2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

726 lines
39 KiB

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
// nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied
// or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright(c) 1999-2009 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
// Common Types and Macro Definitions
#ifndef __IPPDEFS_H__
#define __IPPDEFS_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined ( _WIN64 )
#define __STDCALL __stdcall
#define __CDECL __cdecl
#define __INT64 __int64
#define __UINT64 unsigned __int64
#define __STDCALL
#define __CDECL
#define __INT64 long long
#define __UINT64 unsigned long long
#if !defined( IPPAPI )
#if defined( IPP_W32DLL ) && (defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN64 ))
#if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined( __ICL )
#define IPPAPI( type,name,arg ) \
__declspec(dllimport) type __STDCALL name arg;
#define IPPAPI( type,name,arg ) type __STDCALL name arg;
#define IPPAPI( type,name,arg ) type __STDCALL name arg;
#if (defined( __ICL ) || defined( __ECL ) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && !defined( _PCS ) && !defined( _PCS_GENSTUBS )
#if( __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100 ) /* icl 11.0 supports additional comment */
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment ) __declspec( deprecated ( comment ))
#elif( _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050727 )&&( !defined( __INTEL_COMPILER )) /* VS2005 supports additional comment */
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment ) __declspec( deprecated ( comment ))
#elif( _MSC_VER <= 1200 )&&( !defined( __INTEL_COMPILER )) /* VS 6 unsupported additional comment */
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment )
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment ) __declspec( deprecated )
#elif (defined(__ICC) || defined(__ECC) || defined( __GNUC__ )) && !defined( _PCS ) && !defined( _PCS_GENSTUBS )
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment ) __attribute__(( deprecated ))
#define IPP_DEPRECATED( comment )
#define IPP_PI ( 3.14159265358979323846 ) /* ANSI C does not support M_PI */
#define IPP_2PI ( 6.28318530717958647692 ) /* 2*pi */
#define IPP_PI2 ( 1.57079632679489661923 ) /* pi/2 */
#define IPP_PI4 ( 0.78539816339744830961 ) /* pi/4 */
#define IPP_PI180 ( 0.01745329251994329577 ) /* pi/180 */
#define IPP_RPI ( 0.31830988618379067154 ) /* 1/pi */
#define IPP_SQRT2 ( 1.41421356237309504880 ) /* sqrt(2) */
#define IPP_SQRT3 ( 1.73205080756887729353 ) /* sqrt(3) */
#define IPP_LN2 ( 0.69314718055994530942 ) /* ln(2) */
#define IPP_LN3 ( 1.09861228866810969139 ) /* ln(3) */
#define IPP_E ( 2.71828182845904523536 ) /* e */
#define IPP_RE ( 0.36787944117144232159 ) /* 1/e */
#define IPP_EPS23 ( 1.19209289e-07f )
#define IPP_EPS52 ( 2.2204460492503131e-016 )
#define IPP_MAX_8U ( 0xFF )
#define IPP_MAX_16U ( 0xFFFF )
#define IPP_MAX_32U ( 0xFFFFFFFF )
#define IPP_MIN_8U ( 0 )
#define IPP_MIN_16U ( 0 )
#define IPP_MIN_32U ( 0 )
#define IPP_MIN_8S (-128 )
#define IPP_MAX_8S ( 127 )
#define IPP_MIN_16S (-32768 )
#define IPP_MAX_16S ( 32767 )
#define IPP_MIN_32S (-2147483647 - 1 )
#define IPP_MAX_32S ( 2147483647 )
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined ( _WIN64 )
#define IPP_MAX_64S ( 9223372036854775807i64 )
#define IPP_MIN_64S (-9223372036854775807i64 - 1 )
#define IPP_MAX_64S ( 9223372036854775807LL )
#define IPP_MIN_64S (-9223372036854775807LL - 1 )
#define IPP_MINABS_32F ( 1.175494351e-38f )
#define IPP_MAXABS_32F ( 3.402823466e+38f )
#define IPP_EPS_32F ( 1.192092890e-07f )
#define IPP_MINABS_64F ( 2.2250738585072014e-308 )
#define IPP_MAXABS_64F ( 1.7976931348623158e+308 )
#define IPP_EPS_64F ( 2.2204460492503131e-016 )
#define IPP_DEG_TO_RAD( deg ) ( (deg)/180.0 * IPP_PI )
#define IPP_COUNT_OF( obj ) (sizeof(obj)/sizeof(obj[0]))
