2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

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Command Description
/NEW Creates a new instance of Winamp.
/ADD <file> Add the specified 'file' to the playlist editor.
/BOOKMARK <file> Add the specified 'file' to Winamp's bookmarks.
/CONFIG=<file> Instructs Winamp to use the specified config file instead of the default.
/INIDIR= Instructs Winamp to use a different settings folder from the default in paths.ini.
/M3UDIR= Instructs Winamp to use a different folder for storing playlists from the default in paths.ini.
/CLASS= Specify a different window class to use for Winamp instead of the default "Winamp v1.x".
/REG=[ACDLNSV] Associate Winamp with specific files and OS actions.
/NOREG Prevent Winamp from using the Windows registry i.e. like a portable mode.
/UNREG Removes any Winamp file and OS associations previously created by this Winamp install.
/CLOSE or /QUIT or /EXIT Close Winamp.
/KILL Attempt to kill the Winamp process if it refuses to exit normally.
/SAFE=[1|2] Run Winamp in a safe mode where only officially known plug-ins are loaded.
Using /SAFE=2 will also disable the loading of media library plug-ins.
/SAFEALWAYS Run Winamp like /SAFE=1 but without the prompt, which is otherwise shown.
/ALLOW_COMPAT_MODE This will allow Winamp to be run without the warning shown if Windows compatibility mode
is detected, as there are some cases where this is the only way to run Winamp as wanted.
/ADDPLAYLIST <file> <name> [<guid>] Allows for adding the specified playlist to Winamp's library playlists.
The <guid> parameter is optional and auto-generated if not specified.
/APPENDPLAYLIST <guid> <file> Append the specified <file> to the end of the specified playlist.
You need to use the correct <guid> otherwise this will fail.
/CREATEPLAYLIST <name> [<guid>] Will create a new playlist in Winamp's library playlists using the name
specified. The <guid> parameter is optional and is auto-generated if
not specified.
/ENUMPLAYLISTS Enumerates through Winamp's library playlists and sends the output to 'stdout'
e.g. winamp.exe /ENUMPLAYLISTS > playlists.txt
The output is UTF-8 encoded (no BOM) and the formatting is: <GUID>,<file>,<name>
/DELM3U Instructs Winamp to remove the current copy of winamp.m3u(8) from the playlists folder.
/REV Rewind the currently playing item by the native amount e.g. 5 seconds.
/FWD Fast forward the currently playing item by the native amount e.g. 5 seconds.
/PREV Move the currently playing item to the previous item in the playlist editor.
/NEXT Move the currently playing item to the next item in the playlist editor.
/PLAY Start Winamp playing.
/PAUSE Pause playback or restart playback if Winamp is already paused.
/PLAYPAUSE Pause / resume playback if already playing or starts playback if not already playing.
/STOP Stop Winamp playing.
/STOPFADE Stop Winamp playing with fadeout.
/STOPAFTER Stop Winamp playing after the current item finishes.
/RANDOM or /RANDOM=[0|1] Toggle Winamp's shuffle mode or set it to the specified value.
/SHUFFLE or /SHUFFLE=[0|1] Random and Shuffle are the same as far as Winamp is concerned.
/REPEAT or /REPEAT=[0|1] Toggle Winamp's repeat mode or set it to the specified value.
/PANLEFT or /PANRIGHT Move the panning (or balance) to the left or the right by ~5%.
/PAN=[-127 - 127] Set the panning (or balance) to the specified value.
/VOLUP or /VOLDOWN Increase or decrease the current volume by ~5%.
/VOL=[0 - 100] Set the volume to the specified value.
/CD[0-3] Loads (and plays if applicable from other settings) the specified CD (check the main menu).
/JUMPTO Open (or toggle) the 'Jump to File' window (subject to its configuration options).
/CLEAR Clear the contents of the current playlist editor.
/STARTMIN Attempts to start Winamp in a minimized (hidden) state - the OS and plug-ins can override.
/STARTMAX Attempts to start Winamp in a maximized (visible) state - the OS and plug-ins can override.
/COMMAND=<id> Will send the specified command or message <id> via the appropriate message type so
less general options can be used without Winamp specifically coding it into these options.
/WA_IPC <id> <param> These will not return any values and are just for sending an action e.g. toggling a state.
You will need to consult the Winamp SDK or use a resource editor to obtain appropriate <id>
and <param> values to be able to use these.
Optional from JTFE (if installed and the functionality is enabled):
/ADD \\QUEUE <file> Add the specified file to the Winamp playlist editor and also to the JTFE queue
/ADD \\ADDML <file> Add (or update) the specified file in Winamp's Media Library.