2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

138 lines
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#include "out.h"
// note: exported symbol is now winampGetInModule2.
#define IN_UNICODE 0x0F000000
#define in_char wchar_t
#define IN_VER (IN_UNICODE | 0x100)
#define in_char char
#define IN_VER 0x100
// By default, Winamp assumes that your input plugin wants to use Winamp's EQ, and doesn't do replay gain
// if you handle any of these yourself (EQ, Replay Gain adjustments), then set these flags accordingly
#define IN_MODULE_FLAG_EQ 2 // set this if you do your own EQ
#define IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN 8 // set this if you adjusted volume for replay gain
// for tracks with no replay gain metadata, you should clear this flag
// UNLESS you handle "non_replaygain" gain adjustment yourself
#define IN_MODULE_FLAG_REPLAYGAIN_PREAMP 16 // use this if you queried for the replay gain preamp parameter and used it
// this parameter is new to 5.54
typedef struct
int version; // module type (IN_VER)
char *description; // description of module, with version string
HWND hMainWindow; // winamp's main window (filled in by winamp)
HINSTANCE hDllInstance; // DLL instance handle (Also filled in by winamp)
char *FileExtensions; // "mp3\0Layer 3 MPEG\0mp2\0Layer 2 MPEG\0mpg\0Layer 1 MPEG\0"
// May be altered from Config, so the user can select what they want
int is_seekable; // is this stream seekable?
int UsesOutputPlug; // does this plug-in use the output plug-ins? (musn't ever change, ever :)
// note that this has turned into a "flags" field
void (*Config)(HWND hwndParent); // configuration dialog
void (*About)(HWND hwndParent); // about dialog
void (*Init)(); // called at program init
void (*Quit)(); // called at program quit
void (*GetFileInfo)(const in_char *file, in_char *title, int *length_in_ms); // if file == NULL, current playing is used
int (*InfoBox)(const in_char *file, HWND hwndParent);
int (*IsOurFile)(const in_char *fn); // called before extension checks, to allow detection of mms://, etc
// playback stuff
int (*Play)(const in_char *fn); // return zero on success, -1 on file-not-found, some other value on other (stopping winamp) error
void (*Pause)(); // pause stream
void (*UnPause)(); // unpause stream
int (*IsPaused)(); // ispaused? return 1 if paused, 0 if not
void (*Stop)(); // stop (unload) stream
// time stuff
int (*GetLength)(); // get length in ms
int (*GetOutputTime)(); // returns current output time in ms. (usually returns outMod->GetOutputTime()
void (*SetOutputTime)(int time_in_ms); // seeks to point in stream (in ms). Usually you signal your thread to seek, which seeks and calls outMod->Flush()..
// volume stuff
void (*SetVolume)(int volume); // from 0 to 255.. usually just call outMod->SetVolume
void (*SetPan)(int pan); // from -127 to 127.. usually just call outMod->SetPan
// in-window builtin vis stuff
void (*SAVSAInit)(int maxlatency_in_ms, int srate); // call once in Play(). maxlatency_in_ms should be the value returned from outMod->Open()
// call after opening audio device with max latency in ms and samplerate
void (*SAVSADeInit)(); // call in Stop()
// simple vis supplying mode
void (*SAAddPCMData)(void *PCMData, int nch, int bps, int timestamp);
// sets the spec data directly from PCM data
// quick and easy way to get vis working :)
// needs at least 576 samples :)
// advanced vis supplying mode, only use if you're cool. Use SAAddPCMData for most stuff.
int (*SAGetMode)(); // gets csa (the current type (4=ws,2=osc,1=spec))
// use when calling SAAdd()
int (*SAAdd)(void *data, int timestamp, int csa); // sets the spec data, filled in by winamp
// vis stuff (plug-in)
// simple vis supplying mode
void (*VSAAddPCMData)(void *PCMData, int nch, int bps, int timestamp); // sets the vis data directly from PCM data
// quick and easy way to get vis working :)
// needs at least 576 samples :)
// advanced vis supplying mode, only use if you're cool. Use VSAAddPCMData for most stuff.
int (*VSAGetMode)(int *specNch, int *waveNch); // use to figure out what to give to VSAAdd
int (*VSAAdd)(void *data, int timestamp); // filled in by winamp, called by plug-in
// call this in Play() to tell the vis plug-ins the current output params.
void (*VSASetInfo)(int srate, int nch); // <-- Correct (benski, dec 2005).. old declaration had the params backwards
// dsp plug-in processing:
// (filled in by winamp, calld by input plug)
// returns 1 if active (which means that the number of samples returned by dsp_dosamples
// could be greater than went in.. Use it to estimate if you'll have enough room in the
// output buffer
int (*dsp_isactive)();
// returns number of samples to output. This can be as much as twice numsamples.
// be sure to allocate enough buffer for samples, then.
int (*dsp_dosamples)(short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate);
// eq stuff
void (*EQSet)(int on, char data[10], int preamp); // 0-64 each, 31 is +0, 0 is +12, 63 is -12. Do nothing to ignore.
// info setting (filled in by winamp)
void (*SetInfo)(int bitrate, int srate, int stereo, int synched); // if -1, changes ignored? :)
Out_Module *outMod; // filled in by winamp, optionally used :)
} In_Module;
// return values from the winampUninstallPlugin(HINSTANCE hdll, HWND parent, int param)
// which determine if we can uninstall the plugin immediately or on winamp restart
// uninstall support was added from 5.0+ and uninstall now support from 5.5+
// it is down to you to ensure that if uninstall now is returned that it will not cause a crash
// (ie don't use if you've been subclassing the main window)