2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

1293 lines
30 KiB

#include "Main.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "api.h"
#include "timing.h"
#include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
#include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
#include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
#include "WinampAttributes.h"
#include "eq10dsp.h"
#include "../nsutil/pcm.h"
int filter_srate = 0, filter_enabled = 1, filter_top = 0, filter_top2 = 10;
static In_Module* dsp_init_mod = 0;
static int dsp_in_init = 0;
std::vector<In_Module*> in_modules;
In_Module* in_mod = 0;
float preamp_val = 1.0f;
eq10_t* eq = 0;
extern "C" volatile int sa_override;
static void setinfo(int bitrate, int srate, int stereo, int synched);
static void vissa_init(int maxlatency_in_ms, int srate);
static void vissa_deinit();
static int sa_getmode();
static int eq_dosamples_4front(short* samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate);
static int eq_dosamples(short* samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate);
int benskiQ_eq_dosamples(short* samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate);
static int eq_isactive();
static int myisourfile(const char* filename) // mjf bullshit
return 0;
typedef struct _PLUGINORDER
bool found;
static PLUGINORDER preload[] =
// the one plug-in to rule all
{ L"in_mp3.dll", false },
// no extension configuration
{ L"in_avi.dll", false },
{ L"in_cdda.dll", false },
{ L"in_linein.dll", false },
{ L"in_mkv.dll", false },
{ L"in_nsv.dll", false },
{ L"in_swf.dll", false },
{ L"in_vorbis.dll", false },
// extension configuration
{ L"in_mp4.dll", false },
{ L"in_dshow.dll", false }, // load after in_avi and in_mkv as often those extensions are associated with this one as well
{ L"in_flac.dll", false },
{ L"in_flv.dll", false },
{ L"in_wm.dll", false },
// tend to have a lot of extensions so do later
{ L"in_wave.dll", false },
{ L"in_midi.dll", false },
{ L"in_mod.dll", false }
static void LoadInputPlugin(const wchar_t* filename)
wchar_t file[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
PathCombineW(file, PLUGINDIR, filename);
HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryW(file);
if ( hLib == NULL )
In_Module* (*pr)();
pr = (In_Module * (__cdecl*)(void)) GetProcAddress(hLib, "winampGetInModule2");
if ( pr == NULL )
In_Module* mod = pr();
if ( mod == NULL )
int ver = ((mod->version & ~IN_UNICODE) & ~IN_INIT_RET);
if ( !(ver == IN_VER || ver == IN_VER_OLD) )
if ( g_safeMode )
char desc[128] = { 0 };
lstrcpynA(desc, mod->description, sizeof(desc));
if ( desc[0] && !memcmp(desc, "nullsoft(", 9) )
char* p = strrchr(desc, ')');
if ( p )
*p = 0;
if ( _wcsicmp(filename, AutoWide(desc + 9)) )
mod->hDllInstance = hLib;
mod->dsp_dosamples = eq_dosamples;
mod->dsp_isactive = eq_isactive;
mod->SAGetMode = sa_getmode;
mod->SAAdd = (int(__cdecl*)(void*, int, int))sa_add;
mod->SAVSAInit = vissa_init;
mod->SAVSADeInit = vissa_deinit;
mod->VSASetInfo = vis_setinfo;
mod->VSAAdd = vsa_add;
mod->VSAGetMode = vsa_getmode;
mod->SAAddPCMData = sa_addpcmdata;
mod->VSAAddPCMData = vsa_addpcmdata;
mod->hMainWindow = hMainWindow;
mod->SetInfo = NULL;
mod->UsesOutputPlug &= ~(2 | 4 | 8 | 16);
if ( !_wcsicmp(filename, L"in_mjf.dll") )
mod->IsOurFile = myisourfile;
// add 5.66+ to do better error handling on issues, etc
if ( mod->version & IN_INIT_RET )
mod->service = WASABI_API_SVC;
int ret = mod->Init();
if ( (mod->version & IN_INIT_RET) && (ret == IN_INIT_FAILURE) )