#define IPP_MAX( a, b ) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define IPP_MIN( a, b ) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#if !defined( _OWN_BLDPCS )
typedef enum {
/* Enumeration: Processor: */
ippCpuUnknown = 0x00,
ippCpuPP = 0x01, /* Intel(R) Pentium(R) processor */
ippCpuPMX = 0x02, /* Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) technology */
ippCpuPPR = 0x03, /* Pentium(R) Pro processor */
ippCpuPII = 0x04, /* Pentium(R) II processor */
ippCpuPIII = 0x05, /* Pentium(R) III processor and Pentium(R) III Xeon(R) processor */
ippCpuP4 = 0x06, /* Pentium(R) 4 processor and Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor */
ippCpuP4HT = 0x07, /* Pentium(R) 4 Processor with HT Technology */
ippCpuP4HT2 = 0x08, /* Pentium(R) 4 processor with Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 */
ippCpuCentrino = 0x09, /* Intel(R) Centrino(TM) mobile technology */
ippCpuCoreSolo = 0x0a, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) Solo processor */
ippCpuCoreDuo = 0x0b, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo processor */
ippCpuITP = 0x10, /* Intel(R) Itanium(R) processor */
ippCpuITP2 = 0x11, /* Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2 processor */
ippCpuEM64T = 0x20, /* Intel(R) 64 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) */
ippCpuC2D = 0x21, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo processor */
ippCpuC2Q = 0x22, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad processor */
ippCpuPenryn = 0x23, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 processor with Intel(R) SSE4.1 */
ippCpuBonnell = 0x24, /* Intel(R) Atom(TM) processor */
ippCpuNehalem = 0x25, /* Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 processor */
ippCpuNext = 0x26,
ippCpuSSE = 0x40, /* Processor supports Streaming SIMD Extensions instruction set */
ippCpuSSE2 = 0x41, /* Processor supports Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 instruction set */
ippCpuSSE3 = 0x42, /* Processor supports Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 instruction set */
ippCpuSSSE3 = 0x43, /* Processor supports Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extension 3
instruction set */
ippCpuSSE41 = 0x44, /* Processor supports Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 instruction set */
ippCpuSSE42 = 0x45, /* Processor supports Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 instruction set */
ippCpuAVX = 0x46, /* Processor supports Advanced Vector Extensions instruction set */
ippCpuX8664 = 0x60 /* Processor supports 64 bit extension */
} IppCpuType;
#define ippCPUID_MMX 1 /* Intel Architecture MMX technology supported */
#define ippCPUID_SSE 2 /* Streaming SIMD Extensions */
#define ippCPUID_SSE2 4 /* Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 */
#define ippCPUID_SSE3 8 /* Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 */
#define ippCPUID_SSSE3 16 /* Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 */
#define ippCPUID_MOVBE 32 /* The processor supports MOVBE instruction */
#define ippCPUID_SSE41 64 /* Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 */
#define ippCPUID_SSE42 128 /* Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 */
#define ippCPUID_AVX 256 /* Advanced Vector Extensions instruction set */
#define ippAVX_ENABLEDBYOS 512 /* The operating system supports AVX */
#define ippCPUID_AES 1024 /* AES instruction */
#define ippCPUID_CLMUL 2048 /* PCLMULQDQ instruction */
/* Management of function ippGetCpuFeatures */
#define ippCPUID_GETINFO_A 0x616f666e69746567
typedef struct {
int major; /* e.g. 1 */
int minor; /* e.g. 2 */
int majorBuild; /* e.g. 3 */
int build; /* e.g. 10, always >= majorBuild */
char targetCpu[4]; /* corresponding to Intel(R) processor */
const char* Name; /* e.g. "ippsw7" */
const char* Version; /* e.g. "v1.2 Beta" */
const char* BuildDate; /* e.g. "Jul 20 99" */
} IppLibraryVersion;
typedef unsigned char Ipp8u;
