/* * View_pat.cpp * ------------ * Purpose: Pattern tab, lower panel. * Notes : Welcome to about 7000 lines of, err, very beautiful code. * Authors: Olivier Lapicque * OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Mptrack.h" #include "Mainfrm.h" #include "InputHandler.h" #include "Childfrm.h" #include "Moddoc.h" #include "SampleEditorDialogs.h" // For amplification dialog (which is re-used from sample editor) #include "Globals.h" #include "View_pat.h" #include "Ctrl_pat.h" #include "PatternFont.h" #include "PatternFindReplace.h" #include "PatternFindReplaceDlg.h" #include "EffectVis.h" #include "PatternGotoDialog.h" #include "MIDIMacros.h" #include "../common/misc_util.h" #include "../soundlib/MIDIEvents.h" #include "../soundlib/mod_specifications.h" #include "../soundlib/plugins/PlugInterface.h" #include OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Static initializers ModCommand CViewPattern::m_cmdOld = ModCommand::Empty(); int32 CViewPattern::m_nTransposeAmount = 1; IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CViewPattern, CModScrollView, 0) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CViewPattern, CModScrollView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CViewPattern) ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() ON_WM_VSCROLL() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL() ON_WM_XBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_WM_KILLFOCUS() ON_WM_SYSKEYDOWN() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_MESSAGE(WM_MOD_KEYCOMMAND, &CViewPattern::OnCustomKeyMsg) ON_MESSAGE(WM_MOD_MIDIMSG, &CViewPattern::OnMidiMsg) ON_MESSAGE(WM_MOD_RECORDPARAM, &CViewPattern::OnRecordPlugParamChange) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_CUT, &CViewPattern::OnEditCut) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_COPY, &CViewPattern::OnEditCopy) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_PASTE, &CViewPattern::OnEditPaste) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_MIXPASTE, &CViewPattern::OnEditMixPaste) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_MIXPASTE_ITSTYLE,&CViewPattern::OnEditMixPasteITStyle) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_PASTEFLOOD, &CViewPattern::OnEditPasteFlood) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_PUSHFORWARDPASTE,&CViewPattern::OnEditPushForwardPaste) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL, &CViewPattern::OnEditSelectAll) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_SELECTCOLUMN,&CViewPattern::OnEditSelectChannel) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_SELECTCOLUMN2,&CViewPattern::OnSelectCurrentChannel) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FIND, &CViewPattern::OnEditFind) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_GOTO_MENU, &CViewPattern::OnEditGoto) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FINDNEXT, &CViewPattern::OnEditFindNext) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_RECSELECT, &CViewPattern::OnRecordSelect) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_SPLITRECSELECT, &CViewPattern::OnSplitRecordSelect) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_SPLITKEYBOARDSETTINGS, &CViewPattern::SetSplitKeyboardSettings) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_UNDO, &CViewPattern::OnEditUndo) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_REDO, &CViewPattern::OnEditRedo) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_CHNRESET, &CViewPattern::OnChannelReset) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_MUTE, &CViewPattern::OnMuteFromClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_SOLO, &CViewPattern::OnSoloFromClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_TRANSITIONMUTE, &CViewPattern::OnTogglePendingMuteFromClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_TRANSITIONSOLO, &CViewPattern::OnPendingSoloChnFromClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_TRANSITION_UNMUTEALL, &CViewPattern::OnPendingUnmuteAllChnFromClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_UNMUTEALL,&CViewPattern::OnUnmuteAll) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_SPLIT, &CViewPattern::OnSplitPattern) ON_COMMAND(ID_NEXTINSTRUMENT, &CViewPattern::OnNextInstrument) ON_COMMAND(ID_PREVINSTRUMENT, &CViewPattern::OnPrevInstrument) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_PLAYROW, &CViewPattern::OnPatternStep) ON_COMMAND(IDC_PATTERN_RECORD, &CViewPattern::OnPatternRecord) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_DELETEROW, &CViewPattern::OnDeleteRow) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_DELETEALLROW, &CViewPattern::OnDeleteWholeRow) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_DELETEROWGLOBAL, &CViewPattern::OnDeleteRowGlobal) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_DELETEALLROWGLOBAL, &CViewPattern::OnDeleteWholeRowGlobal) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INSERTROW, &CViewPattern::OnInsertRow) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INSERTALLROW, &CViewPattern::OnInsertWholeRow) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INSERTROWGLOBAL, &CViewPattern::OnInsertRowGlobal) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INSERTALLROWGLOBAL, &CViewPattern::OnInsertWholeRowGlobal) ON_COMMAND(ID_RUN_SCRIPT, &CViewPattern::OnRunScript) ON_COMMAND(ID_TRANSPOSE_UP, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeUp) ON_COMMAND(ID_TRANSPOSE_DOWN, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeDown) ON_COMMAND(ID_TRANSPOSE_OCTUP, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeOctUp) ON_COMMAND(ID_TRANSPOSE_OCTDOWN, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeOctDown) ON_COMMAND(ID_TRANSPOSE_CUSTOM, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeCustom) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_PROPERTIES, &CViewPattern::OnPatternProperties) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_VOLUME, &CViewPattern::OnInterpolateVolume) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_EFFECT, &CViewPattern::OnInterpolateEffect) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_NOTE, &CViewPattern::OnInterpolateNote) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_INSTR, &CViewPattern::OnInterpolateInstr) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_VISUALIZE_EFFECT, &CViewPattern::OnVisualizeEffect) ON_COMMAND(ID_GROW_SELECTION, &CViewPattern::OnGrowSelection) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHRINK_SELECTION, &CViewPattern::OnShrinkSelection) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_SETINSTRUMENT, &CViewPattern::OnSetSelInstrument) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_ADDCHANNEL_FRONT, &CViewPattern::OnAddChannelFront) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_ADDCHANNEL_AFTER, &CViewPattern::OnAddChannelAfter) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_RESETCHANNELCOLORS, &CViewPattern::OnResetChannelColors) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_TRANSPOSECHANNEL, &CViewPattern::OnTransposeChannel) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_DUPLICATECHANNEL, &CViewPattern::OnDuplicateChannel) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_REMOVECHANNEL, &CViewPattern::OnRemoveChannel) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_REMOVECHANNELDIALOG, &CViewPattern::OnRemoveChannelDialog) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_AMPLIFY, &CViewPattern::OnPatternAmplify) ON_COMMAND(ID_CLEAR_SELECTION, &CViewPattern::OnClearSelectionFromMenu) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOWTIMEATROW, &CViewPattern::OnShowTimeAtRow) ON_COMMAND(ID_PATTERN_EDIT_PCNOTE_PLUGIN, &CViewPattern::OnTogglePCNotePluginEditor) ON_COMMAND(ID_SETQUANTIZE, &CViewPattern::OnSetQuantize) ON_COMMAND(ID_LOCK_PATTERN_ROWS, &CViewPattern::OnLockPatternRows) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT, ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT+MAX_INSTRUMENTS, &CViewPattern::OnSelectInstrument) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_CHANGE_PCNOTE_PARAM, ID_CHANGE_PCNOTE_PARAM + ModCommand::maxColumnValue, &CViewPattern::OnSelectPCNoteParam) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_UNDO, &CViewPattern::OnUpdateUndo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_REDO, &CViewPattern::OnUpdateRedo) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_PLUGSELECT, ID_PLUGSELECT+MAX_MIXPLUGINS, &CViewPattern::OnSelectPlugin) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_WM_INITMENU() ON_WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() END_MESSAGE_MAP() static_assert(ModCommand::maxColumnValue <= 999, "Command range for ID_CHANGE_PCNOTE_PARAM is designed for 999"); const CSoundFile *CViewPattern::GetSoundFile() const { return (GetDocument() != nullptr) ? &GetDocument()->GetSoundFile() : nullptr; }; CSoundFile *CViewPattern::GetSoundFile() { return (GetDocument() != nullptr) ? &GetDocument()->GetSoundFile() : nullptr; }; const ModSequence &CViewPattern::Order() const { return GetSoundFile()->Order(); } ModSequence &CViewPattern::Order() { return GetSoundFile()->Order(); } CViewPattern::CViewPattern() { EnableActiveAccessibility(); m_Dib.Init(CMainFrame::bmpNotes); UpdateColors(); m_PCNoteEditMemory = ModCommand::Empty(); m_octaveKeyMemory.fill(NOTE_NONE); } CViewPattern::~CViewPattern() { m_offScreenBitmap.DeleteObject(); m_offScreenDC.DeleteDC(); } void CViewPattern::OnInitialUpdate() { CModScrollView::OnInitialUpdate(); EnableToolTips(); ChnVUMeters.fill(0); OldVUMeters.fill(0); m_previousNote.fill(NOTE_NONE); m_splitActiveNoteChannel.fill(NOTE_CHANNEL_MAP_INVALID); m_activeNoteChannel.fill(NOTE_CHANNEL_MAP_INVALID); m_nPlayPat = PATTERNINDEX_INVALID; m_nPlayRow = m_nNextPlayRow = 0; m_nPlayTick = 0; m_nTicksOnRow = 1; m_nMidRow = 0; m_nDragItem = {}; m_bInItemRect = false; m_bContinueSearch = false; m_Status = psShowPluginNames; m_nXScroll = m_nYScroll = 0; m_nPattern = 0; m_nSpacing = 0; m_nAccelChar = 0; PatternFont::UpdateFont(m_hWnd); UpdateSizes(); UpdateScrollSize(); SetCurrentPattern(0); m_fallbackInstrument = 0; m_nLastPlayedRow = 0; m_nLastPlayedOrder = ORDERINDEX_INVALID; m_prevChordNote = NOTE_NONE; } bool CViewPattern::SetCurrentPattern(PATTERNINDEX pat, ROWINDEX row) { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr) return false; if(pat == pSndFile->Order.GetIgnoreIndex() || pat == pSndFile->Order.GetInvalidPatIndex()) return false; if(m_pEditWnd && m_pEditWnd->IsWindowVisible()) m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_nPattern = pat; bool updateScroll = false; if(pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { if(row != ROWINDEX_INVALID && row != GetCurrentRow() && row < pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { m_Cursor.SetRow(row); updateScroll = true; } if(GetCurrentRow() >= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { m_Cursor.SetRow(0); updateScroll = true; } } SetSelToCursor(); UpdateSizes(); UpdateScrollSize(); UpdateIndicator(); if(m_bWholePatternFitsOnScreen) SetScrollPos(SB_VERT, 0); else if(updateScroll) SetScrollPos(SB_VERT, (int)GetCurrentRow() * GetRowHeight()); UpdateScrollPos(); InvalidatePattern(true, true); SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PATTERNCHANGED, m_nPattern); return true; } // This should be used instead of consecutive calls to SetCurrentRow() then SetCurrentColumn(). bool CViewPattern::SetCursorPosition(const PatternCursor &cursor, bool wrap) { // Set row, but do not update scroll position yet // as there is another position update on the way: SetCurrentRow(cursor.GetRow(), wrap, false); // Now set column and update scroll position: SetCurrentColumn(cursor); return true; } ROWINDEX CViewPattern::SetCurrentRow(ROWINDEX row, bool wrap, bool updateHorizontalScrollbar) { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidIndex(m_nPattern)) return ROWINDEX_INVALID; if(wrap && pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { const auto &order = Order(); if((int)row < 0) { if(m_Status[psKeyboardDragSelect | psMouseDragSelect]) { row = 0; } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) { ORDERINDEX curOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); const ORDERINDEX prevOrd = order.GetPreviousOrderIgnoringSkips(curOrder); if(prevOrd < curOrder && m_nPattern == order[curOrder]) { const PATTERNINDEX nPrevPat = order[prevOrd]; if((nPrevPat < pSndFile->Patterns.Size()) && (pSndFile->Patterns[nPrevPat].GetNumRows())) { SetCurrentOrder(prevOrd); if(SetCurrentPattern(nPrevPat)) return SetCurrentRow(pSndFile->Patterns[nPrevPat].GetNumRows() + (int)row); } } row = 0; } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_WRAP) { if((int)row < (int)0) row += pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(); row %= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(); } } else //row >= 0 if(row >= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { if(m_Status[psKeyboardDragSelect | psMouseDragSelect]) { row = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1; } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) { ORDERINDEX curOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); ORDERINDEX nextOrder = order.GetNextOrderIgnoringSkips(curOrder); if(nextOrder > curOrder && m_nPattern == order[curOrder]) { PATTERNINDEX nextPat = order[nextOrder]; if((nextPat < pSndFile->Patterns.Size()) && (pSndFile->Patterns[nextPat].GetNumRows())) { const ROWINDEX newRow = row - pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(); SetCurrentOrder(nextOrder); if(SetCurrentPattern(nextPat)) return SetCurrentRow(newRow); } } row = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1; } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_WRAP) { row %= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(); } } } if(!(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL)) { if(static_cast(row) < 0) row = 0; if(row >= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) row = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1; } if((row >= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) || (!m_szCell.cy)) return false; // Fix: If cursor isn't on screen move both scrollbars to make it visible InvalidateRow(); m_Cursor.SetRow(row); // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse UpdateScrollbarPositions(updateHorizontalScrollbar); InvalidateRow(); PatternCursor selStart(m_Cursor); if(m_Status[psKeyboardDragSelect | psMouseDragSelect] && !m_Status[psDragnDropEdit]) { selStart.Set(m_StartSel); } SetCurSel(selStart, m_Cursor); return row; } bool CViewPattern::SetCurrentColumn(CHANNELINDEX channel, PatternCursor::Columns column) { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr) { return false; } LimitMax(column, m_nDetailLevel); m_Cursor.SetColumn(channel, column); PatternCursor selStart(m_Cursor); if(m_Status[psKeyboardDragSelect | psMouseDragSelect] && !m_Status[psDragnDropEdit]) { selStart = m_StartSel; } SetCurSel(selStart, m_Cursor); // Fix: If cursor isn't on screen move both scrollbars to make it visible UpdateScrollbarPositions(); return true; } // Set document as modified and optionally update all pattern views. void CViewPattern::SetModified(bool updateAllViews) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc != nullptr) { pModDoc->SetModified(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(m_nPattern).Data(), updateAllViews ? nullptr : this); } CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->NotifyAccessibilityUpdate(*this); } // Fix: If cursor isn't on screen move scrollbars to make it visible // Fix: save pattern scrollbar position when switching to other tab // Assume that m_nRow and m_dwCursor are valid // When we switching to other tab the CViewPattern object is deleted // and when switching back new one is created bool CViewPattern::UpdateScrollbarPositions(bool updateHorizontalScrollbar) { // HACK - after new CViewPattern object created SetCurrentRow() and SetCurrentColumn() are called - // just skip first two calls of UpdateScrollbarPositions() if pModDoc->GetOldPatternScrollbarsPos() is valid CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { CSize scroll = pModDoc->GetOldPatternScrollbarsPos(); if(scroll.cx >= 0) { OnScrollBy(scroll); scroll.cx = -1; pModDoc->SetOldPatternScrollbarsPos(scroll); return true; } else if(scroll.cx >= -1) { scroll.cx = -2; pModDoc->SetOldPatternScrollbarsPos(scroll); return true; } } CSize scroll(0, 0); UINT row = GetCurrentRow(); UINT yofs = GetYScrollPos(); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); rect.top += m_szHeader.cy; int numrows = (rect.bottom - rect.top - 1) / m_szCell.cy; if(numrows < 1) numrows = 1; if(m_nMidRow) { if(row != yofs) { scroll.cy = (int)(row - yofs) * m_szCell.cy; } } else { if(row < yofs) { scroll.cy = (int)(row - yofs) * m_szCell.cy; } else if(row > yofs + (UINT)numrows - 1) { scroll.cy = (int)(row - yofs - numrows + 1) * m_szCell.cy; } } if(updateHorizontalScrollbar) { UINT xofs = GetXScrollPos(); const CHANNELINDEX nchn = GetCurrentChannel(); if(nchn < xofs) { scroll.cx = (int)(xofs - nchn) * m_szCell.cx; scroll.cx *= -1; } else if(nchn > xofs) { int maxcol = (rect.right - m_szHeader.cx) / m_szCell.cx; if((nchn >= (xofs + maxcol)) && (maxcol >= 0)) { scroll.cx = (int)(nchn - xofs - maxcol + 1) * m_szCell.cx; } } } if(scroll.cx != 0 || scroll.cy != 0) { OnScrollBy(scroll, TRUE); } return true; } DragItem CViewPattern::GetDragItem(CPoint point, RECT &outRect) const { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr) return {}; CRect rcClient, rect, plugRect; GetClientRect(&rcClient); rect.SetRect(m_szHeader.cx, 0, m_szHeader.cx + GetChannelWidth(), m_szHeader.cy); plugRect.SetRect(m_szHeader.cx, m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy, m_szHeader.cx + GetChannelWidth(), m_szHeader.cy); const auto xOffset = static_cast(GetXScrollPos()); const CHANNELINDEX numChannels = pSndFile->GetNumChannels(); // Checking channel headers if(m_Status[psShowPluginNames]) { for(CHANNELINDEX n = xOffset; n < numChannels; n++) { if(plugRect.PtInRect(point)) { outRect = plugRect; return {DragItem::PluginName, n}; } plugRect.OffsetRect(GetChannelWidth(), 0); } } for(CHANNELINDEX n = xOffset; n < numChannels; n++) { if(rect.PtInRect(point)) { outRect = rect; return {DragItem::ChannelHeader, n}; } rect.OffsetRect(GetChannelWidth(), 0); } if(pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) && (pSndFile->GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_XM | MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT))) { // Clicking on upper-left corner with pattern number (for pattern properties) rect.SetRect(0, 0, m_szHeader.cx, m_szHeader.cy); if(rect.PtInRect(point)) { outRect = rect; return {DragItem::PatternHeader, 0}; } } return {}; } // Drag a selection to position "cursor". // If scrollHorizontal is true, the point's channel is ensured to be visible. // Likewise, if scrollVertical is true, the point's row is ensured to be visible. // If noMode if specified, the original selection points are not altered. bool CViewPattern::DragToSel(const PatternCursor &cursor, bool scrollHorizontal, bool scrollVertical, bool noMove) { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return false; CRect rect; int yofs = GetYScrollPos(), xofs = GetXScrollPos(); int row, col; if(!m_szCell.cy) return false; GetClientRect(&rect); if(!noMove) SetCurSel(m_StartSel, cursor); if(!scrollHorizontal && !scrollVertical) return true; // Scroll to row row = cursor.GetRow(); if(scrollVertical && row < (int)pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { row += m_nMidRow; rect.top += m_szHeader.cy; int numrows = (rect.bottom - rect.top - 1) / m_szCell.cy; if(numrows < 1) numrows = 1; if(row < yofs) { CSize sz; sz.cx = 0; sz.cy = (int)(row - yofs) * m_szCell.cy; OnScrollBy(sz, TRUE); } else if(row > yofs + numrows - 1) { CSize sz; sz.cx = 0; sz.cy = (int)(row - yofs - numrows + 1) * m_szCell.cy; OnScrollBy(sz, TRUE); } } // Scroll to column col = cursor.GetChannel(); if(scrollHorizontal && col < (int)pSndFile->GetNumChannels()) { int maxcol = (rect.right - m_szHeader.cx) - 4; maxcol -= GetColumnOffset(cursor.GetColumnType()); maxcol /= GetChannelWidth(); if(col < xofs) { CSize size(-m_szCell.cx, 0); if(!noMove) size.cx = (col - xofs) * (int)m_szCell.cx; OnScrollBy(size, TRUE); } else if((col > xofs + maxcol) && (maxcol > 0)) { CSize size(m_szCell.cx, 0); if(!noMove) size.cx = (col - maxcol + 1) * (int)m_szCell.cx; OnScrollBy(size, TRUE); } } UpdateWindow(); return true; } bool CViewPattern::SetPlayCursor(PATTERNINDEX pat, ROWINDEX row, uint32 tick) { PATTERNINDEX oldPat = m_nPlayPat; ROWINDEX oldRow = m_nPlayRow; uint32 oldTick = m_nPlayTick; m_nPlayPat = pat; m_nPlayRow = row; m_nPlayTick = tick; if(m_nPlayTick != oldTick && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_SMOOTHSCROLL)) InvalidatePattern(true, true); else if(oldPat == m_nPattern) InvalidateRow(oldRow); else if(m_nPlayPat == m_nPattern) InvalidateRow(m_nPlayRow); return true; } UINT CViewPattern::GetCurrentInstrument() const { return static_cast(SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTINSTRUMENT)); } bool CViewPattern::ShowEditWindow() { if(!m_pEditWnd) { m_pEditWnd = new CEditCommand(*GetSoundFile()); } if(m_pEditWnd) { m_pEditWnd->ShowEditWindow(m_nPattern, m_Cursor, this); return true; } return false; } bool CViewPattern::PrepareUndo(const PatternCursor &beginSel, const PatternCursor &endSel, const char *description) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); const CHANNELINDEX chnBegin = beginSel.GetChannel(), chnEnd = endSel.GetChannel(); const ROWINDEX rowBegin = beginSel.GetRow(), rowEnd = endSel.GetRow(); if((chnEnd < chnBegin) || (rowEnd < rowBegin) || pModDoc == nullptr) return false; return pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(m_nPattern, chnBegin, rowBegin, chnEnd - chnBegin + 1, rowEnd - rowBegin + 1, description); } BOOL CViewPattern::PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) { if(pMsg) { //We handle keypresses before Windows has a chance to handle them (for alt etc..) if((pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP) || (pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP) || (pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) || (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)) { CInputHandler *ih = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler(); //Translate message manually UINT nChar = static_cast(pMsg->wParam); UINT nRepCnt = LOWORD(pMsg->lParam); UINT nFlags = HIWORD(pMsg->lParam); KeyEventType kT = ih->GetKeyEventType(nFlags); InputTargetContext ctx = (InputTargetContext)(kCtxViewPatterns + 1 + m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); // If editing is disabled, preview notes no matter which column we are in if(!IsEditingEnabled() && TrackerSettings::Instance().patternNoEditPopup) ctx = kCtxViewPatternsNote; if(ih->KeyEvent(ctx, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, kT) != kcNull) { return true; // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. } //HACK: fold kCtxViewPatternsFX and kCtxViewPatternsFXparam so that all commands of 1 are active in the other else { if(ctx == kCtxViewPatternsFX) { if(ih->KeyEvent(kCtxViewPatternsFXparam, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, kT) != kcNull) return true; // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. } else if(ctx == kCtxViewPatternsFXparam) { if(ih->KeyEvent(kCtxViewPatternsFX, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, kT) != kcNull) return true; // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. } else if(ctx == kCtxViewPatternsIns) { // Do the same with instrument->note column if(ih->KeyEvent(kCtxViewPatternsNote, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, kT) != kcNull) return true; // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. } } //end HACK. // Handle Application (menu) key if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && nChar == VK_APPS) { OnRButtonDown(0, GetPointFromPosition(m_Cursor)); } } else if(pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN) { // Open quick channel properties dialog if we're middle-clicking a channel header. CPoint point(GET_X_LPARAM(pMsg->lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(pMsg->lParam)); if(point.y < m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy) { PatternCursor cursor = GetPositionFromPoint(point); if(cursor.GetChannel() < GetDocument()->GetNumChannels()) { ClientToScreen(&point); m_quickChannelProperties.Show(GetDocument(), cursor.GetChannel(), point); return true; } } } } return CModScrollView::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CViewPattern message handlers void CViewPattern::OnDestroy() { // Fix: save pattern scrollbar position when switching to other tab // When we switching to other tab the CViewPattern object is deleted CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { pModDoc->SetOldPatternScrollbarsPos(CSize(m_nXScroll * m_szCell.cx, m_nYScroll * m_szCell.cy)); } if(m_pEffectVis) { m_pEffectVis->DoClose(); m_pEffectVis = nullptr; } if(m_pEditWnd) { m_pEditWnd->DestroyWindow(); delete m_pEditWnd; m_pEditWnd = NULL; } CModScrollView::OnDestroy(); } void CViewPattern::OnSetFocus(CWnd *pOldWnd) { CScrollView::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); m_Status.set(psFocussed); InvalidateRow(); CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { pModDoc->SetNotifications(Notification::Position | Notification::VUMeters); pModDoc->SetFollowWnd(m_hWnd); UpdateIndicator(); } } void CViewPattern::OnKillFocus(CWnd *pNewWnd) { CScrollView::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); m_Status.reset(psKeyboardDragSelect | psCtrlDragSelect | psFocussed); InvalidateRow(); } void CViewPattern::OnGrowSelection() { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } BeginWaitCursor(); m_Selection.Sanitize(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), pSndFile->GetNumChannels()); const PatternCursor startSel = m_Selection.GetUpperLeft(); const PatternCursor endSel = m_Selection.GetLowerRight(); PrepareUndo(startSel, PatternCursor(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), endSel), "Grow Selection"); const ROWINDEX finalDest = m_Selection.GetStartRow() + (m_Selection.GetNumRows() - 1) * 2; for(int row = finalDest; row > (int)startSel.GetRow(); row -= 2) { if(ROWINDEX(row) >= pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { continue; } int offset = row - startSel.GetRow(); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = startSel.GetChannel(); chn <= endSel.GetChannel(); chn++) { for(int i = PatternCursor::firstColumn; i <= PatternCursor::lastColumn; i++) { PatternCursor cell(row, chn, static_cast(i)); if(!m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(cell)) { // We might have to skip the first / last few entries. continue; } ModCommand *dest = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row, chn); ModCommand *src = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row - offset / 2, chn); ModCommand *blank = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row - 1, chn); // Row "in between" switch(i) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: dest->note = src->note; blank->note = NOTE_NONE; break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: dest->instr = src->instr; blank->instr = 0; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: dest->volcmd = src->volcmd; blank->volcmd = VOLCMD_NONE; dest->vol = src->vol; blank->vol = 0; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: dest->command = src->command; blank->command = CMD_NONE; break; case PatternCursor::paramColumn: dest->param = src->param; blank->param = 0; break; } } } } // Adjust selection m_Selection = PatternRect(startSel, PatternCursor(std::min(finalDest, static_cast(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1)), endSel)); InvalidatePattern(); SetModified(); EndWaitCursor(); SetFocus(); } void CViewPattern::OnShrinkSelection() { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } BeginWaitCursor(); m_Selection.Sanitize(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), pSndFile->GetNumChannels()); const PatternCursor startSel = m_Selection.GetUpperLeft(); const PatternCursor endSel = m_Selection.GetLowerRight(); PrepareUndo(startSel, endSel, "Shrink Selection"); const ROWINDEX finalDest = m_Selection.GetStartRow() + (m_Selection.GetNumRows() - 1) / 2; for(ROWINDEX row = startSel.GetRow(); row <= endSel.GetRow(); row++) { const ROWINDEX offset = row - startSel.GetRow(); const ROWINDEX srcRow = startSel.GetRow() + (offset * 2); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = startSel.GetChannel(); chn <= endSel.GetChannel(); chn++) { ModCommand *dest = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row, chn); ModCommand src; if(row <= finalDest) { // Normal shrink operation src = *pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(srcRow, chn); // If source command is empty, try next source row (so we don't lose all the stuff that's on odd rows). if(srcRow < pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1) { const ModCommand &srcNext = *pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(srcRow + 1, chn); if(src.note == NOTE_NONE) src.note = srcNext.note; if(src.instr == 0) src.instr = srcNext.instr; if(src.