left, dst.top, &blitToRectCanvas, 0, 0, cwidth, cheight ); xs=0; ys=0; xe=cwidth; ye=cheight; pitch=cacheWidth; usingBlitCanvas=true; } else { xs=dst.left; xe=dst.right; ys=dst.top; ye=dst.bottom; cwidth/=4; pitch=cwidth; } // stretch and blend bitmap to dib if (xstart < 0) xstart=0; if (xs BRENNAN FIX THESE BITCHES :) if (alpha == 255) { // no global alpha #ifndef NO_MMX if (HAS_MMX) { __StretchChannelMMX::_stretchToRectAlpha(this, ys, ye, xe, xs, xstart, yv, dib, pitch, dxv, dyv, alpha); } else #endif { __StretchChannel::_stretchToRectAlpha(this, ys, ye, xe, xs, xstart, yv, dib, pitch, dxv, dyv, alpha); } } else { // has global alpha #ifndef NO_MMX if (HAS_MMX) { __StretchGlobalChannelMMX::_stretchToRectAlpha(this, ys, ye, xe, xs, xstart, yv, dib, pitch, dxv, dyv, alpha); } else #endif { __StretchGlobalChannel::_stretchToRectAlpha(this, ys, ye, xe, xs, xstart, yv, dib, pitch, dxv, dyv, alpha); } } } } #ifndef NO_MMX Blenders::BLEND_MMX_END(); #endif // write bits back to dib. if (usingBlitCanvas) { blitToRectCanvas.blit(0, 0, &clone, dst.left, dst.top, cwidth, cheight); } } COLORREF SkinBitmap::getPixel(int x, int y) { ASSERT(bits != NULL); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= getFullWidth()-getX() || y>= getFullHeight()-getY()) return (COLORREF)0; return (COLORREF)(((int*)bits)[x+getX()+(y+getY())*getFullWidth()]); } void *SkinBitmap::getBits() { return bits; } int SkinBitmap::isInvalid() { return last_failed; } void SkinBitmap::setHasAlpha(int ha) { has_alpha=ha; } const wchar_t *SkinBitmap::getBitmapName() { return bitmapname; }