2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

343 lines
8.3 KiB

#include "main.h"
#include "SABuffer.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "WinampAttributes.h"
#include "fft.h"
extern int _srate;
#ifdef _M_IX86
__inline static int lrint(float flt)
int intgr;
fld flt
fistp intgr
return intgr;
__inline static int lrint(float flt)
return (int)flt;
// quantizes to 23 bits - use appropriately
inline static float fastmin(float x, const float b)
x = b - x;
x += (float)fabs(x);
x *= 0.5f;
x = b - x;
return x;
#define FASTMIN(x,b) { x = b - x; x += (float)fabs(x); x *= 0.5f; x = b - x; }
inline static float fastclip(float x, const float a, const float b)
float x1 = (float)fabs(x-a);
float x2 = (float)fabs(x-b);
x = x1 + (a+b);
x -= x2;
x *= 0.5f;
return (x);
void makeOscData(char *tempdata, char *data_buf, int little_block, int channels, int bits)
float dd = little_block/75.0f;
int x,c;
int stride=bits/8; // number of bytes between samples
// we're calculating using only the most significant byte,
// because we only end up with 6 bit data anyway
// if you want full resolution, check out CVS tag BETA_2005_1122_182830, file: vis.c
char *ptr, *sbuf = data_buf;
for (x = 0; x < 75; x ++)
float val=0;
int index =(int)((float)x * dd); // calculate the nearest sample for this point, interpolation is too expensive for this use
ptr=&sbuf[index*stride*channels+stride-1]; // find first sample, and offset for little endian
for (c=0;c<channels;c++)
val += (float)*ptr / 8.0f; // we want our final value to be -32 to 32
ptr+=stride; // jump to the next sample (channels are interleaved)
tempdata[x] = (char)lrint(val / (float)channels); // average the channels
inline double fast_exp2(const double val)
int e;
double ret;
if (val >= 0)
e = int (val);
ret = val - (e - 1);
((*(1 + (int *) &ret)) &= ~(2047 << 20)) += (e + 1023) << 20;
e = int (val + 1023);
ret = val - (e - 1024);
((*(1 + (int *) &ret)) &= ~(2047 << 20)) += e << 20;
return (ret);
// ~6 clocks on Pentium M vs. ~24 for single precision sqrtf
#if !defined(_WIN64)
static inline float squareroot_sse_11bits(float x)
float z;
rsqrtss xmm0, x
rcpss xmm0, xmm0
movss z, xmm0 // z ~= sqrt(x) to 0.038%
return z;
static inline int floor_int(double x)
int i;
static const float round_toward_m_i = -0.5f;
fld x
fadd st, st(0)
fadd round_toward_m_i
fistp i
sar i, 1
return (i);
static inline float hermite(float x, float y0, float y1, float y2, float y3)
// 4-point, 3rd-order Hermite (x-form)
float c0 = y1;
float c1 = 0.5f * (y2 - y0);
float c2 = y0 - 2.5f * y1 + 2.f * y2 - 0.5f * y3;
float c3 = 1.5f * (y1 - y2) + 0.5f * (y3 - y0);
return ((c3 * x + c2) * x + c1) * x + c0;
static const float c_half = 0.5f;
__declspec(naked) static float hermite(float frac_pos, const float* pntr)
push ecx;
mov ecx, dword ptr[esp + 12]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
add ecx, 0x04; // ST(0) ST(1) ST(2) ST(3) ST(4) ST(5) ST(6) ST(7)
fld dword ptr [ecx+4]; // x1
fsub dword ptr [ecx-4]; // x1-xm1
fld dword ptr [ecx]; // x0 x1-xm1
fsub dword ptr [ecx+4]; // v x1-xm1
fld dword ptr [ecx+8]; // x2 v x1-xm1
fsub dword ptr [ecx]; // x2-x0 v x1-xm1
fxch st(2); // x1-m1 v x2-x0
fmul c_half; // c v x2-x0
fxch st(2); // x2-x0 v c
fmul c_half; // 0.5*(x2-x0) v c
fxch st(2); // c v 0.5*(x2-x0)
fst st(3); // c v 0.5*(x2-x0) c