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE) { src.volcmd = srcNext.volcmd; src.vol = srcNext.vol; } if(src.command == CMD_NONE) { src.command = srcNext.command; src.param = srcNext.param; } } } else { // Clean up rows that are now supposed to be empty. src = ModCommand::Empty(); } for(int i = PatternCursor::firstColumn; i <= PatternCursor::lastColumn; i++) { PatternCursor cell(row, chn, static_cast(i)); if(!m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(cell)) { // We might have to skip the first / last few entries. continue; } switch(i) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: dest->note = src.note; break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: dest->instr = src.instr; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: dest->vol = src.vol; dest->volcmd = src.volcmd; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: dest->command = src.command; break; case PatternCursor::paramColumn: dest->param = src.param; break; } } } } // Adjust selection m_Selection = PatternRect(startSel, PatternCursor(std::min(finalDest, static_cast(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1)), endSel)); InvalidatePattern(); SetModified(); EndWaitCursor(); SetFocus(); } void CViewPattern::OnClearSelectionFromMenu() { OnClearSelection(); } void CViewPattern::OnClearSelection(bool ITStyle, RowMask rm) //Default RowMask: all elements enabled { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } BeginWaitCursor(); // If selection ends to a note column, in ITStyle extending it to instrument column since the instrument data is // removed with note data. if(ITStyle && m_Selection.GetEndColumn() == PatternCursor::noteColumn) { PatternCursor lower(m_Selection.GetLowerRight()); lower.Move(0, 0, 1); m_Selection = PatternRect(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft(), lower); } m_Selection.Sanitize(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), pSndFile->GetNumChannels()); PrepareUndo(m_Selection, "Clear Selection"); ApplyToSelection([&] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX row, CHANNELINDEX chn) { for(int i = PatternCursor::firstColumn; i <= PatternCursor::lastColumn; i++) { PatternCursor cell(row, chn, static_cast(i)); if(!m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(cell)) { // We might have to skip the first / last few entries. continue; } switch(i) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: // Clear note if(rm.note) { if(m.IsPcNote()) { // Clear whole cell if clearing PC note m.Clear(); } else { m.note = NOTE_NONE; if(ITStyle) m.instr = 0; } } break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: // Clear instrument if(rm.instrument) { m.instr = 0; } break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: // Clear volume if(rm.volume) { m.volcmd = VOLCMD_NONE; m.vol = 0; } break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: // Clear Command if(rm.command) { m.command = CMD_NONE; if(m.IsPcNote()) { m.SetValueEffectCol(0); } } break; case PatternCursor::paramColumn: // Clear Command Param if(rm.parameter) { m.param = 0; if(m.IsPcNote()) { m.SetValueEffectCol(0); if(cell.CompareColumn(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()) == 0) { // If this is the first selected column, update effect column char as well PatternCursor upper(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()); upper.Move(0, 0, -1); m_Selection = PatternRect(upper, m_Selection.GetLowerRight()); } } } break; } } }); // Expand invalidation to the whole column. Needed for: // - Last column is the effect character (parameter needs to be invalidated, too // - PC Notes // - Default volume display is enabled. PatternCursor endCursor(m_Selection.GetEndRow(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel() + 1); InvalidateArea(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft(), endCursor); SetModified(); EndWaitCursor(); SetFocus(); } void CViewPattern::OnEditCut() { OnEditCopy(); OnClearSelection(false); } void CViewPattern::OnEditCopy() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { CopyPattern(m_nPattern, m_Selection); SetFocus(); } } void CViewPattern::StartRecordGroupDragging(const DragItem source) { // Drag-select record channels const auto *modDoc = GetDocument(); if(modDoc == nullptr) return; m_initialDragRecordStatus.resize(modDoc->GetNumChannels()); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < modDoc->GetNumChannels(); chn++) { m_initialDragRecordStatus[chn] = modDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(chn); } m_Status.reset(psDragging); m_nDropItem = m_nDragItem = source; } void CViewPattern::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { const auto *modDoc = GetDocument(); if(modDoc == nullptr) return; const auto &sndFile = modDoc->GetSoundFile(); SetFocus(); m_nDropItem = m_nDragItem = GetDragItem(point, m_rcDragItem); m_Status.set(psDragging); m_bInItemRect = true; m_Status.reset(psShiftDragging); PatternCursor pointCursor(GetPositionFromPoint(point)); SetCapture(); if(point.x >= m_szHeader.cx && point.y <= m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy) { // Click on channel header if(nFlags & MK_CONTROL) TogglePendingMute(pointCursor.GetChannel()); if(nFlags & MK_SHIFT) { // Drag-select record channels StartRecordGroupDragging(m_nDragItem); } } else if(point.x >= m_szHeader.cx && point.y > m_szHeader.cy) { // Click on pattern data if(IsLiveRecord() && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_NOFOLLOWONCLICK)) { SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_FOLLOWSONG, 0); } if(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->SelectionPressed() && (m_Status[psShiftSelect] || m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() == m_Selection.GetLowerRight() || !m_Selection.Contains(pointCursor))) { // Shift pressed -> set 2nd selection point // This behaviour is only used if: // * Shift-click has previously been used since the shift key has been pressed down (psShiftSelect flag is set), // * No selection has been made yet, or // * Shift-clicking outside the current selection. // This is necessary so that selections can still be moved properly while the shift button is pressed (for copy-move). DragToSel(pointCursor, true, true); m_Status.set(psShiftSelect); } else { // Set first selection point m_StartSel = pointCursor; if(m_StartSel.GetChannel() < sndFile.GetNumChannels()) { m_Status.set(psMouseDragSelect); if(m_Status[psCtrlDragSelect]) { SetCurSel(m_StartSel); } if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_DRAGNDROPEDIT) && ((m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() != m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) || m_Status[psCtrlDragSelect]) && m_Selection.Contains(m_StartSel)) { m_Status.set(psDragnDropEdit); } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CENTERROW) { SetCurSel(m_StartSel); } else { // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(m_StartSel); } } } } else if(point.x < m_szHeader.cx && point.y > m_szHeader.cy) { // Mark row number => mark whole row (start) InvalidateSelection(); if(pointCursor.GetRow() < sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { m_StartSel.Set(pointCursor.GetRow(), 0); SetCurSel(m_StartSel, PatternCursor(pointCursor.GetRow(), sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, PatternCursor::lastColumn)); m_Status.set(psRowSelection); } } if(m_nDragItem.IsValid()) { InvalidateRect(&m_rcDragItem, FALSE); UpdateWindow(); } } void CViewPattern::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT uFlags, CPoint point) { PatternCursor cursor = GetPositionFromPoint(point); if(cursor == m_Cursor && point.y >= m_szHeader.cy) { // Double-click pattern cell: Select whole column or show cell properties. if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_DBLCLICKSELECT)) { OnSelectCurrentChannel(); m_Status.set(psChannelSelection | psDragging); return; } else { if(ShowEditWindow()) return; } } OnLButtonDown(uFlags, point); } void CViewPattern::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); if(modDoc == nullptr) return; const auto dragType = m_nDragItem.Type(); const bool wasDraggingRecordGroup = IsDraggingRecordGroup(); const bool itemSelected = m_bInItemRect || (dragType == DragItem::ChannelHeader); m_bInItemRect = false; ResetRecordGroupDragging(); ReleaseCapture(); m_Status.reset(psMouseDragSelect | psRowSelection | psChannelSelection | psDragging); // Drag & Drop Editing if(m_Status[psDragnDropEdit]) { if(m_Status[psDragnDropping]) { OnDrawDragSel(); m_Status.reset(psDragnDropping); OnDropSelection(); } if(GetPositionFromPoint(point) == m_StartSel) { SetCursorPosition(m_StartSel); } SetCursor(CMainFrame::curArrow); m_Status.reset(psDragnDropEdit); } if(dragType != DragItem::ChannelHeader && dragType != DragItem::PatternHeader && dragType != DragItem::PluginName) { if((m_nMidRow) && (m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() == m_Selection.GetLowerRight())) { // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()); //UpdateIndicator(); } } if(!itemSelected || !m_nDragItem.IsValid()) return; InvalidateRect(&m_rcDragItem, FALSE); const CHANNELINDEX sourceChn = static_cast(m_nDragItem.Value()); const CHANNELINDEX targetChn = m_nDropItem.IsValid() ? static_cast(m_nDropItem.Value()) : CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; switch(m_nDragItem.Type()) { case DragItem::ChannelHeader: if(sourceChn == targetChn && targetChn < modDoc->GetNumChannels()) { // Just clicked a channel header... if(nFlags & MK_SHIFT) { // Toggle record state modDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(sourceChn, RecordGroup::Group1); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(sourceChn); } else if(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->AltPressed()) { // Solo / Unsolo OnSoloChannel(sourceChn); } else if(!(nFlags & MK_CONTROL)) { // Mute / Unmute OnMuteChannel(sourceChn); } } else if(!wasDraggingRecordGroup && targetChn < modDoc->GetNumChannels() && m_nDropItem.Type() == DragItem::ChannelHeader) { // Dragged to other channel header => move or copy channel InvalidateRect(&m_rcDropItem, FALSE); const bool duplicate = (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) != 0; DragChannel(sourceChn, targetChn, 1, duplicate); } break; case DragItem::PatternHeader: OnPatternProperties(); break; case DragItem::PluginName: if(sourceChn < MAX_BASECHANNELS) TogglePluginEditor(sourceChn); break; } m_nDropItem = {}; } void CViewPattern::DragChannel(CHANNELINDEX source, CHANNELINDEX target, CHANNELINDEX numChannels, bool duplicate) { auto modDoc = GetDocument(); const CHANNELINDEX newChannels = modDoc->GetNumChannels() + (duplicate ? numChannels : 0); std::vector channels(newChannels, 0); bool modified = duplicate; for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0, fromChn = 0; chn < newChannels; chn++) { if(chn >= target && chn < target + numChannels) { channels[chn] = source + chn - target; } else { if(fromChn == source && !duplicate) // Don't want the source channels twice if we're just moving { fromChn += numChannels; } channels[chn] = fromChn++; } if(channels[chn] != chn) { modified = true; } } if(modified && modDoc->ReArrangeChannels(channels) != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID) { modDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, GeneralHint().Channels().ModType(), this); if(duplicate) { // Number of channels changed: Update channel headers and other information. SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); } if(!duplicate) { const auto oldSel = m_Selection; if(auto chn = m_Cursor.GetChannel(); (chn >= source && chn < source + numChannels)) SetCurrentColumn(target + chn - source, m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); if(oldSel.GetStartChannel() >= source && oldSel.GetEndChannel() < source + numChannels) { const auto diff = static_cast(target) - source; auto upperLeft = oldSel.GetUpperLeft(), lowerRight = oldSel.GetLowerRight(); upperLeft.Move(0, diff, 0); lowerRight.Move(0, diff, 0); SetCurSel(upperLeft, lowerRight); } } InvalidatePattern(true, false); SetModified(false); } } void CViewPattern::ShowPatternProperties(PATTERNINDEX pat) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pat == PATTERNINDEX_INVALID) pat = m_nPattern; if(pModDoc && pModDoc->GetSoundFile().Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { CPatternPropertiesDlg dlg(*pModDoc, pat, this); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { UpdateScrollSize(); InvalidatePattern(true, true); SanitizeCursor(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(pat).Data(), this); } } } void CViewPattern::OnRButtonDown(UINT flags, CPoint pt) { CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); HMENU hMenu; // Too far left to get a ctx menu: if(!modDoc || pt.x < m_szHeader.cx) { return; } // Handle drag n drop if(m_Status[psDragnDropEdit]) { if(m_Status[psDragnDropping]) { OnDrawDragSel(); m_Status.reset(psDragnDropping); } m_Status.reset(psDragnDropEdit | psMouseDragSelect); if(m_Status[psDragging]) { m_Status.reset(psDragging); m_bInItemRect = false; ReleaseCapture(); } SetCursor(CMainFrame::curArrow); return; } if((hMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu()) == NULL) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc->GetSoundFile(); m_MenuCursor = GetPositionFromPoint(pt); // Right-click outside single-point selection? Reposition cursor to the new location if(!m_Selection.Contains(m_MenuCursor) && m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() == m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) { if(pt.y > m_szHeader.cy) { //ensure we're not clicking header // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(m_MenuCursor); } } const CHANNELINDEX nChn = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); const bool inChannelHeader = (pt.y < m_szHeader.cy); if((flags & MK_CONTROL) && nChn < sndFile.GetNumChannels() && inChannelHeader) { // Ctrl+Right-Click: Open quick channel properties. ClientToScreen(&pt); m_quickChannelProperties.Show(GetDocument(), nChn, pt); } else if((flags & MK_SHIFT) && inChannelHeader) { // Drag-select record channels StartRecordGroupDragging(GetDragItem(pt, m_rcDragItem)); } else if(nChn < sndFile.GetNumChannels() && sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) && !(flags & (MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT))) { CInputHandler *ih = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler(); //------ Plugin Header Menu --------- : if(m_Status[psShowPluginNames] && inChannelHeader && (pt.y > m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy)) { BuildPluginCtxMenu(hMenu, nChn, sndFile); } //------ Channel Header Menu ---------- : else if(inChannelHeader) { if(ih->ShiftPressed()) { //Don't bring up menu if shift is pressed, else we won't get button up msg. } else { if(BuildSoloMuteCtxMenu(hMenu, ih, nChn, sndFile)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); BuildRecordCtxMenu(hMenu, ih, nChn); BuildChannelControlCtxMenu(hMenu, ih); } } //------ Standard Menu ---------- : else if((pt.x >= m_szHeader.cx) && (pt.y >= m_szHeader.cy)) { // When combining menus, use bitwise ORs to avoid shortcuts if(BuildSelectionCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildEditCtxMenu(hMenu, ih, modDoc)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(hMenu, ih) | BuildTransposeCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildVisFXCtxMenu(hMenu, ih) | BuildAmplifyCtxMenu(hMenu, ih) | BuildSetInstCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildPCNoteCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildGrowShrinkCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildMiscCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); if(BuildRowInsDelCtxMenu(hMenu, ih)) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); CString s = _T("&Quantize "); if(TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows != 0) { uint32 rows = TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows.Get(); s += MPT_CFORMAT("(Currently: {} Row{})")(rows, CString(rows == 1 ? _T("") : _T("s"))); } else { s += _T("Settings..."); } AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows != 0 ? MF_CHECKED : 0), ID_SETQUANTIZE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcQuantizeSettings, s)); } ClientToScreen(&pt); ::TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); } else if(nChn >= sndFile.GetNumChannels() && sndFile.GetNumChannels() < sndFile.GetModSpecifications().channelsMax && !(flags & (MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT))) { // Click outside of pattern: Offer easy way to add more channels m_MenuCursor.Set(0, sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_ADDCHANNEL_AFTER, _T("&Add Channel")); ClientToScreen(&pt); ::TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); } ::DestroyMenu(hMenu); } void CViewPattern::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(!pModDoc) return; ResetRecordGroupDragging(); const CHANNELINDEX sourceChn = static_cast(m_nDragItem.Value()); const CHANNELINDEX targetChn = m_nDropItem.IsValid() ? static_cast(m_nDropItem.Value()) : CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; switch(m_nDragItem.Type()) { case DragItem::ChannelHeader: if(nFlags & MK_SHIFT) { if(sourceChn < MAX_BASECHANNELS && sourceChn == targetChn) { pModDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(sourceChn, RecordGroup::Group2); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(sourceChn); } } break; } CModScrollView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); } BOOL CViewPattern::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt) { if(nFlags & MK_CONTROL) { // Ctrl + mouse wheel: Increment / decrement values DataEntry(zDelta > 0, (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) == MK_SHIFT); return TRUE; } if(IsLiveRecord() && !m_Status[psDragActive]) { // During live playback with "follow song" enabled, the mouse wheel can be used to jump forwards and backwards. CursorJump(-mpt::signum(zDelta), false); return TRUE; } return CModScrollView::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt); } void CViewPattern::OnXButtonUp(UINT nFlags, UINT nButton, CPoint point) { if(nButton == XBUTTON1) OnPrevOrder(); else if(nButton == XBUTTON2) OnNextOrder(); CModScrollView::OnXButtonUp(nFlags, nButton, point); } void CViewPattern::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CModScrollView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); const bool isDraggingRecordGroup = IsDraggingRecordGroup(); if(!m_Status[psDragging] && !isDraggingRecordGroup) return; // Drag&Drop actions if(m_nDragItem.IsValid()) { const CRect oldDropRect = m_rcDropItem; const auto oldDropItem = m_nDropItem; if(isDraggingRecordGroup) { // When drag-selecting record channels, ignore y position point.y = m_rcDragItem.top; } m_Status.set(psShiftDragging, (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) != 0); m_nDropItem = GetDragItem(point, m_rcDropItem); const bool b = (m_nDropItem == m_nDragItem); const bool dragChannel = m_nDragItem.Type() == DragItem::ChannelHeader; if(b != m_bInItemRect || (m_nDropItem != oldDropItem && dragChannel)) { m_bInItemRect = b; InvalidateRect(&m_rcDragItem, FALSE); // Drag-select record channels if(isDraggingRecordGroup && m_nDropItem.Type() == DragItem::ChannelHeader) { auto modDoc = GetDocument(); auto startChn = static_cast(m_nDragItem.Value()); auto endChn = static_cast(m_nDropItem.Value()); RecordGroup setRecord = RecordGroup::NoGroup; if(m_initialDragRecordStatus[startChn] != RecordGroup::Group1 && (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON)) setRecord = RecordGroup::Group1; else if (m_initialDragRecordStatus[startChn] != RecordGroup::Group2 && (nFlags & MK_RBUTTON)) setRecord = RecordGroup::Group2; if(startChn > endChn) std::swap(startChn, endChn); CHANNELINDEX numChannels = std::min(modDoc->GetNumChannels(), static_cast(m_initialDragRecordStatus.size())); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < numChannels; chn++) { auto oldState = modDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(chn); if(chn >= startChn && chn <= endChn) GetDocument()->SetChannelRecordGroup(chn, setRecord); else GetDocument()->SetChannelRecordGroup(chn, m_initialDragRecordStatus[chn]); if(oldState != modDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(chn)) InvalidateChannelsHeaders(chn); } } else { // Dragging around channel headers? Update move indicator... if(m_nDropItem.Type() == DragItem::ChannelHeader) InvalidateRect(&m_rcDropItem, FALSE); if(oldDropItem.Type() == DragItem::ChannelHeader) InvalidateRect(&oldDropRect, FALSE); } UpdateWindow(); } } if(m_Status[psChannelSelection]) { // Double-clicked a pattern cell to select whole channel. // Continue dragging to select more channels. const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { const ROWINDEX lastRow = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1; CHANNELINDEX startChannel = m_Cursor.GetChannel(); CHANNELINDEX endChannel = GetPositionFromPoint(point).GetChannel(); m_StartSel = PatternCursor(0, startChannel, (startChannel <= endChannel ? PatternCursor::firstColumn : PatternCursor::lastColumn)); PatternCursor endSel = PatternCursor(lastRow, endChannel, (startChannel <= endChannel ? PatternCursor::lastColumn : PatternCursor::firstColumn)); DragToSel(endSel, true, false, false); } } else if(m_Status[psRowSelection] && point.y > m_szHeader.cy) { // Mark row number => mark whole row (continue) InvalidateSelection(); PatternCursor cursor(GetPositionFromPoint(point)); cursor.SetColumn(GetDocument()->GetNumChannels() - 1, PatternCursor::lastColumn); DragToSel(cursor, false, true, false); } else if(m_Status[psMouseDragSelect]) { PatternCursor cursor(GetPositionFromPoint(point)); const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && m_nPattern < pSndFile->Patterns.Size()) { ROWINDEX row = cursor.GetRow(); LimitMax(row, pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1); cursor.SetRow(row); } // Drag & Drop editing if(m_Status[psDragnDropEdit]) { const bool moved = m_DragPos.GetChannel() != cursor.GetChannel() || m_DragPos.GetRow() != cursor.GetRow(); if(!m_Status[psDragnDropping]) { SetCursor(CMainFrame::curDragging); } if(!m_Status[psDragnDropping] || moved) { if(m_Status[psDragnDropping]) OnDrawDragSel(); m_Status.reset(psDragnDropping); DragToSel(cursor, true, true, true); m_DragPos = cursor; m_Status.set(psDragnDropping); OnDrawDragSel(); } } else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CENTERROW) { // Default: selection DragToSel(cursor, true, true); } else { // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(cursor); } } } void CViewPattern::OnEditSelectAll() { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { SetCurSel(PatternCursor(0), PatternCursor(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, pSndFile->GetNumChannels() - 1, PatternCursor::lastColumn)); } } void CViewPattern::OnEditSelectChannel() { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { SetCurSel(PatternCursor(0, m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()), PatternCursor(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(), PatternCursor::lastColumn)); } } void CViewPattern::OnSelectCurrentChannel() { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { PatternCursor beginSel(0, GetCurrentChannel()); PatternCursor endSel(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, GetCurrentChannel(), PatternCursor::lastColumn); // If column is already selected, select the current pattern if((beginSel == m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()) && (endSel == m_Selection.GetLowerRight())) { beginSel.Set(0, 0); endSel.Set(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, pSndFile->GetNumChannels() - 1, PatternCursor::lastColumn); } SetCurSel(beginSel, endSel); } } void CViewPattern::OnSelectCurrentColumn() { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { SetCurSel(PatternCursor(0, m_Cursor), PatternCursor(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, m_Cursor)); } } void CViewPattern::OnChannelReset() { ResetChannel(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); } // Reset all channel variables void CViewPattern::ResetChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); CriticalSection cs; if(!pModDoc->IsChannelMuted(chn)) { // Cut playing notes sndFile.ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags.set(CHN_MUTE); pModDoc->UpdateChannelMuteStatus(chn); sndFile.ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags.reset(CHN_MUTE); } sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[chn].Reset(ModChannel::resetTotal, sndFile, chn, CSoundFile::GetChannelMuteFlag()); } void CViewPattern::OnMuteFromClick() { OnMuteChannel(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); } void CViewPattern::OnMuteChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { pModDoc->SoloChannel(chn, false); pModDoc->MuteChannel(chn, !pModDoc->IsChannelMuted(chn)); //If we just unmuted a channel, make sure none are still considered "solo". if(!pModDoc->IsChannelMuted(chn)) { for(CHANNELINDEX i = 0; i < pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); i++) { pModDoc->SoloChannel(i, false); } } InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, GeneralHint(chn).Channels()); } } void CViewPattern::OnSoloFromClick() { OnSoloChannel(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); } // When trying to solo a channel that is already the only unmuted channel, // this will result in unmuting all channels, in order to satisfy user habits. // In all other cases, soloing a channel unsoloes all and mutes all except this channel void CViewPattern::OnSoloChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; if(chn >= pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) { return; } if(pModDoc->IsChannelSolo(chn)) { bool nChnIsOnlyUnMutedChan = true; for(CHANNELINDEX i = 0; i < pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); i++) //check status of all other chans { if(i != chn && !pModDoc->IsChannelMuted(i)) { nChnIsOnlyUnMutedChan = false; //found a channel that isn't muted! break; } } if(nChnIsOnlyUnMutedChan) // this is the only playable channel and it is already soloed -> Unmute all { OnUnmuteAll(); return; } } for(CHANNELINDEX i = 0; i < pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); i++) { pModDoc->MuteChannel(i, !