if ( mod->SetInfo )
char* p = (char*)mod->SetInfo;
if ( p && *p )
StringCchCatA(metric_plugin_list, 512, ":");
StringCchCatA(metric_plugin_list, 512, p);
mod->SetInfo = setinfo;
if ( !g_has_video_plugin )
int (*gefiW)(const wchar_t* fn, const char* data, wchar_t* dest, int destlen);
gefiW = (int(__cdecl*)(const wchar_t*, const char*, wchar_t*, int))GetProcAddress(hLib, "winampGetExtendedFileInfoW");
if ( gefiW )
wchar_t dest[16] = { 0 };
gefiW(L"", "type", dest, 16);
if ( _wtoi(dest) == 1 ) g_has_video_plugin = 1;
int (*gefi)(const char* fn, const char* data, char* dest, int destlen);
gefi = (int(__cdecl*)(const char*, const char*, char*, int))GetProcAddress(hLib, "winampGetExtendedFileInfo");
if ( gefi )
char dest[16] = { 0 };
gefi("", "type", dest, 16);
if ( atoi(dest) == 1 ) g_has_video_plugin = 1;
int in_init()
// input plugins require the main window, at least for IPC calls
if ( !CreateMainWindow() )
return FALSE;
int i = 0, count = sizeof(preload) / sizeof(PLUGINORDER);
for ( ; i < count; i++ )
WIN32_FIND_DATAW d = { 0 };
wchar_t dirstr[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
PathCombineW(dirstr, PLUGINDIR, L"IN_*.DLL");
HANDLE h = FindFirstFileW(dirstr, &d);
for ( i = 0; i < count && (preload[i].found || lstrcmpiW(preload[i].name, d.cFileName)); i++ );
if ( i == count ) LoadInputPlugin(d.cFileName);
else preload[i].found = true;
} while ( FindNextFileW(h, &d) );
if ( (g_no_video_loaded = _r_i("no_video", 0)) ) g_has_video_plugin = 0;
return TRUE;
In_Module* g_in_infobox = 0;
void in_deinit()
size_t x = in_modules.size();
while ( x-- )
In_Module*& mod = in_modules[x];
// make sure there's something valid due to the dynamic unload changes in 5.5+
if ( mod != g_in_infobox && mod )
//HINSTANCE hLib = mod->hDllInstance;
//FreeLibrary(hLib); // benski> we're just going to let it leak because it might be subclassing
mod = 0;
In_Module* in_setmod_noplay(const wchar_t* filename, int* start_offs)
size_t x;
char ext[128] = { 0 };
extension_ex(AutoChar(filename), ext, sizeof(ext));
for ( x = start_offs ? *start_offs : 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
if ( InW_IsOurFile(in_modules[x], filename) )
if ( start_offs )
*start_offs = (int)x;
if ( !in_modules[x]->hMainWindow )
in_modules[x]->hMainWindow = hMainWindow;
return in_modules[x];
for ( x = start_offs ? *start_offs : 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
if ( in_modules[x] )
char* allExtension = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
while ( allExtension && *allExtension )
char* splitterBuffer = allExtension;
char* extensionBuffer;
// string split on ';'
char currentExtension[20] = { 0 };
lstrcpynA(currentExtension, splitterBuffer, 20);
if ( (extensionBuffer = strstr(splitterBuffer, ";")) )
if ( (extensionBuffer - splitterBuffer) < 15 )
currentExtension[extensionBuffer - splitterBuffer] = 0;
//d[lstrlen(splitterBuffer)] = 0;
if ( !lstrcmpiA(ext, currentExtension) )
if ( start_offs )
*start_offs = (int)x;
if ( !in_modules[x]->hMainWindow )
in_modules[x]->hMainWindow = hMainWindow;
return in_modules[x];
splitterBuffer = extensionBuffer + 1;
} while ( extensionBuffer );
allExtension += lstrlenA(allExtension) + 1;
if ( !*allExtension )
allExtension += lstrlenA(allExtension) + 1;
if ( start_offs )
*start_offs = -1;
return 0;
static int r;
const wchar_t* p;
if ( PathFindExtensionW(filename)[0] && (p = wcsstr(filename, L"://")) && (p = wcsstr(p, L"?")) )
wchar_t* d = _wcsdup(filename);
In_Module* v;
d[p - filename] = 0;
v = in_setmod_noplay(d, 0);
