2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

228 lines
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* GeneralConfigDlg.cpp
* --------------------
* Purpose: Implementation of the general settings dialog.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Mainfrm.h"
#include "GeneralConfigDlg.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "FileDialog.h"
#include "../common/mptStringBuffer.h"
#include "FolderScanner.h"
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COptionsGeneral, CPropertyPage)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST1, &COptionsGeneral::OnOptionSelChanged)
ON_CLBN_CHKCHANGE(IDC_LIST1, &COptionsGeneral::OnSettingsChanged)
ON_COMMAND(IDC_RADIO1, &COptionsGeneral::OnSettingsChanged)
ON_COMMAND(IDC_RADIO2, &COptionsGeneral::OnSettingsChanged)
ON_COMMAND(IDC_RADIO3, &COptionsGeneral::OnSettingsChanged)
ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT1, &COptionsGeneral::OnSettingsChanged)
ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO1, &COptionsGeneral::OnDefaultTypeChanged)
ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO2, &COptionsGeneral::OnTemplateChanged)
ON_CBN_EDITCHANGE(IDC_COMBO2, &COptionsGeneral::OnTemplateChanged)
ON_COMMAND(IDC_BUTTON1, &COptionsGeneral::OnBrowseTemplate)
static constexpr struct GeneralOptionsDescriptions
uint32 flag;
const char *name, *description;
} generalOptionsList[] =
{PATTERN_PLAYNEWNOTE, "Play new notes while recording", "When this option is enabled, notes entered in the pattern editor will always be played (If not checked, notes won't be played in record mode)."},
{PATTERN_PLAYEDITROW, "Play whole row while recording", "When this option is enabled, all notes on the current row are played when entering notes in the pattern editor."},
{PATTERN_PLAYNAVIGATEROW, "Play whole row when navigating", "When this option is enabled, all notes on the current row are played when navigating vertically in the pattern editor."},
{PATTERN_PLAYTRANSPOSE, "Play notes when transposing", "When transposing a single note, the new note is previewed."},
{PATTERN_CENTERROW, "Always center active row", "Turn on this option to have the active row always centered in the pattern editor."},
{PATTERN_SMOOTHSCROLL, "Smooth pattern scrolling", "Scroll patterns tick by tick rather than row by row at the expense of an increased CPU load."},
{PATTERN_HEXDISPLAY, "Display rows in hex", "With this option enabled, row numbers and sequence numbers will be displayed in hexadecimal."},
{PATTERN_WRAP, "Cursor wrap in pattern editor", "When this option is active, going past the end of a pattern row or channel will move the cursor to the beginning. When \"Continuous scroll\"-option is enabled, row wrap is disabled."},
{PATTERN_DRAGNDROPEDIT, "Drag and Drop Editing", "Enable moving a selection in the pattern editor (copying if pressing shift while dragging)"},
{PATTERN_FLATBUTTONS, "Flat Buttons", "Use flat buttons in toolbars"},
{PATTERN_SINGLEEXPAND, "Single click to expand tree", "Single-clicking in the left tree view will expand a node."},
{PATTERN_MUTECHNMODE, "Ignored muted channels", "Notes will not be played on muted channels (unmuting will only start on a new note)."},
{PATTERN_NOEXTRALOUD, "No loud sample preview", "Disable loud playback of samples in the sample/instrument editor. Sample volume depends on the sample volume slider on the general tab when activated (if disabled, samples are previewed at 0 dB)."},
{PATTERN_SHOWPREVIOUS, "Show Prev/Next patterns", "Displays grayed-out version of the previous/next patterns in the pattern editor. Does not work if \"always center active row\" is disabled."},
{PATTERN_CONTSCROLL, "Continuous scroll", "Jumps to the next pattern when moving past the end of a pattern"},
{PATTERN_KBDNOTEOFF, "Record note off", "Record note off when a key is released on the PC keyboard."},
{PATTERN_FOLLOWSONGOFF, "Follow Song off by default", "Ensure Follow Song is off when opening or starting a new song."},
{PATTERN_NOFOLLOWONCLICK,"Disable Follow Song on click", "Follow Song is deactivated when clicking into the pattern."},
{PATTERN_OLDCTXMENUSTYLE, "Old style pattern context menu", "Check this option to hide unavailable items in the pattern editor context menu. Uncheck to grey-out unavailable items instead."},
{PATTERN_SYNCMUTE, "Maintain sample sync on mute", "Samples continue to be processed when channels are muted (like in IT2 and FT2)"},
{PATTERN_SYNCSAMPLEPOS, "Maintain sample sync on seek", "Sample that are still active from previous patterns are continued to be played after seeking.\nNote: Some pattern commands may prevent samples from being synced. This feature may slow down seeking."},
{PATTERN_AUTODELAY, "Automatic delay commands", "Automatically insert appropriate note-delay commands when recording notes during live playback."},
{PATTERN_NOTEFADE, "Note fade on key up", "Enable to fade / stop notes on key up in pattern tab."},
{PATTERN_OVERFLOWPASTE, "Overflow paste mode", "Wrap pasted pattern data into next pattern. This is useful for creating echo channels."},
