2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

78 lines
3.1 KiB

You can enable more powerful views using the custom query language.
The basic format is:
<field> <comparison> [value] [<logic operator> <field> <comparison> [value] [...]]
Field names:
TYPE: 0 for audio files, 1 for video files
FILENAME: Full filename (including path)
LENGTH: Length, in seconds (or hh:mm:ss)
ARTIST: Artist
ALBUM: Album
TITLE: Title
TRACKNO: Track number of file
GENRE: Genre
YEAR: Year
COMMENT: Comment
COMPOSER: Composer
DISC: Disc number of a CD set
FILESIZE: File size, in kilobytes
FILETIME: Last known file date/time on disk
LASTUPD: Date/time of file imported to library or modified in library
LASTPLAY: Date/time of last play
RATING: Rating value (1-5, or 0 or empty for unrated)
PLAYCOUNT: Number of plays
PUBLISHER: Publisher or record label
DIRECTOR: Film director (for videos)
PRODUCER: Film or Record producer
CATEGORY: Category
BITRATE: Bitrate (in KBPS)
TRACKS: Total number of tracks on the disc
DISCS: Total number of discs in the set
ISPODCAST: 1 for a podcast episode, 0 otherwise
PODCASTCHANNEL: The name of the channel for a podcast
PODCASTPUBDATE: Date/time when the podcast was published
LOSSLESS: Shows lossless audio formats, e.g. lossless=1
Comparison operators:
'=': String or integer equals value
'!=': String or integer does not equal value
'<': String or integer is less than value
'>': String or integer is greater than value
'<=': String or integer is less than or equal to value
'>=': String or integer is greater than or equal to value
HAS: String contains value
NOTHAS: String does not contain value
LIKE: String is similar to value ("the" and whitespace are ignored)
BEGINS: String begins with value
BEGINSLIKE: String begins like value
ENDS: String ends with value
ISEMPTY: (no comparison value required) TRUE if <field> is empty
ISNOTEMPTY: (no comparison value required) TRUE if <field> is not empty
"strings with spaces" or strings_without_spaces
integers can be "32" or just 32
integers for LENGTH can be a plain integer (seconds), or mm:ss or hh:mm:ss
date/timestamps should be [datetime data], which can be either an absolute
or relative time. i.e.: [3 weeks ago], [18:15], [05/30/2003],
[yesterday noon], [3 days ago 5 pm], [now], [5 mn before may 30th], etc.
Logic operators:
&&, &, or AND: boolean AND two comparisons
||, |, or OR: boolean OR two comparisons
!, or NOT: prefix this to an expression for the boolean NOT of that expression
all video files: type = 1
audio by Air longer than 4 minutes: type = 0 & artist = "air" & length > 4:00
all files on drive C: filename BEGINS C:
high rated items that haven't been played lately: rating > 3 & lastplay < [1 week ago]
newly added items that haven't been played yet: lastupd >= [yesterday] & playcount <= 0
Note that you can also use this syntax in the search field of views. Simply prefix a '?' or 'query:' to your search string