(i == chn)); //mute all chans except nChn, unmute nChn pModDoc->SoloChannel(i, (i == chn)); //unsolo all chans except nChn, solo nChn } InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, GeneralHint(chn).Channels()); } void CViewPattern::OnRecordSelect() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { CHANNELINDEX chn = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); if(chn < pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) { pModDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(chn, RecordGroup::Group1); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(chn); } } } void CViewPattern::OnSplitRecordSelect() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { CHANNELINDEX chn = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); if(chn < pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) { pModDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(chn, RecordGroup::Group2); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(chn); } } } void CViewPattern::OnUnmuteAll() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc) { const CHANNELINDEX numChannels = pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < numChannels; chn++) { pModDoc->MuteChannel(chn, false); pModDoc->SoloChannel(chn, false); } InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } } bool CViewPattern::InsertOrDeleteRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit, bool deleteRows) { CModDoc &modDoc = *GetDocument(); CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) return false; LimitMax(lastChn, CHANNELINDEX(sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1)); if(firstChn > lastChn) return false; const auto selection = (firstChn != lastChn || m_Selection.GetNumRows() > 1) ? PatternRect{{m_Selection.GetStartRow(), firstChn, PatternCursor::firstColumn}, {m_Selection.GetEndRow(), lastChn, PatternCursor::lastColumn}} : m_Selection; const ROWINDEX numRows = selection.GetNumRows(); const char *undoDescription = ""; if(deleteRows) undoDescription = numRows != 1 ? "Delete Rows" : "Delete Row"; else undoDescription = numRows != 1 ? "Insert Rows" : "Insert Row"; const ROWINDEX startRow = selection.GetStartRow(); const CHANNELINDEX numChannels = lastChn - firstChn + 1; std::vector patterns; if(globalEdit) { auto &order = Order(); const auto start = order.begin() + GetCurrentOrder(); const auto end = std::find(start, order.end(), order.GetInvalidPatIndex()); // As this is a global operation, ensure that all modified patterns are unique bool orderListChanged = false; const ORDERINDEX ordEnd = GetCurrentOrder() + static_cast(std::distance(start, end)); for(ORDERINDEX ord = GetCurrentOrder(); ord < ordEnd; ord++) { const auto pat = order[ord]; if(pat != order.EnsureUnique(ord)) orderListChanged = true; } if(orderListChanged) modDoc.UpdateAllViews(this, SequenceHint().Data(), nullptr); patterns.assign(start, end); } else { patterns = {m_nPattern}; } // Backup source data and create undo points std::vector patternData; if(!deleteRows) patternData.insert(patternData.begin(), numRows * numChannels, ModCommand{}); bool first = true; for(auto pat : patterns) { if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) continue; const auto &pattern = sndFile.Patterns[pat]; const ROWINDEX firstRow = first ? startRow : 0; for(ROWINDEX row = firstRow; row < pattern.GetNumRows(); row++) { const auto *m = pattern.GetpModCommand(row, firstChn); patternData.insert(patternData.end(), m, m + numChannels); } modDoc.GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(pat, firstChn, firstRow, numChannels, pattern.GetNumRows(), undoDescription, !first); first = false; } if(deleteRows) patternData.insert(patternData.end(), numRows * numChannels, ModCommand{}); // Now do the actual shifting auto src = patternData.cbegin(); if(deleteRows) src += numRows * numChannels; PATTERNINDEX firstNewPattern = m_nPattern; first = true; for(auto pat : patterns) { if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) continue; auto &pattern = sndFile.Patterns[pat]; for(ROWINDEX row = first ? startRow : 0; row < pattern.GetNumRows(); row++, src += numChannels) { ModCommand *dest = pattern.GetpModCommand(row, firstChn); std::copy(src, src + numChannels, dest); } if(first) firstNewPattern = pat; first = false; modDoc.UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(pat).Data(), this); } SetModified(); SetCurrentPattern(firstNewPattern); InvalidatePattern(); SetCursorPosition(selection.GetUpperLeft()); SetCurSel(selection); return true; } void CViewPattern::DeleteRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit) { InsertOrDeleteRows(firstChn, lastChn, globalEdit, true); } void CViewPattern::OnDeleteRow() { DeleteRows(m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel()); } void CViewPattern::OnDeleteWholeRow() { DeleteRows(0, GetSoundFile()->GetNumChannels() - 1); } void CViewPattern::OnDeleteRowGlobal() { DeleteRows(m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel(), true); } void CViewPattern::OnDeleteWholeRowGlobal() { DeleteRows(0, GetSoundFile()->GetNumChannels() - 1, true); } void CViewPattern::InsertRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit) { InsertOrDeleteRows(firstChn, lastChn, globalEdit, false); } void CViewPattern::OnInsertRow() { InsertRows(m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel()); } void CViewPattern::OnInsertWholeRow() { InsertRows(0, GetSoundFile()->GetNumChannels() - 1); } void CViewPattern::OnInsertRowGlobal() { InsertRows(m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel(), true); } void CViewPattern::OnInsertWholeRowGlobal() { InsertRows(0, GetSoundFile()->GetNumChannels() - 1, true); } void CViewPattern::OnSplitPattern() { COrderList &orderList = static_cast(GetControlDlg())->GetOrderList(); CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); const auto &specs = sndFile.GetModSpecifications(); const PATTERNINDEX sourcePat = m_nPattern; const ROWINDEX splitRow = m_MenuCursor.GetRow(); if(splitRow < 1 || !sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(sourcePat) || !sndFile.Patterns[sourcePat].IsValidRow(splitRow)) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING); return; } // Create a new pattern (ignore if it's too big for this format - if it is, then the source pattern already was too big, too) CriticalSection cs; const ROWINDEX numSplitRows = sndFile.Patterns[sourcePat].GetNumRows() - splitRow; const PATTERNINDEX newPat = sndFile.Patterns.InsertAny(std::max(specs.patternRowsMin, numSplitRows), false); if(newPat == PATTERNINDEX_INVALID) { cs.Leave(); Reporting::Error(MPT_AFORMAT("Pattern limit of the {} format ({} patterns) has been reached.")(mpt::ToUpperCaseAscii(specs.fileExtension), specs.patternsMax), "Split Pattern"); return; } auto &sourcePattern = sndFile.Patterns[sourcePat]; auto &newPattern = sndFile.Patterns[newPat]; auto &undo = GetDocument()->GetPatternUndo(); undo.PrepareUndo(sourcePat, 0, splitRow, sourcePattern.GetNumChannels(), numSplitRows, "Split Pattern"); undo.PrepareUndo(newPat, 0, 0, newPattern.GetNumChannels(), newPattern.GetNumRows(), "Split Pattern", true); auto copyStart = sourcePattern.begin() + sourcePattern.GetNumChannels() * splitRow; std::copy(copyStart, sourcePattern.end(), newPattern.begin()); // Reduce the row number or insert pattern breaks, if the patterns are too small for the format sourcePattern.Resize(std::max(specs.patternRowsMin, splitRow)); if(splitRow != sourcePattern.GetNumRows()) { std::fill(copyStart, sourcePattern.end(), ModCommand::Empty()); sourcePattern.WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_PATTERNBREAK, 0).Row(splitRow - 1).RetryNextRow()); } if(numSplitRows != newPattern.GetNumRows()) { newPattern.WriteEffect(EffectWriter(CMD_PATTERNBREAK, 0).Row(numSplitRows - 1).RetryNextRow()); } // Update every occurrence of the split pattern in all order lists auto editOrd = GetCurrentOrder(); for(SEQUENCEINDEX seq = 0; seq < sndFile.Order.GetNumSequences(); seq++) { const bool isCurrentSeq = (seq == sndFile.Order.GetCurrentSequenceIndex()); bool editedSeq = false; auto &order = sndFile.Order(seq); for(ORDERINDEX i = 0; i < order.GetLength(); i++) { if(order[i] == sourcePat) { if(!order.insert(i + 1, 1, newPat)) continue; editedSeq = true; if(isCurrentSeq) orderList.InsertUpdatePlaystate(i, i + 1); i++; // Slide the current selection accordingly so it doesn't end up in the wrong id if(i < editOrd && isCurrentSeq) editOrd++; } } if(editedSeq) GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SequenceHint(seq).Data(), this); } orderList.SetSelection(editOrd + 1); SetCurrentRow(0); SetModified(true); GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, PatternHint(newPat).Names().Data(), this); } void CViewPattern::OnEditGoto() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(!pModDoc) return; ORDERINDEX curOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); CHANNELINDEX curChannel = GetCurrentChannel() + 1; CPatternGotoDialog dlg(this, GetCurrentRow(), curChannel, m_nPattern, curOrder, pModDoc->GetSoundFile()); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { if(dlg.m_nPattern != m_nPattern) SetCurrentPattern(dlg.m_nPattern); if(dlg.m_nOrder != curOrder) SetCurrentOrder(dlg.m_nOrder); if(dlg.m_nChannel != curChannel) SetCurrentColumn(dlg.m_nChannel - 1); if(dlg.m_nRow != GetCurrentRow()) SetCurrentRow(dlg.m_nRow); CriticalSection cs; pModDoc->SetElapsedTime(dlg.m_nOrder, dlg.m_nRow, false); } return; } void CViewPattern::OnPatternStep() { PatternStep(); } void CViewPattern::PatternStep(ROWINDEX row) { CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pMainFrm != nullptr && pModDoc != nullptr) { CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return; CriticalSection cs; // In case we were previously in smooth scrolling mode during live playback, the pattern might be misaligned. if(GetSmoothScrollOffset() != 0) InvalidatePattern(true, true); // Cut instruments/samples in virtual channels for(CHANNELINDEX i = sndFile.GetNumChannels(); i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[i].dwFlags.set(CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF); } sndFile.LoopPattern(m_nPattern); sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nNextRow = row == ROWINDEX_INVALID ? GetCurrentRow() : row; sndFile.m_SongFlags.reset(SONG_PAUSED); sndFile.m_SongFlags.set(SONG_STEP); SetPlayCursor(m_nPattern, sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nNextRow, 0); cs.Leave(); if(pMainFrm->GetModPlaying() != pModDoc) { pModDoc->SetFollowWnd(m_hWnd); pMainFrm->PlayMod(pModDoc); } pModDoc->SetNotifications(Notification::Position | Notification::VUMeters); if(row == ROWINDEX_INVALID) { SetCurrentRow(GetCurrentRow() + 1, (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) || // Wrap around to next pattern if continous scroll is enabled... (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_WRAP)); // ...or otherwise if cursor wrap is enabled. } SetFocus(); } } // Copy cursor to internal clipboard void CViewPattern::OnCursorCopy() { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } const ModCommand &m = GetCursorCommand(); switch(m_Cursor.GetColumnType()) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: case PatternCursor::instrColumn: m_cmdOld.note = m.note; m_cmdOld.instr = m.instr; SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_SETCURRENTINSTRUMENT, m_cmdOld.instr); break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: m_cmdOld.volcmd = m.volcmd; m_cmdOld.vol = m.vol; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: m_cmdOld.command = m.command; m_cmdOld.param = m.param; break; } } // Paste cursor from internal clipboard void CViewPattern::OnCursorPaste() { if(!IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Cursor Paste"); PatternCursor::Columns column = m_Cursor.GetColumnType(); ModCommand &m = GetCursorCommand(); switch(column) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: m.note = m_cmdOld.note; [[fallthrough]]; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: m.instr = m_cmdOld.instr; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: m.vol = m_cmdOld.vol; m.volcmd = m_cmdOld.volcmd; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: m.command = m_cmdOld.command; m.param = m_cmdOld.param; break; } SetModified(false); // Preview Row if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW) && !IsLiveRecord()) { PatternStep(GetCurrentRow()); } if(GetSoundFile()->IsPaused() || !m_Status[psFollowSong] || (CMainFrame::GetMainFrame() && CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->GetFollowSong(GetDocument()) != m_hWnd)) { InvalidateCell(m_Cursor); SetCurrentRow(GetCurrentRow() + m_nSpacing); SetSelToCursor(); } } void CViewPattern::OnVisualizeEffect() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc != nullptr && pModDoc->GetSoundFile().Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { const ROWINDEX row0 = m_Selection.GetStartRow(), row1 = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); const CHANNELINDEX nchn = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); if(m_pEffectVis) { // Window already there, update data m_pEffectVis->UpdateSelection(row0, row1, nchn, m_nPattern); } else { // Open window & send data CriticalSection cs; try { m_pEffectVis = std::make_unique(this, row0, row1, nchn, *pModDoc, m_nPattern); m_pEffectVis->OpenEditor(CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()); // HACK: to get status window set up; must create clear destinction between // construction, 1st draw code and all draw code. m_pEffectVis->OnSize(0, 0, 0); } catch(mpt::out_of_memory e) { mpt::delete_out_of_memory(e); } } } } // Helper function for sweeping the pattern up and down to find suitable start and end points for interpolation. // startCond must return true for the start row, endCond must return true for the end row. PatternRect CViewPattern::SweepPattern(bool(*startCond)(const ModCommand &), bool(*endCond)(const ModCommand &, const ModCommand &)) const { const auto &pattern = GetSoundFile()->Patterns[m_nPattern]; const ROWINDEX numRows = pattern.GetNumRows(); const ROWINDEX cursorRow = m_Selection.GetStartRow(); if(cursorRow >= numRows) return {}; const ModCommand *start = pattern.GetpModCommand(cursorRow, m_Selection.GetStartChannel()), *end = start; // Sweep up ROWINDEX startRow = ROWINDEX_INVALID; for(ROWINDEX row = 0; row <= cursorRow; row++, start -= pattern.GetNumChannels()) { if(startCond(*start)) { startRow = cursorRow - row; break; } } if(startRow == ROWINDEX_INVALID) return {}; // Sweep down ROWINDEX endRow = ROWINDEX_INVALID; for(ROWINDEX row = cursorRow; row < numRows; row++, end += pattern.GetNumChannels()) { if(endCond(*start, *end)) { endRow = row; break; } } if(endRow == ROWINDEX_INVALID) return {}; return {PatternCursor(startRow, m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()), PatternCursor(endRow, m_Selection.GetUpperLeft())}; } void CViewPattern::Interpolate(PatternCursor::Columns type) { CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) || !IsEditingEnabled()) return; bool changed = false; std::vector validChans; if(type == PatternCursor::effectColumn || type == PatternCursor::paramColumn) { std::vector effectChans; std::vector paramChans; ListChansWhereColSelected(PatternCursor::effectColumn, effectChans); ListChansWhereColSelected(PatternCursor::paramColumn, paramChans); validChans.resize(effectChans.size() + paramChans.size()); validChans.resize(std::set_union(effectChans.begin(), effectChans.end(), paramChans.begin(), paramChans.end(), validChans.begin()) - validChans.begin()); } else { ListChansWhereColSelected(type, validChans); } if(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() == m_Selection.GetLowerRight() && !validChans.empty()) { // No selection has been made: Interpolate between closest non-zero values in this column. PatternRect sweepSelection; switch(type) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: // Allow note-to-note interpolation only. sweepSelection = SweepPattern( [](const ModCommand &start) { return start.note != NOTE_NONE; }, [](const ModCommand &start, const ModCommand &end) { return start.IsNote() && end.IsNote(); }); break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: // Allow interpolation between same instrument, as long as it's not a PC note. sweepSelection = SweepPattern( [](const ModCommand &start) { return start.instr != 0 && !start.IsPcNote(); }, [](const ModCommand &start, const ModCommand &end) { return end.instr == start.instr; }); break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: // Allow interpolation between same volume effect, as long as it's not a PC note. sweepSelection = SweepPattern( [](const ModCommand &start) { return start.volcmd != VOLCMD_NONE && !start.IsPcNote(); }, [](const ModCommand &start, const ModCommand &end) { return end.volcmd == start.volcmd && !end.IsPcNote(); }); break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: // Allow interpolation between same effect, or anything if it's a PC note. sweepSelection = SweepPattern( [](const ModCommand &start) { return start.command != CMD_NONE || start.IsPcNote(); }, [](const ModCommand &start, const ModCommand &end) { return (end.command == start.command || start.IsPcNote()) && (!start.IsPcNote() || end.IsPcNote()); }); break; } if(sweepSelection.GetNumRows() > 1) { // Found usable end and start commands: Extend selection. SetCurSel(sweepSelection); } } const ROWINDEX row0 = m_Selection.GetStartRow(), row1 = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); //for all channels where type is selected for(auto nchn : validChans) { if(!IsInterpolationPossible(row0, row1, nchn, type)) continue; //skip chans where interpolation isn't possible if(!changed) //ensure we save undo buffer only before any channels are interpolated { const char *description = ""; switch(type) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: description = "Interpolate Note Column"; break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: description = "Interpolate Instrument Column"; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: description = "Interpolate Volume Column"; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: description = "Interpolate Effect Column"; break; } PrepareUndo(m_Selection, description); } bool doPCinterpolation = false; int vsrc, vdest, vcmd = 0, verr = 0, distance = row1 - row0; const ModCommand srcCmd = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row0, nchn); const ModCommand destCmd = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row1, nchn); ModCommand::NOTE PCnote = NOTE_NONE; uint16 PCinst = 0, PCparam = 0; switch(type) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: vsrc = srcCmd.note; vdest = destCmd.note; vcmd = srcCmd.instr; verr = (distance * (NOTE_MAX - 1)) / NOTE_MAX; if(srcCmd.note == NOTE_NONE) { vsrc = vdest; vcmd = destCmd.note; } else if(destCmd.note == NOTE_NONE) { vdest = vsrc; } break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: vsrc = srcCmd.instr; vdest = destCmd.instr; verr = (distance * 63) / 128; if(srcCmd.instr == 0) { vsrc = vdest; vcmd = destCmd.instr; } else if(destCmd.instr == 0) { vdest = vsrc; } break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: vsrc = srcCmd.vol; vdest = destCmd.vol; vcmd = srcCmd.volcmd; verr = (distance * 63) / 128; if(srcCmd.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE) { vcmd = destCmd.volcmd; if(vcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME && srcCmd.IsNote() && srcCmd.instr) vsrc = GetDefaultVolume(srcCmd); else vsrc = vdest; } else if(destCmd.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE) { if(vcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME && destCmd.IsNote() && destCmd.instr) vdest = GetDefaultVolume(srcCmd); else vdest = vsrc; } break; case PatternCursor::paramColumn: case PatternCursor::effectColumn: if(srcCmd.IsPcNote() || destCmd.IsPcNote()) { doPCinterpolation = true; PCnote = (srcCmd.IsPcNote()) ? srcCmd.note : destCmd.note; vsrc = srcCmd.GetValueEffectCol(); vdest = destCmd.GetValueEffectCol(); PCparam = srcCmd.GetValueVolCol(); if((PCparam == 0 && destCmd.IsPcNote()) || !srcCmd.IsPcNote()) PCparam = destCmd.GetValueVolCol(); PCinst = srcCmd.instr; if(PCinst == 0) PCinst = destCmd.instr; } else { vsrc = srcCmd.param; vdest = destCmd.param; vcmd = srcCmd.command; if(srcCmd.command == CMD_NONE) { vsrc = vdest; vcmd = destCmd.command; } else if(destCmd.command == CMD_NONE) { vdest = vsrc; } } verr = (distance * 63) / 128; break; default: MPT_ASSERT(false); return; } if(vdest < vsrc) verr = -verr; ModCommand *pcmd = sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row0, nchn); for(int i = 0; i <= distance; i++, pcmd += sndFile->GetNumChannels()) { switch(type) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: if((pcmd->note == NOTE_NONE || pcmd->instr == vcmd) && !pcmd->IsPcNote()) { int note = vsrc + ((vdest - vsrc) * i + verr) / distance; pcmd->note = static_cast(note); if(pcmd->instr == 0) pcmd->instr = static_cast(vcmd); } break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: if(pcmd->instr == 0) { int instr = vsrc + ((vdest - vsrc) * i + verr) / distance; pcmd->instr = static_cast(instr); } break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: if((pcmd->volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE || pcmd->volcmd == vcmd) && !pcmd->IsPcNote()) { int vol = vsrc + ((vdest - vsrc) * i + verr) / distance; pcmd->vol = static_cast(vol); pcmd->volcmd = static_cast(vcmd); } break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: if(doPCinterpolation) { // With PC/PCs notes, copy PCs note and plug index to all rows where // effect interpolation is done if no PC note with non-zero instrument is there. const uint16 val = static_cast(vsrc + ((vdest - vsrc) * i + verr) / distance); if(!pcmd->IsPcNote() || pcmd->instr == 0) { pcmd->note = PCnote; pcmd->instr = static_cast(PCinst); } pcmd->SetValueVolCol(PCparam); pcmd->SetValueEffectCol(val); } else if(!pcmd->IsPcNote()) { if((pcmd->command == CMD_NONE) || (pcmd->command == vcmd)) { int val = vsrc + ((vdest - vsrc) * i + verr) / distance; pcmd->param = static_cast(val); pcmd->command = static_cast(vcmd); } } break; default: MPT_ASSERT(false); } } changed = true; } //end for all channels where type is selected if(changed) { SetModified(false); InvalidatePattern(false); } } void CViewPattern::OnResetChannelColors() { CModDoc &modDoc = *GetDocument(); const CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); modDoc.GetPatternUndo().PrepareChannelUndo(0, sndFile.GetNumChannels(), "Reset Channel Colours"); if(modDoc.SetDefaultChannelColors()) { if(modDoc.SupportsChannelColors()) modDoc.SetModified(); modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, GeneralHint().Channels(), nullptr); } else { modDoc.GetPatternUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(); } } void CViewPattern::OnTransposeChannel() { CInputDlg dlg(this, _T("Enter transpose amount (affects all patterns):"), -(NOTE_MAX - NOTE_MIN), (NOTE_MAX - NOTE_MIN), m_nTransposeAmount); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { m_nTransposeAmount = dlg.resultAsInt; CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); bool changed = false; // Don't allow notes outside our supported note range. const ModCommand::NOTE noteMin = sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMin; const ModCommand::NOTE noteMax = sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMax; for(PATTERNINDEX pat = 0; pat < sndFile.Patterns.Size(); pat++) { bool changedThisPat = false; if(sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { ModCommand *m = sndFile.Patterns[pat].GetpModCommand(0, m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); const ROWINDEX numRows = sndFile.Patterns[pat].GetNumRows(); for(ROWINDEX row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { if(m->IsNote()) { if(!changedThisPat) { GetDocument()->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(pat, m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(), 0, 1, numRows, "Transpose Channel", changed); changed = changedThisPat = true; } int note = m->note + m_nTransposeAmount; Limit(note, noteMin, noteMax); m->note = static_cast(note); } m += sndFile.Patterns[pat].GetNumChannels(); } } } if(changed) { SetModified(true); InvalidatePattern(false); } } } void CViewPattern::OnTransposeCustom() { CInputDlg dlg(this, _T("Enter transpose amount:"), -(NOTE_MAX - NOTE_MIN), (NOTE_MAX - NOTE_MIN), m_nTransposeAmount); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { m_nTransposeAmount = dlg.resultAsInt; TransposeSelection(dlg.resultAsInt); } } void CViewPattern::OnTransposeCustomQuick() { if(m_nTransposeAmount != 0) TransposeSelection(m_nTransposeAmount); else OnTransposeCustom(); } bool CViewPattern::TransposeSelection(int transp) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return false; } m_Selection.Sanitize(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), pSndFile->GetNumChannels()); // Don't allow notes outside our supported note range. const ModCommand::NOTE noteMin = pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().noteMin; const ModCommand::NOTE noteMax = pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().noteMax; PrepareUndo(m_Selection, "Transpose"); std::vector lastGroupSize(pSndFile->GetNumChannels(), 12); ApplyToSelection([&] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX, CHANNELINDEX chn) { if(chn == m_Selection.GetStartChannel() && m_Selection.GetStartColumn() > PatternCursor::noteColumn) return; if(m.IsNote()) { if(m.instr > 0) { lastGroupSize[chn] = GetDocument()->GetInstrumentGroupSize(m.instr); } int transpose = transp; if(transpose == 12000 || transpose == -12000) { // Transpose one octave transpose = lastGroupSize[chn] * mpt::signum(transpose); } int note = m.note + transpose; Limit(note, noteMin, noteMax); m.note = static_cast(note); } }); SetModified(false); InvalidateSelection(); if(m_Selection.GetNumChannels() == 1 && m_Selection.GetNumRows() == 1 && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYTRANSPOSE)) { // Preview a single transposed note PreviewNote(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel()); } return true; } bool CViewPattern::DataEntry(bool up, bool coarse) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return false; } m_Selection.Sanitize(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), pSndFile->GetNumChannels()); const PatternCursor::Columns column = m_Selection.GetStartColumn(); // Don't allow notes outside our supported note range. const ModCommand::NOTE noteMin = pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().noteMin; const ModCommand::NOTE noteMax = pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().noteMax; const int instrMax = std::min(static_cast(Util::MaxValueOfType(ModCommand::INSTR())), static_cast(pSndFile->GetNumInstruments() ? pSndFile->GetNumInstruments() : pSndFile->GetNumSamples())); const EffectInfo effectInfo(*pSndFile); const int offset = up ? 1 : -1; PrepareUndo(m_Selection, "Data Entry"); // Notes per octave for non-TET12 tunings and coarse note steps std::vector lastGroupSize(pSndFile->GetNumChannels(), 12); bool applyToSpecialNotes = true; if(column == PatternCursor::noteColumn) { const CPattern &pattern = pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern]; const CHANNELINDEX startChn = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), endChn = m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); const ROWINDEX endRow = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); for(ROWINDEX row = m_Selection.GetStartRow(); row <= endRow && applyToSpecialNotes; row++) { const ModCommand *m = pattern.GetpModCommand(row, startChn); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = startChn; chn <= endChn; chn++, m++) { if(!m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::noteColumn))) continue; if(m->IsNote()) { applyToSpecialNotes = false; break; } } } } ApplyToSelection([&] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX, CHANNELINDEX chn) { if(column == PatternCursor::noteColumn && m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::noteColumn))) { // Increase / decrease note if(m.IsNote() && !applyToSpecialNotes) { if(m.instr > 0) { lastGroupSize[chn] = GetDocument()->GetInstrumentGroupSize(m.instr); } int note = m.note + offset * (coarse ? lastGroupSize[chn] : 1); Limit(note, noteMin, noteMax); m.note = (ModCommand::NOTE)note; } else if(m.IsSpecialNote() && applyToSpecialNotes) { ModCommand::NOTE note = m.note; do { note = static_cast(note + offset); if(!ModCommand::IsSpecialNote(note)) { break; } } while(!pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().HasNote(note)); if(ModCommand::IsSpecialNote(note)) { if(m.IsPcNote() != ModCommand::IsPcNote(note)) { m.Clear(); } m.note = (ModCommand::NOTE)note; } } } if(column == PatternCursor::instrColumn && m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::instrColumn)) && m.instr != 0) { // Increase / decrease instrument int instr = m.instr + offset * (coarse ? 10 : 1); Limit(instr, 1, m.IsInstrPlug() ? MAX_MIXPLUGINS : instrMax); m.instr = (ModCommand::INSTR)instr; } if(column == PatternCursor::volumeColumn && m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::volumeColumn))) { // Increase / decrease volume parameter if(m.IsPcNote()) { int val = m.GetValueVolCol() + offset * (coarse ? 10 : 1); Limit(val, 0, ModCommand::maxColumnValue); m.SetValueVolCol(static_cast(val)); } else { int vol = m.vol + offset * (coarse ? 10 : 1); if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE && m.IsNote() && m.instr) { m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; vol = GetDefaultVolume(m); } ModCommand::VOL minValue = 0, maxValue = 64; effectInfo.GetVolCmdInfo(effectInfo.GetIndexFromVolCmd(m.volcmd), nullptr, &minValue, &maxValue); Limit(vol, (int)minValue, (int)maxValue); m.vol = (ModCommand::VOL)vol; } } if((column == PatternCursor::effectColumn || column == PatternCursor::paramColumn) && (m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::effectColumn)) || m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::paramColumn)))) { // Increase / decrease effect parameter if(m.IsPcNote()) { int val = m.GetValueEffectCol() + offset * (coarse ? 