return v;
if ( !config_defext[0] || config_defext[0] == ' ' )
StringCchCopyA(config_defext, 32, "mp3");
if ( !r )
wchar_t a[128] = L"hi.";
In_Module* v;
MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_ACP, 0, config_defext, -1, a + 3, 120);
r = 1;
v = in_setmod_noplay(a, 0);
r = 0;
return v;
return 0;
In_Module* in_setmod(const wchar_t* filename)
In_Module* i = in_setmod_noplay(filename, 0);
if ( !i ) return 0;
int t;
for ( t = 0; out_modules[t] && _stricmp(config_outname, (char*)out_modules[t]->id); t++ );
if ( !out_modules[t] )
for ( t = 0; out_modules[t]; t++ )
if ( !_stricmp("out_ds.dll", (char*)out_modules[t]->id) )
else if ( !_stricmp("out_wave.dll", (char*)out_modules[t]->id) )
if ( !out_modules[t] )
return (In_Module*)-31337;
// TODO only call out_changed(..) if we are different from before
// though currently changing the output prefs and playing a
// new track will generate a change (which is expected but
// it might be assumed to be wrong so may need to document)
int changed = 0;
if ( !i->outMod || i->outMod && i->outMod->hDllInstance != out_modules[t]->hDllInstance )
changed = 1;
if ( i->outMod ) out_changed(i->outMod->hDllInstance, OUT_UNSET | OUT_PLAYBACK);
i->outMod = out_modules[t];
i->outMod->hMainWindow = hMainWindow;
if ( changed ) out_changed(i->outMod->hDllInstance, OUT_SET | OUT_PLAYBACK);
if ( i->outMod ) out_changed(i->outMod->hDllInstance, OUT_UNSET | OUT_PLAYBACK);
i->outMod = NULL;
return i;
void in_flush(int ms)
if ( in_mod && in_mod->outMod )
int in_getouttime(void)
if ( in_mod ) return in_mod->GetOutputTime();
return 0;
int in_getlength(void)
if ( in_mod )
int t = in_mod->GetLength() / 1000;
if ( t < 1 && t != -1 )
t = 1;
return t;
return -1;
void in_pause(int p)
if ( in_mod )
if ( p )
void in_setvol(int v)
if ( in_mod )
if ( config_eq_ws && config_eq_open )
draw_eq_tbar(GetForegroundWindow() == hEQWindow ? 1 : (config_hilite ? 0 : 1));
//////CefRefPtr<wa_Cef_App> l_CefApp = wa_Cef_App::GetInstance();
//////if ( l_CefApp.get() != nullptr )
////// l_CefApp.get()->setVolume( v );
void in_setpan(int p)
if ( in_mod )
if ( config_eq_ws && config_eq_open )
draw_eq_tbar(GetForegroundWindow() == hEQWindow ? 1 : (config_hilite ? 0 : 1));
int in_seek(int time_in_ms)
if ( in_mod )
return 0;
extern "C" int g_need_trusted_dsp = 0;
int in_open(const wchar_t* fn)
in_mod = in_setmod(fn);
if ( (int)in_mod <= 0 ) return (!in_mod ? 1 : *(int*)in_mod);
dsp_in_init = 0;
dsp_init_mod = in_mod;
filter_srate = 0;
int r = InW_Play(in_mod, fn);
return r;
void in_close(void)
if ( in_mod )
if ( NULL != eq )
eq = NULL;
enum FileInfoMode
int ModernInfoBox(In_Module* in, FileInfoMode mode, const wchar_t* filename, HWND parent);
typedef int(__cdecl* UseUnifiedFileInfoDlg)(const wchar_t* fn);
int in_infobox(HWND hwnd, const wchar_t* fn)
const wchar_t* p = wcsstr(fn, L"");
if ( p ) return 0;
if ( g_in_infobox ) return 0;
In_Module* mod = in_setmod_noplay(fn, 0);
if ( !mod ) return 0;
g_in_infobox = mod;
UseUnifiedFileInfoDlg uufid = (UseUnifiedFileInfoDlg)GetProcAddress(mod->hDllInstance, "winampUseUnifiedFileInfoDlg");
// focus often gets reverted back to the main window after this dialog
// so we will remember what window used to have focus
HWND oldFocus = GetFocus();
int a = 0;
int ret = 0;
if ( uufid ) {
ret = uufid(fn);
if ( ret == 1 ) {
a = ModernInfoBox(mod, FILEINFO_MODE_0, fn, hwnd);
else if ( ret == 2 )
a = ModernInfoBox(mod, FILEINFO_MODE_1, fn, hwnd);
if ( ret == 0 ) {
// added 5.66 so plug-ins can get a hint that something may change...