typedef unsigned short Ipp16u;
typedef unsigned int Ipp32u;
typedef signed char Ipp8s;
typedef signed short Ipp16s;
typedef signed int Ipp32s;
typedef float Ipp32f;
typedef __INT64 Ipp64s;
typedef __UINT64 Ipp64u;
typedef double Ipp64f;
typedef struct {
Ipp8s re;
Ipp8s im;
} Ipp8sc;
typedef struct {
Ipp16s re;
Ipp16s im;
} Ipp16sc;
typedef struct {
Ipp16u re;
Ipp16u im;
} Ipp16uc;
typedef struct {
Ipp32s re;
Ipp32s im;
} Ipp32sc;
typedef struct {
Ipp32f re;
Ipp32f im;
} Ipp32fc;
typedef struct {
Ipp64s re;
Ipp64s im;
} Ipp64sc;
typedef struct {
Ipp64f re;
Ipp64f im;
} Ipp64fc;
typedef enum {
} IppRoundMode;
typedef enum {
} IppHintAlgorithm;
typedef enum {
} IppCmpOp;
enum {
enum {
typedef enum {
ippUndef = -1,
ipp1u = 0,
ipp8u = 1,
ipp8uc = 2,
ipp8s = 3,
ipp8sc = 4,
ipp16u = 5,
ipp16uc = 6,
ipp16s = 7,
ipp16sc = 8,
ipp32u = 9,
ipp32uc = 10,
ipp32s = 11,
ipp32sc = 12,
ipp32f = 13,
ipp32fc = 14,
ipp64u = 15,
ipp64uc = 16,
ipp64s = 17,
ipp64sc = 18,
ipp64f = 19,
ipp64fc = 20
} IppDataType;
typedef enum {
ippC0 = 0,
ippC1 = 1,
ippC2 = 2,
ippC3 = 3,
ippC4 = 4,
ippP2 = 5,
ippP3 = 6,
ippP4 = 7,
ippAC1 = 8,
ippAC4 = 9,
ippA0C4 = 10,
ippAP4 = 11
} IppChannels;
typedef enum _IppiBorderType {
ippBorderConst = 0,
ippBorderRepl = 1,
ippBorderWrap = 2,
ippBorderMirror = 3,
ippBorderMirrorR = 4,
ippBorderMirror2 = 5,
ippBorderInMem = 6,
ippBorderInMemTop = 0x0010,
ippBorderInMemBottom = 0x0020,
ippBorderInMemLeft = 0x0040,
ippBorderInMemRight = 0x0080
} IppiBorderType;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} IppiRect;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} IppiPoint;
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
} IppiSize;
typedef struct {
Ipp32f x;
Ipp32f y;
} IppiPoint_32f;
typedef struct {
Ipp32f rho;
Ipp32f theta;
} IppPointPolar;
#define DECLARE_IPPCONTEXT(IppCtxName) struct __##IppCtxName##__; typedef struct __##IppCtxName##__ IppCtxName
struct VLCDecodeSpec_32s;
typedef struct VLCDecodeSpec_32s IppsVLCDecodeSpec_32s;
struct VLCEncodeSpec_32s;
typedef struct VLCEncodeSpec_32s IppsVLCEncodeSpec_32s;
struct VLCDecodeUTupleSpec_32s;
typedef struct VLCDecodeUTupleSpec_32s IppsVLCDecodeUTupleSpec_32s;
enum {
typedef enum _IppiMaskSize {
ippMskSize1x3 = 13,
ippMskSize1x5 = 15,
ippMskSize3x1 = 31,
ippMskSize3x3 = 33,
ippMskSize5x1 = 51,
ippMskSize5x5 = 55
} IppiMaskSize;
enum {
IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE, /* two-parameter cubic filter (B=1, C=0) */
IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM, /* two-parameter cubic filter (B=0, C=1/2) */
IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03, /* two-parameter cubic filter (B=1/2, C=3/10) */
IPPI_SMOOTH_EDGE = (1 << 31)
typedef enum {
} IppiFraction;
typedef enum { ippFalse = 0, ippTrue = 1 } IppBool;
typedef enum {ippWinBartlett,ippWinBlackman,ippWinHamming,ippWinHann,ippWinRect} IppWinType;
typedef enum { ippButterworth, ippChebyshev1 } IppsIIRFilterType;
typedef enum { ippZCR=0, ippZCXor, ippZCC } IppsZCType;
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
int depth;
} IpprVolume;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int z;
int width;
int height;
int depth;
} IpprCuboid;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int z;
} IpprPoint;
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The following enumerator defines a status of IPP operations
// negative value means error
typedef enum {
/* errors */
ippStsNotSupportedModeErr = -9999,/* The requested mode is currently not supported */
ippStsCpuNotSupportedErr = -9998,/* The target cpu is not supported */
ippStsLoadDynErr = -221, /* Fatal error during loading of dynamic library */
ippStsPointAtInfinity = -220, /* Point at infinity is detected */
ippStsI18nUnsupportedErr = -219, /* Internationalization (i18n) is not supported */
ippStsI18nMsgCatalogOpenErr = -218, /* Message Catalog cannot be opened, for extended information use errno in Linux and GetLastError in Windows* */