10 : 1); Limit(val, 0, ModCommand::maxColumnValue); m.SetValueEffectCol(static_cast(val)); } else { int param = m.param + offset * (coarse ? 16 : 1); ModCommand::PARAM minValue = 0x00, maxValue = 0xFF; if(!m.IsSlideUpDownCommand()) { const auto effectIndex = effectInfo.GetIndexFromEffect(m.command, m.param); effectInfo.GetEffectInfo(effectIndex, nullptr, false, &minValue, &maxValue); minValue = static_cast(effectInfo.MapPosToValue(effectIndex, minValue)); maxValue = static_cast(effectInfo.MapPosToValue(effectIndex, maxValue)); } m.param = static_cast(Clamp(param, minValue, maxValue)); } } }); SetModified(false); InvalidatePattern(); if(column == PatternCursor::noteColumn && m_Selection.GetNumChannels() == 1 && m_Selection.GetNumRows() == 1 && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYTRANSPOSE)) { // Preview a single transposed note PreviewNote(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel()); } return true; } // Get the velocity at which a given note would be played int CViewPattern::GetDefaultVolume(const ModCommand &m, ModCommand::INSTR lastInstr) const { const CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); SAMPLEINDEX sample = GetDocument()->GetSampleIndex(m, lastInstr); if(sample) return std::min(sndFile.GetSample(sample).nVolume, uint16(256)) / 4u; else if(m.instr > 0 && m.instr <= sndFile.GetNumInstruments() && sndFile.Instruments[m.instr] != nullptr && sndFile.Instruments[m.instr]->HasValidMIDIChannel()) return std::min(sndFile.Instruments[m.instr]->nGlobalVol, uint32(64)); // For instrument plugins else return 64; } int CViewPattern::GetBaseNote() const { const CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); INSTRUMENTINDEX instr = static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()); if(!instr && !IsLiveRecord()) instr = GetCursorCommand().instr; return modDoc->GetBaseNote(instr); } ModCommand::NOTE CViewPattern::GetNoteWithBaseOctave(int note) const { const CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); INSTRUMENTINDEX instr = static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()); if(!instr && !IsLiveRecord()) instr = GetCursorCommand().instr; return modDoc->GetNoteWithBaseOctave(note, instr); } void CViewPattern::OnDropSelection() { CModDoc *pModDoc; if((pModDoc = GetDocument()) == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } // Compute relative movement int dx = (int)m_DragPos.GetChannel() - (int)m_StartSel.GetChannel(); int dy = (int)m_DragPos.GetRow() - (int)m_StartSel.GetRow(); if((!dx) && (!dy)) { return; } // Allocate replacement pattern CPattern &pattern = sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern]; auto origPattern = pattern.GetData(); // Compute destination rect PatternCursor begin(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft()), end(m_Selection.GetLowerRight()); begin.Move(dy, dx, 0); if(begin.GetChannel() >= sndFile.GetNumChannels()) { // Moved outside pattern range. return; } end.Move(dy, dx, 0); if(end.GetColumnType() == PatternCursor::effectColumn) { // Extend to parameter column end.Move(0, 0, 1); } begin.Sanitize(pattern.GetNumRows(), pattern.GetNumChannels()); end.Sanitize(pattern.GetNumRows(), pattern.GetNumChannels()); PatternRect destination(begin, end); const bool moveSelection = !m_Status[psKeyboardDragSelect | psCtrlDragSelect]; BeginWaitCursor(); pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(m_nPattern, 0, 0, sndFile.GetNumChannels(), pattern.GetNumRows(), moveSelection ? "Move Selection" : "Copy Selection"); const ModCommand empty = ModCommand::Empty(); auto p = pattern.begin(); for(ROWINDEX row = 0; row < pattern.GetNumRows(); row++) { for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < sndFile.GetNumChannels(); chn++, p++) { for(int c = PatternCursor::firstColumn; c <= PatternCursor::lastColumn; c++) { PatternCursor cell(row, chn, static_cast(c)); int xsrc = chn, ysrc = row; if(destination.Contains(cell)) { // Current cell is from destination selection xsrc -= dx; ysrc -= dy; } else if(m_Selection.Contains(cell)) { // Current cell is from source rectangle (clear) if(moveSelection) { xsrc = -1; } } else { continue; } // Copy the data const ModCommand &src = (xsrc >= 0 && xsrc < (int)sndFile.GetNumChannels() && ysrc >= 0 && ysrc < (int)sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) ? origPattern[ysrc * sndFile.GetNumChannels() + xsrc] : empty; switch(c) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: p->note = src.note; break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: p->instr = src.instr; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: p->vol = src.vol; p->volcmd = src.volcmd; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: p->command = src.command; p->param = src.param; break; } } } } // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(begin); SetCurSel(destination); InvalidatePattern(); SetModified(false); EndWaitCursor(); } void CViewPattern::OnSetSelInstrument() { SetSelectionInstrument(static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()), false); } void CViewPattern::OnRemoveChannelDialog() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; pModDoc->ChangeNumChannels(0); SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); //Updating the screen. } void CViewPattern::OnRemoveChannel() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; const CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile.GetNumChannels() <= sndFile.GetModSpecifications().channelsMin) { Reporting::Error("No channel removed - channel number already at minimum.", "Remove channel"); return; } CHANNELINDEX nChn = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); const bool isEmpty = pModDoc->IsChannelUnused(nChn); CString str; str.Format(_T("Remove channel %d? This channel still contains note data!"), nChn + 1); if(isEmpty || Reporting::Confirm(str, "Remove channel") == cnfYes) { std::vector keepMask(pModDoc->GetNumChannels(), true); keepMask[nChn] = false; pModDoc->RemoveChannels(keepMask, true); SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); //Updating the screen. pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, GeneralHint().General().Channels(), this); } } void CViewPattern::AddChannel(CHANNELINDEX parent, bool afterCurrent) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; BeginWaitCursor(); // Create new channel order, with channel nBefore being an invalid (and thus empty) channel. std::vector channels(pModDoc->GetNumChannels() + 1, CHANNELINDEX_INVALID); CHANNELINDEX i = 0; for(CHANNELINDEX nChn = 0; nChn < pModDoc->GetNumChannels() + 1; nChn++) { if(nChn != (parent + (afterCurrent ? 1 : 0))) { channels[nChn] = i++; } } if(pModDoc->ReArrangeChannels(channels) != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID) { auto &chnSettings = pModDoc->GetSoundFile().ChnSettings; chnSettings[parent + (afterCurrent ? 1 : 0)].color = chnSettings[parent + (afterCurrent ? 0 : 1)].color; pModDoc->SetModified(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, GeneralHint().General().Channels(), this); //refresh channel headers SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); } EndWaitCursor(); } void CViewPattern::OnDuplicateChannel() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; const CHANNELINDEX dupChn = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); if(dupChn >= pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) return; if(!pModDoc->IsChannelUnused(dupChn) && Reporting::Confirm(_T("This affects all patterns, proceed?"), _T("Duplicate Channel")) != cnfYes) return; BeginWaitCursor(); // Create new channel order, with channel nDupChn duplicated. std::vector channels(pModDoc->GetNumChannels() + 1, 0); CHANNELINDEX i = 0; for(CHANNELINDEX nChn = 0; nChn < pModDoc->GetNumChannels() + 1; nChn++) { channels[nChn] = i; if(nChn != dupChn) i++; } // Check that duplication happened and in that case update. if(pModDoc->ReArrangeChannels(channels) != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID) { pModDoc->SetModified(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, GeneralHint().General().Channels(), this); //refresh channel headers SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); } EndWaitCursor(); } void CViewPattern::OnRunScript() { ; } void CViewPattern::OnSwitchToOrderList() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_SETFOCUS); } void CViewPattern::OnPrevOrder() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PREVORDER); } void CViewPattern::OnNextOrder() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_NEXTORDER); } void CViewPattern::OnUpdateUndo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if((pCmdUI) && (pModDoc)) { pCmdUI->Enable(pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().CanUndo()); pCmdUI->SetText(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditUndo, _T("Undo ") + pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().GetUndoName())); } } void CViewPattern::OnUpdateRedo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if((pCmdUI) && (pModDoc)) { pCmdUI->Enable(pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().CanRedo()); pCmdUI->SetText(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditRedo, _T("Redo ") + pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().GetRedoName())); } } void CViewPattern::OnEditUndo() { UndoRedo(true); } void CViewPattern::OnEditRedo() { UndoRedo(false); } void CViewPattern::UndoRedo(bool undo) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc && IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { CHANNELINDEX oldNumChannels = pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); PATTERNINDEX pat = undo ? pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().Undo() : pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().Redo(); const CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(pat < sndFile.Patterns.Size()) { if(pat != m_nPattern) { // Find pattern in sequence. ORDERINDEX matchingOrder = Order().FindOrder(pat, GetCurrentOrder()); if(matchingOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID) { SetCurrentOrder(matchingOrder); } SetCurrentPattern(pat); } else { InvalidatePattern(true, true); } SetModified(false); SanitizeCursor(); UpdateScrollSize(); } if(oldNumChannels != pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) { pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, GeneralHint().Channels().ModType(), this); } } } // Apply amplification and fade function to volume static void AmplifyFade(int &vol, int amp, ROWINDEX row, ROWINDEX numRows, int fadeIn, int fadeOut, Fade::Func &fadeFunc) { const bool doFadeIn = fadeIn != amp, doFadeOut = fadeOut != amp; const double fadeStart = fadeIn / 100.0, fadeStartDiff = (amp - fadeIn) / 100.0; const double fadeEnd = fadeOut / 100.0, fadeEndDiff = (amp - fadeOut) / 100.0; double l; if(doFadeIn && doFadeOut) { ROWINDEX numRows2 = numRows / 2; if(row < numRows2) l = fadeStart + fadeFunc(static_cast(row) / numRows2) * fadeStartDiff; else l = fadeEnd + fadeFunc(static_cast(numRows - row) / (numRows - numRows2)) * fadeEndDiff; } else if(doFadeIn) { l = fadeStart + fadeFunc(static_cast(row + 1) / numRows) * fadeStartDiff; } else if(doFadeOut) { l = fadeEnd + fadeFunc(static_cast(numRows - row) / numRows) * fadeEndDiff; } else { l = amp / 100.0; } vol = mpt::saturate_round(vol * l); Limit(vol, 0, 64); } void CViewPattern::OnPatternAmplify() { static CAmpDlg::AmpSettings settings{Fade::kLinear, 0, 0, 100, false, false}; CAmpDlg dlg(this, settings, 0); if(dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return; const bool useVolCol = sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasVolCommand(VOLCMD_VOLUME); BeginWaitCursor(); PrepareUndo(m_Selection, "Amplify"); m_Selection.Sanitize(sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), sndFile.GetNumChannels()); const CHANNELINDEX firstChannel = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), lastChannel = m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); const ROWINDEX firstRow = m_Selection.GetStartRow(), lastRow = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); // For partically selected start and end channels, we check if the start and end columns contain the relevant columns. bool firstChannelValid, lastChannelValid; if(useVolCol) { // Volume column firstChannelValid = m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, firstChannel, PatternCursor::volumeColumn)); lastChannelValid = m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, lastChannel, PatternCursor::volumeColumn)); } else { // Effect column firstChannelValid = true; // We cannot start "too far right" in the channel, since this is the last column. lastChannelValid = m_Selection.GetLowerRight().CompareColumn(PatternCursor(0, lastChannel, PatternCursor::effectColumn)) >= 0; } // Adjust min/max channel if they're only partly selected (i.e. volume column or effect column (when using .MOD) is not covered) // XXX if only the effect column is marked in the XM format, we cannot amplify volume commands there. Does anyone use that? if((!firstChannelValid && firstChannel >= lastChannel) || (!lastChannelValid && lastChannel <= firstChannel)) { EndWaitCursor(); return; } // Volume memory for each channel. std::vector chvol(lastChannel + 1, 64); // First, fill the volume memory in case we start the selection before some note ApplyToSelection([&] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX, CHANNELINDEX chn) { if((chn == firstChannel && !firstChannelValid) || (chn == lastChannel && !lastChannelValid)) return; if(m.command == CMD_VOLUME) chvol[chn] = std::min(m.param, ModCommand::PARAM(64)); else if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME) chvol[chn] = m.vol; else if(m.instr != 0) chvol[chn] = static_cast(GetDefaultVolume(m)); }); Fade::Func fadeFunc = GetFadeFunc(settings.fadeLaw); // Now do the actual amplification const int cy = lastRow - firstRow + 1; // total rows (for fading) ApplyToSelection([&] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX nRow, CHANNELINDEX chn) { if((chn == firstChannel && !firstChannelValid) || (chn == lastChannel && !lastChannelValid)) return; if(m.command == CMD_VOLUME) chvol[chn] = std::min(m.param, ModCommand::PARAM(64)); else if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME) chvol[chn] = m.vol; else if(m.instr != 0) chvol[chn] = static_cast(GetDefaultVolume(m)); if(settings.fadeIn || settings.fadeOut || (m.IsNote() && m.instr != 0)) { // Insert new volume commands where necessary if(useVolCol && m.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE) { m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.vol = chvol[chn]; } else if(!useVolCol && m.command == CMD_NONE) { m.command = CMD_VOLUME; m.param = chvol[chn]; } } if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME) { int vol = m.vol; AmplifyFade(vol, settings.factor, nRow - firstRow, cy, settings.fadeIn ? settings.fadeInStart : settings.factor, settings.fadeOut ? settings.fadeOutEnd : settings.factor, fadeFunc); m.vol = static_cast(vol); } if(m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::effectColumn)) || m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, chn, PatternCursor::paramColumn))) { if(m.command == CMD_VOLUME && m.param <= 64) { int vol = m.param; AmplifyFade(vol, settings.factor, nRow - firstRow, cy, settings.fadeIn ? settings.fadeInStart : settings.factor, settings.fadeOut ? settings.fadeOutEnd : settings.factor, fadeFunc); m.param = static_cast(vol); } } }); SetModified(false); InvalidateSelection(); EndWaitCursor(); } LRESULT CViewPattern::OnPlayerNotify(Notification *pnotify) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || pnotify == nullptr) { return 0; } if(pnotify->type[Notification::Position]) { ORDERINDEX ord = pnotify->order; ROWINDEX row = pnotify->row; PATTERNINDEX pat = pnotify->pattern; bool updateOrderList = false; if(m_nLastPlayedOrder != ord) { updateOrderList = true; m_nLastPlayedOrder = ord; } if(row < m_nLastPlayedRow) { InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } m_nLastPlayedRow = row; if(!pSndFile->m_SongFlags[SONG_PAUSED | SONG_STEP]) { const auto &order = Order(); if(ord >= order.GetLength() || order[ord] != pat) { //order doesn't correlate with pattern, so mark it as invalid ord = ORDERINDEX_INVALID; } if(m_pEffectVis && m_pEffectVis->m_hWnd) { m_pEffectVis->SetPlayCursor(pat, row); } // Simple detection of backwards-going patterns to avoid jerky animation m_nNextPlayRow = ROWINDEX_INVALID; if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_SMOOTHSCROLL) && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat) && pSndFile->Patterns[pat].IsValidRow(row)) { for(const ModCommand *m = pSndFile->Patterns[pat].GetRow(row), *mEnd = m + pSndFile->GetNumChannels(); m != mEnd; m++) { if(m->command == CMD_PATTERNBREAK) m_nNextPlayRow = m->param; else if(m->command == CMD_POSITIONJUMP && (m_nNextPlayRow == ROWINDEX_INVALID || pSndFile->GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM)) m_nNextPlayRow = 0; } } if(m_nNextPlayRow == ROWINDEX_INVALID) m_nNextPlayRow = row + 1; m_nTicksOnRow = pnotify->ticksOnRow; SetPlayCursor(pat, row, pnotify->tick); // Don't follow song if user drags selections or scrollbars. if((m_Status & (psFollowSong | psDragActive)) == psFollowSong) { if(pat < pSndFile->Patterns.Size()) { if(pat != m_nPattern || ord != m_nOrder || updateOrderList) { if(pat != m_nPattern) SetCurrentPattern(pat, row); else if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_SHOWPREVIOUS) InvalidatePattern(true, true); // Redraw previous / next pattern if(ord < order.GetLength()) { m_nOrder = ord; SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_NOTIFYCURRENTORDER, ord); } updateOrderList = false; } if(row != GetCurrentRow()) { SetCurrentRow((row < pSndFile->Patterns[pat].GetNumRows()) ? row : 0, false, false); } } } else { if(updateOrderList) { SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_FORCEREFRESH); //force orderlist refresh updateOrderList = false; } } } } if(pnotify->type[Notification::VUMeters | Notification::Stop] && m_Status[psShowVUMeters]) { UpdateAllVUMeters(pnotify); } if(pnotify->type[Notification::Stop]) { m_baPlayingNote.reset(); ChnVUMeters.fill(0); // Also zero all non-visible VU meters SetPlayCursor(PATTERNINDEX_INVALID, ROWINDEX_INVALID, 0); } UpdateIndicator(false); return 0; } // record plugin parameter changes into current pattern LRESULT CViewPattern::OnRecordPlugParamChange(WPARAM plugSlot, LPARAM paramIndex) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled()) return 0; CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); //Work out where to put the new data const PatternEditPos editPos = GetEditPos(sndFile, IsLiveRecord()); const CHANNELINDEX chn = editPos.channel; const ROWINDEX row = editPos.row; const PATTERNINDEX pattern = editPos.pattern; ModCommand &mSrc = *sndFile.Patterns[pattern].GetpModCommand(row, chn); ModCommand m = mSrc; // TODO: Is the right plugin active? Move to a chan with the right plug // Probably won't do this - finish fluctuator implementation instead. IMixPlugin *pPlug = sndFile.m_MixPlugins[plugSlot].pMixPlugin; if(pPlug == nullptr) return 0; if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasNote(NOTE_PCS)) { // MPTM: Use PC Notes // only overwrite existing PC Notes if(m.IsEmpty() || m.IsPcNote()) { m.Set(NOTE_PCS, static_cast(plugSlot + 1), static_cast(paramIndex), static_cast(pPlug->GetParameter(static_cast(paramIndex)) * ModCommand::maxColumnValue)); } } else if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasCommand(CMD_SMOOTHMIDI)) { // Other formats: Use MIDI macros // Figure out which plug param (if any) is controllable using the active macro on this channel. int activePlugParam = -1; auto activeMacro = sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[chn].nActiveMacro; if(sndFile.m_MidiCfg.GetParameteredMacroType(activeMacro) == kSFxPlugParam) activePlugParam = sndFile.m_MidiCfg.MacroToPlugParam(activeMacro); // If the wrong macro is active, see if we can find the right one. // If we can, activate it for this chan by writing appropriate SFx command it. if(activePlugParam != paramIndex) { int foundMacro = sndFile.m_MidiCfg.FindMacroForParam(static_cast(paramIndex)); if(foundMacro >= 0) { sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[chn].nActiveMacro = static_cast(foundMacro); if(m.command == CMD_NONE || m.command == CMD_SMOOTHMIDI || m.command == CMD_MIDI) //we overwrite existing Zxx and \xx only. { m.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; if(!sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasCommand(CMD_S3MCMDEX)) m.command = CMD_MODCMDEX; m.param = 0xF0 | (foundMacro & 0x0F); } } } // Write the data, but we only overwrite if the command is a macro anyway. if(m.command == CMD_NONE || m.command == CMD_SMOOTHMIDI || m.command == CMD_MIDI) { m.command = CMD_SMOOTHMIDI; PlugParamValue param = pPlug->GetParameter(static_cast(paramIndex)); Limit(param, 0.0f, 1.0f); m.param = static_cast(param * 127.0f); } } if(m != mSrc) { pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(pattern, chn, row, 1, 1, "Automation Entry"); mSrc = m; InvalidateCell(PatternCursor(row, chn)); SetModified(false); } return 0; } PatternEditPos CViewPattern::GetEditPos(const CSoundFile &sndFile, const bool liveRecord) const { PatternEditPos editPos; if(liveRecord) { if(m_nPlayPat != PATTERNINDEX_INVALID) { editPos.row = m_nPlayRow; editPos.order = GetCurrentOrder(); editPos.pattern = m_nPlayPat; } else { editPos.row = sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nRow; editPos.order = sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nCurrentOrder; editPos.pattern = sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nPattern; } if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(editPos.pattern) || !sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].IsValidRow(editPos.row)) { editPos.row = GetCurrentRow(); editPos.order = GetCurrentOrder(); editPos.pattern = m_nPattern; } const auto &order = Order(); if(!order.IsValidPat(editPos.order) || order[editPos.order] != editPos.pattern) { ORDERINDEX realOrder = order.FindOrder(editPos.pattern, editPos.order); if(realOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID) editPos.order = realOrder; } } else { editPos.row = GetCurrentRow(); editPos.order = GetCurrentOrder(); editPos.pattern = m_nPattern; } editPos.channel = GetCurrentChannel(); return editPos; } // Return ModCommand at the given cursor position of the current pattern. // If the position is not valid, a pointer to a dummy command is returned. ModCommand &CViewPattern::GetModCommand(PatternCursor cursor) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(GetCurrentPattern()) && pSndFile->Patterns[GetCurrentPattern()].IsValidRow(cursor.GetRow())) { return *pSndFile->Patterns[GetCurrentPattern()].GetpModCommand(cursor.GetRow(), cursor.GetChannel()); } // Failed. static ModCommand dummy; return dummy; } // Sanitize cursor so that it can't point to an invalid position in the current pattern. void CViewPattern::SanitizeCursor() { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(GetCurrentPattern())) { m_Cursor.Sanitize(GetSoundFile()->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows(), GetSoundFile()->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumChannels()); } }; // Returns pointer to modcommand at given position. // If the position is not valid, a pointer to a dummy command is returned. ModCommand &CViewPattern::GetModCommand(CSoundFile &sndFile, const PatternEditPos &pos) { static ModCommand dummy; if(sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(pos.pattern) && pos.row < sndFile.Patterns[pos.pattern].GetNumRows() && pos.channel < sndFile.GetNumChannels()) return *sndFile.Patterns[pos.pattern].GetpModCommand(pos.row, pos.channel); else return dummy; } LRESULT CViewPattern::OnMidiMsg(WPARAM dwMidiDataParam, LPARAM) { const uint32 midiData = static_cast(dwMidiDataParam); static uint8 midiVolume = 127; CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr || pMainFrm == nullptr) return 0; CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); //Midi message from our perspective: // +---------------------------+---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ //bit: | | | | | | | // +---------------------------+---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ // | Velocity (0-127) | Note (middle C is 60) | Event | Channel | // +---------------------------+---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ //(http://home.roadrunner.com/~jgglatt/tech/midispec.htm) //Notes: //. Initial midi data handling is done in MidiInCallBack(). //. If no event is received, previous event is assumed. //. A note-on (event=9) with velocity 0 is equivalent to a note off. //. Basing the event solely on the velocity as follows is incorrect, // since a note-off can have a velocity too: // BYTE event = (dwMidiData>>16) & 0x64; //. Sample- and instrumentview handle midi mesages in their own methods. const uint8 midiByte1 = MIDIEvents::GetDataByte1FromEvent(midiData); const uint8 midiByte2 = MIDIEvents::GetDataByte2FromEvent(midiData); const uint8 channel = MIDIEvents::GetChannelFromEvent(midiData); const uint8 nNote = midiByte1 + NOTE_MIN; int vol = midiByte2; // At this stage nVol is a non linear value in [0;127] // Need to convert to linear in [0;64] - see below MIDIEvents::EventType event = MIDIEvents::GetTypeFromEvent(midiData); if((event == MIDIEvents::evNoteOn) && !vol) event = MIDIEvents::evNoteOff; //Convert event to note-off if req'd // Handle MIDI mapping. PLUGINDEX mappedIndex = uint8_max; PlugParamIndex paramIndex = 0; uint16 paramValue = uint16_max; bool captured = sndFile.GetMIDIMapper().OnMIDImsg(midiData, mappedIndex, paramIndex, paramValue); // Handle MIDI messages assigned to shortcuts CInputHandler *ih = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler(); if(ih->HandleMIDIMessage(static_cast(kCtxViewPatterns + 1 + m_Cursor.GetColumnType()), midiData) != kcNull || ih->HandleMIDIMessage(kCtxAllContexts, midiData) != kcNull) { // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. captured = true; } // Write parameter control commands if needed. if(paramValue != uint16_max && IsEditingEnabled() && sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_MPT) { const bool liveRecord = IsLiveRecord(); PatternEditPos editPos = GetEditPos(sndFile, liveRecord); ModCommand &m = GetModCommand(sndFile, editPos); pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editPos.pattern, editPos.channel, editPos.row, 1, 1, "MIDI Mapping Record"); m.Set(NOTE_PCS, mappedIndex, static_cast(paramIndex), static_cast((paramValue * ModCommand::maxColumnValue) / 16383)); if(!liveRecord) InvalidateRow(editPos.row); pModDoc->SetModified(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(editPos.pattern).Data(), this); } if(captured) { // Event captured by MIDI mapping or shortcut, no need to pass message on. return 1; } const auto &modSpecs = sndFile.GetModSpecifications(); bool recordParamAsZxx = false; switch(event) { case MIDIEvents::evNoteOff: // Note Off if(m_midiSustainActive[channel]) { m_midiSustainBuffer[channel].push_back(midiData); return 1; } // The following method takes care of: // . Silencing specific active notes (just setting nNote to 255 as was done before is not acceptible) // . Entering a note off in pattern if required TempStopNote(nNote, ((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_RECORDNOTEOFF) != 0)); break; case MIDIEvents::evNoteOn: // Note On // Continue playing as soon as MIDI notes are being received if((pMainFrm->GetSoundFilePlaying() != &sndFile || sndFile.IsPaused()) && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_PLAYPATTERNONMIDIIN)) pModDoc->OnPatternPlayNoLoop(); vol = CMainFrame::ApplyVolumeRelatedSettings(midiData, midiVolume); if(vol < 0) vol = -1; else vol = (vol + 3) / 4; //Value from [0,256] to [0,64] TempEnterNote(nNote, vol, true); break; case MIDIEvents::evPolyAftertouch: // Polyphonic aftertouch EnterAftertouch(nNote, vol); break; case MIDIEvents::evChannelAftertouch: // Channel aftertouch EnterAftertouch(NOTE_NONE, midiByte1); break; case MIDIEvents::evPitchBend: // Pitch wheel recordParamAsZxx = (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_MIDIMACROPITCHBEND) != 0 || modSpecs.HasCommand(CMD_FINETUNE); break; case MIDIEvents::evControllerChange: //Controller change // Checking whether to record MIDI controller change as MIDI macro change. // Don't write this if command was already written by MIDI mapping. if((paramValue == uint16_max || sndFile.GetType() != MOD_TYPE_MPT) && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_MIDIMACROCONTROL) && !TrackerSettings::Instance().midiIgnoreCCs.Get()[midiByte1 & 0x7F]) { recordParamAsZxx = true; } switch(midiByte1) { case MIDIEvents::MIDICC_Volume_Coarse: midiVolume = midiByte2; break; case MIDIEvents::MIDICC_HoldPedal_OnOff: m_midiSustainActive[channel] = (midiByte2 >= 0x40); if(!m_midiSustainActive[channel]) { // Release all notes for(const auto offEvent : m_midiSustainBuffer[channel]) { OnMidiMsg(offEvent, 0); } m_midiSustainBuffer[channel].clear(); } recordParamAsZxx = false; break; } break; case MIDIEvents::evSystem: if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_RESPONDTOPLAYCONTROLMSGS) { // Respond to MIDI song messages switch(channel) { case MIDIEvents::sysStart: //Start song pModDoc->OnPlayerPlayFromStart(); break; case MIDIEvents::sysContinue: //Continue song pModDoc->OnPlayerPlay(); break; case MIDIEvents::sysStop: //Stop song pModDoc->OnPlayerStop(); break; } } break; } // Write CC or pitch bend message as MIDI macro change. if(recordParamAsZxx && IsEditingEnabled()) { const bool liveRecord = IsLiveRecord(); const auto editpos = GetEditPos(sndFile, liveRecord); ModCommand &m = GetModCommand(sndFile, editpos); bool update = false; if(event == MIDIEvents::evPitchBend && (m.command == CMD_NONE || m.command == CMD_FINETUNE || m.command == CMD_FINETUNE_SMOOTH) && modSpecs.HasCommand(CMD_FINETUNE)) { pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editpos.pattern, editpos.channel, editpos.row, 1, 1, "MIDI Record Entry"); m.command = (m.command == CMD_NONE) ? CMD_FINETUNE : CMD_FINETUNE_SMOOTH; m.param = (midiByte2 << 1) | (midiByte1 >> 7); update = true; } else if(m.IsPcNote()) { pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editpos.pattern, editpos.channel, editpos.row, 1, 1, "MIDI Record Entry"); m.SetValueEffectCol(static_cast(Util::muldivr(midiByte2, ModCommand::maxColumnValue, 127))); update = true; } else if((m.command == CMD_NONE || m.command == CMD_SMOOTHMIDI || m.command == CMD_MIDI) && (modSpecs.HasCommand(CMD_SMOOTHMIDI) || modSpecs.HasCommand(CMD_MIDI))) { // Write command only if there's no existing command or already a midi macro command. pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editpos.pattern, editpos.channel, editpos.row, 1, 1, "MIDI Record Entry"); m.command = modSpecs.HasCommand(CMD_SMOOTHMIDI) ? CMD_SMOOTHMIDI : CMD_MIDI; m.param = midiByte2; update = true; } if(update) { pModDoc->SetModified(); pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(editpos.pattern).Data(), this); // Update GUI only if not recording live. if(!liveRecord) InvalidateRow(editpos.row); } } // Pass MIDI to plugin if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_MIDITOPLUG && pMainFrm->GetModPlaying() == pModDoc && event != MIDIEvents::evNoteOn && event != MIDIEvents::evNoteOff) { const INSTRUMENTINDEX instr = static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()); IMixPlugin *plug = sndFile.GetInstrumentPlugin(instr); if(plug) { plug->MidiSend(midiData); // Sending MIDI may modify the plugin. For now, if MIDI data // is not active sensing, set modified. if(midiData != MIDIEvents::System(MIDIEvents::sysActiveSense)) pModDoc->SetModified(); } } return 1; } LRESULT CViewPattern::OnModViewMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(wParam) { case VIEWMSG_SETCTRLWND: m_hWndCtrl = (HWND)lParam; m_nOrder = static_cast(SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTORDER)); SetCurrentPattern(static_cast(SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTPATTERN))); break; case VIEWMSG_GETCURRENTPATTERN: return m_nPattern; case VIEWMSG_SETCURRENTPATTERN: m_nOrder = static_cast(SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTORDER)); SetCurrentPattern(static_cast(lParam)); break; case VIEWMSG_GETCURRENTPOS: return (m_nPattern << 16) | GetCurrentRow(); case VIEWMSG_FOLLOWSONG: m_Status.reset(psFollowSong); if(lParam) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); m_Status.set(psFollowSong); if(pModDoc) pModDoc->SetNotifications(Notification::Position | Notification::VUMeters); if(pModDoc) pModDoc->SetFollowWnd(m_hWnd); SetFocus(); } else { InvalidateRow(); } break; case VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_LOOP, lParam); break; case VIEWMSG_SETRECORD: m_Status.set(psRecordingEnabled, !!lParam); break; case VIEWMSG_SETSPACING: m_nSpacing = static_cast(lParam); break; case VIEWMSG_PATTERNPROPERTIES: ShowPatternProperties(static_cast(lParam)); GetParentFrame()->SetActiveView(this); break; case VIEWMSG_SETVUMETERS: m_Status.set(psShowVUMeters, !!lParam); UpdateSizes(); UpdateScrollSize(); InvalidatePattern(true, true); break; case VIEWMSG_SETPLUGINNAMES: m_Status.set(psShowPluginNames, !!lParam); UpdateSizes(); UpdateScrollSize(); InvalidatePattern(true, true); break; case VIEWMSG_DOMIDISPACING: if(m_nSpacing) { int temp = timeGetTime(); if(temp - lParam >= 60) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); if(!m_Status[psFollowSong] || (pMainFrm->GetFollowSong(pModDoc) != m_hWnd) || (pModDoc->GetSoundFile().IsPaused())) { SetCurrentRow(GetCurrentRow() + m_nSpacing); } } else { Sleep(0); PostMessage(WM_MOD_VIEWMSG, VIEWMSG_DOMIDISPACING, lParam); } } break; case VIEWMSG_LOADSTATE: if(lParam) { PATTERNVIEWSTATE *pState = (PATTERNVIEWSTATE *)lParam; if(pState->nDetailLevel != PatternCursor::firstColumn) m_nDetailLevel = pState->nDetailLevel; if(pState->initialized) { SetCurrentPattern(pState->nPattern); // Fix: Horizontal scrollbar pos screwed when selecting with mouse SetCursorPosition(pState->cursor); SetCurSel(pState->selection); } } break; case VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE: if(lParam) { PATTERNVIEWSTATE *pState = (PATTERNVIEWSTATE *)lParam; pState->initialized = true; pState->nPattern = m_nPattern; pState->cursor = m_Cursor; pState->selection = m_Selection; pState->nDetailLevel = m_nDetailLevel; pState->nOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); } break; case VIEWMSG_EXPANDPATTERN: { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc->ExpandPattern(m_nPattern)) { m_Cursor.SetRow(m_Cursor.GetRow() * 2); SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); } break; } case VIEWMSG_SHRINKPATTERN: { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc->ShrinkPattern(m_nPattern)) { m_Cursor.SetRow(m_Cursor.GetRow() / 2); SetCurrentPattern(m_nPattern); } break; } case VIEWMSG_COPYPATTERN: { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr && pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { CopyPattern(m_nPattern, PatternRect(PatternCursor(0, 0), PatternCursor(pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() - 1, pSndFile->GetNumChannels() - 1, PatternCursor::lastColumn))); } break; } case VIEWMSG_PASTEPATTERN: PastePattern(m_nPattern, PatternCursor(0), PatternClipboard::pmOverwrite); InvalidatePattern(); break; case VIEWMSG_AMPLIFYPATTERN: OnPatternAmplify(); break; case VIEWMSG_SETDETAIL: if(lParam != m_nDetailLevel) { m_nDetailLevel = static_cast(lParam); UpdateSizes(); UpdateScrollSize(); SetCurrentColumn(m_Cursor); InvalidatePattern(true, true); } break; case VIEWMSG_DOSCROLL: OnMouseWheel(0, static_cast(lParam), CPoint(0, 0)); break; default: return CModScrollView::OnModViewMsg(wParam, lParam); } return 0; } void CViewPattern::CursorJump(int distance, bool snap) { ROWINDEX row = GetCurrentRow(); const bool upwards = distance < 0; const int distanceAbs = std::abs(distance); if(snap && distanceAbs) // cppcheck false-positive // cppcheck-suppress signConversion row = (((row + (upwards ? -1 : 0)) / distanceAbs) + (upwards ? 0 : 1)) * distanceAbs; else row += distance; row = SetCurrentRow(row, true); if(IsLiveRecord() && !m_Status[psDragActive]) { CriticalSection cs; CSoundFile &sndFile = GetDocument()->GetSoundFile(); if(m_nOrder != sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nCurrentOrder) { // We jumped to a different order sndFile.ResetChannels(); sndFile.StopAllVsti(); } sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nCurrentOrder = sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nNextOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nPattern = m_nPattern; sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nRow = m_nPlayRow = row; sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nNextRow = m_nNextPlayRow = row + 1; // Queue the correct follow-up pattern if we just jumped to the last row. if(sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) && m_nNextPlayRow >= sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows()) { sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nNextOrder++; } CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->ResetNotificationBuffer(); } else { if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYNAVIGATEROW) { PatternStep(row); } } } LRESULT CViewPattern::OnCustomKeyMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(!pModDoc) return kcNull; CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); switch(wParam) { case kcPrevInstrument: OnPrevInstrument(); return wParam; case kcNextInstrument: OnNextInstrument(); return wParam; case kcPrevOrder: OnPrevOrder(); return wParam; case kcNextOrder: OnNextOrder(); return wParam; case kcPatternPlayRow: OnPatternStep(); return wParam; case kcPatternRecord: OnPatternRecord(); return wParam; case kcCursorCopy: OnCursorCopy(); return wParam; case kcCursorPaste: OnCursorPaste(); return wParam; case kcChannelMute: for(CHANNELINDEX c = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); c <= m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); c++) OnMuteChannel(c); return wParam; case kcChannelSolo: OnSoloChannel(GetCurrentChannel()); return wParam; case kcChannelUnmuteAll: OnUnmuteAll(); return wParam; case kcToggleChanMuteOnPatTransition: for(CHANNELINDEX c = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); c <= m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); c++) TogglePendingMute(c); return wParam; case kcUnmuteAllChnOnPatTransition: OnPendingUnmuteAllChnFromClick(); return wParam; case kcChannelRecordSelect: for(CHANNELINDEX c = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); c <= m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); c++) pModDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(c, RecordGroup::Group1); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); return wParam; case kcChannelSplitRecordSelect: for(CHANNELINDEX c = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); c <= m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); c++) pModDoc->ToggleChannelRecordGroup(c, RecordGroup::Group2); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); return wParam; case kcChannelReset: for(CHANNELINDEX c = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); c <= m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); c++) ResetChannel(m_Cursor.GetChannel()); return wParam; case kcTimeAtRow: OnShowTimeAtRow(); return wParam; case kcSoloChnOnPatTransition: PendingSoloChn(GetCurrentChannel()); return wParam; case kcTransposeUp: OnTransposeUp(); return wParam; case kcTransposeDown: OnTransposeDown(); return wParam; case kcTransposeOctUp: OnTransposeOctUp(); return wParam; case kcTransposeOctDown: OnTransposeOctDown(); return wParam; case kcTransposeCustom: OnTransposeCustom(); return wParam; case kcTransposeCustomQuick: OnTransposeCustomQuick(); return wParam; case kcDataEntryUp: DataEntry(true, false); return wParam; case kcDataEntryDown: DataEntry(false, false); return wParam; case kcDataEntryUpCoarse: DataEntry(true, true); return wParam; case kcDataEntryDownCoarse: DataEntry(false, true); return wParam; case kcSelectChannel: OnSelectCurrentChannel(); return wParam; case kcSelectColumn: OnSelectCurrentColumn(); return wParam; case kcPatternAmplify: OnPatternAmplify(); return wParam; case kcPatternSetInstrumentNotEmpty: case kcPatternSetInstrument: SetSelectionInstrument(static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()), wParam == kcPatternSetInstrument); return wParam; case kcPatternInterpolateNote: OnInterpolateNote(); return wParam; case kcPatternInterpolateInstr: OnInterpolateInstr(); return wParam; case kcPatternInterpolateVol: OnInterpolateVolume(); return wParam; case kcPatternInterpolateEffect: OnInterpolateEffect(); return wParam; case kcPatternVisualizeEffect: OnVisualizeEffect(); return wParam; //case kcPatternOpenRandomizer: OnOpenRandomizer(); return wParam; case kcPatternGrowSelection: OnGrowSelection(); return wParam; case kcPatternShrinkSelection: OnShrinkSelection(); return wParam; // Pattern navigation: case kcPatternJumpUph1Select: case kcPatternJumpUph1: CursorJump(-(int)GetRowsPerMeasure(), false); return wParam; case kcPatternJumpDownh1Select: case kcPatternJumpDownh1: CursorJump(GetRowsPerMeasure(), false); return wParam; case kcPatternJumpUph2Select: case kcPatternJumpUph2: CursorJump(-(int)GetRowsPerBeat(), false); return wParam; case kcPatternJumpDownh2Select: case kcPatternJumpDownh2: CursorJump(GetRowsPerBeat(), false); return wParam; case kcPatternSnapUph1Select: case kcPatternSnapUph1: CursorJump(-(int)GetRowsPerMeasure(), true); return wParam; case kcPatternSnapDownh1Select: case kcPatternSnapDownh1: CursorJump(GetRowsPerMeasure(), true); return wParam; case kcPatternSnapUph2Select: case kcPatternSnapUph2: CursorJump(-(int)GetRowsPerBeat(), true); return wParam; case kcPatternSnapDownh2Select: case kcPatternSnapDownh2: CursorJump(GetRowsPerBeat(), true); return wParam; case kcNavigateDownSelect: case kcNavigateDown: CursorJump(1, false); return wParam; case kcNavigateUpSelect: case kcNavigateUp: CursorJump(-1, false); return wParam; case kcNavigateDownBySpacingSelect: case kcNavigateDownBySpacing: CursorJump(m_nSpacing, false); return wParam; case kcNavigateUpBySpacingSelect: case kcNavigateUpBySpacing: CursorJump(-(int)m_nSpacing, false); return wParam; case kcNavigateLeftSelect: case kcNavigateLeft: MoveCursor(false); return wParam; case kcNavigateRightSelect: case kcNavigateRight: MoveCursor(true); return wParam; case kcNavigateNextChanSelect: case kcNavigateNextChan: SetCurrentColumn((GetCurrentChannel() + 1) % sndFile.GetNumChannels(), m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); return wParam; case kcNavigatePrevChanSelect: case kcNavigatePrevChan:{if(GetCurrentChannel() > 0) SetCurrentColumn((GetCurrentChannel() - 1) % sndFile.GetNumChannels(), m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); else SetCurrentColumn(sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); SetSelToCursor(); return wParam;} case kcHomeHorizontalSelect: case kcHomeHorizontal: if (!m_Cursor.IsInFirstColumn()) SetCurrentColumn(0); else if (GetCurrentRow() > 0) SetCurrentRow(0); return wParam; case kcHomeVerticalSelect: case kcHomeVertical: if (GetCurrentRow() > 0) SetCurrentRow(0); else if (!m_Cursor.IsInFirstColumn()) SetCurrentColumn(0); return wParam; case kcHomeAbsoluteSelect: case kcHomeAbsolute: if (!m_Cursor.IsInFirstColumn()) SetCurrentColumn(0); if (GetCurrentRow() > 0) SetCurrentRow(0); return wParam; case kcEndHorizontalSelect: case kcEndHorizontal: if (m_Cursor.CompareColumn(PatternCursor(0, sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel)) < 0) SetCurrentColumn(sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel); else if (GetCurrentRow() < pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1) SetCurrentRow(pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1); return wParam; case kcEndVerticalSelect: case kcEndVertical: if (GetCurrentRow() < pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1) SetCurrentRow(pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1); else if (m_Cursor.CompareColumn(PatternCursor(0, sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel)) < 0) SetCurrentColumn(sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel); return wParam; case kcEndAbsoluteSelect: case kcEndAbsolute: SetCurrentColumn(sndFile.GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel); if (GetCurrentRow() < pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1) SetCurrentRow(pModDoc->GetPatternSize(m_nPattern) - 1); return wParam; case kcPrevEntryInColumn: case kcNextEntryInColumn: JumpToPrevOrNextEntry(wParam == kcNextEntryInColumn, false); return wParam; case kcPrevEntryInColumnSelect: case kcNextEntryInColumnSelect: JumpToPrevOrNextEntry(wParam == kcNextEntryInColumnSelect, true); return wParam; case kcNextPattern: { PATTERNINDEX n = m_nPattern + 1; while ((n < sndFile.Patterns.Size()) && !sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(n)) n++; SetCurrentPattern((n < sndFile.Patterns.Size()) ? n : 0); ORDERINDEX currentOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); ORDERINDEX newOrder = Order().FindOrder(m_nPattern, currentOrder, true); if(newOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID) SetCurrentOrder(newOrder); return wParam; } case kcPrevPattern: { PATTERNINDEX n = (m_nPattern) ? m_nPattern - 1 : sndFile.Patterns.Size() - 1; while (n > 0 && !sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(n)) n--; SetCurrentPattern(n); ORDERINDEX currentOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); ORDERINDEX newOrder = Order().FindOrder(m_nPattern, currentOrder, false); if(newOrder != ORDERINDEX_INVALID) SetCurrentOrder(newOrder); return wParam; } case kcPrevSequence: case kcNextSequence: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_SETSEQUENCE, mpt::wrapping_modulo(sndFile.Order.GetCurrentSequenceIndex() + (wParam == kcPrevSequence ? -1 : 1), sndFile.Order.GetNumSequences())); return wParam; case kcSelectWithCopySelect: case kcSelectWithNav: case kcSelect: if(!m_Status[psDragnDropEdit | psRowSelection | psChannelSelection | psMouseDragSelect]) m_StartSel = m_Cursor; m_Status.set(psKeyboardDragSelect); return wParam; case kcSelectOffWithCopySelect: case kcSelectOffWithNav: case kcSelectOff: m_Status.reset(psKeyboardDragSelect | psShiftSelect); return wParam; case kcCopySelectWithSelect: case kcCopySelectWithNav: case kcCopySelect: if(!m_Status[psDragnDropEdit | psRowSelection | psChannelSelection | psMouseDragSelect]) m_StartSel = m_Cursor; m_Status.set(psCtrlDragSelect); return wParam; case kcCopySelectOffWithSelect: case kcCopySelectOffWithNav: case kcCopySelectOff: m_Status.reset(psCtrlDragSelect); return wParam; case kcSelectBeat: case kcSelectMeasure: SelectBeatOrMeasure(wParam == kcSelectBeat); return wParam; case kcSelectEvent: SetCurSel(PatternCursor(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), PatternCursor::firstColumn), PatternCursor(m_Selection.GetEndRow(), m_Selection.GetEndChannel(), PatternCursor::lastColumn)); return wParam; case kcSelectRow: SetCurSel(PatternCursor(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), 0, PatternCursor::firstColumn), PatternCursor(m_Selection.GetEndRow(), sndFile.GetNumChannels(), PatternCursor::lastColumn)); return wParam; case kcClearRow: OnClearField(RowMask(), false); return wParam; case kcClearField: OnClearField(RowMask(m_Cursor), false); return wParam; case kcClearFieldITStyle: OnClearField(RowMask(m_Cursor), false, true); return wParam; case kcClearRowStep: OnClearField(RowMask(), true); return wParam; case kcClearFieldStep: OnClearField(RowMask(m_Cursor), true); return wParam; case kcClearFieldStepITStyle: OnClearField(RowMask(m_Cursor), true, true); return wParam; case kcDeleteRow: OnDeleteRow(); return wParam; case kcDeleteWholeRow: OnDeleteWholeRow(); return wParam; case kcDeleteRowGlobal: OnDeleteRowGlobal(); return wParam; case kcDeleteWholeRowGlobal: OnDeleteWholeRowGlobal(); return wParam; case kcInsertRow: OnInsertRow(); return wParam; case kcInsertWholeRow: OnInsertWholeRow(); return wParam; case kcInsertRowGlobal: OnInsertRowGlobal(); return wParam; case kcInsertWholeRowGlobal: OnInsertWholeRowGlobal(); return wParam; case kcShowNoteProperties: ShowEditWindow(); return wParam; case kcShowPatternProperties: OnPatternProperties(); return wParam; case kcShowSplitKeyboardSettings: SetSplitKeyboardSettings(); return wParam; case kcShowEditMenu: { CPoint pt = GetPointFromPosition(m_Cursor); pt.x += GetChannelWidth() / 2; pt.y += GetRowHeight() / 2; OnRButtonDown(0, pt); } return wParam; case kcShowChannelCtxMenu: { CPoint pt = GetPointFromPosition(m_Cursor); pt.x += GetChannelWidth() / 2; pt.y = (m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy) / 2; OnRButtonDown(0, pt); } return wParam; case kcShowChannelPluginCtxMenu: { CPoint pt = GetPointFromPosition(m_Cursor); pt.x += GetChannelWidth() / 2; pt.y = m_szHeader.cy - m_szPluginHeader.cy / 2; OnRButtonDown(0, pt); } return wParam; case kcPatternGoto: OnEditGoto(); return wParam; case kcNoteCut: TempEnterNote(NOTE_NOTECUT); return wParam; case kcNoteOff: TempEnterNote(NOTE_KEYOFF); return wParam; case kcNoteFade: TempEnterNote(NOTE_FADE); return wParam; case kcNotePC: TempEnterNote(NOTE_PC); return wParam; case kcNotePCS: TempEnterNote(NOTE_PCS); return wParam; case kcEditUndo: OnEditUndo(); return wParam; case kcEditRedo: OnEditRedo(); return wParam; case kcEditFind: OnEditFind(); return wParam; case kcEditFindNext: OnEditFindNext(); return wParam; case kcEditCut: OnEditCut(); return wParam; case kcEditCopy: OnEditCopy(); return wParam; case kcCopyAndLoseSelection: OnEditCopy(); [[fallthrough]]; case kcLoseSelection: SetSelToCursor(); return wParam; case kcEditPaste: OnEditPaste(); return wParam; case kcEditMixPaste: OnEditMixPaste(); return wParam; case kcEditMixPasteITStyle: OnEditMixPasteITStyle(); return wParam; case kcEditPasteFlood: OnEditPasteFlood(); return wParam; case kcEditPushForwardPaste: OnEditPushForwardPaste(); return wParam; case kcEditSelectAll: OnEditSelectAll(); return wParam; case kcTogglePluginEditor: TogglePluginEditor(GetCurrentChannel()); return wParam; case kcToggleFollowSong: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_FOLLOWSONG, 1); return wParam; case kcChangeLoopStatus: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_LOOP, -1); return wParam; case kcNewPattern: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_NEWPATTERN); return wParam; case kcDuplicatePattern: SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_DUPPATTERN); return wParam; case kcSwitchToOrderList: OnSwitchToOrderList(); return wParam; case kcToggleOverflowPaste: TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup ^= PATTERN_OVERFLOWPASTE; return wParam; case kcToggleNoteOffRecordPC: TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup ^= PATTERN_KBDNOTEOFF; return wParam; case kcToggleNoteOffRecordMIDI: TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup ^= MIDISETUP_RECORDNOTEOFF; return wParam; case kcPatternEditPCNotePlugin: OnTogglePCNotePluginEditor(); return wParam; case kcQuantizeSettings: OnSetQuantize(); return wParam; case kcLockPlaybackToRows: OnLockPatternRows(); return wParam; case kcFindInstrument: FindInstrument(); return wParam; case kcChannelSettings: { // Open centered Quick Channel Settings dialog. CRect windowPos; GetWindowRect(windowPos); m_quickChannelProperties.Show(GetDocument(), m_Cursor.GetChannel(), CPoint(windowPos.left + windowPos.Width() / 2, windowPos.top + windowPos.Height() / 2)); return wParam; } case kcChannelTranspose: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnTransposeChannel(); return wParam; case kcChannelDuplicate: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnDuplicateChannel(); return wParam; case kcChannelAddBefore: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnAddChannelFront(); return wParam; case kcChannelAddAfter: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnAddChannelAfter(); return wParam; case kcChannelRemove: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnRemoveChannel(); return wParam; case kcChannelMoveLeft: if(CHANNELINDEX chn = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); chn > 0) DragChannel(chn, chn - 1u, m_Selection.GetNumChannels(), false); return wParam; case kcChannelMoveRight: if (CHANNELINDEX chn = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); chn < sndFile.GetNumChannels() - m_Selection.GetNumChannels()) DragChannel(chn, chn + 1u, m_Selection.GetNumChannels(), false); return wParam; case kcSplitPattern: m_MenuCursor = m_Cursor; OnSplitPattern(); return wParam; case kcDecreaseSpacing: if(m_nSpacing > 0) SetSpacing(m_nSpacing - 1); return wParam; case kcIncreaseSpacing: if(m_nSpacing < MAX_SPACING) SetSpacing(m_nSpacing + 1); return wParam; case kcChordEditor: { CChordEditor dlg(this); dlg.DoModal(); return wParam; } // Clipboard Manager case kcToggleClipboardManager: PatternClipboardDialog::Toggle(); return wParam; case kcClipboardPrev: PatternClipboard::CycleBackward(); PatternClipboardDialog::UpdateList(); return wParam; case kcClipboardNext: PatternClipboard::CycleForward(); PatternClipboardDialog::UpdateList(); return wParam; case kcCutPatternChannel: PatternClipboard::Copy(sndFile, GetCurrentPattern(), GetCurrentChannel()); OnEditSelectChannel(); OnClearSelection(false); return wParam; case kcCutPattern: PatternClipboard::Copy(sndFile, GetCurrentPattern()); OnEditSelectAll(); OnClearSelection(false); return wParam; case kcCopyPatternChannel: PatternClipboard::Copy(sndFile, GetCurrentPattern(), GetCurrentChannel()); return wParam; case kcCopyPattern: PatternClipboard::Copy(sndFile, GetCurrentPattern()); return wParam; case kcPastePatternChannel: case kcPastePattern: if(PatternClipboard::Paste(sndFile, GetCurrentPattern(), wParam == kcPastePatternChannel ? GetCurrentChannel() : CHANNELINDEX_INVALID)) { SetModified(); InvalidatePattern(); GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(this, PatternHint(GetCurrentPattern()).Data(), this); } return wParam; case kcTogglePatternPlayRow: TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup ^= PATTERN_PLAYNAVIGATEROW; CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->SetHelpText((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYNAVIGATEROW) ? _T("Play whole row when navigatin was turned is now enabled.") : _T("Play whole row when navigatin was turned is now disabled.")); return wParam; } // Ignore note entry if it is on key hold and user is in key-jazz mode or edit step is 0 (so repeated entry would be useless) const auto keyCombination = KeyCombination::FromLPARAM(lParam); const bool enterNote = keyCombination.EventType() != kKeyEventRepeat || (IsEditingEnabled() && m_nSpacing != 0); // Ranges: if(wParam >= kcVPStartNotes && wParam <= kcVPEndNotes) { if(enterNote) TempEnterNote(GetNoteWithBaseOctave(static_cast(wParam - kcVPStartNotes))); return wParam; } else if(wParam >= kcVPStartChords && wParam <= kcVPEndChords) { if(enterNote) TempEnterChord(GetNoteWithBaseOctave(static_cast(wParam - kcVPStartChords))); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcVPStartNoteStops && wParam <= kcVPEndNoteStops) { TempStopNote(GetNoteWithBaseOctave(static_cast(wParam - kcVPStartNoteStops))); return wParam; } else if(wParam >= kcVPStartChordStops && wParam <= kcVPEndChordStops) { TempStopChord(GetNoteWithBaseOctave(static_cast(wParam - kcVPStartChordStops))); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetSpacing0 && wParam <= kcSetSpacing9) { SetSpacing(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetSpacing0); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetIns0 && wParam <= kcSetIns9) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) TempEnterIns(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetIns0); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetOctave0 && wParam <= kcSetOctave9) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) TempEnterOctave(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetOctave0); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetOctaveStop0 && wParam <= kcSetOctaveStop9) { TempStopOctave(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetOctaveStop0); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetVolumeStart && wParam <= kcSetVolumeEnd) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) TempEnterVol(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetVolumeStart); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetFXStart && wParam <= kcSetFXEnd) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) TempEnterFX(static_cast(wParam - kcSetFXStart + 1)); return wParam; } if(wParam >= kcSetFXParam0 && wParam <= kcSetFXParamF) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) TempEnterFXparam(static_cast(wParam) - kcSetFXParam0); return wParam; } return kcNull; } // Move pattern cursor to left or right, respecting invisible columns. void CViewPattern::MoveCursor(bool moveRight) { if(!moveRight) { // Move cursor one column to the left if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_WRAP) && m_Cursor.IsInFirstColumn()) { // Wrap around to last channel SetCurrentColumn(GetDocument()->GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel); } else if(!m_Cursor.IsInFirstColumn()) { m_Cursor.Move(0, 0, -1); SetCurrentColumn(m_Cursor); } } else { // Move cursor one column to the right const PatternCursor rightmost(0, GetDocument()->GetNumChannels() - 1, m_nDetailLevel); if(m_Cursor.CompareColumn(rightmost) >= 0) { if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_WRAP)) { // Wrap around to first channel. SetCurrentColumn(0); } else { SetCurrentColumn(rightmost); } } else { do { m_Cursor.Move(0, 0, 1); } while(m_Cursor.GetColumnType() > m_nDetailLevel); SetCurrentColumn(m_Cursor); } } } static bool EnterPCNoteValue(int v, ModCommand &m, uint16 (ModCommand::*getMethod)() const, void (ModCommand::*setMethod)(uint16)) { if(v < 0 || v > 9) return false; uint16 val = (m.