a = InW_InfoBox(mod, fn, hwnd);
if ( !a )
g_in_infobox = 0;
return a;
static void AddFilterString(char* p, size_t size, const char* a)
while ( a && *a )
char* t = 0;
StringCchCatExA(p, size, ";*.", &t, &size, 0);
t = p + lstrlenA(p);
while ( a && *a && *a != ';' ) *t++ = *a++;
*t = 0;
if ( a ) a++;
if ( a && a[-1] ) continue;
if ( !*a ) break;
if ( a ) a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
char* in_getfltstr()
int in_mod = -1;
int in_wave = -1;
size_t size = 256 * 1024;
char* buf = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size); // this is gay, should have a growing buffer or somethin.
char* p = buf;
size_t x;
getString(IDS_ALLTYPES, p, size);
p = p + lstrlenA(p) + 1;
wchar_t playlistString[1024] = { 0 };
playlistManager->GetFilterList(playlistString, 1024);
WideCharToMultiByteSZ(CP_ACP, 0, playlistString, -1, p, (int)size, 0, 0);
for ( x = 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
if ( a && *a )
/* we want to skip in_mod and in_wave because they have TOO MANY extensions and we are limited to MAX_PATH (260)
we'll tack them at the end just in case we have enough room for 'em */
if ( in_mod < 0 && !strncmp(a, "mod;", 4) )
in_mod = (int)x;
else if ( in_wave < 0 && strstr(a, "aiff") ) // detection for in_wave. not the best but should work
in_wave = (int)x;
else AddFilterString(p, size, a);
/* add in_wave and in_mod last */
if ( in_wave >= 0 )
AddFilterString(p, size, in_modules[in_wave]->FileExtensions);
if ( in_mod >= 0 ) // fuck you in_mod :)
AddFilterString(p, size, in_modules[in_mod]->FileExtensions);
p = p + lstrlenA(p) + 1;
getString(IDS_PLAYLISTSTRING, p, size - (p - buf));
p += lstrlenA(p) + 1;
playlistManager->GetFilterList(playlistString, 1024);
WideCharToMultiByteSZ(CP_ACP, 0, playlistString, -1, p, (int)size, 0, 0);
p += lstrlenA(p) + 1;
for ( x = 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
while ( a && *a )
char* b = a;
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( !*a ) break;
StringCchCopyExA(p, size, a, &p, &size, 0);
char* c;
StringCchCopyA(p, size, "*.");
StringCchCatA(p, size, b);
if ( (b = strstr(b, ";")) ) b++;
if ( (c = strstr(p, ";")) ) c[1] = 0;
p += lstrlenA(p);
} while ( b );
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
StringCchCopyExA(p, size, getString(IDS_OFD_ALL_FILES, NULL, 0), &p, &size, 0);
p++; size--;
lstrcpynA(p, "*.*", (int)size);
p += 3;
*p = 0;
char* newbuf;
size = p + 5 - buf;
newbuf = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size);
memcpy(newbuf, buf, size);
return newbuf;
static void AddFilterStringW(wchar_t* p, size_t& size, const char* a, BOOL skip)
while ( a && *a )
wchar_t* t = 0;
StringCchCatExW(p, size, ((*p) ? L";*." : L"*."), &t, &size, 0);
size_t extsize = 0;
while ( a[extsize] && a[extsize] != ';' )
*(t += MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_ACP, 0, a, (int)extsize, t, (int)size) - 1);
a += extsize + 1;
if ( a[-1] ) continue;
if ( !*a ) break;
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
// limit the length of the filter to fit into MAX_PATH otherwise
// if things go past this then mainly for the all supported type