ippStsI18nMsgCatalogCloseErr = -217, /* Message Catalog cannot be closed, for extended information use errno in Linux and GetLastError in Windows* */
ippStsUnknownStatusCodeErr = -216, /* Unknown Status Code */
ippStsOFBSizeErr = -215, /* Wrong value for crypto OFB block size */
ippStsLzoBrokenStreamErr = -214, /* LZO safe decompression function cannot decode LZO stream */
ippStsRoundModeNotSupportedErr = -213, /* Unsupported round mode*/
ippStsDecimateFractionErr = -212, /* Unsupported fraction in Decimate */
ippStsWeightErr = -211, /* Wrong value of weight */
ippStsQualityIndexErr = -210, /* Quality Index can't be calculated for image filled with constant */
ippStsIIRPassbandRippleErr = -209, /* Ripple in passband for Chebyshev1 design is less than zero, equal to zero or greater than 29 */
ippStsFilterFrequencyErr = -208, /* Cut of frequency of filter is less zero, equal to zero or greater than 0.5 */
ippStsFIRGenOrderErr = -207, /* Order of an FIR filter for design them is less than one */
ippStsIIRGenOrderErr = -206, /* Order of an IIR filter for design them is less than one or greater than 12 */
ippStsConvergeErr = -205, /* The algorithm does not converge*/
ippStsSizeMatchMatrixErr = -204, /* Unsuitable sizes of the source matrices*/
ippStsCountMatrixErr = -203, /* Count value is negative or equal to 0*/
ippStsRoiShiftMatrixErr = -202, /* RoiShift value is negative or not dividend to size of data type*/
ippStsResizeNoOperationErr = -201, /* One of the output image dimensions is less than 1 pixel */
ippStsSrcDataErr = -200, /* The source buffer contains unsupported data */
ippStsMaxLenHuffCodeErr = -199, /* Huff: Max length of Huffman code is more than expected one */
ippStsCodeLenTableErr = -198, /* Huff: Invalid codeLenTable */
ippStsFreqTableErr = -197, /* Huff: Invalid freqTable */
ippStsIncompleteContextErr = -196, /* Crypto: set up of context is not complete */
ippStsSingularErr = -195, /* Matrix is singular */
ippStsSparseErr = -194, /* Tap positions are not in ascending order, negative or repeated*/
ippStsBitOffsetErr = -193, /* Incorrect bit offset value */
ippStsQPErr = -192, /* Incorrect quantization parameter */
ippStsVLCErr = -191, /* Illegal VLC or FLC during stream decoding */
ippStsRegExpOptionsErr = -190, /* RegExp: Options for pattern are incorrect */
ippStsRegExpErr = -189, /* RegExp: The structure pRegExpState contains wrong data */
ippStsRegExpMatchLimitErr = -188, /* RegExp: The match limit has been exhausted */
ippStsRegExpQuantifierErr = -187, /* RegExp: wrong quantifier */
ippStsRegExpGroupingErr = -186, /* RegExp: wrong grouping */
ippStsRegExpBackRefErr = -185, /* RegExp: wrong back reference */
ippStsRegExpChClassErr = -184, /* RegExp: wrong character class */
ippStsRegExpMetaChErr = -183, /* RegExp: wrong metacharacter */
ippStsStrideMatrixErr = -182, /* Stride value is not positive or not dividend to size of data type */
ippStsCTRSizeErr = -181, /* Wrong value for crypto CTR block size */
ippStsJPEG2KCodeBlockIsNotAttached =-180, /* codeblock parameters are not attached to the state structure */
ippStsNotPosDefErr = -179, /* Not positive-definite matrix */
ippStsEphemeralKeyErr = -178, /* ECC: Bad ephemeral key */
ippStsMessageErr = -177, /* ECC: Bad message digest */
ippStsShareKeyErr = -176, /* ECC: Invalid share key */
ippStsIvalidPublicKey = -175, /* ECC: Invalid public key */
ippStsIvalidPrivateKey = -174, /* ECC: Invalid private key */
ippStsOutOfECErr = -173, /* ECC: Point out of EC */
ippStsECCInvalidFlagErr = -172, /* ECC: Invalid Flag */
ippStsMP3FrameHeaderErr = -171, /* Error in fields IppMP3FrameHeader structure */
ippStsMP3SideInfoErr = -170, /* Error in fields IppMP3SideInfo structure */
ippStsBlockStepErr = -169, /* Step for Block less than 8 */
ippStsMBStepErr = -168, /* Step for MB less than 16 */
ippStsAacPrgNumErr = -167, /* AAC: Invalid number of elements for one program */