*getMethod)(); // Move existing digits to left, drop out leftmost digit and push new digit to the least significant digit. val = static_cast((val % 100) * 10 + v); LimitMax(val, static_cast(ModCommand::maxColumnValue)); (m.*setMethod)(val); return true; } // Enter volume effect / number in the pattern. void CViewPattern::TempEnterVol(int v) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) return; PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Volume Entry"); ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); ModCommand oldcmd = target; // This is the command we are about to overwrite const bool isDigit = (v >= 0) && (v <= 9); if(target.IsPcNote()) { if(EnterPCNoteValue(v, target, &ModCommand::GetValueVolCol, &ModCommand::SetValueVolCol)) m_PCNoteEditMemory = target; } else { ModCommand::VOLCMD volcmd = target.volcmd; uint16 vol = target.vol; if(isDigit) { vol = ((vol * 10) + v) % 100; if(!volcmd) volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; } else { switch(v + kcSetVolumeStart) { case kcSetVolumeVol: volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; break; case kcSetVolumePan: volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING; break; case kcSetVolumeVolSlideUp: volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEUP; break; case kcSetVolumeVolSlideDown: volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEDOWN; break; case kcSetVolumeFineVolUp: volcmd = VOLCMD_FINEVOLUP; break; case kcSetVolumeFineVolDown: volcmd = VOLCMD_FINEVOLDOWN; break; case kcSetVolumeVibratoSpd: volcmd = VOLCMD_VIBRATOSPEED; break; case kcSetVolumeVibrato: volcmd = VOLCMD_VIBRATODEPTH; break; case kcSetVolumeXMPanLeft: volcmd = VOLCMD_PANSLIDELEFT; break; case kcSetVolumeXMPanRight: volcmd = VOLCMD_PANSLIDERIGHT; break; case kcSetVolumePortamento: volcmd = VOLCMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break; case kcSetVolumeITPortaUp: volcmd = VOLCMD_PORTAUP; break; case kcSetVolumeITPortaDown: volcmd = VOLCMD_PORTADOWN; break; case kcSetVolumeITOffset: volcmd = VOLCMD_OFFSET; break; } if(target.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE && volcmd == m_cmdOld.volcmd) { vol = m_cmdOld.vol; } } uint16 max; switch(volcmd) { case VOLCMD_VOLUME: case VOLCMD_PANNING: max = 64; break; default: max = (pSndFile->GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM) ? 0x0F : 9; break; } if(vol > max) vol %= 10; if(pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().HasVolCommand(volcmd)) { m_cmdOld.volcmd = target.volcmd = volcmd; m_cmdOld.vol = target.vol = static_cast(vol); } } SetSelToCursor(); if(oldcmd != target) { SetModified(false); InvalidateCell(m_Cursor); UpdateIndicator(); } // Cursor step for command letter if(!target.IsPcNote() && !isDigit && m_nSpacing > 0 && !IsLiveRecord() && TrackerSettings::Instance().patternStepCommands) { if(m_Cursor.GetRow() + m_nSpacing < pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() || (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL)) { SetCurrentRow(m_Cursor.GetRow() + m_nSpacing, (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) != 0); } } } void CViewPattern::SetSpacing(int n) { if(static_cast(n) != m_nSpacing) { m_nSpacing = static_cast(n); PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_SETSPACING, m_nSpacing); } } // Enter an effect letter in the pattern void CViewPattern::TempEnterFX(ModCommand::COMMAND c, int v) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); ModCommand oldcmd = target; // This is the command we are about to overwrite PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Effect Entry"); if(target.IsPcNote()) { if(EnterPCNoteValue(c, target, &ModCommand::GetValueEffectCol, &ModCommand::SetValueEffectCol)) m_PCNoteEditMemory = target; } else if(pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().HasCommand(c)) { if(c != CMD_NONE) { if((c == m_cmdOld.command) && (!target.param) && (target.command == CMD_NONE)) { target.param = m_cmdOld.param; } else { m_cmdOld.param = 0; } m_cmdOld.command = c; } target.command = c; if(v >= 0) { target.param = static_cast(v); } // Check for MOD/XM Speed/Tempo command if((pSndFile->GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_MOD | MOD_TYPE_XM)) && (target.command == CMD_SPEED || target.command == CMD_TEMPO)) { target.command = static_cast((target.param <= pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().speedMax) ? CMD_SPEED : CMD_TEMPO); } } SetSelToCursor(); if(oldcmd != target) { SetModified(false); InvalidateCell(m_Cursor); UpdateIndicator(); } // Cursor step for command letter if(!target.IsPcNote() && m_nSpacing > 0 && !IsLiveRecord() && TrackerSettings::Instance().patternStepCommands) { if(m_Cursor.GetRow() + m_nSpacing < pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetNumRows() || (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL)) { SetCurrentRow(m_Cursor.GetRow() + m_nSpacing, (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) != 0); } } } // Enter an effect param in the pattenr void CViewPattern::TempEnterFXparam(int v) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); ModCommand oldcmd = target; // This is the command we are about to overwrite PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Parameter Entry"); if(target.IsPcNote()) { if(EnterPCNoteValue(v, target, &ModCommand::GetValueEffectCol, &ModCommand::SetValueEffectCol)) m_PCNoteEditMemory = target; } else { target.param = static_cast((target.param << 4) | v); if(target.command == m_cmdOld.command) { m_cmdOld.param = target.param; } // Check for MOD/XM Speed/Tempo command if((pSndFile->GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_MOD | MOD_TYPE_XM)) && (target.command == CMD_SPEED || target.command == CMD_TEMPO)) { target.command = static_cast((target.param <= pSndFile->GetModSpecifications().speedMax) ? CMD_SPEED : CMD_TEMPO); } } SetSelToCursor(); if(target != oldcmd) { SetModified(false); InvalidateCell(m_Cursor); UpdateIndicator(); } } // Stop a note that has been entered void CViewPattern::TempStopNote(ModCommand::NOTE note, const bool fromMidi, bool chordMode) { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); if(pModDoc == nullptr || pMainFrm == nullptr || !ModCommand::IsNote(note)) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } const CModSpecifications &specs = sndFile.GetModSpecifications(); Limit(note, specs.noteMin, specs.noteMax); const bool liveRecord = IsLiveRecord(); const bool isSplit = IsNoteSplit(note); UINT ins = 0; chordMode = chordMode && (m_prevChordNote != NOTE_NONE); auto &activeNoteMap = isSplit ? m_splitActiveNoteChannel : m_activeNoteChannel; const CHANNELINDEX nChnCursor = GetCurrentChannel(); const CHANNELINDEX nChn = chordMode ? m_chordPatternChannels[0] : (activeNoteMap[note] < sndFile.GetNumChannels() ? activeNoteMap[note] : nChnCursor); CHANNELINDEX noteChannels[MPTChord::notesPerChord] = {nChn}; ModCommand::NOTE notes[MPTChord::notesPerChord] = {note}; int numNotes = 1; if(pModDoc) { if(isSplit) { ins = pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitInstrument; if(pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().octaveLink) { int trNote = note + 12 * pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().octaveModifier; Limit(trNote, specs.noteMin, specs.noteMax); note = static_cast(trNote); } } if(!ins) ins = GetCurrentInstrument(); if(!ins) ins = m_fallbackInstrument; if(chordMode) { m_Status.reset(psChordPlaying); numNotes = ConstructChord(note, notes, m_prevChordBaseNote); if(!numNotes) { return; } for(int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { pModDoc->NoteOff(notes[i], true, static_cast(ins), m_noteChannel[notes[i] - NOTE_MIN]); m_noteChannel[notes[i] - NOTE_MIN] = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; m_baPlayingNote.reset(notes[i]); noteChannels[i] = m_chordPatternChannels[i]; } m_prevChordNote = NOTE_NONE; } else { m_baPlayingNote.reset(note); pModDoc->NoteOff(note, ((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_NOTEFADE) || sndFile.GetNumInstruments() == 0), static_cast(ins), m_noteChannel[note - NOTE_MIN]); m_noteChannel[note - NOTE_MIN] = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; } } // Enter note off in pattern? if(!ModCommand::IsNote(note)) return; if(m_Cursor.GetColumnType() > PatternCursor::instrColumn && (chordMode || !fromMidi)) return; if(!pModDoc || !pMainFrm || !(IsEditingEnabled())) return; activeNoteMap[note] = NOTE_CHANNEL_MAP_INVALID; //unlock channel if(!((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_KBDNOTEOFF) || fromMidi)) { // We don't want to write the note-off into the pattern if this feature is disabled and we're not recording from MIDI. return; } // -- write sdx if playing live const bool usePlaybackPosition = (!chordMode) && (liveRecord && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_AUTODELAY)); //Work out where to put the note off PatternEditPos editPos = GetEditPos(sndFile, usePlaybackPosition); const bool doQuantize = (liveRecord || (fromMidi && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_PLAYPATTERNONMIDIIN))) && TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows != 0; if(doQuantize) { QuantizeRow(editPos.pattern, editPos.row); } ModCommand *pTarget = sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetpModCommand(editPos.row, nChn); // Don't overwrite: if(pTarget->note != NOTE_NONE || pTarget->instr || pTarget->volcmd != VOLCMD_NONE) { // If there's a note in the current location and the song is playing and following, // the user probably just tapped the key - let's try the next row down. editPos.row++; if(pTarget->note == note && liveRecord && sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].IsValidRow(editPos.row)) { pTarget = sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetpModCommand(editPos.row, nChn); if(pTarget->note != NOTE_NONE || (!chordMode && (pTarget->instr || pTarget->volcmd))) return; } else { return; } } bool modified = false; for(int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { if(m_previousNote[noteChannels[i]] != notes[i]) { // This might be a note-off from a past note, but since we already hit a new note on this channel, we ignore it. continue; } if(!modified) { pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editPos.pattern, nChn, editPos.row, noteChannels[numNotes - 1] - nChn + 1, 1, "Note Stop Entry"); modified = true; } pTarget = sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetpModCommand(editPos.row, noteChannels[i]); // -- write sdx if playing live if(usePlaybackPosition && m_nPlayTick && pTarget->command == CMD_NONE && !doQuantize) { pTarget->command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; if(!specs.HasCommand(CMD_S3MCMDEX)) pTarget->command = CMD_MODCMDEX; pTarget->param = static_cast(0xD0 | std::min(uint8(0xF), mpt::saturate_cast(m_nPlayTick))); } //Enter note off if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().hasNoteOff && (sndFile.GetNumInstruments() > 0 || !sndFile.GetModSpecifications().hasNoteCut)) { // === // Not used in sample (if module format supports ^^^ instead) pTarget->note = NOTE_KEYOFF; } else if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().hasNoteCut) { // ^^^ pTarget->note = NOTE_NOTECUT; } else { // we don't have anything to cut (MOD format) - use volume or ECx if(usePlaybackPosition && m_nPlayTick && !doQuantize) // ECx { pTarget->command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; if(!specs.HasCommand(CMD_S3MCMDEX)) pTarget->command = CMD_MODCMDEX; pTarget->param = static_cast(0xC0 | std::min(uint8(0xF), mpt::saturate_cast(m_nPlayTick))); } else // C00 { pTarget->note = NOTE_NONE; pTarget->command = CMD_VOLUME; pTarget->param = 0; } } pTarget->instr = 0; // Instrument numbers next to note-offs can do all kinds of weird things in XM files, and they are pointless anyway. pTarget->volcmd = VOLCMD_NONE; pTarget->vol = 0; } if(!modified) return; SetModified(false); if(editPos.pattern == m_nPattern) { InvalidateRow(editPos.row); } else { InvalidatePattern(); } // Update only if not recording live. if(!liveRecord) { UpdateIndicator(); } return; } // Enter an octave number in the pattern void CViewPattern::TempEnterOctave(int val) { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr) { return; } const ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); if(target.IsNote()) { int groupSize = GetDocument()->GetInstrumentGroupSize(target.instr); // The following might look a bit convoluted... This is mostly because the "middle-C" in // custom tunings always has octave 5, no matter how many octaves the tuning actually has. int note = mpt::wrapping_modulo(target.note - NOTE_MIDDLEC, groupSize) + (val - 5) * groupSize + NOTE_MIDDLEC; Limit(note, NOTE_MIN, NOTE_MAX); TempEnterNote(static_cast(note)); // Memorize note for key-up ASSERT(size_t(val) < m_octaveKeyMemory.size()); m_octaveKeyMemory[val] = target.note; } } // Stop note that has been triggered by entering an octave in the pattern. void CViewPattern::TempStopOctave(int val) { ASSERT(size_t(val) < m_octaveKeyMemory.size()); if(m_octaveKeyMemory[val] != NOTE_NONE) { TempStopNote(m_octaveKeyMemory[val]); m_octaveKeyMemory[val] = NOTE_NONE; } } // Enter an instrument number in the pattern void CViewPattern::TempEnterIns(int val) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) { return; } PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Instrument Entry"); ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); ModCommand oldcmd = target; // This is the command we are about to overwrite UINT instr = target.instr, nTotalMax, nTempMax; if(target.IsPcNote()) // this is a plugin index { nTotalMax = MAX_MIXPLUGINS + 1; nTempMax = MAX_MIXPLUGINS + 1; } else if(pSndFile->GetNumInstruments() > 0) // this is an instrument index { nTotalMax = MAX_INSTRUMENTS; nTempMax = pSndFile->GetNumInstruments(); } else { nTotalMax = MAX_SAMPLES; nTempMax = pSndFile->GetNumSamples(); } instr = ((instr * 10) + val) % 1000; if(instr >= nTotalMax) instr = instr % 100; if(nTempMax < 100) // if we're using samples & have less than 100 samples instr = instr % 100; // or if we're using instruments and have less than 100 instruments // --> ensure the entered instrument value is less than 100. target.instr = static_cast(instr); SetSelToCursor(); if(target != oldcmd) { SetModified(false); InvalidateCell(m_Cursor); UpdateIndicator(); } if(target.IsPcNote()) { m_PCNoteEditMemory = target; } } // Enter a note in the pattern void CViewPattern::TempEnterNote(ModCommand::NOTE note, int vol, bool fromMidi) { CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pMainFrm == nullptr || pModDoc == nullptr) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } if(note < NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL) { Limit(note, sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMin, sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMax); } // Special case: Convert note off commands to C00 for MOD files if((sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_MOD) && (note == NOTE_NOTECUT || note == NOTE_FADE || note == NOTE_KEYOFF)) { TempEnterFX(CMD_VOLUME, 0); return; } // Check whether the module format supports the note. if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasNote(note) == false) { return; } const bool liveRecord = IsLiveRecord(); const bool usePlaybackPosition = (liveRecord && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_AUTODELAY) && !sndFile.m_SongFlags[SONG_STEP]); const bool isSpecial = note >= NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL; const bool isSplit = IsNoteSplit(note); PatternEditPos editPos = GetEditPos(sndFile, usePlaybackPosition); const bool recordEnabled = IsEditingEnabled(); CHANNELINDEX nChn = GetCurrentChannel(); auto recordGroup = pModDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(nChn); if(!isSpecial && pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().IsSplitActive() && ((recordGroup == RecordGroup::Group1 && isSplit) || (recordGroup == RecordGroup::Group2 && !isSplit))) { // Record group 1 should be used for normal notes, record group 2 for split notes. // If there are any channels assigned to the "other" record group, we switch to another channel. auto otherGroup = (recordGroup == RecordGroup::Group1) ? RecordGroup::Group2 : RecordGroup::Group1; const CHANNELINDEX newChannel = FindGroupRecordChannel(otherGroup, true); if(newChannel != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID) { // Found a free channel, switch to other record group. nChn = newChannel; recordGroup = otherGroup; } } // -- Chord autodetection: step back if we just entered a note if(recordEnabled && recordGroup != RecordGroup::NoGroup && !liveRecord && !ModCommand::IsPcNote(note) && m_nSpacing > 0) { const auto &order = Order(); if((timeGetTime() - m_autoChordStartTime) < TrackerSettings::Instance().gnAutoChordWaitTime && order.IsValidPat(m_autoChordStartOrder) && sndFile.Patterns[order[m_autoChordStartOrder]].IsValidRow(m_autoChordStartRow)) { const auto pattern = order[m_autoChordStartOrder]; if(pattern != editPos.pattern) { SetCurrentOrder(m_autoChordStartOrder); SetCurrentPattern(pattern, m_autoChordStartRow); } editPos.pattern = pattern; editPos.row = m_autoChordStartRow; } else { m_autoChordStartRow = ROWINDEX_INVALID; m_autoChordStartOrder = ORDERINDEX_INVALID; } m_autoChordStartTime = timeGetTime(); if(m_autoChordStartOrder == ORDERINDEX_INVALID || m_autoChordStartRow == ROWINDEX_INVALID) { m_autoChordStartOrder = editPos.order; m_autoChordStartRow = editPos.row; } } // Quantize const bool doQuantize = (liveRecord || (fromMidi && (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_PLAYPATTERNONMIDIIN))) && TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows != 0; if(doQuantize) { QuantizeRow(editPos.pattern, editPos.row); // "Grace notes" are stuffed into the next row, if possible if(sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetpModCommand(editPos.row, nChn)->IsNote() && editPos.row < sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetNumRows() - 1) { editPos.row++; } } // -- Work out where to put the new note ModCommand *pTarget = sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetpModCommand(editPos.row, nChn); ModCommand newcmd = *pTarget; // Param control 'note' if(ModCommand::IsPcNote(note)) { if(!pTarget->IsPcNote()) { // We're overwriting a normal cell with a PC note. newcmd = m_PCNoteEditMemory; if((pTarget->command == CMD_MIDI || pTarget->command == CMD_SMOOTHMIDI) && pTarget->param < 128) { newcmd.SetValueEffectCol(static_cast(Util::muldivr(pTarget->param, ModCommand::maxColumnValue, 127))); if(!newcmd.instr) newcmd.instr = sndFile.ChnSettings[nChn].nMixPlugin; auto activeMacro = sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[nChn].nActiveMacro; if(!newcmd.GetValueVolCol() && sndFile.m_MidiCfg.GetParameteredMacroType(activeMacro) == kSFxPlugParam) { PlugParamIndex plugParam = sndFile.m_MidiCfg.MacroToPlugParam(sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn[nChn].nActiveMacro); if(plugParam < ModCommand::maxColumnValue) newcmd.SetValueVolCol(static_cast(plugParam)); } } } else if(recordEnabled) { // Pick up current entry to update PC note edit memory. m_PCNoteEditMemory = newcmd; } newcmd.note = note; } else { // Are we overwriting a PC note here? if(pTarget->IsPcNote()) { newcmd.Clear(); } // -- write note and instrument data. HandleSplit(newcmd, note); // Nice idea actually: Use lower section of the keyboard to play chords (but it won't work 100% correctly this way...) /*if(isSplit) { TempEnterChord(note); return; }*/ // -- write vol data int volWrite = -1; if(vol >= 0 && vol <= 64 && !(isSplit && pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitVolume)) //write valid volume, as long as there's no split volume override. { volWrite = vol; } else if(isSplit && pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitVolume) //cater for split volume override. { if(pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitVolume > 0 && pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitVolume <= 64) { volWrite = pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitVolume; } } if(volWrite != -1 && !isSpecial) { if(sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasVolCommand(VOLCMD_VOLUME)) { newcmd.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; newcmd.vol = (ModCommand::VOL)volWrite; } else { newcmd.command = CMD_VOLUME; newcmd.param = (ModCommand::PARAM)volWrite; } } // -- write sdx if playing live if(usePlaybackPosition && m_nPlayTick && !doQuantize) // avoid SD0 which will be mis-interpreted { if(newcmd.command == CMD_NONE) //make sure we don't overwrite any existing commands. { newcmd.command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; if(!sndFile.GetModSpecifications().HasCommand(CMD_S3MCMDEX)) newcmd.command = CMD_MODCMDEX; uint8 maxSpeed = 0x0F; if(m_nTicksOnRow > 0) maxSpeed = std::min(uint8(0x0F), mpt::saturate_cast(m_nTicksOnRow - 1)); newcmd.param = static_cast(0xD0 | std::min(maxSpeed, mpt::saturate_cast(m_nPlayTick))); } } // Note cut/off/fade: erase instrument number if(newcmd.note >= NOTE_MIN_SPECIAL) newcmd.instr = 0; } // -- if recording, create undo point and write out modified command. const bool modified = (recordEnabled && *pTarget != newcmd); if(modified) { pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(editPos.pattern, nChn, editPos.row, 1, 1, "Note Entry"); *pTarget = newcmd; } // -- play note if(((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & (PATTERN_PLAYNEWNOTE | PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW)) || !recordEnabled) && !newcmd.IsPcNote()) { const bool playWholeRow = ((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW) && !liveRecord); if(playWholeRow) { // play the whole row in "step mode" PatternStep(editPos.row); if(recordEnabled && newcmd.IsNote()) m_noteChannel[newcmd.note - NOTE_MIN] = nChn; } if(!playWholeRow || !recordEnabled) { // NOTE: This code is *also* used for the PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW edit mode because of some unforseeable race conditions when modifying pattern data. // We have to use this code when editing is disabled or else we will get some stupid hazards, because we would first have to write the new note // data to the pattern and then remove it again - but often, it is actually removed before the row is parsed by the soundlib. // just play the newly inserted note using the already specified instrument... ModCommand::INSTR playIns = newcmd.instr; if(!playIns && ModCommand::IsNoteOrEmpty(note)) { // ...or one that can be found on a previous row of this pattern. ModCommand *search = pTarget; ROWINDEX srow = editPos.row; while(srow-- > 0) { search -= sndFile.GetNumChannels(); if(search->instr && !search->IsPcNote()) { playIns = search->instr; m_fallbackInstrument = playIns; //used to figure out which instrument to stop on key release. break; } } } PlayNote(newcmd.note, playIns, 4 * vol, nChn); } } if(newcmd.IsNote()) { m_previousNote[nChn] = note; } // -- if recording, handle post note entry behaviour (move cursor etc..) if(recordEnabled) { PatternCursor sel(editPos.row, nChn, m_Cursor.GetColumnType()); if(!liveRecord) { // Update only when not recording live. SetCurSel(sel); } if(modified) // Has it really changed? { SetModified(false); if(editPos.pattern == m_nPattern) InvalidateCell(sel); else InvalidatePattern(); if(!liveRecord) { // Update only when not recording live. UpdateIndicator(); } } // Set new cursor position (edit step aka row spacing) if(!liveRecord) { if(m_nSpacing > 0) { if(editPos.row + m_nSpacing < sndFile.Patterns[editPos.pattern].GetNumRows() || (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL)) { SetCurrentRow(editPos.row + m_nSpacing, (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) != 0); } } SetSelToCursor(); } if(newcmd.IsPcNote()) { // Nothing to do here anymore. return; } auto &activeNoteMap = isSplit ? m_splitActiveNoteChannel : m_activeNoteChannel; if(newcmd.note <= NOTE_MAX) activeNoteMap[newcmd.note] = static_cast(nChn); if(recordGroup != RecordGroup::NoGroup) { // Move to next channel in record group nChn = FindGroupRecordChannel(recordGroup, false, nChn + 1); if(nChn != