/* * Message.cpp * ----------- * Purpose: Various functions for processing song messages (allocating, reading from file...) * Notes : Those functions should offer a rather high level of abstraction compared to * previous ways of reading the song messages. There are still many things to do, * though. Future versions of ReadMessage() could e.g. offer charset conversion * and the code is not yet ready for unicode. * Some functions for preparing the message text to be written to a file would * also be handy. * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Message.h" #include "../common/FileReader.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Read song message from a mapped file. // [in] data: pointer to the data in memory that is going to be read // [in] length: number of characters that should be read. Trailing null characters are automatically removed. // [in] lineEnding: line ending formatting of the text in memory. // [out] returns true on success. bool SongMessage::Read(const std::byte *data, size_t length, LineEnding lineEnding) { const char *str = mpt::byte_cast(data); while(length != 0 && str[length - 1] == '\0') { // Ignore trailing null character. length--; } // Simple line-ending detection algorithm. VERY simple. if(lineEnding == leAutodetect) { size_t nCR = 0, nLF = 0, nCRLF = 0; // find CRs, LFs and CRLFs for(size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = str[i]; if(c == '\r') nCR++; else if(c == '\n') nLF++; if(i && str[i - 1] == '\r' && c == '\n') nCRLF++; } // evaluate findings if(nCR == nLF && nCR == nCRLF) lineEnding = leCRLF; else if(nCR && !nLF) lineEnding = leCR; else if(!nCR && nLF) lineEnding = leLF; else lineEnding = leMixed; } size_t finalLength = 0; // calculate the final amount of characters to be allocated. for(size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { finalLength++; if(str[i] == '\r' && lineEnding == leCRLF) i++; // skip the LF } clear(); reserve(finalLength); for(size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = str[i]; switch(c) { case '\r': if(lineEnding != leLF) c = InternalLineEnding; else c = ' '; if(lineEnding == leCRLF) i++; // skip the LF break; case '\n': if(lineEnding != leCR && lineEnding != leCRLF) c = InternalLineEnding; else c = ' '; break; case '\0': c = ' '; break; default: break; } push_back(c); } return true; } bool SongMessage::Read(FileReader &file, const size_t length, LineEnding lineEnding) { FileReader::off_t readLength = std::min(static_cast(length), file.BytesLeft()); FileReader::PinnedView fileView = file.ReadPinnedView(readLength); bool success = Read(fileView.data(), fileView.size(), lineEnding); return success; } // Read comments with fixed line length from a mapped file. // [in] data: pointer to the data in memory that is going to be read // [in] length: number of characters that should be read, not including a possible trailing null terminator (it is automatically appended). // [in] lineLength: The fixed length of a line. // [in] lineEndingLength: The padding space between two fixed lines. (there could for example be a null char after every line) // [out] returns true on success. bool SongMessage::ReadFixedLineLength(const std::byte *data, const size_t length, const size_t lineLength, const size_t lineEndingLength) { if(lineLength == 0) return false; clear(); reserve(length); size_t readPos = 0, writePos = 0; while(readPos < length) { size_t thisLineLength = std::min(lineLength, length - readPos); append(mpt::byte_cast(data) + readPos, thisLineLength); append(1, InternalLineEnding); // Fix weird chars for(size_t pos = writePos; pos < writePos + thisLineLength; pos++) { switch(operator[](pos)) { case '\0': case '\n': case '\r': operator[](pos) = ' '; break; } } readPos += thisLineLength + std::min(lineEndingLength, length - readPos - thisLineLength); writePos += thisLineLength + 1; } return true; } bool SongMessage::ReadFixedLineLength(FileReader &file, const size_t length, const size_t lineLength, const size_t lineEndingLength) { FileReader::off_t readLength = std::min(static_cast(length), file.BytesLeft()); FileReader::PinnedView fileView = file.ReadPinnedView(readLength); bool success = ReadFixedLineLength(fileView.data(), fileView.size(), lineLength, lineEndingLength); return success; } // Retrieve song message. // [in] lineEnding: line ending formatting of the text in memory. // [out] returns formatted song message. std::string SongMessage::GetFormatted(const LineEnding lineEnding) const { std::string comments; comments.reserve(length()); for(auto c : *this) { if(c == InternalLineEnding) { switch(lineEnding) { case leCR: comments.push_back('\r'); break; case leCRLF: comments.push_back('\r'); comments.push_back('\n'); break; case leLF: comments.push_back('\n'); break; default: comments.push_back('\r'); break; } } else { comments.push_back(c); } } return comments; } bool SongMessage::SetFormatted(std::string message, LineEnding lineEnding) { MPT_ASSERT(lineEnding == leLF || lineEnding == leCR || lineEnding == leCRLF); switch(lineEnding) { case leLF: message = mpt::replace(message, std::string("\n"), std::string(1, InternalLineEnding)); break; case leCR: message = mpt::replace(message, std::string("\r"), std::string(1, InternalLineEnding)); break; case leCRLF: message = mpt::replace(message, std::string("\r\n"), std::string(1, InternalLineEnding)); break; default: MPT_ASSERT_NOTREACHED(); break; } if(message == *this) { return false; } assign(std::move(message)); return true; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END