ippStsAacSectCbErr = -166, /* AAC: Invalid section codebook */
ippStsAacSfValErr = -164, /* AAC: Invalid scalefactor value */
ippStsAacCoefValErr = -163, /* AAC: Invalid quantized coefficient value */
ippStsAacMaxSfbErr = -162, /* AAC: Invalid coefficient index */
ippStsAacPredSfbErr = -161, /* AAC: Invalid predicted coefficient index */
ippStsAacPlsDataErr = -160, /* AAC: Invalid pulse data attributes */
ippStsAacGainCtrErr = -159, /* AAC: Gain control not supported */
ippStsAacSectErr = -158, /* AAC: Invalid number of sections */
ippStsAacTnsNumFiltErr = -157, /* AAC: Invalid number of TNS filters */
ippStsAacTnsLenErr = -156, /* AAC: Invalid TNS region length */
ippStsAacTnsOrderErr = -155, /* AAC: Invalid order of TNS filter */
ippStsAacTnsCoefResErr = -154, /* AAC: Invalid bit-resolution for TNS filter coefficients */
ippStsAacTnsCoefErr = -153, /* AAC: Invalid TNS filter coefficients */
ippStsAacTnsDirectErr = -152, /* AAC: Invalid TNS filter direction */
ippStsAacTnsProfileErr = -151, /* AAC: Invalid TNS profile */
ippStsAacErr = -150, /* AAC: Internal error */
ippStsAacBitOffsetErr = -149, /* AAC: Invalid current bit offset in bitstream */
ippStsAacAdtsSyncWordErr = -148, /* AAC: Invalid ADTS syncword */
ippStsAacSmplRateIdxErr = -147, /* AAC: Invalid sample rate index */
ippStsAacWinLenErr = -146, /* AAC: Invalid window length (not short or long) */
ippStsAacWinGrpErr = -145, /* AAC: Invalid number of groups for current window length */
ippStsAacWinSeqErr = -144, /* AAC: Invalid window sequence range */
ippStsAacComWinErr = -143, /* AAC: Invalid common window flag */
ippStsAacStereoMaskErr = -142, /* AAC: Invalid stereo mask */
ippStsAacChanErr = -141, /* AAC: Invalid channel number */
ippStsAacMonoStereoErr = -140, /* AAC: Invalid mono-stereo flag */
ippStsAacStereoLayerErr = -139, /* AAC: Invalid this Stereo Layer flag */
ippStsAacMonoLayerErr = -138, /* AAC: Invalid this Mono Layer flag */
ippStsAacScalableErr = -137, /* AAC: Invalid scalable object flag */
ippStsAacObjTypeErr = -136, /* AAC: Invalid audio object type */
ippStsAacWinShapeErr = -135, /* AAC: Invalid window shape */
ippStsAacPcmModeErr = -134, /* AAC: Invalid PCM output interleaving indicator */
ippStsVLCUsrTblHeaderErr = -133, /* VLC: Invalid header inside table */
ippStsVLCUsrTblUnsupportedFmtErr = -132, /* VLC: Unsupported table format */
ippStsVLCUsrTblEscAlgTypeErr = -131, /* VLC: Unsupported Ecs-algorithm */
ippStsVLCUsrTblEscCodeLengthErr = -130, /* VLC: Incorrect Esc-code length inside table header */
ippStsVLCUsrTblCodeLengthErr = -129, /* VLC: Unsupported code length inside table */
ippStsVLCInternalTblErr = -128, /* VLC: Invalid internal table */
ippStsVLCInputDataErr = -127, /* VLC: Invalid input data */
ippStsVLCAACEscCodeLengthErr = -126, /* VLC: Invalid AAC-Esc code length */
ippStsNoiseRangeErr = -125, /* Noise value for Wiener Filter is out range. */
ippStsUnderRunErr = -124, /* Data under run error */
ippStsPaddingErr = -123, /* Detected padding error shows the possible data corruption */
ippStsCFBSizeErr = -122, /* Wrong value for crypto CFB block size */
ippStsPaddingSchemeErr = -121, /* Invalid padding scheme */
ippStsInvalidCryptoKeyErr = -120, /* A compromised key causes suspansion of requested cryptographic operation */
ippStsLengthErr = -119, /* Wrong value of string length */
ippStsBadModulusErr = -118, /* Bad modulus caused a module inversion failure */
ippStsLPCCalcErr = -117, /* Linear prediction could not be evaluated */
ippStsRCCalcErr = -116, /* Reflection coefficients could not be computed */
ippStsIncorrectLSPErr = -115, /* Incorrect Linear Spectral Pair values */
ippStsNoRootFoundErr = -114, /* No roots are found for equation */
ippStsJPEG2KBadPassNumber = -113, /* Pass number exceeds allowed limits [0,nOfPasses-1] */
ippStsJPEG2KDamagedCodeBlock= -112, /* Codeblock for decoding is damaged */
ippStsH263CBPYCodeErr = -111, /* Illegal Huffman code during CBPY stream processing */