{PATTERN_RESETCHANNELS, "Reset channels on loop", "If enabled, channels will be reset to their initial state when song looping is enabled.\nNote: This does not affect manual song loops (i.e. triggered by pattern commands) and is not recommended to be enabled."},
{PATTERN_LIVEUPDATETREE,"Update sample status in tree", "If enabled, active samples and instruments will be indicated by a different icon in the treeview."},
{PATTERN_NOCLOSEDIALOG, "Disable modern close dialog", "When closing the main window, a confirmation window is shown for every unsaved document instead of one single window with a list of unsaved documents."},
{PATTERN_DBLCLICKSELECT, "Double-click to select channel", "Instead of showing the note properties, double-clicking a pattern cell selects the whole channel."},
{PATTERN_SHOWDEFAULTVOLUME, "Show default volume commands", "If there is no volume command next to a note + instrument combination, the sample's default volume is shown."},
void COptionsGeneral::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_CheckList);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_defaultArtist);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO2, m_defaultTemplate);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO1, m_defaultFormat);
BOOL COptionsGeneral::OnInitDialog()
const struct
const TCHAR *str;
} formats[] =
{ MOD_TYPE_MOD, _T("MOD") },
{ MOD_TYPE_XM, _T("XM") },
{ MOD_TYPE_S3M, _T("S3M") },
{ MOD_TYPE_IT, _T("IT") },
for(const auto &fmt : formats)
auto idx = m_defaultFormat.AddString(fmt.str);
m_defaultFormat.SetItemData(idx, fmt.type);
if(fmt.type == TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultModType)
const mpt::PathString basePath = theApp.GetConfigPath() + P_("TemplateModules\\");
FolderScanner scanner(basePath, FolderScanner::kOnlyFiles | FolderScanner::kFindInSubDirectories);
mpt::PathString file;
mpt::RawPathString fileW = file.AsNative();
fileW = fileW.substr(basePath.Length());
::SendMessage(m_defaultTemplate.m_hWnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)fileW.c_str());
file = TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultTemplateFile;
if(file.GetPath() == basePath)
file = file.GetFullFileName();
CheckRadioButton(IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO3, IDC_RADIO1 + TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultNewFileAction);
for(const auto &opt : generalOptionsList)
auto idx = m_CheckList.AddString(mpt::ToCString(mpt::Charset::ASCII,;
const int check = (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & opt.flag) != 0 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED;
m_CheckList.SetCheck(idx, check);
return TRUE;
void COptionsGeneral::OnOK()
TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultArtist = GetWindowTextUnicode(m_defaultArtist);
TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultModType = static_cast<MODTYPE>(m_defaultFormat.GetItemData(m_defaultFormat.GetCurSel()));
TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultTemplateFile = mpt::PathString::FromCString(GetWindowTextString(m_defaultTemplate));
NewFileAction action = nfDefaultFormat;
int newActionRadio = GetCheckedRadioButton(IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO3);
if(newActionRadio == IDC_RADIO2) action = nfSameAsCurrent;
if(newActionRadio == IDC_RADIO3) action = nfDefaultTemplate;
if(action == nfDefaultTemplate && TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultTemplateFile.Get().empty())
action = nfDefaultFormat;
TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultNewFileAction = action;
for(int i = 0; i < mpt::saturate_cast<int>(std::size(generalOptionsList)); i++)
const bool check = (m_CheckList.GetCheck(i) != BST_UNCHECKED);
if(check) TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup |= generalOptionsList[i].flag;
else TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup &= ~generalOptionsList[i].flag;
BOOL COptionsGeneral::OnSetActive()
CMainFrame::m_nLastOptionsPage = OPTIONS_PAGE_GENERAL;
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive();
void COptionsGeneral::OnOptionSelChanged()
const char *desc = "";
const int sel = m_CheckList.GetCurSel();
if ((sel >= 0) && (sel < mpt::saturate_cast<int>(std::size(generalOptionsList))))
desc = generalOptionsList[sel].description;
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEXT1, mpt::ToCString(mpt::Charset::ASCII, desc));
void COptionsGeneral::OnBrowseTemplate()
mpt::PathString basePath = theApp.GetInstallPath() + P_("TemplateModules\\");
mpt::PathString defaultFile = mpt::PathString::FromCString(GetWindowTextString(m_defaultTemplate));
if(defaultFile.empty()) defaultFile = TrackerSettings::Instance().defaultTemplateFile;
OpenFileDialog dlg;
} else
if(defaultFile.AsNative().find_first_of(_T("/\\")) == mpt::RawPathString::npos)
// Relative path
defaultFile = basePath + defaultFile;
defaultFile = dlg.GetFirstFile();
if(defaultFile.GetPath() == basePath)
defaultFile = defaultFile.GetFullFileName();