// it can sometimes act like *.* due to where the filter is cut
if ( !skip && lstrlenW(p) >= MAX_PATH )
// if we end with a . then need to fake things to act like a new
// filter since windows will interpret the . as a *.* which is bad
if ( *(p + MAX_PATH) == L'.' )
*(p + MAX_PATH - 1) = 0;
*(p + MAX_PATH) = 0;
static wchar_t* inc(wchar_t* p, size_t& size, int extra = 0)
int len = lstrlenW(p) + extra;
size -= len;
p += len;
return p;
wchar_t* in_getfltstrW(BOOL skip)
int in_mod = -1;
int in_wave = -1;
size_t size = 256 * 1024;
wchar_t* buf = (wchar_t*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size * sizeof(wchar_t)); // this is gay, should have a growing buffer or somethin.
wchar_t* p = buf, * ps;
*p = 0;
size_t x = 0;
int cnt = lstrlenW(getStringW(IDS_ALLTYPES, buf, size)) + 1;
p += cnt; size -= cnt;
if ( playlistManager )
playlistManager->GetExtensionList(p, size);
size -= lstrlenW(p);
ps = p;
for ( x = 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
if ( a && *a )
/* we want to skip in_mod and in_wave because they have TOO MANY extensions and we are limited to MAX_PATH (260)
we'll tack them at the end just in case we have enough room for 'em */
if ( in_mod < 0 && !strncmp(a, "mod;", 4) )
in_mod = (int)x;
else if ( in_wave < 0 && strstr(a, "aiff") ) // detection for in_wave. not the best but should work
in_wave = (int)x;
else AddFilterStringW(p, size, a, skip);
/* add in_wave and in_mod last */
if ( in_wave >= 0 )
AddFilterStringW(p, size, in_modules[in_wave]->FileExtensions, skip);
if ( in_mod >= 0 ) // fuck you in_mod :)
AddFilterStringW(p, size, in_modules[in_mod]->FileExtensions, skip);
if ( *p )
p += lstrlenW(p) + 1; // don't decrement size here cause it was done already
// uppercase the extensions so is consistent as can be
CharUpperBuffW(ps, 256 * 1024 - (p - ps));
if ( playlistManager )
wchar_t ext[512] = { 0 };
playlistManager->GetExtensionList(ext, 512);
StringCchPrintfW(p, size, getStringW(IDS_PLAYLISTSTRING_NEW, NULL, 0), ext);
int cnt = lstrlenW(p) + 1;
p += cnt; size -= cnt;
StringCchCatW(p, size, ext);
p = inc(p, size, 1);
for ( x = 0; x < in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
while ( a && *a )
char* b = a;
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( !*a ) break;
// adjust down by 1 so that we have the actual string length exluding null termination
int cnt = MultiByteToWideCharSZ(CP_ACP, 0, a, -1, p, (int)size) - 1;
p += cnt; size -= cnt;
wchar_t* c = 0;
StringCchCopyW(p, size, L"*.");
StringCchCatW(p, size, AutoWide(b));
if ( (b = strstr(b, ";")) ) b++;
if ( (c = wcsstr(p, L";")) ) c[1] = 0;
p = inc(p, size);
} while ( b );
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
StringCchCopyExW(p, size, getStringW(IDS_OFD_ALL_FILES, NULL, 0), &p, &size, 0);
p++; size--;
lstrcpynW(p, L"*.*", (int)size);
p += 3;
*p = 0;
wchar_t* newbuf = 0;
size = p + 5 - buf;
newbuf = (wchar_t*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size * sizeof(wchar_t));
memcpy(newbuf, buf, size * sizeof(wchar_t));
return newbuf;
char* in_getextlist()
size_t x;