ippStsH263MCBPCInterCodeErr = -110, /* Illegal Huffman code during MCBPC Inter stream processing */
ippStsH263MCBPCIntraCodeErr = -109, /* Illegal Huffman code during MCBPC Intra stream processing */
ippStsNotEvenStepErr = -108, /* Step value is not pixel multiple */
ippStsHistoNofLevelsErr = -107, /* Number of levels for histogram is less than 2 */
ippStsLUTNofLevelsErr = -106, /* Number of levels for LUT is less than 2 */
ippStsMP4BitOffsetErr = -105, /* Incorrect bit offset value */
ippStsMP4QPErr = -104, /* Incorrect quantization parameter */
ippStsMP4BlockIdxErr = -103, /* Incorrect block index */
ippStsMP4BlockTypeErr = -102, /* Incorrect block type */
ippStsMP4MVCodeErr = -101, /* Illegal Huffman code during MV stream processing */
ippStsMP4VLCCodeErr = -100, /* Illegal Huffman code during VLC stream processing */
ippStsMP4DCCodeErr = -99, /* Illegal code during DC stream processing */
ippStsMP4FcodeErr = -98, /* Incorrect fcode value */
ippStsMP4AlignErr = -97, /* Incorrect buffer alignment */
ippStsMP4TempDiffErr = -96, /* Incorrect temporal difference */
ippStsMP4BlockSizeErr = -95, /* Incorrect size of block or macroblock */
ippStsMP4ZeroBABErr = -94, /* All BAB values are zero */
ippStsMP4PredDirErr = -93, /* Incorrect prediction direction */
ippStsMP4BitsPerPixelErr = -92, /* Incorrect number of bits per pixel */
ippStsMP4VideoCompModeErr = -91, /* Incorrect video component mode */
ippStsMP4LinearModeErr = -90, /* Incorrect DC linear mode */
ippStsH263PredModeErr = -83, /* Prediction Mode value error */
ippStsH263BlockStepErr = -82, /* Step value is less than 8 */
ippStsH263MBStepErr = -81, /* Step value is less than 16 */
ippStsH263FrameWidthErr = -80, /* Frame width is less than 8 */
ippStsH263FrameHeightErr = -79, /* Frame height is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsH263ExpandPelsErr = -78, /* Expand pixels number is less than 8 */
ippStsH263PlaneStepErr = -77, /* Step value is less than the plane width */
ippStsH263QuantErr = -76, /* Quantizer value is less than or equal to zero, or greater than 31 */
ippStsH263MVCodeErr = -75, /* Illegal Huffman code during MV stream processing */
ippStsH263VLCCodeErr = -74, /* Illegal Huffman code during VLC stream processing */
ippStsH263DCCodeErr = -73, /* Illegal code during DC stream processing */
ippStsH263ZigzagLenErr = -72, /* Zigzag compact length is more than 64 */
ippStsFBankFreqErr = -71, /* Incorrect value of the filter bank frequency parameter */
ippStsFBankFlagErr = -70, /* Incorrect value of the filter bank parameter */
ippStsFBankErr = -69, /* Filter bank is not correctly initialized */
ippStsNegOccErr = -67, /* Negative occupation count */
ippStsCdbkFlagErr = -66, /* Incorrect value of the codebook flag parameter */
ippStsSVDCnvgErr = -65, /* No convergence of SVD algorithm */
ippStsJPEGHuffTableErr = -64, /* JPEG Huffman table is destroyed */
ippStsJPEGDCTRangeErr = -63, /* JPEG DCT coefficient is out of the range */
ippStsJPEGOutOfBufErr = -62, /* Attempt to access out of the buffer */
ippStsDrawTextErr = -61, /* System error in the draw text operation */
ippStsChannelOrderErr = -60, /* Wrong order of the destination channels */
ippStsZeroMaskValuesErr = -59, /* All values of the mask are zero */
ippStsQuadErr = -58, /* The quadrangle is nonconvex or degenerates into triangle, line or point */
ippStsRectErr = -57, /* Size of the rectangle region is less than or equal to 1 */
ippStsCoeffErr = -56, /* Unallowable values of the transformation coefficients */
ippStsNoiseValErr = -55, /* Bad value of noise amplitude for dithering */
ippStsDitherLevelsErr = -54, /* Number of dithering levels is out of range */
ippStsNumChannelsErr = -53, /* Bad or unsupported number of channels */
ippStsCOIErr = -52, /* COI is out of range */
ippStsDivisorErr = -51, /* Divisor is equal to zero, function is aborted */
