/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nullsoft Database Engine -------------------- codename: Near Death Experience --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual File System --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "../nde.h" #include #include #include #include "Vfs.h" #ifndef EOF #define EOF -1 #endif /* the FILE (fopen/fwrite/etc) implementation for Mac and Linux */ VFILE *Vfnew(const char *fl, const char *mode, int Cached) { if (!fl) return NULL; VFILE *f = (VFILE *)malloc(sizeof(VFILE)); if (!f) return NULL; memset(f, 0, sizeof(VFILE)); #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED f->cached = Cached; #else f->cached = 1; #endif if (!strchr(mode, '+')) { if (strchr(mode, 'r')) f->mode = VFS_READ | VFS_MUSTEXIST; if (strchr(mode, 'w')) f->mode = VFS_WRITE | VFS_CREATE | VFS_NEWCONTENT; if (strchr(mode, 'a')) f->mode = VFS_WRITE | VFS_CREATE | VFS_SEEKEOF; } else { if (strstr(mode, "r+")) f->mode = VFS_WRITE | VFS_MUSTEXIST; if (strstr(mode, "w+")) f->mode = VFS_WRITE | VFS_CREATE | VFS_NEWCONTENT; if (strstr(mode, "a+")) f->mode = VFS_WRITE | VFS_CREATE | VFS_SEEKEOF; } if (f->mode == 0 || ((f->mode & VFS_READ) && (f->mode & VFS_WRITE))) { free(f); return NULL; } snprintf(f->lockname, sizeof(f->lockname), "%s.lock", fl); return f; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VFILE *Vfopen(VFILE *f, const char *fl, const char *mode, int Cached) { if (!f) { f = Vfnew(fl, mode, Cached); if (!f) return 0; } if (!f && !fl) return NULL; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { f->rfile = fopen(fl, mode); if (f->rfile) f->filename = _strdup(fl); } else { free(f); return NULL; } return f; } #endif if (f->mode & VFS_MUSTEXIST) { if (access(fl, 0) != 0) { free(f); return NULL; } } if (!(f->mode & VFS_NEWCONTENT)) { FILE *pf; pf = fopen(fl, "rb"); if (!pf) { f->data = (unsigned char *)calloc(VFILE_INC, 1); if (f->data == NULL) { free(f); return NULL; } f->filesize = 0; f->maxsize = VFILE_INC; } else { fseek(pf, 0, SEEK_END); f->filesize = ftell(pf); fseek(pf, 0, SEEK_SET); f->data = (unsigned char *)calloc(f->filesize, 1); if (f->data == NULL) { free(f); return NULL; } f->maxsize = f->filesize; fread(f->data, f->filesize, 1, pf); fclose(pf); } } if (f->mode & VFS_SEEKEOF) f->ptr = f->filesize; f->filename = strdup(fl); return f; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vfclose(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { free(f->filename); if (f->rfile) fclose(f->rfile); f->rfile=0; // free(f); return; } #endif if (!(f->mode & VFS_WRITE)) { free(f->filename); free(f->data); //free(f); return; } Vsync(f); while (f->locks) Vfunlock(f, 1); free(f->filename); free(f->data); //free(f); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t Vfread(void *ptr, size_t size, VFILE *f) { if (!ptr || !f) return 0; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { return fread(ptr, 1, size, f->rfile); } #endif size_t s = size; if (!s) return 0; if (s + f->ptr > f->filesize) { //FUCKO: remove this if (!(f->ptr < f->filesize)) { // if (!f->flushtable) // this would be ideal, if we could figure out f->flushtable // f->flushtable=MessageBox(g_hwnd,"DB read failed, DB may be corrupted.\r\n\r\n" // "Hit Retry to continue, or Cancel to clear the DB and start over","Winamp Library Error",MB_RETRYCANCEL) == IDCANCEL; //fucko //MessageBox(g_hwnd,"DB read failed, DB may be corrupted. If this error persists, remove all files from the library.", // "Winamp Library Error",MB_OK); return 0; } s = f->filesize - f->ptr; } memcpy(ptr, f->data+f->ptr, s); f->ptr += s; return (s/size); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vfwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, VFILE *f) { if (!ptr || !f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { fwrite(ptr, size*n, f->rfile); return; } #endif f->dirty=1; if (size + f->ptr > f->maxsize) { // grow f->data,f->maxsize to be (size + f->ptr + VFILE_INC-1)&~(VFILE_INC-1) // instead of calling Vgrow again which gets kinda slow size_t newsize=(size + f->ptr + VFILE_INC-1)&~(VFILE_INC-1); f->data=(unsigned char *)realloc(f->data,newsize); if (f->data == NULL) return; memset(f->data+f->maxsize,0,newsize-f->maxsize); f->maxsize=newsize; } memcpy(f->data + f->ptr, ptr, size); f->ptr += size; if (f->ptr > f->filesize) f->filesize = f->ptr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vgrow(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) return; #endif f->data = (unsigned char *)realloc(f->data, f->maxsize + VFILE_INC); f->maxsize += VFILE_INC; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vfputs(char *str, VFILE *f) { if (!f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { fputs(str, f->rfile); return; } #endif Vfwrite(str, strlen(str), f); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vfputc(char c, VFILE *f) { if (!f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { fputc(c, f->rfile); return; } #endif Vfwrite(&c, 1, f); } /* benski> unused: // not mac compliant //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *Vfgets(char *dest, int n, VFILE *f) { if (!f) return NULL; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { #ifdef NDE_NOWIN32FILEIO return fgets(dest, n, f->rfile); #else #error port me! #endif } #endif unsigned char c=0; char *p; int l=0; p = dest; while (l < n && !Vfeof(f)) { c = f->data[f->ptr]; f->ptr++; *p = c; p++; l++; if (c == '\n') { if (!Vfeof(f) && f->data[f->ptr] == '\r') { f->ptr++; } break; } } *p=0; return dest; } */ /* benski> unused: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- char Vfgetc(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return EOF; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) #ifdef NDE_NOWIN32FILEIO return fgetc(f->rfile); #else #error port me# #endif #endif if (!Vfeof(f)) return f->data[f->ptr++]; return EOF; } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long Vftell(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return (unsigned)-1; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { return ftell(f->rfile); } #endif return f->ptr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Vfseek(VFILE *f, long i, int whence) { if (!f) return; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { fseek(f->rfile, i, whence); return; } #endif switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: f->ptr = i; break; case SEEK_CUR: f->ptr += i; break; case SEEK_END: f->ptr = f->filesize+i; break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Vfeof(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return -1; #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { return feof(f->rfile); } #endif return (f->ptr >= f->filesize); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Vsync(VFILE *f) { if (!f) return 0; if (!f->dirty) return 0; if (f->mode & VFS_WRITE) { #ifdef NDE_ALLOW_NONCACHED if (!f->cached) { int p=ftell(f->rfile); fclose(f->rfile); f->rfile = fopen(f->filename, "r+b"); if (!f->rfile) return 1; fseek(f->rfile, p, SEEK_SET); return 0; } #endif char newfn[1024], oldfn[1024]; DWORD mypid=getpid(); snprintf(newfn,sizeof(newfn), "%s.n3w%08X",f->filename,mypid); snprintf(oldfn,sizeof(oldfn), "%s.o1d%08X",f->filename,mypid); unlink(newfn); unlink(oldfn); tryagain: FILE *pf = fopen(newfn, "wb"); if (!pf || fwrite(f->data, f->filesize, 1, pf) != 1) { if (pf) fclose(pf); printf("Error flushing DB to disk (is your drive full?)\n\nHit (R)etry to try again (recommended), or (C)ancel to abort (NOT recommended, and may leave the DB in an unuseable state)"); fflush(stdout); char c; while (1) { scanf("%c", &c); // clear_stdin(); c = toupper(c); if (c == 'R') goto tryagain; else if (c == 'C') break; } unlink(newfn); return 1; } fclose(pf); rename(f->filename,oldfn); // save old file int rv=0; tryagain2: if (rename(newfn,f->filename)) { printf("Error updating DB file on disk. This should never really happen\n\nHit (R)etry to try again (recommended), or (C)ancel to abort (NOT recommended, and may leave the DB in an unuseable state)"); fflush(stdout); char c; while (1) { scanf("%c", &c); // clear_stdin(); c = toupper(c); if (c == 'R') goto tryagain2; else if (c == 'C') break; } rename(oldfn,f->filename); // restore old file rv=1; } // clean up our temp files unlink(oldfn); unlink(newfn); //free(newfn); //free(oldfn); return rv; } f->dirty=0; return 0; } void Vfdestroy(VFILE *f) { // benski> TODO: if (f) { Vfclose(f); while (f->locks) Vfunlock(f, 1); // TODO if (f->mutex) CloseHandle(f->mutex); free(f); } } // benski> TODO implement these with fopen // returns 0 on failure int Vflock(VFILE *fl, bool is_sync) { #ifndef NO_TABLE_WIN32_LOCKING if (!fl) return 0; if (!is_sync && fl->cached) return 1; if (fl->locks++ == 0) { int retry_cnt=0; FILE *fFile; do { fFile = fopen(fl->lockname, "wb"); if (fFile == 0) Sleep(100); } while (fFile == 0 && retry_cnt++ < 100); // try for 10 seconds if (fFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; // db already locked, fail gracefully fl->lockFile = fFile; } #endif return 1; } void Vfunlock(VFILE *fl, bool is_sync) { #ifndef NO_TABLE_WIN32_LOCKING if (!is_sync && fl->cached) return; if (--fl->locks == 0) { if (fl && fl->lockFile && fl->lockFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fclose(fl->lockFile); unlink(fl->lockname); } } #endif }