char* mem = NULL, * p;
int size = 1024;
std::vector<LPSTR> exts;
for ( x = 0; x != in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
while ( a && *a )
char* b = a, * c = 0;
c = strstr(b, ";");
if ( c )
char temp[32] = { 0 };
lstrcpynA(temp, b, c - b + 1);
int count = CharUpperBuffA(temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp));
bool skip = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++ )
if ( !stricmp(exts[i], temp) )
skip = true;
if ( !skip )
size += count + 2;
char temp[32] = { 0 };
lstrcpynA(temp, b, c - b + 1);
int count = CharUpperBuffA(temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp));
bool skip = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++ )
if ( !stricmp(exts[i], temp) )
skip = true;
if ( !skip )
size += count + 2;
b = c + 1;
} while ( c && *c );
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( !*a ) break;
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( size > 0 )
p = mem = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size);
for ( x = 0; x != exts.size(); x++ )
char* e = exts[x];
if ( e && *e )
lstrcpynA(p, e, 32);
p += lstrlenA(p) + 1;
*p = 0;
return mem;
wchar_t* in_getextlistW()
size_t x = 0;
wchar_t* mem = NULL, * p = 0;
int size = 0;
std::vector<LPWSTR> exts;
for ( x = 0; x != in_modules.size(); x++ )
char* a = in_modules[x]->FileExtensions;
while ( a && *a )
char* b = a, * c;
wchar_t temp[32] = { 0 };
c = strstr(b, ";");
if ( c )
int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, b, c - b, 0, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, b, c - b, temp, count);
CharUpperBuffW(temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp));
bool skip = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++ )
if ( !wcsicmp(exts[i], temp) )
skip = true;
if ( !skip )
size += count + 2;
int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, b, -1, 0, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, b, -1, temp, count);
CharUpperBuffW(temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp));
bool skip = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++ )
if ( !wcsicmp(exts[i], temp) )
skip = true;
if ( !skip )
size += count + 2;
b = c + 1;
} while ( c && *c );
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( !*a ) break;
a += lstrlenA(a) + 1;
if ( size > 0 )
p = mem = (wchar_t*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size * sizeof(wchar_t));
for ( x = 0; x != exts.size(); x++ )
wchar_t* e = exts[x];
if ( e && *e )
lstrcpynW(p, e, 32);
p += lstrlenW(p) + 1;
*p = 0;
return mem;
static void vissa_init(int maxlatency_in_ms, int srate)
g_srate_exact = srate;
int nf = MulDiv(maxlatency_in_ms * 4, srate, 450000);
//int nf = maxlatency_in_ms/5;
vu_init(nf, srate);
static void vissa_deinit()
static void setinfo(int bitrate, int srate, int stereo, int synched)
int last_brate = g_brate, last_srate = g_srate, last_nch = g_nch;
if ( stereo != -1 )
g_nch = stereo;
// dynamic channels
if ( g_nch > 0 )
if ( NULL != eq ) { free(eq); eq = NULL; }
eq = (eq10_t*)calloc(g_nch, sizeof(eq10_t));
if ( NULL == eq )
// bad. Need to handle this.