ippStsAlphaTypeErr = -50, /* Illegal type of image compositing operation */
ippStsGammaRangeErr = -49, /* Gamma range bounds is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsGrayCoefSumErr = -48, /* Sum of the conversion coefficients must be less than or equal to 1 */
ippStsChannelErr = -47, /* Illegal channel number */
ippStsToneMagnErr = -46, /* Tone magnitude is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsToneFreqErr = -45, /* Tone frequency is negative, or greater than or equal to 0.5 */
ippStsTonePhaseErr = -44, /* Tone phase is negative, or greater than or equal to 2*PI */
ippStsTrnglMagnErr = -43, /* Triangle magnitude is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsTrnglFreqErr = -42, /* Triangle frequency is negative, or greater than or equal to 0.5 */
ippStsTrnglPhaseErr = -41, /* Triangle phase is negative, or greater than or equal to 2*PI */
ippStsTrnglAsymErr = -40, /* Triangle asymmetry is less than -PI, or greater than or equal to PI */
ippStsHugeWinErr = -39, /* Kaiser window is too huge */
ippStsJaehneErr = -38, /* Magnitude value is negative */
ippStsStrideErr = -37, /* Stride value is less than the row length */
ippStsEpsValErr = -36, /* Negative epsilon value error */
ippStsWtOffsetErr = -35, /* Invalid offset value of wavelet filter */
ippStsAnchorErr = -34, /* Anchor point is outside the mask */
ippStsMaskSizeErr = -33, /* Invalid mask size */
ippStsShiftErr = -32, /* Shift value is less than zero */
ippStsSampleFactorErr = -31, /* Sampling factor is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsSamplePhaseErr = -30, /* Phase value is out of range: 0 <= phase < factor */
ippStsFIRMRFactorErr = -29, /* MR FIR sampling factor is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsFIRMRPhaseErr = -28, /* MR FIR sampling phase is negative, or greater than or equal to the sampling factor */
ippStsRelFreqErr = -27, /* Relative frequency value is out of range */
ippStsFIRLenErr = -26, /* Length of a FIR filter is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsIIROrderErr = -25, /* Order of an IIR filter is not valid */
ippStsDlyLineIndexErr = -24, /* Invalid value of the delay line sample index */
ippStsResizeFactorErr = -23, /* Resize factor(s) is less than or equal to zero */
ippStsInterpolationErr = -22, /* Invalid interpolation mode */
ippStsMirrorFlipErr = -21, /* Invalid flip mode */
ippStsMoment00ZeroErr = -20, /* Moment value M(0,0) is too small to continue calculations */
ippStsThreshNegLevelErr = -19, /* Negative value of the level in the threshold operation */
ippStsThresholdErr = -18, /* Invalid threshold bounds */
ippStsContextMatchErr = -17, /* Context parameter doesn't match the operation */
ippStsFftFlagErr = -16, /* Invalid value of the FFT flag parameter */
ippStsFftOrderErr = -15, /* Invalid value of the FFT order parameter */
ippStsStepErr = -14, /* Step value is not valid */
ippStsScaleRangeErr = -13, /* Scale bounds are out of the range */
ippStsDataTypeErr = -12, /* Bad or unsupported data type */
ippStsOutOfRangeErr = -11, /* Argument is out of range or point is outside the image */
ippStsDivByZeroErr = -10, /* An attempt to divide by zero */
ippStsMemAllocErr = -9, /* Not enough memory allocated for the operation */
ippStsNullPtrErr = -8, /* Null pointer error */
ippStsRangeErr = -7, /* Bad values of bounds: the lower bound is greater than the upper bound */
ippStsSizeErr = -6, /* Wrong value of data size */
ippStsBadArgErr = -5, /* Function arg/param is bad */
ippStsNoMemErr = -4, /* Not enough memory for the operation */
ippStsSAReservedErr3 = -3, /* Unknown/unspecified error, -3 */
ippStsErr = -2, /* Unknown/unspecified error, -2 */
ippStsSAReservedErr1 = -1, /* Unknown/unspecified error, -1 */
/* no errors */
ippStsNoErr = 0, /* No error, it's OK */
/* warnings */
ippStsNoOperation = 1, /* No operation has been executed */
ippStsMisalignedBuf = 2, /* Misaligned pointer in operation in which it must be aligned */