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID) { SetCurrentColumn(nChn); } } } } void CViewPattern::PlayNote(ModCommand::NOTE note, ModCommand::INSTR instr, int volume, CHANNELINDEX channel) { CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); modDoc->PlayNote(PlayNoteParam(note).Instrument(instr).Volume(volume).Channel(channel).CheckNNA(m_baPlayingNote), &m_noteChannel); } void CViewPattern::PreviewNote(ROWINDEX row, CHANNELINDEX channel) { const ModCommand &m = *GetSoundFile()->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(row, channel); if(m.IsNote() && m.instr) { int vol = -1; if(m.command == CMD_VOLUME) vol = m.param * 4u; else if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME) vol = m.vol * 4u; // Note-off any previews from this channel first ModCommand::NOTE note = NOTE_MIN; const auto &channels = GetSoundFile()->m_PlayState.Chn; for(auto &chn : m_noteChannel) { if(chn != CHANNELINDEX_INVALID && channels[chn].isPreviewNote && channels[chn].nMasterChn == channel + 1) { GetDocument()->NoteOff(note, false, m.instr, chn); } note++; } PlayNote(m.note, m.instr, vol, channel); } } // Construct a chord from the chord presets. Returns number of notes in chord. int CViewPattern::ConstructChord(int note, ModCommand::NOTE (&outNotes)[MPTChord::notesPerChord], ModCommand::NOTE baseNote) { const MPTChords &chords = TrackerSettings::GetChords(); UINT chordNum = note - GetBaseNote(); if(chordNum >= chords.size()) { return 0; } const MPTChord &chord = chords[chordNum]; const bool relativeMode = (chord.key == MPTChord::relativeMode); // Notes are relative to a previously entered note in the pattern ModCommand::NOTE key; if(relativeMode) { // Relative mode: Use pattern note as base note. // If there is no valid note in the pattern: Use shortcut note as relative base note key = ModCommand::IsNote(baseNote) ? baseNote : static_cast(note); } else { // Default mode: Use base key key = GetNoteWithBaseOctave(chord.key); } if(!ModCommand::IsNote(key)) { return 0; } int numNotes = 0; const CModSpecifications &specs = GetSoundFile()->GetModSpecifications(); if(specs.HasNote(key)) { outNotes[numNotes++] = key; } int32 baseKey = key - NOTE_MIN; if(!relativeMode) { // Only use octave information from the base key baseKey = (baseKey / 12) * 12; } for(auto cnote : chord.notes) { if(cnote != MPTChord::noNote) { int32 chordNote = baseKey + cnote + NOTE_MIN; if(chordNote >= NOTE_MIN && chordNote <= NOTE_MAX && specs.HasNote(static_cast(chordNote))) { outNotes[numNotes++] = static_cast(chordNote); } } } return numNotes; } // Enter a chord in the pattern void CViewPattern::TempEnterChord(ModCommand::NOTE note) { CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pMainFrm == nullptr || pModDoc == nullptr) { return; } CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } const CHANNELINDEX chn = GetCurrentChannel(); const PatternRow rowBase = sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetRow(GetCurrentRow()); ModCommand::NOTE chordNotes[MPTChord::notesPerChord], baseNote = rowBase[chn].note; if(!ModCommand::IsNote(baseNote)) { baseNote = m_prevChordBaseNote; } int numNotes = ConstructChord(note, chordNotes, baseNote); if(!numNotes) { return; } // Save old row contents std::vector newRow(rowBase, rowBase + sndFile.GetNumChannels()); const bool liveRecord = IsLiveRecord(); const bool recordEnabled = IsEditingEnabled(); bool modified = false; // -- establish note data HandleSplit(newRow[chn], note); const auto recordGroup = pModDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(chn); CHANNELINDEX curChn = chn; for(int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { // Find appropriate channel while(curChn < sndFile.GetNumChannels() && pModDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(curChn) != recordGroup) { curChn++; } if(curChn >= sndFile.GetNumChannels()) { numNotes = i; break; } m_chordPatternChannels[i] = curChn; ModCommand &m = newRow[curChn]; m_previousNote[curChn] = m.note = chordNotes[i]; if(newRow[chn].instr) { m.instr = newRow[chn].instr; } if(rowBase[chn] != m) { modified = true; } curChn++; } m_Status.set(psChordPlaying); // -- write notedata if(recordEnabled) { SetSelToCursor(); if(modified) { // Simply backup the whole row. pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().PrepareUndo(m_nPattern, chn, GetCurrentRow(), sndFile.GetNumChannels(), 1, "Chord Entry"); for(CHANNELINDEX n = 0; n < sndFile.GetNumChannels(); n++) { rowBase[n] = newRow[n]; } SetModified(false); InvalidateRow(); UpdateIndicator(); } } // -- play note if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & (PATTERN_PLAYNEWNOTE | PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW)) || !recordEnabled) { if(m_prevChordNote != NOTE_NONE) { TempStopChord(m_prevChordNote); } const bool playWholeRow = ((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW) && !liveRecord); if(playWholeRow) { // play the whole row in "step mode" PatternStep(GetCurrentRow()); if(recordEnabled) { for(int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { m_noteChannel[chordNotes[i] - NOTE_MIN] = m_chordPatternChannels[i]; } } } if(!playWholeRow || !recordEnabled) { // NOTE: This code is *also* used for the PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW edit mode because of some unforseeable race conditions when modifying pattern data. // We have to use this code when editing is disabled or else we will get some stupid hazards, because we would first have to write the new note // data to the pattern and then remove it again - but often, it is actually removed before the row is parsed by the soundlib. // just play the newly inserted notes... const ModCommand &firstNote = rowBase[chn]; ModCommand::INSTR playIns = 0; if(firstNote.instr) { // ...using the already specified instrument playIns = firstNote.instr; } else if(!firstNote.instr) { // ...or one that can be found on a previous row of this pattern. const ModCommand *search = &firstNote; ROWINDEX srow = GetCurrentRow(); while(srow-- > 0) { search -= sndFile.GetNumChannels(); if(search->instr) { playIns = search->instr; m_fallbackInstrument = playIns; //used to figure out which instrument to stop on key release. break; } } } for(int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { pModDoc->PlayNote(PlayNoteParam(chordNotes[i]).Instrument(playIns).Channel(chn).CheckNNA(m_baPlayingNote), &m_noteChannel); } } } // end play note m_prevChordNote = note; m_prevChordBaseNote = baseNote; // Set new cursor position (edit step aka row spacing) - only when not recording live if(recordEnabled && !liveRecord) { if(m_nSpacing > 0) { // Shift from entering chord may have triggered this flag, which will prevent us from wrapping to the next pattern. m_Status.reset(psKeyboardDragSelect); SetCurrentRow(GetCurrentRow() + m_nSpacing, (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_CONTSCROLL) != 0); } SetSelToCursor(); } } // Translate incoming MIDI aftertouch messages to pattern commands void CViewPattern::EnterAftertouch(ModCommand::NOTE note, int atValue) { if(TrackerSettings::Instance().aftertouchBehaviour == atDoNotRecord || !IsEditingEnabled()) return; const CHANNELINDEX numChannels = GetSoundFile()->GetNumChannels(); std::set channels; if(ModCommand::IsNote(note)) { // For polyphonic aftertouch, map the aftertouch note to the correct pattern channel. const auto &activeNoteMap = IsNoteSplit(note) ? m_splitActiveNoteChannel : m_activeNoteChannel; if(activeNoteMap[note] < numChannels) { channels.insert(activeNoteMap[note]); } else { // Couldn't find the channel that belongs to this note... Don't bother writing aftertouch messages. // This is actually necessary, because it is possible that the last aftertouch message for a note // is received after the key-off event, in which case OpenMPT won't know anymore on which channel // that particular note was, so it will just put the message on some other channel. We don't want that! return; } } else { for(const auto ¬eMap : { m_activeNoteChannel, m_splitActiveNoteChannel }) { for(const auto chn : noteMap) { if(chn < numChannels) channels.insert(chn); } } if(channels.empty()) channels.insert(m_Cursor.GetChannel()); } Limit(atValue, 0, 127); const PatternCursor endOfRow{ m_Cursor.GetRow(), static_cast(numChannels - 1u), PatternCursor::lastColumn }; const auto &specs = GetSoundFile()->GetModSpecifications(); bool first = true, modified = false; for(const auto chn : channels) { const PatternCursor cursor{ m_Cursor.GetRow(), chn }; ModCommand &target = GetModCommand(cursor); ModCommand newCommand = target; if(target.IsPcNote()) continue; switch(TrackerSettings::Instance().aftertouchBehaviour) { case atRecordAsVolume: // Record aftertouch messages as volume commands if(specs.HasVolCommand(VOLCMD_VOLUME)) { if(newCommand.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE || newCommand.volcmd == VOLCMD_VOLUME) { newCommand.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; newCommand.vol = static_cast((atValue * 64 + 64) / 127); } } else if(specs.HasCommand(CMD_VOLUME)) { if(newCommand.command == CMD_NONE || newCommand.command == CMD_VOLUME) { newCommand.command = CMD_VOLUME; newCommand.param = static_cast((atValue * 64 + 64) / 127); } } break; case atRecordAsMacro: // Record aftertouch messages as MIDI Macros if(newCommand.command == CMD_NONE || newCommand.command == CMD_SMOOTHMIDI || newCommand.command == CMD_MIDI) { auto cmd = specs.HasCommand(CMD_SMOOTHMIDI) ? CMD_SMOOTHMIDI : specs.HasCommand(CMD_MIDI) ? CMD_MIDI : CMD_NONE; if(cmd != CMD_NONE) { newCommand.command = static_cast(cmd); newCommand.param = static_cast(atValue); } } break; } if(target != newCommand) { if(first) PrepareUndo(cursor, endOfRow, "Aftertouch Entry"); first = false; modified = true; target = newCommand; InvalidateCell(cursor); } } if(modified) { SetModified(false); UpdateIndicator(); } } // Apply quantization factor to given row. void CViewPattern::QuantizeRow(PATTERNINDEX &pat, ROWINDEX &row) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows == 0) { return; } const ROWINDEX currentTick = m_nTicksOnRow * row + m_nPlayTick; const ROWINDEX ticksPerNote = TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows * m_nTicksOnRow; // Previous quantization step const ROWINDEX quantLow = (currentTick / ticksPerNote) * ticksPerNote; // Next quantization step const ROWINDEX quantHigh = (1 + (currentTick / ticksPerNote)) * ticksPerNote; if(currentTick - quantLow < quantHigh - currentTick) { row = quantLow / m_nTicksOnRow; } else { row = quantHigh / m_nTicksOnRow; } if(!sndFile->Patterns[pat].IsValidRow(row)) { // Quantization exceeds current pattern, try stuffing note into next pattern instead. PATTERNINDEX nextPat = sndFile->m_SongFlags[SONG_PATTERNLOOP] ? m_nPattern : GetNextPattern(); if(nextPat != PATTERNINDEX_INVALID) { pat = nextPat; row = 0; } else { row = sndFile->Patterns[pat].GetNumRows() - 1; } } } // Get previous pattern in order list PATTERNINDEX CViewPattern::GetPrevPattern() const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile != nullptr) { const auto &order = Order(); const ORDERINDEX curOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); if(curOrder > 0 && m_nPattern == order[curOrder]) { const ORDERINDEX nextOrder = order.GetPreviousOrderIgnoringSkips(curOrder); const PATTERNINDEX nextPat = order[nextOrder]; if(sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(nextPat) && sndFile->Patterns[nextPat].GetNumRows()) { return nextPat; } } } return PATTERNINDEX_INVALID; } // Get follow-up pattern in order list PATTERNINDEX CViewPattern::GetNextPattern() const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile != nullptr) { const auto &order = Order(); const ORDERINDEX curOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); if(curOrder + 1 < order.GetLength() && m_nPattern == order[curOrder]) { const ORDERINDEX nextOrder = order.GetNextOrderIgnoringSkips(curOrder); const PATTERNINDEX nextPat = order[nextOrder]; if(sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(nextPat) && sndFile->Patterns[nextPat].GetNumRows()) { return nextPat; } } } return PATTERNINDEX_INVALID; } void CViewPattern::OnSetQuantize() { CInputDlg dlg(this, _T("Quantize amount in rows for live recording (0 to disable):"), 0, MAX_PATTERN_ROWS, TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows); if(dlg.DoModal()) { TrackerSettings::Instance().recordQuantizeRows = static_cast(dlg.resultAsInt); } } void CViewPattern::OnLockPatternRows() { CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); if(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() != m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) { sndFile.m_lockRowStart = m_Selection.GetStartRow(); sndFile.m_lockRowEnd = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); } else { sndFile.m_lockRowStart = sndFile.m_lockRowEnd = ROWINDEX_INVALID; } InvalidatePattern(true, true); } // Find a free channel for a record group, starting search from a given channel. // If forceFreeChannel is true and all channels in the specified record group are active, some channel is picked from the specified record group. CHANNELINDEX CViewPattern::FindGroupRecordChannel(RecordGroup recordGroup, bool forceFreeChannel, CHANNELINDEX startChannel) const { const CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; CHANNELINDEX chn = startChannel; CHANNELINDEX foundChannel = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID; for(CHANNELINDEX i = 1; i < pModDoc->GetNumChannels(); i++, chn++) { if(chn >= pModDoc->GetNumChannels()) chn = 0; // loop around if(pModDoc->GetChannelRecordGroup(chn) == recordGroup) { // Check if any notes are playing on this channel bool channelLocked = false; for(size_t k = 0; k < m_activeNoteChannel.size(); k++) { if(m_activeNoteChannel[k] == chn || m_splitActiveNoteChannel[k] == chn) { channelLocked = true; break; } } if(!channelLocked) { // Channel belongs to correct record group and no note is currently playing. return chn; } if(forceFreeChannel) { // If all channels are active, we might still pick a random channel from the specified group. foundChannel = chn; } } } return foundChannel; } void CViewPattern::OnClearField(const RowMask &mask, bool step, bool ITStyle) { CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !IsEditingEnabled_bmsg()) return; // If we have a selection, we want to do something different if(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() != m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) { OnClearSelection(ITStyle); return; } PrepareUndo(m_Cursor, m_Cursor, "Clear Field"); ModCommand &target = GetCursorCommand(); ModCommand oldcmd = target; if(mask.note) { // Clear note if(target.IsPcNote()) { // Need to clear entire field if this is a PC Event. target.Clear(); } else { target.note = NOTE_NONE; if(ITStyle) { target.instr = 0; } } } if(mask.instrument) { // Clear instrument target.instr = 0; } if(mask.volume) { // Clear volume effect target.volcmd = VOLCMD_NONE; target.vol = 0; } if(mask.command) { // Clear effect command target.command = CMD_NONE; } if(mask.parameter) { // Clear effect parameter target.param = 0; } if((mask.command || mask.parameter) && (target.IsPcNote())) { target.SetValueEffectCol(0); } SetSelToCursor(); if(target != oldcmd) { SetModified(false); InvalidateRow(); UpdateIndicator(); } if(step && (sndFile->IsPaused() || !m_Status[psFollowSong] || (CMainFrame::GetMainFrame() != nullptr && CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->GetFollowSong(GetDocument()) != m_hWnd))) { // Preview Row if((TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW) && !IsLiveRecord()) { PatternStep(GetCurrentRow()); } if(m_nSpacing > 0) SetCurrentRow(GetCurrentRow() + m_nSpacing); SetSelToCursor(); } } void CViewPattern::OnInitMenu(CMenu *pMenu) { CModScrollView::OnInitMenu(pMenu); } void CViewPattern::TogglePluginEditor(int chan) { CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); if(!modDoc) return; int plug = modDoc->GetSoundFile().ChnSettings[chan].nMixPlugin; if(plug > 0) modDoc->TogglePluginEditor(plug - 1); return; } void CViewPattern::OnSelectInstrument(UINT nID) { SetSelectionInstrument(static_cast(nID - ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT), true); } void CViewPattern::OnSelectPCNoteParam(UINT nID) { CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return; uint16 paramNdx = static_cast(nID - ID_CHANGE_PCNOTE_PARAM); bool modified = false; ApplyToSelection([paramNdx, &modified] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX, CHANNELINDEX) { if(m.IsPcNote() && (m.GetValueVolCol() != paramNdx)) { m.SetValueVolCol(paramNdx); modified = true; } }); if(modified) { SetModified(); InvalidatePattern(); } } void CViewPattern::OnSelectPlugin(UINT nID) { CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr) return; const CHANNELINDEX plugChannel = m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(); if(plugChannel < sndFile->GetNumChannels()) { PLUGINDEX newPlug = static_cast(nID - ID_PLUGSELECT); if(newPlug <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS && newPlug != sndFile->ChnSettings[plugChannel].nMixPlugin) { sndFile->ChnSettings[plugChannel].nMixPlugin = newPlug; if(sndFile->GetModSpecifications().supportsPlugins) { SetModified(false); } InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } } } bool CViewPattern::HandleSplit(ModCommand &m, int note) { ModCommand::INSTR ins = static_cast(GetCurrentInstrument()); const bool isSplit = IsNoteSplit(note); if(isSplit) { CModDoc *modDoc = GetDocument(); if(modDoc == nullptr) return false; const CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(modDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().octaveLink && note <= NOTE_MAX) { note += 12 * modDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().octaveModifier; Limit(note, sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMin, sndFile.GetModSpecifications().noteMax); } if(modDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitInstrument) { ins = modDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitInstrument; } } m.note = static_cast(note); if(ins) { m.instr = ins; } return isSplit; } bool CViewPattern::IsNoteSplit(int note) const { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); return (pModDoc != nullptr && pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().IsSplitActive() && note <= pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings().splitNote); } bool CViewPattern::BuildPluginCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, UINT nChn, const CSoundFile &sndFile) const { for(PLUGINDEX plug = 0; plug <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS; plug++) { bool itemFound = false; CString s; if(!plug) { s = _T("No Plugin"); itemFound = true; } else { const SNDMIXPLUGIN &plugin = sndFile.m_MixPlugins[plug - 1]; if(plugin.IsValidPlugin()) { s.Format(_T("FX%u: "), plug); s += mpt::ToCString(plugin.GetName()); itemFound = true; } } if(itemFound) { UINT flags = MF_STRING | ((plug == sndFile.ChnSettings[nChn].nMixPlugin) ? MF_CHECKED : 0); AppendMenu(hMenu, flags, ID_PLUGSELECT + plug, s); } } return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildSoloMuteCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, UINT nChn, const CSoundFile &sndFile) const { AppendMenu(hMenu, sndFile.ChnSettings[nChn].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE] ? (MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED) : MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_MUTE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelMute, _T("&Mute Channel"))); bool solo = false, unmuteAll = false; bool soloPending = false, unmuteAllPending = false; // doesn't work perfectly yet for(CHANNELINDEX i = 0; i < sndFile.GetNumChannels(); i++) { if(i != nChn) { if(!sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE]) solo = soloPending = true; if(sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE] && sndFile.m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[i]) soloPending = true; } else { if(sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE]) solo = soloPending = true; if(!sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE] && sndFile.m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[i]) soloPending = true; } if(sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE]) unmuteAll = unmuteAllPending = true; if(!sndFile.ChnSettings[i].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE] && sndFile.m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[i]) unmuteAllPending = true; } if(solo) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_SOLO, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelSolo, _T("&Solo Channel"))); if(unmuteAll) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_UNMUTEALL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelUnmuteAll, _T("&Unmute All"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, sndFile.m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[nChn] ? (MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED) : MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_TRANSITIONMUTE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcToggleChanMuteOnPatTransition, sndFile.ChnSettings[nChn].dwFlags[CHN_MUTE] ? _T("On Transition: Unmute\t") : _T("On Transition: Mute\t"))); if(unmuteAllPending) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_TRANSITION_UNMUTEALL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcUnmuteAllChnOnPatTransition, _T("On Transition: Unmute All"))); if(soloPending) AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_TRANSITIONSOLO, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSoloChnOnPatTransition, _T("On Transition: Solo"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_CHNRESET, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelReset, _T("&Reset Channel"))); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildRecordCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, CHANNELINDEX nChn) const { const auto recordGroup = GetDocument()->GetChannelRecordGroup(nChn); AppendMenu(hMenu, (recordGroup == RecordGroup::Group1) ? (MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED) : MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_RECSELECT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelRecordSelect, _T("R&ecord Select"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, (recordGroup == RecordGroup::Group2) ? (MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED) : MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_SPLITRECSELECT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelSplitRecordSelect, _T("S&plit Record Select"))); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildRowInsDelCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { HMENU subMenuInsert = CreatePopupMenu(); HMENU subMenuDelete = CreatePopupMenu(); const auto numRows = m_Selection.GetNumRows(); const CString label = (numRows != 1) ? MPT_CFORMAT("{} Rows")(numRows) : CString(_T("Row")); AppendMenu(subMenuInsert, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_INSERTROW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcInsertRow, _T("Insert ") + label + _T(" (&Selection)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuInsert, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_INSERTALLROW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcInsertWholeRow, _T("Insert ") + label + _T(" (&All Channels)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuInsert, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_INSERTROWGLOBAL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcInsertRowGlobal, _T("Insert ") + label + _T(" (Selection, &Global)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuInsert, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_INSERTALLROWGLOBAL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcInsertWholeRowGlobal, _T("Insert ") + label + _T(" (All &Channels, Global)"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(subMenuInsert), _T("&Insert ") + label); AppendMenu(subMenuDelete, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_DELETEROW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcDeleteRow, _T("Delete ") + label + _T(" (&Selection)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuDelete, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_DELETEALLROW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcDeleteWholeRow, _T("Delete ") + label + _T(" (&All Channels)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuDelete, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_DELETEROWGLOBAL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcDeleteRowGlobal, _T("Delete ") + label + _T(" (Selection, &Global)"))); AppendMenu(subMenuDelete, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_DELETEALLROWGLOBAL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcDeleteWholeRowGlobal, _T("Delete ") + label + _T(" (All &Channels, Global)"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(subMenuDelete), _T("&Delete ") + label); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildMiscCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_SHOWTIMEATROW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTimeAtRow, _T("Show Row Play Time"))); if(m_Selection.GetStartRow() == m_Selection.GetEndRow()) { CString s; s.Format(_T("Split Pattern at Ro&w %u"), m_Selection.GetStartRow()); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (m_Selection.GetStartRow() < 1 ? MF_GRAYED : 0), ID_PATTERN_SPLIT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSplitPattern, s)); } const CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); CString lockStr; bool lockActive = (sndFile.m_lockRowStart != ROWINDEX_INVALID); if(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() != m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) { lockStr = _T("&Lock Playback to Selection"); if(lockActive) { lockStr.AppendFormat(_T(" (Current: %u-%u)"), sndFile.m_lockRowStart, sndFile.m_lockRowEnd); } } else if(lockActive) { lockStr = _T("Reset Playback &Lock"); } else { return true; } AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (lockActive ? MF_CHECKED : 0), ID_LOCK_PATTERN_ROWS, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcLockPlaybackToRows, lockStr)); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildSelectionCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_SELECTCOLUMN, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSelectChannel, _T("Select &Channel"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditSelectAll, _T("Select &Pattern"))); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildGrowShrinkCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_GROW_SELECTION, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternGrowSelection, _T("&Grow selection"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_SHRINK_SELECTION, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternShrinkSelection, _T("&Shrink selection"))); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); const bool isPCNote = sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern) && sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel())->IsPcNote(); HMENU subMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); bool possible = BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(subMenu, PatternCursor::noteColumn, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternInterpolateNote, _T("&Note Column")), ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_NOTE) | BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(subMenu, PatternCursor::instrColumn, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternInterpolateInstr, isPCNote ? _T("&Plugin Column") : _T("&Instrument Column")), ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_INSTR) | BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(subMenu, PatternCursor::volumeColumn, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternInterpolateVol, isPCNote ? _T("&Parameter Column") : _T("&Volume Column")), ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_VOLUME) | BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(subMenu, PatternCursor::effectColumn, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternInterpolateEffect, isPCNote ? _T("&Value Column") : _T("&Effect Column")), ID_PATTERN_INTERPOLATE_EFFECT); if(possible || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP | (possible ? 0 : MF_GRAYED), reinterpret_cast(subMenu), _T("I&nterpolate...")); return true; } return false; } bool CViewPattern::BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, PatternCursor::Columns colType, CString label, UINT command) const { bool possible = IsInterpolationPossible(colType); if(!possible && colType == PatternCursor::effectColumn) { // Extend search to param column possible = IsInterpolationPossible(PatternCursor::paramColumn); } if(possible || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (possible ? 0 : MF_GRAYED), command, label); } return possible; } bool CViewPattern::BuildEditCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, CModDoc *pModDoc) const { HMENU pasteSpecialMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_CUT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditCut, _T("Cu&t"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_COPY, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditCopy, _T("&Copy"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (PatternClipboard::CanPaste() ? 0 : MF_GRAYED), ID_EDIT_PASTE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditPaste, _T("&Paste"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pasteSpecialMenu), _T("Paste Special")); AppendMenu(pasteSpecialMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_MIXPASTE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditMixPaste, _T("&Mix Paste"))); AppendMenu(pasteSpecialMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_MIXPASTE_ITSTYLE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditMixPasteITStyle, _T("M&ix Paste (IT Style)"))); AppendMenu(pasteSpecialMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_PASTEFLOOD, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditPasteFlood, _T("Paste Fl&ood"))); AppendMenu(pasteSpecialMenu, MF_STRING, ID_EDIT_PUSHFORWARDPASTE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditPushForwardPaste, _T("&Push Forward Paste (Insert)"))); DWORD greyed = pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().CanUndo() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_EDIT_UNDO, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditUndo, _T("&Undo"))); } greyed = pModDoc->GetPatternUndo().CanRedo() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_EDIT_REDO, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcEditRedo, _T("&Redo"))); } AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_CLEAR_SELECTION, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSampleDelete, _T("Clear Selection"))); return true; } bool CViewPattern::BuildVisFXCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { DWORD greyed = (IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::effectColumn) || IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::paramColumn)) ? FALSE : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_PATTERN_VISUALIZE_EFFECT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternVisualizeEffect, _T("&Visualize Effect"))); return true; } return false; } bool CViewPattern::BuildTransposeCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { HMENU transMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); std::vector validChans; DWORD greyed = IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::noteColumn) ? FALSE : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(transMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_TRANSPOSE_UP, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTransposeUp, _T("Transpose +&1"))); AppendMenu(transMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_TRANSPOSE_DOWN, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTransposeDown, _T("Transpose -&1"))); AppendMenu(transMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_TRANSPOSE_OCTUP, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTransposeOctUp, _T("Transpose +1&2"))); AppendMenu(transMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_TRANSPOSE_OCTDOWN, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTransposeOctDown, _T("Transpose -1&2"))); AppendMenu(transMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_TRANSPOSE_CUSTOM, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcTransposeCustom, _T("&Custom..."))