g_nch = 0;
eq_set(config_use_eq, (char*)eq_tab, config_preamp);
if ( bitrate != -1 && srate != -1 )
g_need_titleupd = 1;
if ( bitrate != -1 )
g_brate = bitrate;
if ( srate != -1 )
g_srate = srate;
switch ( srate )
case 11:
g_srate_exact = 11025; break;
case 22:
g_srate_exact = 22050; break;
case 44:
g_srate_exact = 44100; break;
case 88:
g_srate_exact = 88200; break;
g_srate_exact = srate * 1000; break;
if ( bitrate != -1 || srate != -1 || stereo != -1 )
static unsigned int last_t;
unsigned int now = GetTickCount();
//detect wrap with the first one
if ( now < last_t || now > last_t + 500 || last_brate != g_brate || last_srate != g_srate || last_nch != g_nch )
last_t = now;
PostMessageW(hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, IPC_CB_MISC_INFO, IPC_CB_MISC);
if ( synched != -1 || stereo != -1 )
g_need_infoupd = synched | (stereo != -1 ? 8 : 4) | (g_need_infoupd & 8);
static int sa_getmode()
if ( sa_override ) return 3;
if ( sa_curmode == 4 && !config_mw_open && config_pe_open )
return 1;
return sa_curmode;
static int eq_isactive()
int r = dsp_isactive();
if ( r ) return 1;
if ( in_mod && !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN) && config_replaygain.GetBool() && (config_replaygain_non_rg_gain.GetFloat() != 0) ) return 1;
if ( in_mod && !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN_PREAMP) && config_replaygain.GetBool() && (config_replaygain_preamp.GetFloat() != 0) ) return 1;
if ( filter_enabled ) return 2;
return 0;
static float eq_lookup1[64] = {
4.000000f, 3.610166f, 3.320019f, 3.088821f, 2.896617f,
2.732131f, 2.588368f, 2.460685f, 2.345845f, 2.241498f,
2.145887f, 2.057660f, 1.975760f, 1.899338f, 1.827707f,
1.760303f, 1.696653f, 1.636363f, 1.579094f, 1.524558f,
1.472507f, 1.422724f, 1.375019f, 1.329225f, 1.285197f,
1.242801f, 1.201923f, 1.162456f, 1.124306f, 1.087389f,
1.051628f, 1.000000f, 0.983296f, 0.950604f, 0.918821f,
0.887898f, 0.857789f, 0.828454f, 0.799853f, 0.771950f,
0.744712f, 0.718108f, 0.692110f, 0.666689f, 0.641822f,
0.617485f, 0.593655f, 0.570311f, 0.547435f, 0.525008f,
0.503013f, 0.481433f, 0.460253f, 0.439458f, 0.419035f,
0.398970f, 0.379252f, 0.359868f, 0.340807f, 0.322060f,
0.303614f, 0.285462f, 0.267593f, 0.250000f
///////////////// EQ CODE /////////////////////////
static int __inline float_to_int(double a)
a += ((((65536.0 * 65536.0 * 16) + (65536.0 * 0.5)) * 65536.0));
return ((*(int*)&a) - 0x80000000);
float* splbuf = 0;
int splbuf_alloc = 0;
float eqt[10] = { 0 };
static void FillFloat(float* floatBuf, void* samples, size_t bps, size_t numSamples, size_t numChannels, float preamp)
nsutil_pcm_IntToFloat_Interleaved_Gain(floatBuf, samples, (int)bps, numSamples * numChannels, preamp);
static void FillSamples(void* samples, float* floatBuf, size_t bps, size_t numSamples, size_t numChannels)
nsutil_pcm_FloatToInt_Interleaved(samples, floatBuf, (int)bps, numSamples * numChannels);
static float NonReplayGainAdjust()
if ( !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN) && config_replaygain.GetBool() )
return pow(10.0f, (float)config_replaygain_non_rg_gain / 20.0f);
return 1.0f;
static float ReplayGainPreamp()
if ( !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN_PREAMP) && config_replaygain.GetBool() )
return pow(10.0f, (float)config_replaygain_preamp / 20.0f);
return 1.0f;
static int eq_dosamples_4front(short* samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate)
g_srate_exact = srate;
//char *csamples = (char *)samples;
short* oldsamples = samples;