ippStsSqrtNegArg = 3, /* Negative value(s) of the argument in the function Sqrt */
ippStsInvZero = 4, /* INF result. Zero value was met by InvThresh with zero level */
ippStsEvenMedianMaskSize= 5, /* Even size of the Median Filter mask was replaced by the odd one */
ippStsDivByZero = 6, /* Zero value(s) of the divisor in the function Div */
ippStsLnZeroArg = 7, /* Zero value(s) of the argument in the function Ln */
ippStsLnNegArg = 8, /* Negative value(s) of the argument in the function Ln */
ippStsNanArg = 9, /* Not a Number argument value warning */
ippStsJPEGMarker = 10, /* JPEG marker was met in the bitstream */
ippStsResFloor = 11, /* All result values are floored */
ippStsOverflow = 12, /* Overflow occurred in the operation */
ippStsLSFLow = 13, /* Quantized LP syntethis filter stability check is applied at the low boundary of [0,pi] */
ippStsLSFHigh = 14, /* Quantized LP syntethis filter stability check is applied at the high boundary of [0,pi] */
ippStsLSFLowAndHigh = 15, /* Quantized LP syntethis filter stability check is applied at both boundaries of [0,pi] */
ippStsZeroOcc = 16, /* Zero occupation count */
ippStsUnderflow = 17, /* Underflow occurred in the operation */
ippStsSingularity = 18, /* Singularity occurred in the operation */
ippStsDomain = 19, /* Argument is out of the function domain */
ippStsNonIntelCpu = 20, /* The target cpu is not Genuine Intel */
ippStsCpuMismatch = 21, /* The library for given cpu cannot be set */
ippStsNoIppFunctionFound = 22, /* Application does not contain IPP functions calls */
ippStsDllNotFoundBestUsed = 23, /* The newest version of IPP dll was not found by dispatcher */
ippStsNoOperationInDll = 24, /* The function does nothing in the dynamic version of the library */
ippStsInsufficientEntropy= 25, /* Insufficient entropy in the random seed and stimulus bit string caused the prime/key generation to fail */
ippStsOvermuchStrings = 26, /* Number of destination strings is more than expected */
ippStsOverlongString = 27, /* Length of one of the destination strings is more than expected */
ippStsAffineQuadChanged = 28, /* 4th vertex of destination quad is not equal to customer's one */
ippStsWrongIntersectROI = 29, /* Wrong ROI that has no intersection with the source or destination ROI. No operation */
ippStsWrongIntersectQuad = 30, /* Wrong quadrangle that has no intersection with the source or destination ROI. No operation */
ippStsSmallerCodebook = 31, /* Size of created codebook is less than cdbkSize argument */
ippStsSrcSizeLessExpected = 32, /* DC: The size of source buffer is less than expected one */
ippStsDstSizeLessExpected = 33, /* DC: The size of destination buffer is less than expected one */
ippStsStreamEnd = 34, /* DC: The end of stream processed */
ippStsDoubleSize = 35, /* Sizes of image are not multiples of 2 */
ippStsNotSupportedCpu = 36, /* The cpu is not supported */
ippStsUnknownCacheSize = 37, /* The cpu is supported, but the size of the cache is unknown */
ippStsSymKernelExpected = 38, /* The Kernel is not symmetric*/
ippStsEvenMedianWeight = 39, /* Even weight of the Weighted Median Filter was replaced by the odd one */
ippStsWrongIntersectVOI = 40, /* VOI has no intersection with the source or destination volume. No operation */
ippStsI18nMsgCatalogInvalid=41, /* Message Catalog is invalid, English message returned */
ippStsI18nGetMessageFail = 42, /* Failed to fetch a localized message, English message returned. For extended information use errno in Linux and GetLastError in Windows* */
ippStsWaterfall = 43, /* Cannot load required library, waterfall is used */
ippStsPrevLibraryUsed = 44 /* Cannot load required library, previous dynamic library is used */
} IppStatus;
#define ippStsOk ippStsNoErr
#endif /* _OWN_BLDPCS */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __IPPDEFS_H__ */
/* ///////////////////////// End of file "ippdefs.h" //////////////////////// */