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP | greyed, reinterpret_cast(transMenu), _T("&Transpose...")); return true; } return false; } bool CViewPattern::BuildAmplifyCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { std::vector validChans; DWORD greyed = IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::volumeColumn) ? 0 : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | greyed, ID_PATTERN_AMPLIFY, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternAmplify, _T("&Amplify"))); return true; } return false; } bool CViewPattern::BuildChannelControlCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { const CModSpecifications &specs = GetDocument()->GetSoundFile().GetModSpecifications(); CHANNELINDEX numChannels = GetDocument()->GetNumChannels(); DWORD canAddChannels = (numChannels < specs.channelsMax) ? 0 : MF_GRAYED; DWORD canRemoveChannels = (numChannels > specs.channelsMin) ? 0 : MF_GRAYED; AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T("")); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_TRANSPOSECHANNEL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelTranspose, _T("&Transpose Channel"))); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | canAddChannels, ID_PATTERN_DUPLICATECHANNEL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelDuplicate, _T("&Duplicate Channel"))); HMENU addChannelMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP | canAddChannels, reinterpret_cast(addChannelMenu), _T("&Add Channel\t")); AppendMenu(addChannelMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_ADDCHANNEL_FRONT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelAddBefore, _T("&Before this channel"))); AppendMenu(addChannelMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_ADDCHANNEL_AFTER, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelAddAfter, _T("&After this channel"))); HMENU removeChannelMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP | canRemoveChannels, reinterpret_cast(removeChannelMenu), _T("Remo&ve Channel\t")); AppendMenu(removeChannelMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_REMOVECHANNEL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcChannelRemove, _T("&Remove this channel\t"))); AppendMenu(removeChannelMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_REMOVECHANNELDIALOG, _T("&Choose channels to remove...\t")); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_RESETCHANNELCOLORS, _T("Reset Channel &Colours")); return false; } bool CViewPattern::BuildSetInstCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); const CModDoc *modDoc; if(sndFile == nullptr || (modDoc = sndFile->GetpModDoc()) == nullptr) { return false; } std::vector validChans; DWORD greyed = IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::instrColumn) ? 0 : MF_GRAYED; if(!greyed || !(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE)) { if((sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern))) { if(sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel())->IsPcNote()) { // Don't build instrument menu for PC notes. return false; } } // Create the new menu and add it to the existing menu. HMENU instrumentChangeMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP | greyed, reinterpret_cast(instrumentChangeMenu), ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternSetInstrument, _T("Change Instrument"))); if(!greyed) { bool addSeparator = false; if(sndFile->GetNumInstruments()) { for(INSTRUMENTINDEX i = 1; i <= sndFile->GetNumInstruments(); i++) { if(sndFile->Instruments[i] == nullptr) continue; CString instString = modDoc->GetPatternViewInstrumentName(i, true); if(!instString.IsEmpty()) { AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_STRING, ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT + i, modDoc->GetPatternViewInstrumentName(i)); addSeparator = true; } } } else { CString s; for(SAMPLEINDEX i = 1; i <= sndFile->GetNumSamples(); i++) if (sndFile->GetSample(i).HasSampleData()) { s.Format(_T("%02d: "), i); s += mpt::ToCString(sndFile->GetCharsetInternal(), sndFile->GetSampleName(i)); AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_STRING, ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT + i, s); addSeparator = true; } } // Add options to remove instrument from selection. if(addSeparator) { AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); } AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_STRING, ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT, _T("&Remove Instrument")); AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_STRING, ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT + GetCurrentInstrument(), ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternSetInstrument, _T("&Current Instrument"))); AppendMenu(instrumentChangeMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_SETINSTRUMENT, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternSetInstrumentNotEmpty, _T("Current Instrument (&only change existing)"))); } return BuildTogglePlugEditorCtxMenu(hMenu, ih); } return false; } // Context menu for Param Control notes bool CViewPattern::BuildPCNoteCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return false; } const ModCommand &selStart = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel()); if(!selStart.IsPcNote()) { return false; } CString s; // Create sub menu for "change plugin" HMENU pluginChangeMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pluginChangeMenu), ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternSetInstrument, _T("Change Plugin"))); for(PLUGINDEX nPlg = 0; nPlg < MAX_MIXPLUGINS; nPlg++) { if(sndFile->m_MixPlugins[nPlg].pMixPlugin != nullptr) { s = MPT_CFORMAT("{}: {}")(mpt::cfmt::dec0<2>(nPlg + 1), mpt::ToCString(sndFile->m_MixPlugins[nPlg].GetName())); AppendMenu(pluginChangeMenu, MF_STRING | (((nPlg + 1) == selStart.instr) ? MF_CHECKED : 0), ID_CHANGE_INSTRUMENT + nPlg + 1, s); } } if(selStart.instr >= 1 && selStart.instr <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS) { const SNDMIXPLUGIN &plug = sndFile->m_MixPlugins[selStart.instr - 1]; if(plug.pMixPlugin != nullptr) { // Create sub menu for "change plugin param" HMENU paramChangeMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(paramChangeMenu), _T("Change Plugin Parameter\t")); const PlugParamIndex curParam = selStart.GetValueVolCol(), nParams = plug.pMixPlugin->GetNumParameters(); for(PlugParamIndex i = 0; i < nParams; i++) { AppendMenu(paramChangeMenu, MF_STRING | ((i == curParam) ? MF_CHECKED : 0), ID_CHANGE_PCNOTE_PARAM + i, plug.pMixPlugin->GetFormattedParamName(i)); } } } return BuildTogglePlugEditorCtxMenu(hMenu, ih); } bool CViewPattern::BuildTogglePlugEditorCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return false; } PLUGINDEX plug = 0; const ModCommand &selStart = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel()); if(selStart.IsPcNote()) { // PC Event plug = selStart.instr; } else if(selStart.instr > 0 && selStart.instr <= sndFile->GetNumInstruments() && sndFile->Instruments[selStart.instr] != nullptr && sndFile->Instruments[selStart.instr]->nMixPlug) { // Regular instrument plug = sndFile->Instruments[selStart.instr]->nMixPlug; } if(plug && plug <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS && sndFile->m_MixPlugins[plug - 1].pMixPlugin != nullptr) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ID_PATTERN_EDIT_PCNOTE_PLUGIN, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcPatternEditPCNotePlugin, _T("Toggle Plugin &Editor"))); return true; } return false; } // Returns an ordered list of all channels in which a given column type is selected. CHANNELINDEX CViewPattern::ListChansWhereColSelected(PatternCursor::Columns colType, std::vector &chans) const { CHANNELINDEX startChan = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(); CHANNELINDEX endChan = m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); chans.clear(); chans.reserve(endChan - startChan + 1); // Check in which channels this column is selected. // Actually this check is only important for the first and last channel, but to keep things clean and simple, all channels are checked in the same manner. for(CHANNELINDEX i = startChan; i <= endChan; i++) { if(m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, i, colType))) { chans.push_back(i); } } return static_cast(chans.size()); } // Check if a column type is selected on any channel in the current selection. bool CViewPattern::IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::Columns colType) const { return m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), colType)) || m_Selection.ContainsHorizontal(PatternCursor(0, m_Selection.GetEndChannel(), colType)); } // Check if the given interpolation type is actually possible in the current selection. bool CViewPattern::IsInterpolationPossible(PatternCursor::Columns colType) const { std::vector validChans; ListChansWhereColSelected(colType, validChans); ROWINDEX startRow = m_Selection.GetStartRow(); ROWINDEX endRow = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); for(auto chn : validChans) { if(IsInterpolationPossible(startRow, endRow, chn, colType)) { return true; } } return false; } // Check if the given interpolation type is actually possible in a given channel. bool CViewPattern::IsInterpolationPossible(ROWINDEX startRow, ROWINDEX endRow, CHANNELINDEX chan, PatternCursor::Columns colType) const { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(startRow == endRow || sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return false; bool result = false; const ModCommand &startRowMC = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(startRow, chan); const ModCommand &endRowMC = *sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(endRow, chan); UINT startRowCmd, endRowCmd; if(colType == PatternCursor::effectColumn && (startRowMC.IsPcNote() || endRowMC.IsPcNote())) return true; switch(colType) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: startRowCmd = startRowMC.note; endRowCmd = endRowMC.note; result = (startRowCmd == endRowCmd && startRowCmd != NOTE_NONE) // Interpolate between two identical notes or Cut / Fade / etc... || (startRowCmd != NOTE_NONE && endRowCmd == NOTE_NONE) // Fill in values from the first row || (startRowCmd == NOTE_NONE && endRowCmd != NOTE_NONE) // Fill in values from the last row || (ModCommand::IsNoteOrEmpty(startRowMC.note) && ModCommand::IsNoteOrEmpty(endRowMC.note) && !(startRowCmd == NOTE_NONE && endRowCmd == NOTE_NONE)); // Interpolate between two notes of which one may be empty break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: startRowCmd = startRowMC.instr; endRowCmd = endRowMC.instr; result = startRowCmd != 0 || endRowCmd != 0; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: startRowCmd = startRowMC.volcmd; endRowCmd = endRowMC.volcmd; result = (startRowCmd == endRowCmd && startRowCmd != VOLCMD_NONE) // Interpolate between two identical commands || (startRowCmd != VOLCMD_NONE && endRowCmd == VOLCMD_NONE) // Fill in values from the first row || (startRowCmd == VOLCMD_NONE && endRowCmd != VOLCMD_NONE); // Fill in values from the last row break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: startRowCmd = startRowMC.command; endRowCmd = endRowMC.command; result = (startRowCmd == endRowCmd && startRowCmd != CMD_NONE) // Interpolate between two identical commands || (startRowCmd != CMD_NONE && endRowCmd == CMD_NONE) // Fill in values from the first row || (startRowCmd == CMD_NONE && endRowCmd != CMD_NONE); // Fill in values from the last row break; default: result = false; } return result; } void CViewPattern::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); CModScrollView::OnRButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } // Toggle pending mute status for channel from context menu. void CViewPattern::OnTogglePendingMuteFromClick() { TogglePendingMute(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); } // Toggle pending solo status for channel from context menu. void CViewPattern::OnPendingSoloChnFromClick() { PendingSoloChn(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel()); } // Set pending unmute status for all channels. void CViewPattern::OnPendingUnmuteAllChnFromClick() { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr) { GetSoundFile()->PatternTransitionChnUnmuteAll(); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } } // Toggle pending solo status for a channel. void CViewPattern::PendingSoloChn(CHANNELINDEX nChn) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr) { GetSoundFile()->PatternTranstionChnSolo(nChn); InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } } // Toggle pending mute status for a channel. void CViewPattern::TogglePendingMute(CHANNELINDEX nChn) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile != nullptr) { pSndFile->m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[nChn] = !pSndFile->m_bChannelMuteTogglePending[nChn]; InvalidateChannelsHeaders(); } } // Check if editing is enabled, and if it's not, prompt the user to enable editing. bool CViewPattern::IsEditingEnabled_bmsg() { if(IsEditingEnabled()) return true; if(TrackerSettings::Instance().patternNoEditPopup) return false; HMENU hMenu; if((hMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu()) == nullptr) return false; CPoint pt = GetPointFromPosition(m_Cursor); // We add an mnemonic for an unbreakable space to avoid activating edit mode accidentally. AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_STRING, IDC_PATTERN_RECORD, L"Editing (recording) is disabled;&\u00A0 click here to enable it."); ClientToScreen(&pt); ::TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); ::DestroyMenu(hMenu); return false; } // Show playback time at a given pattern position. void CViewPattern::OnShowTimeAtRow() { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr) { return; } CString msg; const auto &order = Order(); ORDERINDEX currentOrder = GetCurrentOrder(); if(currentOrder < order.size() && order[currentOrder] == m_nPattern) { const double t = pSndFile->GetPlaybackTimeAt(currentOrder, GetCurrentRow(), false, false); if(t < 0) msg.Format(_T("Unable to determine the time. Possible cause: No order %d, row %u found in play sequence."), currentOrder, GetCurrentRow()); else { const uint32 minutes = static_cast(t / 60.0); const double seconds = t - (minutes * 60); msg.Format(_T("Estimate for playback time at order %d (pattern %d), row %u: %u minute%s %.2f seconds."), currentOrder, m_nPattern, GetCurrentRow(), minutes, (minutes == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"), seconds); } } else { msg.Format(_T("Unable to determine the time: pattern at current order (%d) does not correspond to pattern in pattern view (pattern %d)."), currentOrder, m_nPattern); } Reporting::Notification(msg); } // Set up split keyboard void CViewPattern::SetSplitKeyboardSettings() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; CSplitKeyboardSettings dlg(CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(), pModDoc->GetSoundFile(), pModDoc->GetSplitKeyboardSettings()); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { // Update split keyboard settings in other pattern views pModDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL, SampleHint().Names()); } } // Paste pattern data using the given paste mode. void CViewPattern::ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::PasteModes mode) { if(IsEditingEnabled_bmsg() && PastePattern(m_nPattern, m_Selection.GetUpperLeft(), mode)) { InvalidatePattern(false); SetFocus(); } } // Show plugin editor for plugin assigned to PC Event at the cursor position. void CViewPattern::OnTogglePCNotePluginEditor() { CModDoc *pModDoc = GetDocument(); if(pModDoc == nullptr) return; CSoundFile &sndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if(!sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return; const ModCommand &m = *sndFile.Patterns[m_nPattern].GetpModCommand(m_Selection.GetStartRow(), m_Selection.GetStartChannel()); PLUGINDEX plug = 0; if(!m.IsPcNote()) { // No PC note: Toggle instrument's plugin editor if(m.instr && m.instr <= sndFile.GetNumInstruments() && sndFile.Instruments[m.instr]) { plug = sndFile.Instruments[m.instr]->nMixPlug; } } else { plug = m.instr; } if(plug > 0 && plug <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS) pModDoc->TogglePluginEditor(plug - 1); } // Get the active pattern's rows per beat, or, if they are not overriden, the song's default rows per beat. ROWINDEX CViewPattern::GetRowsPerBeat() const { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return 0; if(!pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetOverrideSignature()) return pSndFile->m_nDefaultRowsPerBeat; else return pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetRowsPerBeat(); } // Get the active pattern's rows per measure, or, if they are not overriden, the song's default rows per measure. ROWINDEX CViewPattern::GetRowsPerMeasure() const { const CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return 0; if(!pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetOverrideSignature()) return pSndFile->m_nDefaultRowsPerMeasure; else return pSndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern].GetRowsPerMeasure(); } // Set instrument void CViewPattern::SetSelectionInstrument(const INSTRUMENTINDEX instr, bool setEmptyInstrument) { CSoundFile *pSndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(pSndFile == nullptr || !pSndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) { return; } BeginWaitCursor(); PrepareUndo(m_Selection, "Set Instrument"); bool modified = false; ApplyToSelection([instr, setEmptyInstrument, &modified] (ModCommand &m, ROWINDEX, CHANNELINDEX) { // If a note or an instr is present on the row, do the change, if required. // Do not set instr if note and instr are both blank, // but set instr if note is a PC note and instr is blank. if(((setEmptyInstrument && (m.IsNote() || m.IsPcNote())) || m.instr != 0) && (m.instr != instr)) { m.instr = static_cast(instr); modified = true; } }); if(modified) { SetModified(); InvalidatePattern(); } EndWaitCursor(); } // Select a whole beat (selectBeat = true) or measure. void CViewPattern::SelectBeatOrMeasure(bool selectBeat) { const ROWINDEX adjust = selectBeat ? GetRowsPerBeat() : GetRowsPerMeasure(); // Snap to start of beat / measure of upper-left corner of current selection const ROWINDEX startRow = m_Selection.GetStartRow() - (m_Selection.GetStartRow() % adjust); // Snap to end of beat / measure of lower-right corner of current selection const ROWINDEX endRow = m_Selection.GetEndRow() + adjust - (m_Selection.GetEndRow() % adjust) - 1; CHANNELINDEX startChannel = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), endChannel = m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); PatternCursor::Columns startColumn = PatternCursor::firstColumn, endColumn = PatternCursor::firstColumn; if(m_Selection.GetUpperLeft() == m_Selection.GetLowerRight()) { // No selection has been made yet => expand selection to whole channel. endColumn = PatternCursor::lastColumn; // Extend to param column } else if(startRow == m_Selection.GetStartRow() && endRow == m_Selection.GetEndRow()) { // Whole beat or measure is already selected if(m_Selection.GetStartColumn() == PatternCursor::firstColumn && m_Selection.GetEndColumn() == PatternCursor::lastColumn) { // Whole channel is already selected => expand selection to whole row. startChannel = 0; startColumn = PatternCursor::firstColumn; endChannel = MAX_BASECHANNELS; endColumn = PatternCursor::lastColumn; } else { // Channel is only partly selected => expand to whole channel first. endColumn = PatternCursor::lastColumn; // Extend to param column } } else { // Some arbitrary selection: Remember start / end column startColumn = m_Selection.GetStartColumn(); endColumn = m_Selection.GetEndColumn(); } SetCurSel(PatternCursor(startRow, startChannel, startColumn), PatternCursor(endRow, endChannel, endColumn)); } // Sweep pattern channel to find instrument number to use void CViewPattern::FindInstrument() { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr) { return; } const auto &order = Order(); ORDERINDEX ord = GetCurrentOrder(); PATTERNINDEX pat = m_nPattern; ROWINDEX row = m_Cursor.GetRow(); while(sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { // Seek upwards do { auto &m = *sndFile->Patterns[pat].GetpModCommand(row, m_Cursor.GetChannel()); if(!m.IsPcNote() && m.instr != 0) { SendCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_SETCURRENTINSTRUMENT, m.instr); static_cast(CWnd::FromHandle(m_hWndCtrl))->InstrumentChanged(m.instr); return; } } while(row-- != 0); // Try previous pattern if(ord == 0) { return; } ord = order.GetPreviousOrderIgnoringSkips(ord); pat = order[ord]; if(!sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { return; } row = sndFile->Patterns[pat].GetNumRows() - 1; } } // Find previous or next column entry (note, instrument, ...) on this channel void CViewPattern::JumpToPrevOrNextEntry(bool nextEntry, bool select) { const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || GetCurrentOrder() >= Order().size()) { return; } const auto &order = Order(); ORDERINDEX ord = GetCurrentOrder(); PATTERNINDEX pat = m_nPattern; CHANNELINDEX chn = m_Cursor.GetChannel(); PatternCursor::Columns column = m_Cursor.GetColumnType(); int32 row = m_Cursor.GetRow(); int direction = nextEntry ? 1 : -1; row += direction; // Don't want to find the cell we're already in while(sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) { while(sndFile->Patterns[pat].IsValidRow(row)) { auto &m = *sndFile->Patterns[pat].GetpModCommand(row, chn); bool found; switch(column) { case PatternCursor::noteColumn: found = m.note != NOTE_NONE; break; case PatternCursor::instrColumn: found = m.instr != 0; break; case PatternCursor::volumeColumn: found = m.volcmd != VOLCMD_NONE; break; case PatternCursor::effectColumn: case PatternCursor::paramColumn: found = m.command != CMD_NONE; break; default: found = false; } if(found) { if(select) { CursorJump(static_cast(row) - m_Cursor.GetRow(), false); } else { SetCurrentOrder(ord); SetCurrentPattern(pat, row); if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_PLAYNAVIGATEROW) { PatternStep(row); } } return; } row += direction; } // Continue search in prev/next pattern (unless we also select - selections cannot span multiple patterns) if(select) return; ORDERINDEX nextOrd = nextEntry ? order.GetNextOrderIgnoringSkips(ord) : order.GetPreviousOrderIgnoringSkips(ord); pat = order[nextOrd]; if(nextOrd == ord || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(pat)) return; ord = nextOrd; row = nextEntry ? 0 : (sndFile->Patterns[pat].GetNumRows() - 1); } } // Copy to clipboard bool CViewPattern::CopyPattern(PATTERNINDEX nPattern, const PatternRect &selection) { BeginWaitCursor(); bool result = PatternClipboard::Copy(*GetSoundFile(), nPattern, selection); EndWaitCursor(); PatternClipboardDialog::UpdateList(); return result; } // Paste from clipboard bool CViewPattern::PastePattern(PATTERNINDEX nPattern, const PatternCursor &pastePos, PatternClipboard::PasteModes mode) { BeginWaitCursor(); PatternEditPos pos; pos.pattern = nPattern; pos.row = pastePos.GetRow(); pos.channel = pastePos.GetChannel(); pos.order = GetCurrentOrder(); PatternRect rect; const bool patternExisted = GetSoundFile()->Patterns.IsValidPat(nPattern); bool orderChanged = false; bool result = PatternClipboard::Paste(*GetSoundFile(), pos, mode, rect, orderChanged); EndWaitCursor(); PatternHint updateHint = PatternHint(PATTERNINDEX_INVALID).Data(); if(pos.pattern != nPattern) { // Multipaste: Switch to pasted pattern. SetCurrentPattern(pos.pattern); SetCurrentOrder(pos.order); } if(orderChanged || (patternExisted != GetSoundFile()->Patterns.IsValidPat(nPattern))) { updateHint.Names(); GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SequenceHint(GetSoundFile()->Order.GetCurrentSequenceIndex()).Data(), nullptr); } if(result) { SetCurSel(rect); GetDocument()->SetModified(); GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(nullptr, updateHint, nullptr); } return result; } template void CViewPattern::ApplyToSelection(Func func) { CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); if(sndFile == nullptr || !sndFile->Patterns.IsValidPat(m_nPattern)) return; auto &pattern = sndFile->Patterns[m_nPattern]; m_Selection.Sanitize(pattern.GetNumRows(), pattern.GetNumChannels()); const CHANNELINDEX startChn = m_Selection.GetStartChannel(), endChn = m_Selection.GetEndChannel(); const ROWINDEX endRow = m_Selection.GetEndRow(); for(ROWINDEX row = m_Selection.GetStartRow(); row <= endRow; row++) { ModCommand *m = pattern.GetpModCommand(row, startChn); for(CHANNELINDEX chn = startChn; chn <= endChn; chn++, m++) { func(*m, row, chn); } } } INT_PTR CViewPattern::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO *pTI) const { CRect rect; const auto item = GetDragItem(point, rect); const auto value = item.Value(); const CSoundFile &sndFile = *GetSoundFile(); mpt::winstring text; switch(item.Type()) { case DragItem::PatternHeader: { text = _T("Show Pattern Properties"); auto keyText = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->m_activeCommandSet->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcShowPatternProperties, 0); if(!keyText.IsEmpty()) text += MPT_CFORMAT(" ({})")(keyText); break; } case DragItem::ChannelHeader: if(value < sndFile.GetNumChannels()) { if(!sndFile.ChnSettings[value].szName.empty()) text = MPT_TFORMAT("{}: {}")(value + 1, mpt::ToWin(sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), sndFile.ChnSettings[value].szName)); else text = MPT_TFORMAT("Channel {}")(value + 1); } break; case DragItem::PluginName: if(value < sndFile.GetNumChannels()) { PLUGINDEX mixPlug = sndFile.ChnSettings[value].nMixPlugin; if(mixPlug && mixPlug <= MAX_MIXPLUGINS) text = MPT_TFORMAT("{}: {}")(mixPlug, mpt::ToWin(sndFile.m_MixPlugins[mixPlug - 1].GetName())); else text = _T("No Plugin"); } break; } if(text.empty()) return CScrollView::OnToolHitTest(point, pTI); pTI->hwnd = m_hWnd; pTI->uId = item.ToIntPtr(); pTI->rect = rect; // MFC will free() the text TCHAR *textP = static_cast(calloc(text.size() + 1, sizeof(TCHAR))); std::copy(text.begin(), text.end(), textP); pTI->lpszText = textP; return item.ToIntPtr(); } // Accessible description for screen readers HRESULT CViewPattern::get_accName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszName) { const ModCommand &m = GetCursorCommand(); const size_t columnIndex = m_Cursor.GetColumnType(); const TCHAR *column = _T(""); static constexpr const TCHAR *regularColumns[] = {_T("Note"), _T("Instrument"), _T("Volume"), _T("Effect"), _T("Parameter")}; static constexpr const TCHAR *pcColumns[] = {_T("Note"), _T("Plugin"), _T("Plugin Parameter"), _T("Parameter Value"), _T("Parameter Value")}; static_assert(PatternCursor::lastColumn + 1 == std::size(regularColumns)); static_assert(PatternCursor::lastColumn + 1 == std::size(pcColumns)); if(m.IsPcNote() && columnIndex < std::size(pcColumns)) column = pcColumns[columnIndex]; else if(!m.IsPcNote() && columnIndex < std::size(regularColumns)) column = regularColumns[columnIndex]; const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile(); const CHANNELINDEX chn = m_Cursor.GetChannel(); const auto channelNumber = mpt::cfmt::val(chn + 1); CString channelName = channelNumber; if(chn < sndFile->GetNumChannels() && !sndFile->ChnSettings[chn].szName.empty()) channelName += _T(": ") + mpt::ToCString(sndFile->GetCharsetInternal(), sndFile->ChnSettings[chn].szName); CString str = TrackerSettings::Instance().patternAccessibilityFormat; str.Replace(_T("%sequence%"), mpt::cfmt::val(sndFile->Order.GetCurrentSequenceIndex())); str.Replace(_T("%order%"), mpt::cfmt::val(GetCurrentOrder())); str.Replace(_T("%pattern%"), mpt::cfmt::val(GetCurrentPattern())); str.Replace(_T("%row%"), mpt::cfmt::val(m_Cursor.GetRow())); str.Replace(_T("%channel%"), channelNumber); str.Replace(_T("%column_type%"), column); str.Replace(_T("%column_description%"), GetCursorDescription()); str.Replace(_T("%channel_name%"), channelName); if(str.IsEmpty()) return CModScrollView::get_accName(varChild, pszName); *pszName = str.AllocSysString(); return S_OK; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END