if ( filter_enabled && in_mod && !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_EQ) )
if ( !eq || filter_srate != srate )
if ( !eq ) eq = (eq10_t*)calloc(nch, sizeof(eq10_t));
eq10_setup(eq, nch, (float)srate); // initialize
for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ )
eq10_setgain(eq, nch, x, eqt[x]);
filter_srate = srate;
if ( splbuf_alloc < numsamples * nch )
int new_splbuf_alloc = numsamples * nch;
float* new_splbuf = (float*)realloc(splbuf, 2 * sizeof(float) * new_splbuf_alloc);
if ( new_splbuf )
splbuf_alloc = new_splbuf_alloc;
splbuf = new_splbuf;
if ( splbuf && eq )
int y = nch * numsamples;
FillFloat(splbuf, samples, bps, numsamples, nch, preamp_val * NonReplayGainAdjust() * ReplayGainPreamp());
for ( int x = 0; x < nch; x++ )
eq10_processf(eq + x, splbuf, splbuf + y, numsamples, x, nch);
FillSamples(samples, splbuf + y, bps, numsamples, nch);
else if ( !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN) && config_replaygain.GetBool() && (config_replaygain_non_rg_gain.GetFloat() != 0) )
if ( splbuf_alloc < numsamples * nch )
int new_splbuf_alloc = numsamples * nch;
float* new_splbuf = (float*)realloc(splbuf, 2 * sizeof(float) * new_splbuf_alloc);
if ( new_splbuf )
splbuf_alloc = new_splbuf_alloc;
splbuf = new_splbuf;
if ( splbuf )
FillFloat(splbuf, samples, bps, numsamples, nch, NonReplayGainAdjust() * ReplayGainPreamp());
FillSamples(samples, splbuf, bps, numsamples, nch);
else if ( !(in_mod->UsesOutputPlug & IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN_PREAMP) && config_replaygain.GetBool() && (config_replaygain_preamp.GetFloat() != 0) )
if ( splbuf_alloc < numsamples * nch )
int new_splbuf_alloc = numsamples * nch;
float* new_splbuf = (float*)realloc(splbuf, 2 * sizeof(float) * new_splbuf_alloc);
if ( new_splbuf )
splbuf_alloc = new_splbuf_alloc;
splbuf = new_splbuf;
if ( splbuf )
FillFloat(splbuf, samples, bps, numsamples, nch, ReplayGainPreamp());
FillSamples(samples, splbuf, bps, numsamples, nch);
filter_srate = 0;
return dsp_dosamples(oldsamples, numsamples, bps, nch, srate);
static __inline double VALTODB(int v)
v -= 31;
if ( v < -31 ) v = -31;
if ( v > 32 ) v = 32;
if ( v > 0 ) return -12.0 * (v / 32.0);
else if ( v < 0 )
return -12.0 * (v / 31.0);
return 0.0f;
static void eq_set_4front(char data[10])
if ( !eq )
for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ )
eqt[x] = (float)VALTODB(data[x]);
if ( filter_srate ) eq10_setgain(eq, g_nch, x, eqt[x]);
static bool eq_do_first = true;
static int startup_config_eq_type = EQ_TYPE_4FRONT;
void benskiQ_eq_set(char data[10]);
void eq_set(int on, char data[10], int preamp)
if ( eq_do_first )
startup_config_eq_type = config_eq_type;
eq_do_first = false;
int x;
if ( in_mod && in_mod->EQSet ) in_mod->EQSet(on, data, preamp);
for ( x = 9; x >= 0 && data[x] == 31; x++ );
if ( x >= 0 )
filter_top2 = x;
for ( x = 0; x < 10 && data[x] == 31; x++ );
if ( !on || (preamp == 31 && x == 10) )
filter_enabled = 0;
else filter_enabled = 1;
preamp_val = (float)eq_lookup1[preamp];
if ( startup_config_eq_type == EQ_TYPE_4FRONT )
if ( startup_config_eq_type == EQ_TYPE_CONSTANT_Q )
static int eq_dosamples(short* samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate)
if ( eq_do_first )
startup_config_eq_type = config_eq_type;
eq_do_first = false;
if ( startup_config_eq_type == EQ_TYPE_4FRONT )
return eq_dosamples_4front(samples, numsamples, bps, nch, srate);
return benskiQ_eq_dosamples(samples, numsamples, bps, nch, srate);