2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

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/* $Header: /cvs/root/winamp/vlb/tns.cpp,v 1.1 2009/04/28 20:21:11 audiodsp Exp $ */
* Copyright 2000-2002 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All Rights
* Reserved. Do not copy. Do not distribute.
* Confidential information.
* (C) copyright Fraunhofer - IIS (1998)
* All Rights Reserved
* filename: tns.cpp
* project : MPEG-2 AAC Decoder
* contents/description: temporal noise shaping
#include <math.h>
#include "tns.h"
#include "channelinfo.h"
#include "block.h"
CTns::CTns ()
: m_TnsDataPresent (1)
CTns::~CTns ()
void CTns::Read (const CChannelInfo &info, CDolbyBitStream &bs)
m_TnsDataPresent.Read (bs) ;
if (!m_TnsDataPresent) return ;
CVLBBitSequence n_filt (info.IsLongBlock () ? 2 : 1) ;
CVLBBitSequence length (info.IsLongBlock () ? 6 : 4) ;
CVLBBitSequence order (info.IsLongBlock () ? 5 : 3) ;
CVLBBitSequence direction (1) ;
CVLBBitSequence coef_compress (1) ;
CVLBBitSequence coef_res (1) ;
for (int window = 0 ; window < info.GetWindowsPerFrame () ; window++)
m_NumberOfFilters [window] = n_filt.Read (bs) ;
if (n_filt)
coef_res.Read (bs) ;
int nextstopband = info.GetScaleFactorBandsTotal () ;
for (int index = 0 ; index < n_filt ; index++)
CFilter &filter = m_Filter [window][index] ;
length.Read (bs) ;
filter.m_StartBand = nextstopband - length ;
filter.m_StopBand = nextstopband ;
nextstopband = filter.m_StartBand ;
filter.m_Order = order.Read (bs) ;
if (order)
filter.m_Direction = direction.Read (bs) ? -1 : 1 ;
coef_compress.Read (bs) ;
filter.m_Resolution = coef_res + 3 ;
static const int sgn_mask [] = { 0x2, 0x4, 0x8 } ;
static const int neg_mask [] = { ~0x3, ~0x7, ~0xF } ;
int s_mask = sgn_mask [coef_res + 1 - coef_compress] ;
int n_mask = neg_mask [coef_res + 1 - coef_compress] ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < order ; i++)
CVLBBitSequence coef (filter.m_Resolution - coef_compress) ;
coef.Read (bs) ;
filter.m_Coeff [i] = ((int) coef & s_mask) ? ((int) coef | n_mask) : (int) coef ;
void CTns::Apply (const CChannelInfo &info, CBlock &spectrum)
if (!m_TnsDataPresent) return ;
float CoeffLPC [MaximumOrder + 1] ;
for (int window = 0 ; window < info.GetWindowsPerFrame () ; window++)
for (int index = 0 ; index < m_NumberOfFilters [window] ; index++)
CFilter &filter = m_Filter [window][index] ;
DecodeCoefficients (filter, CoeffLPC) ;
int start = Minimum (filter.m_StartBand, info.GetMaximumTnsBands (),
info.GetScaleFactorBandsTransmitted ()) ;
start = info.GetScaleFactorBandOffsets () [start] ;
int stop = Minimum (filter.m_StopBand, info.GetMaximumTnsBands (),
info.GetScaleFactorBandsTransmitted ()) ;
stop = info.GetScaleFactorBandOffsets () [stop] ;
int size = stop - start ;
if (size <= 0) continue ;
Filter (&spectrum.AccessSpectralData (window) [start], size,
filter.m_Direction, CoeffLPC, filter.m_Order) ;
void CTns::DecodeCoefficients (CFilter &filter, float *a)
float tmp [MaximumOrder + 1], b [MaximumOrder + 1] ;
// Inverse quantization
const float pi2 = 3.14159265358979323846F / 2.0F ;
float iqfac = ((1 << (filter.m_Resolution - 1)) - 0.5F) / pi2 ;
float iqfac_m = ((1 << (filter.m_Resolution - 1)) + 0.5F) / pi2 ;
int i ;
for (i = 0 ; i < filter.m_Order ; i++)
tmp [i + 1] = (float) sin (filter.m_Coeff [i] / ((filter.m_Coeff [i] >= 0) ? iqfac : iqfac_m)) ;
// Conversion to LPC coefficients - Markel and Gray, pg. 95
a [0] = 1.0F ;
for (int m = 1 ; m <= filter.m_Order ; m++)
b [0] = a [0] ;
for (i = 1 ; i < m ; i++)
b [i] = a [i] + tmp [m] * a [m - i] ;
b [m] = tmp [m] ;
for (i = 0 ; i <= m ; i++)
a [i] = b [i] ;
void CTns::Filter (float *spec, int size, int inc, float *lpc, int order)
// - Simple all-pole filter of order "order" defined by
// y(n) = x(n) - a(2)*y(n-1) - ... - a(order+1)*y(n-order)
// - The state variables of the filter are initialized to zero every time
// - The output data is written over the input data ("in-place operation")
// - An input vector of "size" samples is processed and the index increment
// to the next data sample is given by "inc"
int i, j;
float y, state [MaximumOrder] ;
for (i = 0 ; i < order ; i++)
state [i] = 0.0F ;
if (inc == -1)
spec += size - 1 ;
for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
y = *spec;
for (j = 0 ; j < order ; j++)
y -= lpc [j + 1] * state [j] ;
for (j = order - 1 ; j > 0 ; j--)
state [j] = state [j - 1] ;
state [0] = y ;
*spec = y ;
spec += inc ;