2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

229 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "precomp.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include "savefile.h"
#include "../bfc/basewnd.h"
#include "../studio/api.h"
#include "../studio/assert.h"
#include "../bfc/encodedstr.h"
#include "../studio/services/svc_stringconverter.h"
SaveFileWnd::SaveFileWnd(const char *ident) : identifier(ident),
force_initial_dir(0) {}
void SaveFileWnd::setInitialDir(const char *dir, int force) {
initial_dir = dir;
force_initial_dir = force;
int SaveFileWnd::getSaveFile(api_window *parent, const char *ext, const char *suggext) {
int retcode, failed = 0;
if (ext == NULL) return 0;
if (Std::encodingSupportedByOS(SvcStrCnv::UTF16)) {
int ret = getSaveFileW(parent, ext, suggext);
// If ret returns -1, the service is not available, we will call our own
// OSNative translation failure routines below:
if (ret != -1) {
return ret;
char savedir[WA_MAX_PATH];
Std::getCurDir(savedir, WA_MAX_PATH);
char filenamebuf[MAX_PATH]="";
filename = NULL;
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof ofn;
ofn.hwndOwner = parent->gethWnd();
ofn.hInstance = NULL;
ofn.lpstrFilter = ext;
ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
ofn.nFilterIndex = 0;
ofn.lpstrFile = filenamebuf;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
const char *initDir8 = NULL;
// Figure out the initial directory in UTF8
char dir[WA_MAX_PATH]="";
String tname;
if (identifier != NULL) {
tname.printf("Recent directories/SaveFile/%s", identifier.getValue());
if (force_initial_dir)
initial_dir.strncpyTo(dir, sizeof(dir));
WASABI_API_CONFIG->getStringPublic(tname, dir, WA_MAX_PATH, initial_dir);
if (*dir) initDir8 = dir;
// And then convert it when you're done to OSNATIVE.
EncodedStr initDirOSenc;
retcode = initDirOSenc.convertFromUTF8(SvcStrCnv::OSNATIVE, String(initDir8));
if (retcode == SvcStrCnv::ERROR_UNAVAILABLE) {
failed = 1;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initDir8;
} else {
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = static_cast<char *>(initDirOSenc.getEncodedBuffer());
ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL;
ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
ofn.nFileExtension = 0;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = suggext;
ofn.lCustData = 0;
ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
int ret = GetSaveFileName(&ofn);
if (failed) {
if (ret)
filename = filenamebuf;
} else {
// Okay, at this point we have the string in OSNATIVE format.
// Now we downconvert everything to UTF8 and pass our information to the engine API's
if (ret) {
EncodedStr bufOSstr(SvcStrCnv::OSNATIVE, filenamebuf, STRLEN(filenamebuf)+1, 0/*no delete*/);
// get new cur dir & save it off
if ((identifier != NULL) && ret) {
char newdir[WA_MAX_PATH];
Std::getCurDir(newdir, WA_MAX_PATH);
WASABI_API_CONFIG->setStringPublic(tname, newdir);
// put back old one
return ret;
int SaveFileWnd::getSaveFileW(api_window *parent, const char *ext, const char *suggext) {
// The ultimate top level retrohack. (sigh).
// Test to see if the service is available. If not, return -1.
// The OSNATIVE codepath will include the proper failure handling.
StringConverterEnum myServiceEnum(SvcStrCnv::UTF16); // _ASSUME_ that there is a converter for U16 (we should, but still...)
svc_stringConverter *myConv = myServiceEnum.getFirst();
if (myConv != NULL) {
} else {
return -1;
char savedir[WA_MAX_PATH];
Std::getCurDir(savedir, WA_MAX_PATH);
WCHAR filenamebufW[MAX_PATH] = L"";
filename = NULL;
// convert multi const char* ext to U16 (Ascii7 assumptive)
int thisz = 0, lastz = 0;
const char *px;
WCHAR *pr, *ext16 = static_cast<WCHAR *>(MALLOC(WA_MAX_PATH));
for (px = ext, pr = ext16; *px | (lastz); px++, pr++) {
lastz = (thisz)?1:0;
*pr = (*px) & 0xFF;
thisz = (*pr)?1:0;
*pr = *px; // the last 0
EncodedStr suggext16;
suggext16.convertFromUTF8(SvcStrCnv::UTF16, String(suggext));
ofnW.lStructSize = sizeof ofnW;
ofnW.hwndOwner = parent->gethWnd();
ofnW.hInstance = NULL;
ofnW.lpstrFilter = ext16;
ofnW.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
ofnW.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
ofnW.nFilterIndex = 0;
ofnW.lpstrFile = filenamebufW;
ofnW.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
ofnW.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
ofnW.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
ofnW.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
char dir[WA_MAX_PATH]="";
String tname;
// Figure out the initial directory in UTF8
const char *initDir8 = NULL;
if (identifier != NULL) {
tname.printf("Recent directories/SaveFile/%s", identifier.getValue());
if (force_initial_dir)
initial_dir.strncpyTo(dir, sizeof(dir));
WASABI_API_CONFIG->getStringPublic(tname, dir, WA_MAX_PATH, "");
if (*dir) initDir8 = dir;
// And then convert it when you're done to UTF16.
WCHAR *initDir16 = NULL;
EncodedStr initDir16enc;
if (initDir8 != NULL) {
int written = initDir16enc.convertFromUTF8(SvcStrCnv::UTF16, String(initDir8));
if (written > 0) {
initDir16 = static_cast<WCHAR *>(initDir16enc.getEncodedBuffer());
} else {
return -1;
// And then stuff it here. Phew!
ofnW.lpstrInitialDir = initDir16;
ofnW.lpstrTitle = NULL;
ofnW.nFileOffset = 0;
ofnW.nFileExtension = 0;
ofnW.lpstrDefExt = static_cast<WCHAR *>(suggext16.getEncodedBuffer());
ofnW.lCustData = 0;
ofnW.lpfnHook = NULL;
ofnW.lpTemplateName = NULL;
int ret = GetSaveFileNameW(&ofnW);
// Okay, at this point we have the string in UTF16 widechar format.
// Now we downconvert everything to UTF8 and pass our information to the engine API's
if (ret) {
EncodedStr buf16str(SvcStrCnv::UTF16, filenamebufW, (WSTRLEN(filenamebufW)+1)*2, 0/*no delete*/);
// get new cur dir & save it off
if ((identifier != NULL) && ret) {
char newdir[WA_MAX_PATH];
Std::getCurDir(newdir, WA_MAX_PATH);
WASABI_API_CONFIG->setStringPublic(tname, newdir);
// put back old one
return ret;