fadd st(0), st(1); // w v 0.5*(x2-x0) c
fxch st(2); // 0.5*(x2-x0) v w c
faddp st(1), st(0); // v+.5(x2-x0) w c
fadd st(0), st(1); // a w c
fadd st(1), st(0); // a b_neg c
fmul dword ptr [esp+8]; // a*frac b_neg c
fsubrp st(1), st(0); // a*f-b c
fmul dword ptr [esp+8]; // (a*f-b)*f c
faddp st(1), st(0); // res-x0/f
fmul dword ptr [esp+8]; // res-x0
fadd dword ptr [ecx]; // res
pop ecx;
inline float hermite(float x, float y0, float y1, float y2, float y3)
// 4-point, 3rd-order Hermite (x-form)
float c0 = y1;
float c1 = 0.5f * (y2 - y0);
float c3 = 1.5f * (y1 - y2) + 0.5f * (y3 - y0);
float c2 = y0 - y1 + c1 - c3;
return ((c3 * x + c2) * x + c1) * x + c0;
static inline float fpow2(const float y)
float f;
int i;
} c;
int integer = lrint(floor(y));
/* cut: because we guarantee y>=0
if(y < 0)
integer = integer-1;
float frac = y - (float)integer;
c.i = (integer+127) << 23;
c.f *= 0.33977f*frac*frac + (1.0f-0.33977f)*frac + 1.0f;
return c.f;
//#define SAPOW(x) (powf(2.f, (float)(x)/12.f))
#define SAPOW(x) (fpow2((float)(x)/12.f))
//#define WARP(x) ((powf(1.1f, (float)(x)/12.f) - 1.) * bla)
#define WARP(x) ((SAPOW(x) - 1.f) * bla)
void makeSpecData(unsigned char *tempdata, float *wavetrum)
float bla = (255.f/SAPOW(75.f));
float spec_scale=0.5;
if (config_replaygain)
{ // benski> i'm sure there's some math identity we can use to optimize this.
spec_scale/=pow(10.0f, config_replaygain_non_rg_gain.GetFloat() / 20.0f);
for (int i=0;i<256;i++)
//int lookup=2*i;
float sinT = wavetrum[2*i];
float cosT = wavetrum[2*i+1];
wavetrum[i] = sqrt(sinT*sinT+cosT*cosT)*spec_scale;
float next = WARP(0)+1 ;
for (int x = 0; x < 75; x ++)
//float prev = 1.+(pow(2.,(float)x/12.) -1.) * bla;
float binF = next;
next = WARP(x+1) +1;
float thisValue = 0;
int bin = lrint(floor(binF));
int end = lrint(floor(next));
end = min(end, 255);
float mult = ((float)(bin+1))-binF;
bool herm=true;
if (bin == end)
mult = (next-binF);
if (herm)
float C=0, D=0;
if (bin<255)
if (bin<254)
//float samples[4] = { wavetrum[lookupA], wavetrum[lookupB], wavetrum[lookupC], wavetrum[lookupD] };
//thisValue += hermite(binF-bin, samples) * mult;
thisValue += hermite(binF-bin, wavetrum[bin-1], wavetrum[bin], C, D) * mult;
thisValue += wavetrum[bin];
while (bin <= end);
tempdata[x]=lrint(fastmin(thisValue, 255.f));
SABuffer saBuffer;
void sa_addpcmdata(void *_data_buf, int numChannels, int numBits, int ts)
char *data_buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(_data_buf);
char tempdata[75*2] = {0};
__declspec(align(16)) float wavetrum[512];
//extern int sa_curmode;
int vis_Csa=sa_override ? 3 : sa_curmode;
switch (vis_Csa)
case 4:
tempdata[0] = 0;
tempdata[1] = 0;
case 2:
makeOscData(tempdata,data_buf,576,numChannels, numBits);
return ;
case 3:
makeOscData(tempdata+75,data_buf,576,numChannels, numBits);
// fall through!
case 1:
calcVuData((unsigned char*)tempdata, data_buf, numChannels, numBits);
vu_add(tempdata, ts);
bool done=false;
size_t samples=576;
while (samples)
unsigned int copied = saBuffer.AddToBuffer(data_buf, numChannels, numBits, ts, (unsigned int) samples);
if (saBuffer.Full())
if (!done)
if (vis_Csa == 3)
makeSpecData((unsigned char*)tempdata, wavetrum);
sa_add(tempdata, ts, 0x80000003);
else if (vis_Csa == 1)
makeSpecData((unsigned char*)tempdata, wavetrum);
sa_add(tempdata, ts, 1);